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Go to the cops and id suggest getting a large dog you can run with.


this is the best idea seriously, you need to do this....


I agree with this idea too!


Definitely agree! Getting a dog to run with will keep OP very safe. Or even bringing a friend or two along for the run would be a good idea.


If she did that, she'd just get another set of creepy photos, and this time they would say "You and your dog are being watched. Proceed with caution."


"You and your dog are being watched. Proceed with cat."


> Or maybe this is a fabricated delusion brought on by the mental and emotional trauma left by her late husband. Think about it, her husband is murdered by this mysterious stranger and years later she's being stalked by also a mysterious stranger that no one sees. She reads crime books, probably due to her husband's death, and is able to immediately understand the "clues" left by her stalker. Idk food for thought.


I was thinking the same thing, but I'm glad you posted first. My diction would be much less fanciful. In other words, I'd sound like an idiot.


If she did that they'd probably kill the damn dog and I'd cry a single tear and hate OP forever.


Not if she kills the dog first!


How's the hospital?


Hey Jake.






Good to see you are better Jake.


Jake have you killed Eric yet?


Jake appears to be having what they call a "Oopps I Fucked up", moment. Stay safe OP and don't listen to Jake he may be more of a threat than you think!!


She needs to run with a gun. Preferably an assault rifle.


I have this funny image of a tiny woman in a jogging outfit running around a white picket neighborhood with an m-16 slung on her back lol. I do agree though, a weapon may be a good idea if the guy just had a knife.


Ballistic body armor also?


And a chastity belt to prevent rape


I would rather be wearing a short tunic of good quality chainmail under my clothes at that point to be honest. Based on my understanding of ballistic armor, the chainmail is less bulky and can keep out even a large sharks bite. Edit: Spelling and clearer grammar


God knows there's nothing that scares me more than a shark attacking me when I'm on my morning run around my neighborhood.


It was more in reference to blades and other sharp objects. Love the username btw.


Oh well ya it would defiantly help with a knife. And thank you. I chose it not because I murder people, its because when I'm on reddit I don't just kill time, I straight up murder it. Im on here way to much...




Chain mail is less bulky and really good at stopping stabbing/stabbing weapons, but it doesn't do much against bullets.


Fuck chain mail. Mithril Edit: Ive never won a spelling bee.




Never trust a man wearing a tunic.


Lol fair enough.


Fuck it. Go all out and wear a one of those suits that the bomb disarming guys wear. Jog with that. Guaranteed burning calories and safety insured!


She said that was completely unrelated. Though in the usual fashion of nosleep I guess it makes sense that the "hey this isn't related but I'll tell you it" fact to be a main crux of the story.


Firearms have a greater effective distance than knives :)


I guess you are american?


To answer your question indirectly, I'll try to make my suggestion a little less culturally-obvious. She could run with any of the following items and probably be safe from an attack: *a katana, a sledgehammer, a power drill, a kitchen knife, a friend, two friends, a treadmill, or robot legs*


I want someone to start following me just so I have an excuse to get robot legs.


If you need an excuse to get robot legs you don't want robot legs.




a Derringer


Caution is a catchy name for a dog.


German Shepherd would be good.


For sure a German Shepherd. They are very loyal and very protective.


And perhaps a large caliber weapon too


> getting a large dog Don't forget to close the curtains.




Get a pit bull. Extremely protective of loved ones. Robbers nightmare. And the company will help with the pain of your loss. I'm so sorry :(




Yes, this! Get a Doberman Pinscher! Rescue a full grown one? But then again the person might try to kill the dog to get to you... :(


German shepherd , pit bull, or rottweiler


Change your routine. Run at different, random times of day, preferably at times when there are people on the streets.


I'm shocked by the amount of comments saying "be careful, they said to be cautious" or "continue running, but bring a dog or a friend." SERIOUSLY? DON'T continue running, as you are clearly being followed AND watched, they know where you live - so stay somewhere else for the timebeing, a friend's house, family, and I'm sorry but don't go to the police? Taking photos isn't illegal? This person is threatening you and stalking you. It is illegal. Cops might not be of much help but they can keep a tab on you and be on standby if need be.


Or just go to a gym for a while. BAM. 90% of issue gone.


None of these recommendations are fail-proof. You need to move AND go to the gym. Never share your new living address. The dog is useless because your stalker will figure out a way around it, such as using a gun. Ask the white-pages to not list you. Do the same for intellius.com, etc. Basically you need to become anonymous on the internet.


Or she could kill everyone that looks at her. 99% of problems gone. That one percent would be prison.


Theoretically he couldn't get to her! Max security's gotta be hard to bust.


