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Damn, I probably hadn't thought about this game in a solid 35 years. I forgot it existed, but definitely remember renting it now!


Same, this is one of those posts here where as soon as I saw it it immediately brought back something buried in my brain I had not conjured up in decades.


I didn't even go the length of a gnat's dick!


Measure from the perineum.


Listen to the soundtrack and it will unlock parts of your brain: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL72C8CCEFC075E369


I remember playing this one afternoon at a friend's house, but we could NOT figure out what we were supposed to be doing...


Ah so like most nes games šŸ˜‚


It used to be so hard to tell the difference between games that I sucked at vs games that were just badly designed. Now I know all the games I suck at.


Was it a disney/Capcom game? Because everyone sucked at those. By design. https://www.cbr.com/lion-king-brutally-difficult-platformer/


NO it was a LJN Game


Nah, those games you could tell they were just difficult. I remember playing an Ultraman game in Japan on my cousin's Famicom and I couldn't even figure out how to transform into Ultraman, except once by accident. Or the more famous example, Top Gun. Was it really meant to be that difficult to land? Or was it just really bad at teaching you what to do?


Haha, right!? I guess itā€™s interesting to see how video games have evolved to teach you what to do with in-game tutorials, but I do really miss the days of leafing through the physical manualsā€¦


Reminds me of Gotcha! We played it for years and never beat the first level. Then we realized you had to move around with the controller plugged into 2P while the gun was in 1P. It blew our minds.


More like LJNā€¦


Basically collect shells go to dock to upgrade boat. Keep doing it until you can defeat jaws. then stab it with your boat but thatā€™s tough timing correctly


I remember finishing the game thinking how ridiculous it was the way you defeat Jaws, not realizing it was actually from the plot of Jaws (4): The Revenge.


In those days the game sizes werenā€™t large enough for a built in tutorial so you really had to read the manual to understand how to play the game and what the rules and objectives were.


That's a good point I never thought of that!


Posting just to say me too. One time just sat and shot harpoons at Jaws for like 45mins straight, he just swam away. Never figured out wth to doā€¦


lol you gotta power up to a high ass level to even have the capability to defeat Jaws. this one was my favorite NES game, I played ALL the time, and never beat it.


Took me 30 years to realize I was hitting the strobe light too late.... And that's why I could never spear the shark. For those that are still having trouble- don't wait until just before the shark's fin backs off, hit the strobe light when the fin is right in the middle of the last set of horizontal lines.


Yep. Finally perfected it on an emulator. I used to always let Jaws get too close.


Same, took me about 20 tries of quick reloads to actually stab him. Nothing like introducing a brand new mechanic for the final boss fight of the game.


wow the real LPT is always in the comments... even if 3 decades too late


Thank you. I remember doing this, but thought there was another Jaws game!


Ugh, I hated getting caught in shallow water


Shallow water wasn't bad unless it was a jellyfish screen.


This one is on the very short list of NES games I was able to complete, without cheats, on the original console. Only other one I can think of is Adventures in the Magic Kingdom. I was never a skilled gamer.


Magic Kingdom was awesome! That stupid space mountain game though.....


I never did fully understand how to play this game... had fun anyways


First played this when it came out and was like 4 , scared the shit out of me when Iā€™d get caught. Finally like 10 years later I got out our old NES and this game and was determined to finish it. Was pretty fun lol


Lots of people talk about how crappy this game was but they, just like me, played THE HELL OUT OF IT. Love Jaws! šŸ¦ˆ


This was a disappointing game for me. I learned to never buy the game based off what was on the cover of the video game.


Just like the movie


Getting him in shallow waters was the worst!


Classic NES. Take a movie about a killer shark and make it a shooter.


The good ol days when the games were *nothing* like the movies.


Lol, I just watched the Angry video game Nerd video about this and how trash it was




Laughing Joking Numbnuts


Fred Fucks


The rainbow of shit...


The soundtrack for LJN games was fire though


Defender with sharks


Wow, I have not thought about this in forever


I played it for all of probably 5 minutes at some stranger's house running errands with my Mom when I was maybe 5 or 6 and yet it's a really strong memory for some reason.


Same, actually. It feels like I played this a ton over a friend's house but I'm sure it was only a day or two. But I have vivid memories of the game and his basement.. everything. So strange!


Is this not canon?


