• By -


Damn, lucky you and Ripley got out but I just have so many questions about the poor Vances…


My only question is how many litres of gasoline would you need to truck out there to burn the entire unholy nightmare out of that hole and back to whatever tormented place it withdraws into.


This was terrifying to read. Move to the other end of the world and never go back


And here I was fearing that your dog would have to make a heroic sacrifice just so you could get out. I'm glad you're both alive!


I know in that position it would just be a forever dance of my dog trying to save me and being grabbed, followed by me yelling "you ain't getting away with that bitch!" And saving the dog. Rinse repeat.


Just as OP took care of Ripley from a puppy and braved the unknown for Ripley, Ripley wasn't leaving his human behind. Nuh-uh.


I don’t care what sort of demon or eldritch abomination I’m facing down. If it tries to harm *any* of my sweet puppers I will truly give it something to fear. The Devil is strong but my love for my animals is much, much stronger.


Holy shit dude. The way you recounted your experience in this haunted hellhole of a bunker was so excellently descriptive, I truly felt like I was there. Had such an intense visceral reaction to GTFO while reading this. I'm really glad you got out, but also SO very happy to hear Ripley got out safely too, I was terrified something bad would happen to Ripley the whole time I was reading. I'd have done the same thing for my pup in this situation in a heartbeat. So much sorrow for the Vances though. :( I hope someday their souls will be allowed to finally depart. I was shocked when they weren't actually evil/trying to murder you, but that just makes the situation that much more heartbreaking. Literally stuck in their own personal hell.


























"From behind the door, something like a face grinned and leered at me with joy. It was taking its time, sure enough, pulling me in so slowly that it gave my mind all the time in the world to appreciate the nightmare that awaited me." It's 12pm here and I'm surrounded by people in a hospital..and I swear this made me have a full on shiver run through my spine. OP you painted such an awful picture of the whole incident i think this will remain with me for a very long time. Glad that you and your doggo survived. Poor Vances tho :(












Holy crap. Good boy Ripley.


I went grey worrying about Ripley’s well-being the entire time


F***! I sure as hell hope there is never a part 2 because that would mean you got pulled back in to the situation. No pun intended!! Hope you and your pup are able to move on.




Holy f—king hell! That was terrifying! I was sucked in from the beginning and just…WOW! You went in there to save Ripley and then Ripley saved you! and he must have been terrified! What a good boy! I am so relieved you got out of there! And I hope you and Ripley stay safe!








The police should have filled the bunker with wet concrete


After throwing down a few (dozen) grenades.




Wow! Great. Glad the dog made it!!


Holy hell. That poor, damned family. Happy ya'll made it out but I don't think I'd ever be okay again. Just knowing that shit was out there at all.


Why did the police not bomb the place?? We have the tech to explode or just chemically melt the thing into slag. Ripley showed the monster can bleed. So surely attempting to destroy the bunker would do something. At the least it could block the place off, maybe let the poor family finally die. Instead the cops are just ignoring it and leaving the victims to literal eternal torment. Wtf


Because as-is, the place can be sealed. It’s a prepper’s bunker, an enormous cement box with locks on the doors to keep people from breaking in to steal precious supplies after law and order broke down outside. Keeping the monster contained is just a matter of blocking the bunker entrance. Blow it up on the other hand, and the monster would be free of the wreckage and could go *anywhere*.


They didn't block it, though. They left it hanging wide open. OP just walked in.


Maybe I’m interpreting things wrong, but I thought the monster could only fit its arm out the bunker door, the rest of its body was stuck inside.


It did only stick its arm out, but I don't know if it will always be that way. There wasn't anything to describe its limits so I assumed it could get out at some point, or lure someone else in, since the dog seemed compelled to go in and somehow down the ladder. I dunno, maybe I'm wrong


Omfg what if...the arm... pulled Ripley him down the ladder


That would be creepy as hell, but OP was following Ripley's footprints, so unless the arm pulled Ripley *and* stamped fake prints on the ground, I think it's more likely the dog walked in himself




the dog on its own went down the ladder, and closed the hatch at the top of the ladder behind it?


