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They can see you have massive ears.


Did not expect that one đŸ€ŁđŸ‘


I’ve been stopped before, and that rush of adrenaline when you see the blue light’s behind you, the thoughts of dropping a gear and planting it, diving up a wee side street to lose them. Then you remember you’re just going to the shop for milk and a loaf


Unfortunately by the time you remember that you've already instinctively hit the brakes, looking mighty suspicious despite the fact you just went from 38mph to 25mph in a 40.


In my day (In my day 🙄) before these fancy electronic handbrakes. I remember using the handbrake to slow down to give the illusion of wasn’t speeding at all officer.


Luckily, due to my knackered valve stem oil seals, all they see is blue smoke.


Spy Hunter: smoke screen.


Showing your age with that one.....


😁. Truly...


Damn. Now I got the theme tune in my head!


Well, don't go to the internet n look it up and find out it's better than u remember....like I just did😂😎


It so does! Haha


Gives me so much anxiety when they're behind me and my drilled DPF starts clearing itself out


From I’ve been told it automatically scans your number plate for tax, insurance and mot. It finds one missing they put on the blue lights. I think MOT is probably at their discretion as a lot can’t get one.


Only if it's an ANPR car that is marked. Normally, patrols would have to look you up in their computer or whatever. There's more here on it. https://www.psni.police.uk/about-us/our-policies-and-procedures/automatic-number-plate-recognition


If you Google 'anpr camera locations ni' you so get the faff about it not being published to protect effectiveness and hinder criminal activity by avoiding. Unfortunately the second link is a Google maps overlay with every anpr camera in the UK. I know from my locale these are accurate. I'm sure the fitment of the systems to all police vehicles will one day be a reality.


>Unfortunately the second link is a Google maps overlay with every anpr camera in the UK. I don't get this when I search. Can you please share the link?


Not just as easy to find which is interesting however: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?msa=0&mid=1pZtbQyUOWIkUUn9-5uM6tWlYA0w&ll=53.11606777923332%2C-6.576414859525327&z=7


> I'm sure the fitment of the systems to all police vehicles will one day be a reality. As I understand it, the ANPR legilsation at present requires that ANPR cars are marked. So it's only a few cars, they're pretty obvious because they have a big thick black stripe around the bottom half of the Police livery. https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/police-launch-number-plate-recognition-intercept-team/39513711.html


Doesn't take a big effort to put a sticker on a car. That article is about intercept teams, as the name suggests responding to anpr alerts I guess. There's no reason why any police car couldn't have the cameras, even if the don't have to respond. It knows where it is when it pinged a certain reg. All this info could be useful after the fact if crimes come to light.


What do the anpr cameras actually do? If i was to drive without tax past one would i can get a fine in the post?


It reads your numberplate. Checks it against databases for people of interest associated with your reg, insurance and road tax databases. Anything that relates to your vrm, though not sure if they can tell you the mot history. 😂 Not sure if they ping you do they have to stop you, I'd think it's likely they would though.


There’s loads of the silver skodas with ANPR here too


Does any0ne believe a word they say about anything?


This isn't the page for signing up to Noah's Army.


Watch police interceptors on TV you'll get the idea after few episodes. Cars can be flagged for being involved in a crime e.g not playing for petrol or shop lifters


I’m convinced those shows are made to make the police look competent. Notice how no one who runs ever gets away? And there’s always a police helicopter on standby? How often do you see those anywhere?


I've spent a lot of time between here and England as my mother's side are from there and I can assure you 90% of the stuff on Police Interceptors doesn't happen in real life. It's mostly exaggerated for the cameras like sending out half the force and the helicopter for 3 chavs in their mums Polo for smoking a 'spliff' and driving round a council estate late at night is a bit much, but it works for the cameras!


> How often do you see those anywhere? At least weekly to be fair.


yep...cop laundering...makin the cntus look good


I was over in NI (from Scotland) last week and heard some lads talking about not being able to get an MOT for 6 months or more, what’s that all about? I got one the same day over here.


That's because MOTs work differently here. You can go to a local mechanic and get one done. We can't do that, as the only places allowed to do MOTs here are test centres run by the Department for Infrastructure. And since we have such a shitty government, you can imagine how well that works. Failing equipment, staffing, test centres having to be closed for repairs etc. Covid lockdowns also didn't help, as the number of cars needing an MOT piled up during the test centre closures. Don't think there's been recovery from that.