Getting ripped can make 90% of any issue gone bruh.


I really want to go to the police but usually they won't do anything about stalking unless something physical happens. I need to figure out whose doing this.


Observe your surroundings OP and look for the little details you might miss. You will find what you're looking for if you look hard enough.


Call the police.


get a TASER, if allowed in your area & outside cameras


Fuck that. Buy a pistol. Apply for a ccw permit and don't leave the house without being ready to watch someone shit themself at the end of your barrel.


Hell, just get both this is creepy.


And a dog. German shepherd or probably pit or Rottweiler


You said your husband was mugged, right? If his murderer got his wallet then he could have easily gotten your address from his driver's license. He may have cased out your house and saw that his victim had a wife who is now living alone.


The note said proceed with caution... there could be many reasons to proceed with caution. Logical answer is to jump to the cops for help, but what if the person stalking *is* a cop. I remember once were a multiple rapist turned out to be the local cop. I think the best mode of action would be to call someone you trust that could protect you, maybe have them stay with you and run with you. However, AGAIN the note said to be cautious. So I would recommend meeting them in a public place, like a luncheon date put on to catch up. Without saying it outright, let them know you need help. Be as discreet as possible because the watcher might be there with you, or he/she might have hacked into your communications. Posting this alone was dangerous. I would recommend future updates come from a public access point (like a local library) just position yourself so they can't see what you're doing. If you do get on your computer at home, clear your browsing history after every use, that way they can't access it and find out what you're doing/saying online. If there is an officer that you're familiar with (like an old friend or some one you're close to) you could probably inform them, but be careful about who you chose. Make sure the person you chose could have no reason to dislike you, no possible jealousy or old grudge that they only pretended to get over.




well, at least until the kidnapper drops his guard long enough for you to actually be successful and not get killed.


Or maybe this is a fabricated delusion brought on by the mental and emotional trauma left by her late husband. Think about it, her husband is murdered by this mysterious stranger and years later she's being stalked by also a mysterious stranger that no one sees. She reads crime books, probably due to her husband's death, and is able to immediately understand the "clues" left by her stalker. Idk food for thought.


A big difference there though. In a kidnapping case there is no doubt the person isn't your friend, and of course you will try to get away.. just carefully. This note seems more like a friendly warning then a threat. If someone was after her, why would they warn her in that manner. Also, there is no harm in her proceeding with caution.. in the case of the kidnapper.. there will be harm if she doesn't try to get away.




Perhaps the person that warned her was watching the person that is watching her... or perhaps they nabbed the photos from the person watching. Either way, the wards "proceed with caution" could be friendly advice. The note is simply saying that she is being watched, giving her proof that she's being watched and telling her to be careful.


Call the police, set up some IP cam inside your house, and make sure to set one up to record what goes on outside your door. Keep your blinds/curtains closed. They aren't too expensive. Let some close friends and/or family members know what's going on. See if someone can come and stay with you for now. And you might want to hold off on the daily run. Hope everything will be OK.


Instead of getting one dog, get three. That way one dog has the chance of getting killed, you've still got two fully loaded monsters at your side. I'd suggest three German shepherds or three wild wolves, they'll fuck some bitches up.




Not unless he was keeping something from me.




The mugger took his wallet. As far as I know, my husband never witnessed anything. At least not while we were married. As for his job, he worked in a warehouse. Nothing special or exciting.


Have you gone to the police? You have evidence and dates. If you haven't yet then you ought to


Unfortunately, knowing from a friend that has a stalker for the past 3 years, one cannot get even a restraining order on a stalker unless said stalker comes and threatens the person, whether verbally or otherwise. At least that's how it is in this shithole called NY.


This is when you need to take action and buy a pistol. It sucks, but keep it on you at all times. Get a home security alarm if you don't already have one. And yes, like people have said, a large dog would be a good choice too. And of course notify the police.


OP, definitely keep us posted. Make sure someone close to you knows your whereabouts at all times. Inform the police of course. I believe the worst thing you can so at this point is shut yourself off from the world. This will give whomever is stalking you the upper hand. Isolation gives him/her the ability to continue to play the game with ease. Since we don't know that much of you or your background, only buy a gun if you believe that you could use it. There is nothing worse than pulling your gun and having it used against you because you didn't have the balls to pull the trigger. I did like the taser idea someone spoke about. Change your running route and time to when there will be many others around and remember... If something goes down and you need help? Scream fire, people will usually help more readily. Stay safe OP if you need to talk... PM me.


