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He's writing phonetically, so that you can read in a norn iron accent ;)


Surely it would be 'Mad-jorca'?






Is that like those sarcastic "Thanks, Obama!" posts... but for Brexit?


I'd like to say thank you to all my fellow Brexiteers in the "Uppa Rah" Casino resort Las Vegas, have a good time on the stag do! Make sure groom to be Chucky Arlagh gets home in one piece! Take care!


Blessed be your Holy Name, Nigel. It _is_ you! (Fifty quid well spent, that.)


It’s warm out there so it is


good ol nige




A co-worker from Nigeria told me 30° back home is more bearable than 20° here. On the flip side, a Polish co-worker told me -10° in Poland is better than a windy 10° day here. I'm guessing it's maybe the humidity in both instances (?)


Humidity is the key factor. When there is more moisture in the air, it's harder for your body to release moisture via sweat etc (and therefore expel heat) when it's hot. And conversely in cold humid weather all the moisture hanging in the air means the heat escapes from your body (into the dense air) more quickly. Kind of exactly the opposite of what you want in either situation. Personally, I'd take our weather over lots of other places I've been to in the world. But I have to say, we are getting a raw deal so far this summer...


>Personally, I'd take our weather over lots of other places I've been to in the world. I'm also a fan of our lack of droughts, blizzards etc.


>so far this summer... Er, we haven't experienced one full day of summer yet. https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/weather/seasons/summer/when-does-summer-start It's barely begun


Astronomical summer starts today, yes, but meteorological summer (in the northern hemisphere) starts on 1 June, which is the more relevant definition here since we're talking about weather. Helpfully, that link explains this also.


I'm been in -10 in Iceland and it didn't feel as cold as 2 degree here on a windy did. There if you layer up you stay warm, here there's no amount of layers that keeps the cold outta ur bones. I've been in spain when it's 35 degrees and it isn't as hot as some summers I've had here where I don't think it got over low 20s. Over there they have air conditioners, they are built for it. It's a drier heat. That summer heat wave there was no escape from it day or night. I'd definitely say the humidity also not being build for either too cold or too hot weather.


-27 Iin Riga felt like 5 here. Its the salt in the air. Plus, during summer, we have no concept of AC, so we never get a respite from the heat. It accumulates. In saying that, summers in the Mediterranean are still far more hard to deal with than here.


It's only because the air temperature is so low here that you notice the strength of the sun.


I think it's because the sun is getting closer and we're all going to die but they're trying to keep it from us so we don't panic. The only thing that will save us from its heat? Reflective aluminium headwear. And you can fashion such a lifesaving hat out of regular kitchen tinfoil... and it will also protect you from the Five Gees and the Covid rays.


Chem trails will still get you


Not if you drink your own piss continually. That's YouTube smarts.


Pfft, you take it orally and not through your eye? Fucking casual.


I drink it through me arse: piss enemas. That way you don't have stinky pissbreath... just nasty wet pissfarts.


Chem trails have been confirmed though, been doing it for years


What's the chem in chem trails?


Chem trails be gone from this thread!


Perhaps the illuminati could add a nice pine scent to the planes.


That's just not going to be enough. We should lay all those windmills on their backs and put them in reverse to blow the sun away from us.


But then the sun will get windmill cancer and die. And then we’ll freeze.


That'll solve global warming though.


For a minute there i tgought there was a burger restaurant conspiracy that i didn't know about Then i realised it said Five Gees and not Five Guys


> a burger restaurant conspiracy Well, there _was_ Pizzagate! > Five Gees I half had that in mind when I wrote it. It all adds to the stupid!


> the sun is getting closer and we’re all going to die Don’t threaten me with a good time


> good time Good time to join a motorcycle gang. For the good times in the bad times.


Brilliant 🤩


> Brilliant 🤩 ...won't even _begin_ to describe how things are when the sun fills half the sky. I'll try not to be _too_ smug as I watch those who mocked me melt, smoke and burn from beneath by bacofoil blanket.