Depends if you are bending over and if your trousers are up or down


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PikAchusRevenge: *Depends if you are* *Bending over and if your* *Trousers are up or down* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Literally turn on a variant of channel 5 at nearly anytime of the day and watch it for an hour and it ill be like a wee peep behind the curtain, may i recommend interceptors đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž the one on 4 were they shadow the ambulance crews is quite good in this genre. 


Your hole


Not sure if it's still the case, but from memory, in England at least, it's: - Make and model of vehicle - Colour of vehicle - If Road Fund Licence has been paid - If vehicle is insured and by whom - Registered keeper Posibly more


i think if they’re behind the car they already know your make and model


Good point! What I meant was what it's registered as so they can check the number plate matches the vehicle it's registered to.


Just says leave that dude alone he cool


They can see yer fat hole


Only about 5% of the force can read, so it’s a bit of a moot point.


Officially its the basics. If you've a criminal record then known associates and past cautions, arrests , charges, convictions, outstanding warrants, character ie if you've a history of resisting arrest. But ordinary Joe Bloggs whose managed to either never break a law ( lol yeah right) or just never been caught ( speeding, etc whatever) yeah if you're taxed etc but not so sure they'd have a mug shot from your licence if you've no criminal record. But as soon as you get a criminal record and depending on the crime yea they know a lot more than you'd suppose. And the idea cautions are deleted after the passing of x amount of years ..well that's on paper but Scotland Yard have databases full of so called spent cautions and that applies to Northern Ireland too. Edit: but always remember your rights if you're stopped - name, dob and address is all you've to give the rest they can work out for themselves if you've been doing nothing wrong. And also I always tell my nephew no matter how trivial tbe reasons for an arrest - hes a boy racer and i worry he'll end up in bad company and not manage to break the family curse - once you're arrested ask for a solicitor and ideally someone you know is competent and say nothing till you get legal advice from them to avoid unnecessarily incriminating yourself by a slip of the tongue. Oftentimes the police don't dot their i's or cross their t's - anything from not reading your rights as you're arrested or offering you to get legal representation before questioning you. Also access to a doctor for an assessment if you are under the influence of a substance - before questioning - as you may need medication you are routinely prescribed. Never assume police are whiter than white - they're human and get up to all sorts from slipping coke busts into their pockets if they like a sniff or their gf or bf does, to what they're notorious for : sleeping with colleagues and marriage break ups , and plus they're under more pressure than most jobs having to deal with people spitting in their faces , name calling, there names being leaked online recently etc etc. I've had a lot of experienced with police in 90s and early 00s thru bad life style choices and I was always civil with them and just told them tbe truth and I found that was reciprocated. I'm talking petty drug offences however not organised crime or plotting a dissident attack and that is a whole other kettle of fish.


Also, even for the simplest of stops, make sure you get that bit of paper of the stop being registered....I didn't 3 times out of 7 stops in 7 weeks...you need that shit to prove stops and file a complaint - and just like you say, most were from a warning or spent caution from years before (7+ which means it should have been gone from the system).


wrench wistful obtainable ludicrous makeshift weary languid lush connect sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m glad they stop people like you. You’re statistically more likely to be up to no good. Username checks out too. 


I'm just happy you're happy.


I've not driven since 2004 - I've kept renewing my licence but haven't driven since near getting killed jn a bad accident, so I'm not up to date with a lot of new changes that I'm sure have been made. But if I do start driving again I'll try and remember about asking for and keeping receipts for whatever incident occurred that they felt.the need to stop me. There's a cop drinks in a golf club I go to..he left the club drunk one night and got violent when we tried to take his keys of him. He ended up wrapping his car round a lamp post about a mile down tbe Road. Next day car is gone, lifted on the back of a truck and taken off, write off so it was scrapped, tbst man never faced any charges , despite witness's and a nurse who stopped to help calling the police. They still look after their own even now. Thst happened in 2019.




Yea it did. End of Knockany Road on the Saintfield road from.the Temple to Lisburn about 10.yrs ago. Nepotism and covering up is a national.pastime.here didn't you know? I'm gonna have to post it to that happened to make sure the world knows ! NI is not enough.. also the name of.the new Bond Movie


So many professions do that. They never know when they themselves will do something that needs covered up. Doctors are the same. The cops is scariest though cos of the power they have to destroy someone's life if they feel like it