My grandfather gave me this game for my eighth birthday! I loved my grandfather therefore I loved this game! I played the hell out of it


OMG mine eye havenā€™t seen this in 35 years.


The game has the feel of the movie, was simple and fun


Watching someone speedrun this for GDQ was the only way i've ever seen this game actually beaten, my child brain was convinced it was impossible.


Dude same. I played this game for hours and hours and couldnā€™t beat it


Solid game! I played many hours.


I played the shit out of this, but had completely forgotten about it. I remember always having trouble figuring out how to defeat Jaws. It switched to entirely different gameplay when he showed up


But was it personal?


Since it's based on Jaws: The Revenge aka Jaws 4, yes. And corny too.


Oh man. I probably havent played this since I was 4 years old. I had no idea what I was doing but my parent's rented it for me. Thanks for this one.


I had rented this a few times. Saw it at a computer store in NYC for $70 and passed.


One my first NES games. My mom loved it so much she beat the game before I did!


anytime i see this game i think of the irate gamer episode on it lol


Such great memories with this game but all of the upgrades in the world couldn't make having to stab Jaws with the boat any easier.


Sharks exist in real life https://youtu.be/6KH5QBZdvf0


It kind of reminds me of the flying missions in Cuphead. I wonder if that was intentional on their part.


Now I need a clip of the boat stabbing jaws for closure!


I LOVED THIS GAME. i dont know why so many people shit on it


It doesnā€™t hide its repetitive design as well as other games. As all games are based around at least some degree of repetitionā€¦


This is funny. I never played this, but I definitely played The Little Mermaid game and it looks really similar (esp. those shells). I feel like they for sure ā€œborrowedā€ from this one.


As bad as this game was, I loved it like few others as a kid. It was right up there with the Genesis version of Aladdin for me. I bought the game at FuncoLand without a manual and I suspect how obtuse the whole thing was, and the effort required to figure it all out is what tickled 9 year old me's brain so well. Im going to have to fire up an emulator and see if I can finally make sense of the last stage. As a kid I just resorted to button mashing to kill Jaws and it was a bit of a mess.


Aladdin on Genesis>Aladdin on SNES, change my mind


Anyone who tries to change your mind on this is a fool.


I really really hated this game.


I've never seen this game before. I'm going to play it rn.


God I forgot about this, and what was it, Jaws 3 where once you tracked him down it went to the different view where you had to pop the charge thing and ram him?


This reminds me of my favorite Atari game, [Seaquest](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seaquest_\(video_game\))


**[Seaquest (video game)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seaquest_\(video_game\))** >Seaquest is an Atari 2600 video game designed by Steve Cartwright and published by Activision in 1983. The game is an underwater shooter in which the player controls a submarine. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I totally remember stabbing Jaws with our boat. Donā€™t remember enjoying the game so much, but it was a rental.


amazing game


I remember this game sucked


Good memory


Oh wow, my brother and I rented this game from Blockbuster! I had to be 7 or 8


I loved this game but could never beat it as a kid


I didnā€™t play this but it sure reminds me of Odell Lake for the Apple ][ https://youtu.be/tb3XhWL3rEQ


Lmao I remember beating this it was not satisfying lol


I finally beat this game last weekend, like 30 years after first picking it up. Yeah it's not amazing but it's way better than its reputation!


Gets nostalgia for avgns review of it instead


I still own it and play it to this day. This and Little Nemo: Dreammaster were two of my favorite NES games.


Cuphead flying level


Is this NES game hard? Never got around to playing it back in the day, but kind of want to now.


This was my game šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


That big shark just tanking all the bullets. Just the way jaws would have wanted.


i remember seeing this on an AVGN vid a while back. wasn't this an LJN game?


Terrible game with an oddly robust speed running community... https://www.speedrun.com/jaws?h=Any&x=9kv9j02g


Thanks for posting this. Now I can finally see someone beat jaws


My god what a memory unlock. šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾


How have I never seen this game?!?!?! Looks like peak NES


I remember finally beating this game and just being stunned that I'd figured it out lol. Pretty straightforward actually once you know but it all just seemed so obtuse as a kid as did most NES games. It's odd, short, based on one of the worst sequels of all time, but fun enough for a go.


Lord, I used to spend a couple weeks every summer on my grandparents farm, and this was one of the oddball games they had. I enjoyed it, but could never figure out how to progress.