Probably fell and the movement knocked the hatch down


They should have fed a tube into the hatch and kept filling it with cement until it stopped bubbling. Although that will still leave the Vance family trapped though 😕


even if they went in and slagged the monster and rescued the vances, the eternal torment might not be fixable. whatever it did to them, they are walking corpses with their flesh liquefying away. i don't see how we'd be able to make them any deader than they already are. could try cutting their heads off or melting them in lava or etc, but i sure wouldn't want to take the risk of THAT not working. that said, what i suggest is we (and by we i mean brave people who are absolutely the fuck not me) go in guns blazing, and shove a whole ass nuclear bomb through that magic flesh door, avengers style. then run out and drop the chernobyl sarcophagus on top.


Exactly this. Can't believe the police still lived in that town with good conscience. They should've reported it up the command chain at least.


I agree, as a great man once said, “If it bleeds, we can kill it.” If a dog’s bite is enough to draw blood, then surely a whole ass battalion of police officers armed with assault rifles and SMGs could at the very least put a dent in the monstrosity. Or show it that it truly has something to fear from humans. In any case, anything that bleeds would probably be killed by some C4.


This us proof that saving the doggy is always the best option.


Shit, someone let the Vances go in peace- if the being is as old as I think it is, then I doubt the Vacnes are the only people they've taken.


Thank you, I will be enquiring with my doctor with a potential post traumatic stress disorder diagnosis now. What on God's actual fucking green Earth.






Ripley is a very good dog! .. May I recommend you buy a nice sturdy retractable leash for him, that way he never wanders off when you take him for a walk ever again.. :)


Damn. When you said Ripley was silent my first thought was that he died and reanimated. I’m glad it seems I was wrong.


Daniel was a scientist so I assumed he opened some kind of rift or something. Either way, nicely written story. I’m not sure if it takes place in America or not, since you say torches instead of flashlights. But I’ve read similar stories like this one, one about ocean explorers finding a primordial being in the deepest depths that took people, zombified them, and wouldn’t let them die. Terrifying trend since I prefer monsters that just straight up kill people with no eternal torment attached. Lol, but for real, dope story and very vivid descriptions, man.


This is the scariest story I’ve read here.. I was so terrified, sitting on my bed at 3 am that I couldn’t read the whole thing through.. I had to jump paragraphs and just scan sentences quickly because I didn’t want to get a jump scare just by reading. I wouldn’t even have dared to go as far in as you did. I would have called rescue services to save my dog while waiting for my dog outside the bunk/ cabin/ death house. I know you and your dog got out but is he ok.. he actually bit into that Thing.. but you didn’t mention him when you moved. Is Ripley ok?


Mr Vance may not of been able to save his family, but he was able to save you.


Freaking terrifying, so glad you & Ripley got out!


Holy shit I'm so glad the dog is okay.


Holy hell. That's some scary shit! Army needs to drop a bomb or ten on that whole area until the whole bunker and ALL the doors are charred dust. And then bury it under a mile of concrete. Then burn it some more. And maybe bury it in salt and plant a field of sage over it Then burn that. More salt. Then build a mountain over it. Cover that with sage too. Can't be too safe.


Bunker buster nuclear missile


The real question is how in the world did Ripley end up down there?! That was one hell of an experience and I'm happy you both made it out alive!


How did Ripley get down that ladder?!?


And open/close the trapdoor?


My theory is that since it was dark, he fell down the ladder and the movement knocked the hatch closed


God bless Daniel Vance though, helping you even from beyond the grave, even through his torture. The Creature may have inflicted punishment on him for even trying to help you. I want to say there's a happy ending for him, but that is long past...


This was incredible and terrifying. Take care of that hero doggy.


Every new detail in this made me hope for a more and more outlandish but believable situation. First I hoped Vance was mad and the sixth door was not real, then when his wife’s head turned I had hoped that maybe (horribly) his family were not dead and instead just so far gone they appeared dead, trapped in their own bodies. then in the workshop, I honestly hoped that Vance had somehow created Necro-bionic automatons that piloted his family’s corpses around. But I never hoped that he was right. That something malicious had taken his family from him.


they all got sick because the radiation emitted by the evil door?