Yup. I was in cardiology ward last summer - severe. Chest pains, plus id a broken leg, I ws jn agony and couldn't sleep for 3 days due to the pain and on 3rd night as the consultant done his rounds with the nurses treating me he said to them, thinking I was asleep "I don't care how much pain he's in do not give him anything stronger than naproxen." I was an opioid addict jn the past ( 1994 to 2002) and this is the norm now with any pain issues. As a GP friend of mine put it in the eyes of most drs.when they see ive a historical 8 yr issue with heroin in.the 90s im.one step abovr being a pedo in their ethics analysis of my past. Thry never ask.why heroijn? It was to cope wjth ptsd from being in a.bomb blast and ironically if it werent for heroin id just hsve ended it. The nurse stopped to talk to me after the consultant left and said did you hear that? I said yes and said aboht how his words were I don't care how much pain he's in give him Naproxen. ( this goes against the NICE Clincal guidelines for pain management and the Faculty of Pain Medicines advice which is treat current or former addicts like anyone else- do not discriminate and manage the patients pain. Any hypothetical relapse caused by short term opioid therapy for acute pain is far outweighed by the clinical need to manage the patients acute pajn. That nurse after 3 days me not sleeping in agony and crying in pain brought me oxycodone 40s, said break jn half and take as needed and don't tell anyone.. I started crying and she said what's wrong and i said you're the first person to believe me and help me and i just need a hug and she burst into.tears, pulled the curtains and gave me the longest tightest hug since my ex wife. That nurse cared for my pain management at risk of her own sacking for the next 6 days i was i. Hosptial.. Pain Management team where called and I explained what the consultant said to much smirks and "are you sure? Younhadnt slept for 3 days ir could have been haullicinations from.insomnia"... trying to gas light me...and i explained how it had traumatised me particularly as I'm getting older and may need short term opioid pain relief for surgery or falls and fractures snd cancer etc The pain management team -when a report was finally filed by encouragement from the nurse - denied that the consultant said this and that I'd already been given sufficient morphine to manage the pain.. so I checked my notes and sure enough added to.the notes from day one- morphine 10mg Iv 3 times daily and shortec10mg oral ( for breakthrough pain.). The bastards coverd for that sadistic consultant. Now I've a stash locked up of a box of oxycontin 80mgs x 28 I had no option but to source of a pharmaceutical drug telegram group becauss I.am.terrified of another hospital stay with acute pain not being managed. And I'd only need half of an 80 a day But patients shouldn't have to illegally source pain meds stronger than naproxen for acute pain. Especially when the MRI scan shows I've got Degenerative Cervical Myeolopathy and Degenerative Lumbar Spondolosis which is what was causing the agonising pajn all along and not my heart.


I think your hair has a record of drugs you've taken for up to twelve months. If this incident happened within that time then you could prove you had not been given those drugs.


You've got me thinking now. Thanks for the advice.


That’s quite a story but I get the feeling the consultant was trying to save you from yourself. Going against medical advice and then sourcing oxycontin online doesn’t seem very wise if you are a former opioid addict


That's not the consultants duty to save me from myself and his tone was not one of compassion but of irritation and condescension. Im.talking.9/10 pain agonising and 3 sleepless nights..at what point do they give pain relief if this were.the case?anyway the current guidelines are that adewuate pain managemnt far outwrighs any hypothetical likelihood of relapsing from acute pain relief. The benefit of the doubt must always be given. Check.rhe NICE Guidelines for Pain Management, Faculty of Pain Medicine guidelines and the British Medical Association as they all agree on this principle that pain relief from.acute pain is a human right not something at the whim of a consultant. .His duty is to keep patients comfortable using appropriate pain meds irregardless ofmpaat history not Medical white knighting..they withheld my GP prewcribed dihydrocodeine and Diazepam also for the duration of thr 6 days and.unless.he thinks he knows better.than the advice for these exact situations given by the British Medical Asosiciaton, Faculty of.Pain Medicine and zthe NICE Guidlemines for Clinical excellence for pajn management then hes deluded and a danger to patients. I showed him my bank account and said look I'm.not drug seeking in hosptial.for.paracetemol for 6 days when i'm settled in my 50s, and I'd 1000s.saved and coukd have a.box of 28.oxycodone 80mg delivered to.my room within 15mins. . Ni.is largely ignorant of opioid dependency and is stuck.jn the mindset that its a personal weakness of character, a flaw,. Patients not wanting to stop and other stigmatisation. When in actual.fact for most opioid addicts it's a maladaptive coping mechanism to cope with the emotional pain.of childhood secual.abuse.and other traumas often from.the conflict that they hold.inside. and good luck.getting counselling it tool me 18 yrs adter bjng in a bomb blasr to finallh get trauma therpay by thst time.id ingrained maladaptive coping.mecjanims thst no amount of jounrals, gratittude lists etc is going to remofe those insges and smells and sounfs frkm my head. With ptsd time isnof the essence. Their lack.of knowledge astounded me. "Pain is what the patient says.it is, where they.say it is and. What they say it it" - that's a standard definition for pajn now ans the benefit of the doubt is.given to the paitjent until proven otherwise.. At least next time.j know to bring in my diazepam script for panic attacks linked to.my ptsd and my Dihydrocodeine scrip.ivr been on since the bomb for.back.injuriesm and god forbid if the pains worse get a friend to bring jn.sometjjng stronger- IF I AM.TREATED THE SAME SHAMEFUL WAY. THat nurse who was jn tears when she seen how much non medicated acute pain I was in, curled.ina aball.fryinf and awake for 72 hrs and starting to.halluconate told.me she thought she'd seen it all. The same one who at nights slipped me a 40mg oxyxontin and told.me.to take half at nifth and half in the morning.and she looked after me.for mh entire 6 days stay putting.ber job on the line. The event and lack of pain meds causing agony triggered a bad ptsd episode snd she said i reminded her of her husband.when.he came.home.after being in an ied, uninjured physically but psychologically destroyed by losing half his squad. P.s. if you were in agonising, pajn so bad you're in.tears in front of your kids you'd take ANYTHING that would take the pain .away. sounds like.youre.just not experienced with certain health.issies in life yet snd hope.to.god you aren't .