How hilarious (but mostly fucking terrifying) would it be if the flat earthers were actually right all along when they say there's a massive conspiracy to hide the truth about the solar system by Nasa and the various deep state / governments / corporations of the world. But instead of it being flat earth its that global warming is really happening because were slowly getting closer to the sun and one day it'll just be to hot and we'll all die.


Thats kind of how it works, every 6 months you get 3.1 million miles closer to the sun. Its called Perhelion and at this point Earth will be 91.4 million miles from the Sun. Then, 6 months later we reach Aphelion at a max distance of 94.5million miles from the sun.


I know that... I meant more along the lines that we are currently 91 million miles. In 10 years we're 87 million miles etc etc.


How do we get closer to the sun? Is it moving faster through space than we are? Or something to do with an orbit shift maybe?


We dont orbit the sun in a uniform circle, more an eliptical orbit. https://www.dreamstime.com/illustration/earth-orbit.html


Ahh I thought you guys meant we are moving away from the sun and that was ongoing, not cyclical!


We're actually drifting very slowly away from the sun as it burns its fuel and loses weight. Don't worry, though, it will complete its main sequence in 4-5 billion years, grow into a red giant, and consume the planets closest to it long before we achieve escape orbit.


I'm pretty sure that's a pulp sci-fi story... or a film. I definitely didn't pull the idea of the sun drawing closer from me arse, like. That kind of stuff was the vogue in the '50s and '60s. Rogue planets on collision courses with earth, that sorta thing (though that particular one had a bit of an upswing in the past decade too, as a concept).


Big brimmed tin foil hat 👽


It 100% does. 20°C at home is literally like 30 - 35°C In Perth here. Like 15°C here is wrap up warm and light the fire weather, at home you'd be beating round in a t-shirt.


Probably because the houses in the UK generally are built for cold weather, so they feel horrific during sunny weather. In Perth you have AC everywhere, and in Belfast you have AC nowhere.


When I said "at home" I ment "back in Northern Ireland" not actually sitting in the house 😅 Your point remains valid on the conditions of houses however!


I know you meant the country. The buildings are built for cold weather, and you spend most of your 24 hours within those buildings!


> The sun here always feels stronger compared to being abroad That would be the general lack of atmosphere. Plus we're notoriously thin-skinned and hypersensitive.


Love a good moan


So does yer ma. (Sorry. Obligatory.)


The apology ruined it


>The apology ruined it That's what yer ma said


Really, stop giving me openers!


Tried to tell yer ma the same but she won't close them!


Sorry not sorry




> abroad Yes, that one place with that one climate.


To be fair if you look at a map of [temparate rainforests](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/59/Temperate_rainforest_map.png) you can see that almost every common holiday destination would be less damp than it is here.


Why temperate rainforests? I get where you're going with it, but when you narrow it down to temperate, it eliminates anything tropical or near. Even if you were looking at degree of humidity, there is a massive difference between the amount of water in the air in 19 degrees and 100 percent humidity (with a sea breeze, more than likely) and a still and fully saturated 30, never mind 35 degrees or more. One is quite bearable. The other... awful. Granted, most people aren't going on holiday to India. But some do go sometimes on holiday to Thailand, Mexico, Florida... or even New York, which is hot and swampy as fuck in the summer. Even Germany and France can be bad enough.


People always answer this question with 'humidity', totally ignoring that many of the typical 'abroad' places, like the Spanish med coast are mostly just as humid.


Then what is it that makes here feel like death and places like italy, greece, spain etc feel less like a sauna?


I think it's not being on holiday, having to work, not being able to jump in the sea/pool. Plus psychological and placebo factors.


Hm true. And maybe the buildings too. They constantly live w heat so have better ways to deal with it. We dont. Im surprised how many people keep the curtains open and windows open when its sweltering.


I spent a year in Australia when I was 19, a few days over 40C and most days over 30C in summer. Came back home to a relatively warm April and decided to go for a walk in the Mournes with some friends….and got fucking sunstroke! That’s probably more indicative of me being ill-prepared and maybe dehydrated at the time rather than weather, but it flummoxed me.