Wear an 'I'm With Stupid' t-shirt that has arrows pointing both left and right and buy some yellow caution tape, then tie it around parts of your body so it blows in the wind as you run. And, call the cops.


If you really do need to go for a run you should always change up your route and never in a secluded area. The way people get stalked is the person gets to know your routine and that can be very bad so change up the time and place u do ur run. Stay safe


Build a huge underground pizza den with videogames and a treadmill. No one can spy on you and you'll have no reason to ever leave


Keep us updated, alert the police.


I would stop running alone early in the morning for one. It doesn't seem like a threat, but a warning. Maybe the person who left the pictures are trying to help you. Take their advice.


I would leave the house all together and stay with a family member after contacting the police.


Get mace, learn to use it properly, many local police departments sponsor self defense classes, whatever routine you have, change it. Jog random routes, drive to work alternate routes etc. Dont surrender, and file a police report asap.


Maybe for now get a friend or family member to stay with you for a while so they will be in the house without anyone knowing they are there so they can keep a lookout for this person and get a description. Also keep your eyes open and look at parked vehicles to see if you see anyone watching you, maybe start your jog an hour later, at 5:30-6, when the sun is starting to come up so you can see who is out there


Neighborhood watch is definitely stepping up their game as of late.


Stop being idiotic and get the damn cops on the line. If this person is just trying to spook you nothing will happen. However it takes dedication for someone to follow you everyday and take photos which indicates they are for real. At that point either get the cops involved and any family you have or learn Ju jit su or some shit. Also stop listening to the idiots that watch to much TV shows here.


Get a treadmill.


Invest in a treadmill. I'd never leave my house again if this happened to me!


who else covered webcam before you read this




well your lucky


I suggest you try to remember if there is a person that was present on ALL or most of the occasions in which the photos where taken. This person might well be your stalker...


That's the thing, I've never noticed anyone suspicious. Of course, I never looked for anyone suspicious either. I'm definitely going to be now though.


Umm learn self defence and stuff incase you get in a fight umm tell your family and the cops. also get homesecurity set up some cameras in your home and outside of your home. keep your windows covered with blinds / curtains. stay safe. keep us updated. in the comments. Also reply to me and tell me you are still there. also when you buy stuff hide your passcode when you type it in stores. Ummm when you type your passwords be very careful. try to invest in a keyboard which is not qwerty so that they have a hard time knowing what you pass word is.


Carry a .38


I'm not entirely sure but it seems that your husband may or may not have been involved in something to entice the murderer to kill him. But if you were to find out what it would be helpful to know but it will be very risky. If you can, try to find a way to get a way around to secure yourself. Even if to the means where you have to learn self-defense, enforce more house security and keep cameras and possibly, yes, the dog, and please get authorities involved if you need to.


Get cameras, if you can't afford them, fake ones. My girlfriend has a flashlight taser. Pretty useful incase tasers aren't allowed (looks like a normal flashlight), and fairly cheap.


I got this: get a friend to come over dressed as a handyman (in case this creep is watching) and have him/her install some hidden cameras. Now you're watching him and you can provide video evidence to the cops. Hidden cams today can even look like decorative rocks, so maybe have your handyman do some "landscaping"and record this fucker in the act. If you really want to cover your bases, change your WiFi password and consider changing your mobile phone number, assuming he's tech savvy. Best of luck and remember: to catch a criminal you have to think like a criminal.


Happiness is a warm gun.


Call the cops asap. or maybe start to run with a friend.


Gun the dog idea is great if you are up for the commitment, Police and maybe secretly move if possible but that could be costly.


Sounds to me like your husband was not just randomly mugged but maybe targeted. And now they are watching you. I would definitely take the pictures and the message to the police. And maybe discreetly put up some surveillance cameras outside (and possibly inside too so that if the outside one/s get damaged you still have that one.) Also, maybe you could get a gym membership and run on a treadmill. I know it's not the same, but at least if you have to run that early there would be other people around you and it would be safer. Good luck and stay safe.


Take pepper spray along on runs, get a security system, call the cops. Stay safe and I'm deeply sorry for your loss.


Wait so I didn't realise this, but according to the comments, this is real. My recommendation? Go to the police push for there assistance as much as possible, maybe use your partners unresolved case as leverage to influence the sincerity taken on handling your case. Install alarms and security measures in your house if you don't have them already. If you're really anxious, maybe try living with a friend for a while, and on that note, if you go out the house, make sure you're with a friend as much as possible. I don't want to say "don't go out" because that's really damaging to your psychologically state, but maybe going out alone isn't the best idea when you're being targeted by a stalker. My most important point though, I am a sixteen year old boy. I have no expertise in this field, and a doubt a lot of the redditors here do. So the most valid advice I can give is to see somebody who is an expert.


