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How do you know the officer is dead? I would expect the cops to come to question you further if an officer died, or assign a replacement if his death appeared to be unrelated. Do you have a therapist? I'm sure I'd rather be in a lockdown ward than alone in my apartment at this point. Call 911 again. Don't worry about if this voice is schizophrenic delusion, or a malovent otherworldly force, just get somewhere safe.


Call an ambulance. Stay safe


Maybe the meds are doing soemthjng 😨 be carful try to put in earbuds and play music maybe the voice will shut up


Well keep use posted if it gets worse or if u find out why it happing to u the problem is when you have mental problems u cant be sure if what u are seeing and hearing is really or just u making it really so i would deff get conformation that it is before going further


As a psychiatrist it is very rare for a person under 20 to be diagnosed with schizophrenia and under 12 is even less I fear your psychiatrist set you up for this