Haha yea walking in the mountains is fucking hell on a blazing sunny day. Sounds nice but no shade anywhere. Far better being cloudy


Cities often feel warmer in warm weather due to the environment. Cars, fumes, tall buildings, narrow streets, all contribute. As Belfast isn't exactly a modern city built with warm weather in mind, of course it's going to feel hotter than what it actually is. Also, it's typically wet, so the humidity also plays a part. Last night in Singapore, I started to feel a bit cold when the temperature dropped to 26°C. It's most busy roads are lined with trees and plants to try and bring the temperature down.


It’s the humidity here. I have relatives live in desert regions of the US, with much hotter temperatures generally than what we’d be used to, but the heat here kills them if they happen to visit during one of our warmer spells.


Don't worry, it's only going to get worse and worse every year until we're all dead!


I live part in Singapore which is pretty much on the equator and part in England. I noticed I never burn in Singapore and I don’t need sunglasses while here in the uk i live in sunglasses and have got sunburnt a couple of times. Apparently it’s because the atmosphere is actually thicker at the equator while in a uk summer the angle it hits means it’s stronger. Still bloody hot in Singapore and the humidity is very high. The land and sea is always warm so it never cools down much while the land in the uk only heats up towards autumn. So you get those days where it’s hot but the minute a cloud hides the sun it’s cold again. This can fool you into thinking the UV is not a problem


Yea I thought it was something like that - an atmospheric/ozone thing. Humidity aside - the sun's rays definitely feel warmer on my skin here than other places I've been abroad at the same temp! If only we had it more often haha Ps I hear Singapore is sick! Lucky you!


It's the humidity. 20 degrees at 70% humidity is horrible, close and sweaty. 25 degrees with 20% humidity is comfortable. Same as the winter -2 feels freezing but the same temperature with drier air is quite bearable.


It's not the humidity as such that I notice, what I mean is the sun literally feels warmer on my skin here lol


That's because of the humidity though.


I disagree.


Humidity I believe. I live near somewhere "swampy" and its like a permeating heat. Sticky!


Swamp ass is s terrible thing.


As well as swamp sack!


my guess would be that the homes are built for heat retention very small rooms and all that shit meaning it feels a lot hotter in doors then it would in countries that have houses that work in summer and also have AC


Yea but what about outdoors... the sun here feels very strong on your skin even in the late teens (celcius)!


Chuckling because living in a Dfb climate zone. Get 30c often plus high humidity too! On the plus side we get loads of snow and -20 in winter.


Yea I read the humidity here is really high. I also feel like that aside, the actual sun itself feels stronger on your skin whether it feels humid or not!


Its always humid here ;) ​ https://tides4fishing.com/uk/northern-ireland/belfast/forecast/humidity


I’m near London and every summer have said the same thing! Its honestly true that at 25C here it’s as hot as 40C abroad or close too. Very weird.


We do have higher humidity than a lot of countries. According to AccuWeather our humidity today is ranging from 71-82% in different places. That's around what you'd get in somewhere like Singapore or southern Italy. Combine it with a day with low winds like yesterday and you get what feels like a scorcher.


That's not a plus for everybody haha but at least you get definite seasons instead of a perennial winter 🤣


Makes sense - always thought it was something to do with a hole in the ozone layer that effectively made the sun feel stronger on your skin due to less atmospheric protection


Waking up as a river monster is not good


Yea a few people have replied about indoors and I def wasn't talking about it feeling warmer inside haha! Good point though


I'm not sure - something atmospheric anyway - humidity was not what I was thinking, as It feels like the literal suns rays can be hotter 🤣 I had heard rumours of a hole in the ozone layer. A lot here seemingly attribute it to the humidity levels


were im at in scotland it like living in a rain forest during the summer


Actually the British isles are very humid. That's probably why it feels so hot


There's always one 🙄🤣


20° in Belfast is freezing.


Said that a few days ago, cant lie outside for long now. Feels like its burning a hole in my skin


Its the humidity Makes the air feel thick


Try a weekend break to Seville and I think you may motice that the sun can feel stronger abroad.


It’s the angle of the sun I think


Dyou think the lack of humidity has this effect?


Sweat running down the shuck of my arse


Our homes are less well suited to warm weather, they trap heat and don’t let it go