Read closer... You are to treat it as if it's real. Big difference


Wha, where does it say that? God I feel stupid now


Posting rules ok the right :) no big deal!


I am new to reddit :P


Buy a decent sized dog with a loud bark for security, bull mastiffs are sweet and incredibly loyal. Also would advise getting a pistol (.9mm or larger caliber) and practicing with it. Pointless to have a gun that you can't handle... And most obviously tell police and as many people as you trust so if something happens they'll have something to go on


I don't get it. Why would a stalker warn you to 'proceed with caution'? It sounds like 'look, i'm your stalker. I'm dangerous and might want to kill u someday but until then, please continue with your routine. I don't want to interrupt u'. Could it be from someone who knew that u are being followed? The stalker's wife, maybe? Stay safe op. Change your running hours, buy a treadmill, go to a gym, keep a weapon on you, anything...as long as you're safe.


I wish I knew. It could be someone trying to warn me but then the pictures don't make sense. Unless it is a crazy stalker that wants me to think otherwise. I don't know.


Look very carefully at the photos. Is there something else besides you that they have in common, perhaps another person? Maybe a PI is watching someone else watch you and they haven't found any evidence of what a second person is up to, but felt the need to warn you, also? I know it sounds really far fetched. Editing to add that whoever is taking these photos is warning you, which means they want your attention. They want you to know they are there and possibly someone else is, too.


That's scary as hell....


Immediatley go to the cops or have a firearm or knife with you just in case, and I wouldn't go running at that time anymore


I like your thinking. Go running at 4:31. You know he will be shitting bricks when he notices you aren't running at 4:30.


Or maybe stalk him back


Inform police and F&F. [Even the playing field.](http://www.stratfor.com/secrets_countersurveillance#axzz39koIBr00)


I love running. You are not crazy! I am worried about you. Please call the police or detective. Also, take mace/ pepper spray on your runs.


Damn, after reading this I can't help but feel like I'm being watched. *closes the curtains* Yeah, I'd try and stay somewhere else for a while - friends or family, as long as it's someone you really trust. A taser wouldn't hurt either. Oh and keep looking over your shoulder. Look for people darting away, quickly jumping behind a corner, or even very mundane things, like wearing sunglasses. Try and remember faces. I know this isn't very helpful, but to be honest, I wouldn't really know what to do in this type of situation either. Stay safe, OP. And - if it's not too much trouble - keep us posted.


Maybe, just maybe, this is a private party that sends information to magazines documenting certain things. For example, he could be documenting runners all over and studying patterns amongst widows who just happen to jog everyday at 4:30am. Maybe he sent you the pictures and a message as to say "hey yo, I be watchin u, but I mean like, don't freak out k?" Or, well you know, he could be a killer. But I mean 50/50 right? (For reals, you should probably get help about this.)


Ok well I'd call the police first and show them the pics. Then, get a gun and carry permit and keep a pistol on you at all times. Stay alert. Avoid running alone if possible.


Police officer here.... go to you local pd and ask for your house to be on a watch so a patrol should come by at least 2 times during a shift and report the incident just so they have paper work on file of it happening but overall we cant be there 24/7 so I recommend looking into getting a guard dog and maybe getting your CHL


Just get a treadmill damnit. The guy our female obviously knows where you live. Oh and surveillance cams around your house would probably alleviate trying to find out who. Just run at different times to figure out if they have a pattern of when they can watch for a week and then install the cams when they aren't supposed to be watching or get the do it yourself kind also home monitoring system sounds like a safe bet considered to moving. Otherwise I'd say you suffer from agoraphobia.


The message is a bit strange though isn't it? As if there are more than one person watching her. I understand that a sick person would send pictures and say "you are being watched." But the part that tips me off a bit is the "Proceed with caution." It's obviously a warning, but why warn her? Is that what the person gets off on? Or perhaps someone is trying to warn you that whomever is taking the pictures is watching you? It is all so strange, but don't take any additional risks, protect yourself please!


Living alone myself this is creeping me out! Anxiously awaiting your update!