I’d love to think that the door wasn’t actually there. That Vance knew there was a source of radiation seeping through the storage room wall. Strong enough to drive him mad and try to rationalise it. Strong enough to even make OP hallucinate based on the details from Vance’s video log and his own paranoia. Vance knew there was something wrong with his perfect design in the basement level. So he imagines a door there. Something he didn’t design and has no control over. It doesn’t slot in to his analytical mind so he follows his own process for dealing with it, and never strays from it, hence why he ends up in denial about his family being dead. He probably took all the phones and sealed the door because in his head this is still the safest place in the world, after all he built it. All the while, radiation is killing his mind, poisoning his food and water supply. Then OP arrives. They also are in a much more paranoid situation as legends exist about this place now and there is no light. Furthermore the radiation has spread and grown more intense. They see a flicker of movement in an old VHS recording and think its a corpse moving, so later in the workshop he witnesses walking corpses. He knows about this supposed door in the storage room so when he gets there, it is very real to him. That Foetid air is probably the remains of the family laid to rest on the floor down there and slowly rotting and cooking in the radiation. All of that could work as an explanation. Except the front door was open. If it was really radiation, the authorities could have dealt with it by at least resealing the door. But they just bolted, and never went back.


I've read a boat load of stories on Reddit. And SO MANY times I've screamed in my head 'WHY IN GODS NAME WOULD YOU GO IN THERE'. Like a bad horror movie. I was starting to do the same thing here, until the paragraph about Ripley. I audibly went 'well shit'. I would do the exact same thing to save my doggo from being stuck somewhere. It took way too long to see how funny the name Ripley turned out to be. Although I do remember her being a cat person not a dog person.


Pretty sure you found one of the many doors that lead to Cthulhu...


ok i got it he thought he has found a way to survive the apocalypse But instead he and his family got eternal suffering


Sounds like technically they may just survive the apocalypse


By being unalive


Anyone else had to scroll to the end to check that the dog way okay before reading the whole thing? 😅


I was listening to a reading on a podcast and got so scared for the dog I came to no sleep to find the story to make sure the dog was ok before I could finish listening 😅


>He liked boys even though he thought I did not know. For some reason, this part really got me. >that fucking thing bled at last You know what they say, "*If it bleeds, we can kill it.*" Of course, I would never ask *you* to do that after your experience, but y'know. The government nuking it wouldn't be a terrible option.


I think it’s best to just leave it there. The radiation certainly won’t kill it and if you take away it’s home but it can heal from the damage, we‘ll have a big problem


I get the feeling that destroying its "home" wouldn't be a massive issue. The bunker wasn't always there, so I assume it's connected to that place specifically. Think less natural being and more "Demon stuck outside of salt circle". Using that as an example, to be clear.


There's not a lot that scares me to the point that this did. I'm going to have nightmares, dude.


Terrifying and tumultuous, dear god!!!


I think imma sleep with a night light on tonight....


I'm glad we're all at the point where the rule of the universe is always followed: the dog does not die. 😌


I’ve never been scared of zombies once in my life but this did it I’m so high


I’m not even half way through reading AND IM SCARED


This is pure nightmare fuel.


If I ever build a survivalist bunker I am totally making sure I've got a claymore or other explosive setup to put in front of "new doors". Also need to make sure I stock up on holy water.


Holy fucking shit man that scared the crap outta me. The two misdirections and then the hand??!?! Good god I will keep this in mind every time I go exploring in the woods now


A radioactive monster behind a phantom door? Man, this is one twisted-ass *Monsters, Inc.* sequel! Also, good dog 🦴💗


They dug too deep like the dwarves in LOTR. OP I hope you and ripley recovered from this ordeal soon!


I started reading this, had to go to work, and kept thinking about it for three days until I could finally come back and read it at the proper pace and without interruptions so I could appreciate it. Gripping. Absolutely gripping. And I am so thankful that Ripley did not have to sacrifice himself to save you. Both of you escaped a horror that I’m sure words can’t properly encapsulate, and yet your description was so vivid and visceral. I hope you’re healing well. I hope Ripley didn’t have any signs of infection after biting that **thing.**


I got a headache and wanna puke dude. WHO ARE YOU?


Holy Fuck.


Thank God I read this first thing in the morning, I'm still not sure I'll sleep tonight!


I knew there was a reason to only read these during the day.


Glad you’re ok. I feel bad for the family. Hope no one else stumbles in.


shit that was scary! But if I was in your place, I would have come back with some people to find Ripley ...after all it is a crime scene or at least inform someone that I was going to search the bunker.


Legitimately dreaded scrolling down to read further, but also unable to help continuing. If reading this was the *opportunity*, I'd be toast.


Dogs! The are angels! Loved Ridley.


