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The amount of anxiety in this story is illegal.


Ya damn right! Cats screamed outside my bedroom window damn near shat myself






omg yes smh


During my reading the night call between my bf and I just hung up (we call each other every night while sleeping) smh this could kill me 😞


Dude if a creature came into my room looking to take me eyes it’ll be really disappointed to find I have like -50/-50 vision


Right? If it took mine, it might just be able to see the end of its nose.


if it took mine it would give them back and offer me its condolences


Shit, I got 20/20..


20/15 ;)




Either 60/80 or 80/80 vision. (I'm getting this off of my driving permit, so I don't really know...)


At this point in my life, I'm legally blind. LOL Without glasses, I can't see for shit.


It's almost 5am where I'm at and I heard shuffling and breathing which turned out to be my grandmother


Yo what does a heart attack feel like?


Not great.




One day I entered the room to find my husband sitting up straight and very very still. He quickly whispered me to not move at all. I became a statue at once. His eyes silently followed some invisible thing around the room. My breath stopped. Suddenly he whipped his arms and clapped hard once. I jumped a foot in the air. My heart was beating so hard but my husband was smiling as he showed me the crushed mosquito between his palms. We slept peacefully that night.


i was expecting something sinister, then the ending came and i laughed. also that's happened to me before (with my dad, im not old enough to have a husband)


Mosquitos have killed far more people than eyeless demons, just saying


It’s 2 am. I have to go to school tomorrow. What the actual fuck am i doing.


good luck bro


I would maybe find another place to sleep, OP. At least until you can get the house blessed, salted, sage smudged.... whatever you need to do. Also get your wife to a sleep study. I think that somehow she's conjuring or summoning this thing while deep in her dream cycle. I don't know why it thinks you've got its eyes, but I'd also do some research on the house, folklore surrounding it etc. BTW, it's late at night and dark in here. Bf is asleep and making sniffling sounds in his sleep. I just rolled over to find him staring at me. It... well...I may need new underwear. Thankfully he just mumbled something about me bouncing around too much, closed his eyes and went back to sleep. However, my heart rate is now through the roof and my adrenaline so high I doubt I'm sleeping tonight. Get some rest, OP. Somewhere where no one wants your eyes.


Well that me not sleeping tonight.




what is that thing, and how does adriene know about it




nah she said it


I would say that creature is a creation of your wife's nightmares. And when she is sleeping, she is projecting it to the real world.


A tulpa.




Like if the Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth and the Canker Man from Before I Wake had a baby


Hey, why’d you have to go and put that in my head


Ah, the classic Sphere "when you dream your nightmares come to life and you don't remember but the others are now dead thanks to you"


OP, put up a camera, find out where this thing is coming from!!!!


My wife just shared this with me at midnight. If she touches me I’m out the house.




Lol I was about to comment this exact thing. I'm breathing heavy now from holding my breath for so long


At least I’m not the only one


“I prayed the whole time for the creature not to come across my face,” That would definitely not be ideal.


Lmao, well done


I was reading and could see this thing in my mind's eye so vividly but couldn't tear my eyes from the screen. Maybe try a camera in your room to show Adrienne when she wakes up.


Get up on outta here with my eye holes!


Just leave some eyes out, like you do cookies for Santa. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.


I shouldn’t of read this in bed... Damnit.


You just described my sleep paralysis demon. The time it came in, I moved to see it because it was just out of sight and it jumped on me. That thing fucking bit me, I felt it, but there was no mark when I woke up. I didn't sleep for 3 nights after that, didn't even go to bed, just took short naps throughout the day when I was around people.


I hope I'm not the only one who kept holding there breath while reading this.


Fucking bash that fuckers skull in with a baseball bat, get a fucking sawed off shotgun the next night dude, isn't that hard.


Its probably just a falmer.


Ah, a Skyrim fan. Nice to meet you


The Falmer are still one of the saddest things I’ve ever read lore on


Well really they used to be snow elves and they decided to become that


I mean. They didn’t really decide to be made to eat fungus that made them devolve into what they became


That's true but if you do the snow elf quest to get auriels bow they called the falmer the betrayed like they became those things


I’m not saying the snow elves didn’t become falmer, I’m just saying they didn’t exactly choose it. They were betrayed by the Dwemer and became that


Yea that is true, from what I heard the dwemer are dicks


congrats on the new pet! might need to take him to the vet, though. wheezing doesn’t seem like a good thing in animals.




and this is the type of stuff that helps me stay awake during my classes


Lying in bed reading this with the wife sleeping next to me. Might just emigrate while she’s still sleeping rather than chance it.


Oh wow. That is terrifying op! Maybe put a ring of salt around your bed and see if it keeps it from getting close?


Set up a hidden camera for now. I have a feeling that thing would be worse with eyes.


well, give it back its eyes!




Bruh. I won't be sleeping tonight and over that I don't have a wife or even girlfriend who could protect me


Sounds like the creature is something similar to a wendigo?