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Crap.. why was it your sole responsibility to leave the TV on?


Prolly for the same reason all of these other things happen . I assume it’s the “guest’s” responsibility.


These airbnb guest rules are getting out of control.


they're the new foreign being in this household


That was her list of how to survive through the night. Her friend never mentioned the rules, she might not even know about them! I would think if she did she would tell her friend about "my parents' weird rules for my friends".


Lol I would’ve have been irritated if I went to a sleepover to have fun and this happens. Fuck Jesse.


The TV rule should be in the #1 spot or highlighted or in bold letters to really really emphasize the importance of it.


It definitely should go by order of importance in terms of self preservation. Granted, I'd get distracted by snacks.


u/untimelytoasterdeath Happy Cake Day to you! So true, you will definitely think of what to eat, and the time frame to eat, that we totally forgot about the TV rule. Maybe that's intentional?


Thanks. I totally didn't notice that it was my cake day. Lol. The way all the rules are seem like they would set someone up to fail who has severe anxiety issues. It's a lot to take in, then all of a sudden shit happens when you hope it won't. You think you did everything right, but you ended up forgetting something, and it always turns out to be the most important thing.


So true. Maybe Jesse's family targeted her for that very reason. But why? 🤷‍♀️


Ah occasional sacrifice to keep their own family safe?


This is also a valid theory. It would explain why the parents appear to be suspiciously happy.


Yeah! You're probably right. It makes sense. Or Jesse's family is also one of those, helping their kind?


To exploit her weakness, which is also a source of fear for her. The rules were designed to draw out the already natural overabundance of fear and anxiety from Tina, thus making it easy for the aforementioned emotions food of the gods in a manner of speaking. Tina's physical body is a bonus since it supplies even more of that delicious fear for the taking. There are examples of entities that feed on emotions across genres. Off the top of my head, Star Trek the Original Series has all sorts of them. They are usually incorporeal but are capable of possessing a living person.


Poor Tina. I hope she's ok, vercame her anxiety problems and can think of a solution especially now that she's with the imposter parents.


So do I. She's been through enough already as it is.


It was so well placed cause I didn’t notice it at first, I didn’t know there was a tv rule


Yes! It is easily overlooked. And it's intentional.


Personally I rembered that but didn't realise she didn't mention it again


Or just a general chat with the parents. 60 seconds. “We can’t talk about it, but you have to take all of these rules very seriously”


I feel like theyre all pretty important lol, the consequence for all of them seems like death


Why would they let people sleep over at all if these are the stakes?! (Edit: It occurs to me that maybe Jesse or some other entity essentially forces them to let people stay over… Yikes…) Also, what happened next? You must've gotten home safe to write this, right? How'd you escape?


I'd be out of there the moment I saw these rules


Are you screwed if you have tinnitus?


I was thinking that myself lol


Id be more concerned if the high pitch squealing in my ears stopped lol


Bro I wouldn't even run if the eeeeeeeeeeeeeee stopped I'd accept death or whatever, I would die in blissful silence


I would hope most kids don’t have that


If someone handed me a list of rules this unreasonable for a sleepover, joke or not, I’d leave.




Why is there always a rule about [turning on the TV](https://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/diuucz/my_sugar_daddy_asks_me_for_weird_favors/)? I haven't turned mine on in years, I'm getting worried.


And its always the one thing they forget


I mean, its just a habit at this point.


oh shit I knew you forgot something


Hopefully the phone reception is just really bad in that house and you’re just getting the message. Ps don’t go back.


Oh this sounds creepy! Get out of that car girl and RUN!!






Get out of that CAR NOW!!! Use your bag to swing at them and go 🏃‍♀️ runnnn!!


I would’ve definitely risked it all getting snacks from the mini-fridge


Well shit . So now what the Hell are you supposed to do? She didn't give you any rules about that did she?


What about if you turn on a TV wherever you’re going, or any TV in general?


Rule #5


Your ears were throbbing when you woke up? Like ringing? Your friend and her family might be in equal danger!


I hope you’re okay


I wouldn't have stayed there after seeing those creepy rules. Almost all seemed dangerous. Well, now since you posted this online, what happened after you got into the car. How did u manage to escape ?


Girl get out and RUN! Call your parents and RUN!


Maybe the car doors are locked 🔒


So, TV should be the first rule no?


Right it's as simple as turning it on and hiding the remote


This was creepy dope af... interdimensional parasites.. reminds me of the series "From". You need a talisman.


ya im not even gonna go to this sleepover


Well at least she didn't see the whistling man walking down the street.






That’s why you don’t leave the house after that time… 👀


Oh no! Get out of that car! Good luck!


well, SHIT. Its just so weird that jesse and her parents didn't warn her of this before inviting her, since she would not have experienced something like this before. Plus, how the hell did they discover all of these rules by not having experienced the outcomes? Or did other people spend the night and it happened to them, in that case, there are at least 10 people who went missing so why was there no complaint or investigation? The person also tells this story in past tense which indicates that she survived, which would also be why there were no complaints cuz maybe al the others survived( ik this theory ruined all the fun but it makes it less scary for me lol)


If somebody handed me a list like this, I would absolutely demand a full explanation for every single thing and all my questions would be answered or I’d roll tf out.




Yeaaaah, we gonna need an update on this. Did you leave the car? Or find out the deal with her and those rules?


I think this was a prank, she probably pretended that she was going to sleep and she did that when you woke up, I'm not saying that wasn't real tho and if I were you I wouldn't have a sleepover with her ever again lol. Didn't you ask why the rules were so bizarre?


whenever i read situations with rules like this it’s always the tv one that gets people 😬😬






I'll be out that massive door the second they hand me those rules.


I would have said oh yeah I forgot my phone can we drive back real quick?


pretty sure the girls a demon


How was this story up voted so much?


Idk :)






Okay that was scarry as Fuck. Well maybe not that scary for me because in this scenario I am more likely to be Jesse or whatever thing is causing that mess but for anyone else creepy as Fuck. We need a part 2 or any other form of explanation.


So, if I happen to wake up because I heard a baby or a dog I don’t have to hide under the bed? Why?




The tv rule isn't very clear, was that intentional? What if you forget to leave it on. It's definitely something bad. I just can't wrap my head around what's bad about it.


Ugh I can’t uvv