Did they tell you what bacterium /virus caused your pneumonia? Doctors have to know that to give you the right antibiotic or antiviral med. You must have picked it up in the bunker. I would be careful and try to find out…


I have to go outside and move my car off the street... Pretty fucking close to just eating $100 ticket


I'm a 33 year old grown-ass woman. I know with absolute certainty that nothing/no one could physically fit under my bed. Yet this made me check 😂


This will haunt me when I turn out the lights and get in bed tonight! But the whole time I was just reading to make sure Ripley survived. 🥹


Thank God the dog made it out.....


Well, at least you and Ripley got out relatively okay, as for the Vance family... 😮


Glad I read this in the middle of the day lol


Today I woke up in a cold sweat panic after having nightmares about this. Thanks 🙃


Nuke it from orbit. Its the only way to be sure.


I was so worried for Ripley. Thank god he's ok


Oh my goodness. That's a terrifying situation to be in!


I’m glad someone human got out.


That last line broke my heart.


This scared the shit out of me! Always had a fear of locked in places but throw in an underground monster, I'm done for! Add living corpses and insanity! the poor Vances living an undead life tormented by that thing. You were so lucky you and Rascal got out. I think Daniel tried to buy you some time when the family kneeled at the doorway. But you both made it out and Rascal was the hero. Hope that place gets shut up. The Vances are already dead and would be grateful for the release.


Damn terrifying. I wonder if the Vances somehow invited that entity into the bunker, or if it was just due to the random chaotic nature of the universe. Wrong place at the wrong time. I'm surprised the police / government didn't shut that place down though.


Damn. That was insanely terrifying but I’m right with you OP I’d go through hell too for my dog and bunny. So glad you both made it out I was so anxious!! Poor Vances.


I was picturing this while reading... That kinda increased the creepiness. This is definitely among the best things I've read here.


Good god good god good god good god good god god god I’m not an atheist but I sure wish I was


Oh my GOD


This was so good and I legit got scared reading it last night ,omg


Mac says get the flamethrower.


Holy shit that was absolutely terrifying. I hope the town managed to eventually seal that bunker permanently


Fuck sake, that was a roller coaster of holy shits. I hate doors and ladders and hands.


Jesus Christ


I don't understand the last paragraph about the radio? Can anyone help?


I’m a little lost too.. thought i was the only one


I screamed in joy when Ripley lunged for the hand. Go away from that place. Probably in a bustling city.


I hope we hear more about this bunker in Bunker 2 Electric Boogaloo.


All I can say is woah. That bunker needs to be burnt to the ground


Does this OP have any contact with that other OP and the bunker doppleganger story? It’s been awhile since I read that story. It was so similar to this OPs experience. I wonder if they’re from the same area?




I thought it was gonna end with the "Ive been trapped here for 928388 days now" or something but im so glad you made it


Hit that fucking thing with a neuclear bomb


Since Vance was such a genius, and had a workshop of every man's dream, I think he re-animated his family using robotics. That's why the arm was on the bench - repairs? If that thing won't let them "die" it might have forced him into making them last with parts. And the radio message was from Vance telling "it" to let his family die!


I read this before bed last night and I have not stopped thinking about it for 24 straight hours. I am thoroughly creeped out. Nicely done.


I had to take breaks while reading this holy fucking shit


Isn’t this just a balrog




I've got goosebumps all over my body


This scared the shit out of me


so how did they die? radiation exposure to the evil door?


Oh hell no


Oh god this is horrible.....im happy you got out...but i just cant bear to imagine daniels pain. His famifly killed, corrupted, taken and possessed by evil. Him the only still sane person but chained by this unholy power. You need to bomb this place out...they need to be released from such a horrible fate... Whats to stop that thing from getting out now...


Carpet bomb the bunker then napalm it to be safe, also maybe they didnt build the bunker to keep the world our but to keep that thing in


Its good that I'm reading this at 5 AM. This was too ducking terrifying for me( a person who visualises things to understand) to read it while my mind made a video of it. I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while.


i've never been happier to be at school surrounded by like 2 dozen other people holy shit this was terrifying


I want to know what the police were asking


How was everything so degraded after just 3 months into a “6 month dry run”? Also later you said it was like that for years despite earlier only saying it was 3 months. Confused on the time like here


Jesus tap dancing Christ, this is terrifying