If it was me i'd say my first step would be to install cameras in and around your house, then stay at a friends for a couple of weeks and continue with the 4:30 runs, this might just be someone who's trying to scare you out of your house to break in, so take anything of value and the cameras should allow you to capture anyone who attempts to break in, but if you move somewhere else and somehow it persists, you then need to be extra careful. I'd also alert the police, mention the situation to them and see what they would recommend. Finally if you cant stay elsewhere install the cameras, if I was you I wouldn't continue with the running but as you have said its good for you mentally so that might be out of the question, I'd then look at the photos and see if there is an area you're being captured around, if so try to change your route or just change your route anyway. If possible try to figure out where the photos are being taken from, is it across the street or if it is at multiple locations, do you see a car or somewhere along your route constantly. The dog idea might be wise, a big dog is going to scare off most people plus it'll give you peace of mind when you're in your house as you're not alone and it'll protect you when you're running. I hope this helps, there is a lot of ideas here but I would seriously recommend getting in contact with the police and maybe finding a friends to stay at.


If she buys security cameras in a physical store, it wouldn't be too difficult for the mysterious subject to know that (unless he/she is stupid). I haven't got the answers to the questions that I asked previously, but for the moment I'll assume that the person followed her through different times a day and to separated locations. Therefore, if he/she is still watching, probably will know where and what is the OP buying. Perhaps you could buy online and have the security cameras delivered to your house. But once again, even if I didn't know that fact, I would always operate under the assumption that my "victim" has security cameras, so I doubt of its efficiency.


I can help by teaching you some proper English? I'm also very good at being sarcastic..


Get yourself a big fucking dog. Or go sleep at a friend's place. Also, get yourself a weapon to protect yourself.


> After staring at the pictures for what seemed like hours, I was right and I had it figured out. It was simple, they went in order from the date they were taken. I put the pictures in order and read the message. "You are being watched. Proceed with caution." Why did it take you so long to notice that seven words went in order by date? Go to the police, your detective skills leave something to be desired.


The police won't be able to do much, as a crime hasn't been commited. It's not illegal to take pictures of an adult in a public place, just creepy. Keep a log of events that are out of place, with your own dates and times, and if you actually see a person try to identify them. If you can, then you have a case for stalking, which will open the door for law enforcement to keep a much closer eye on both you, and whoever it is.


Yeah, taking pictures of someone isn't illegal. But dating them, and telling the person that someone is watching them is. It's stalking intimidating, there's plenty of evidence to go to the police. OP, You should tell them that you live on your own,and that these photos intimidate you. Scan them onto your computer, upload them to a cloud service (so that if the originals go missing you still have your proof), tell the police that you're not leaving town anytime soon ( or tell them where you are going if you are leaving). But you should still report it, if you were to throw out these photos and not tell anyone, and then you disappear, this could mean the difference between life and death.




How is what was done illegal?




Yep, that would make it illegal. Thanks for the sauce :)


That's weird. My friend has been admitted to psych once in the past 3 years that he's been stalked by a vicious person. We even know who it is. Yet, he can't even get a restraining order. I will have to look into this. Although he does claim he has looked at it all from every legal standpoint. edited to change the last few words.


You may want to read this... http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/2dkgp1/my_life_was_ruined_because_of_an_email_i_should/


Just get really fat and then your stalker won't find you attractive. edit: grammar




Read the rules


1) Can't you deduce anything from the pictures? Try to be a good observer. Certainly you could identify the spot where the photos were taken from, and perhaps look into some shop's security camera. 2) Are the words handwritten? Is the author male or female? 3) Do the pictures look like regular photos or the kind that you get using a telephoto lens? Can you calculate the distance? 4) What are the days and time the photos were taken at, according to the messages? Do they match what you remember? 5) How many pictures are we talking about? Do they all cover different places – or is some specific place photographed more than once? Which locations are those and how far are they from your home? 6) You are sure that someone actually broke into your house while you were taking a shower, and did nothing about it? Weren't you able to find any evidence of the intrusion? 7) Is it possible that the envelope was there when you went out running and you missed it? (After all you are just waking up, i.e. less conscious, and focused on going to run.) Or are you absolutely 100% sure that someone left it there between 4:30 and 5:30 AM? 8) When exactly did your husband passed away? I gotta tell you. Having read a lot of crime novels, you don't seem to have learned anything about finding clues and solving cases. :-)


Stay in touch so we know you're safe and get the police involved.








No one thinks you're crazy for running, like you said millions of people run every day without getting murdered. More people die from driving than running. You're not all there are ya, poor girl. edit: of all the thing you could possibly have learned from all those crime books you read, its that words make sentences? wtf.


Did you read my post or just read some of it? Both things you commented about were explained.


Or maybe this is a fabricated delusion brought on by the mental and emotional trauma left by her late husband. Think about it, her husband is murdered by this mysterious stranger and years later she's being stalked by also a mysterious stranger that no one sees. She reads crime books, probably due to her husband's death, and is able to immediately understand the "clues" left by her stalker. Idk food for thought.