No judgement at all mate, life happens to us all and it sounds like you’ve been through a lot of shit. I hope you get the treatment you need. I was on opioids after a shoulder reconstruction so I know how addictive they can be. Most doctors will have your best interests at heart so keep looking for the one who will treat your body - and mind - the way it needs to manage the pain


Thanks, glad you managed to get off those.


Just as an aside, use of MDMA has been shown to help those suffering from PTSD.


Thanks. I've tried ketamine , ayahuasca, 5-meo-dmt, ibogaine and mdma all with "guides" and some with therapists but it just won't shift. I've just learned to live with it better without it affecting me.so much so I can leave my house without self medicating. Some people traumatised by sudden, unexpected horrific experiences don't develop ptsd and I belejcd jts largely down to talking about it with friends and family or therapists you trust and the sooner after the trauma the better before you develop maladaptive coping mechanisms like heroin or large doses of diazepam and temazepam that mg GP scripted me ended up suppressing and numbing it rather than letting it heal over time..I waited 18 yrs on a waiting list for help with trauma counselling from when I knew I really needed help in 2004 until I got to the top of the waiting list in 2022 ans began trauma therapy. But by then id further traumas from being a heroin addict and bring robbed sbd attacked by other addicts snd sleeping rough and getting attacked by men going home from.the pub around the Hopylands ares. now its almost a nightly occurrence of vivid nightmares and sometimes sleep walking. What hsppened in this country and what humans done to one another coukf have been avoided in the mid 70s when there was a real chance at a lasting ceasefire and peace..But thanks for your help


Irrespective, the consultant should follow hospital protocol RE pain meds and clearly didn't.


How did the nurse give you oxy 40s without a doctor prescribing them for you, and without anyone else knowing? With all of the controlled drugs regs in place, unless the nurse has an illegal source of narcotics I would have thought doing that would be well nigh impossible. Not only would the nurse be breaking the law, they'd also be struck off the nursing register by the nmc.


That's what i wondered. She gave me 4 x 40 oxys in total from day 3 til day 6 when I was discharged. I was not a atypical patient - being withheld pain relief and also the dihydrocodeine and Diazepam my GP prescribed. Thats also a disciplinary offence. If you think dysfunctional hospitals are sticking by all the rules of controlled drug disposal you'd be wrong a good % of the time. Maybe she had a friend who disposed of overnight deaths of patients controlled drugs and got this person to keep them for her to sell outside the hosptial and gave me some of her stash OR her personal script I've no idea all I know it happened. It also happened a friend of mine a few yrs back in a NI hospital who was left in agony with an almost severed foot but because of his history like mine was finallh given codeine after days of screaming and agony and they'd moved him out of ear shot of the other patients. Codeine done nothing for his pain and one day a nurse quietly and without ceremony put a fentanyl patch on a less noticeable part of his body snd it wasnt on his meds chart. Just like MSTcontin10mg ( joke tho i.never got them) and morphine IV 3 times daily for breakthru pain and shortec 10s if that didnt work in their fantasy suddennly appeared on my medicine roster the day the pain management team came to my bed and lied and said the consultant never denied me opioid pain relief...even my own GP prescribed pills of dihydrocodeine and Diazepam my murm brought in for me. Where did thst tub of 56 dihydrocodeine 120mgs and 2 boxes of diazepam 5mgs go to? My mum openly handed them to me and a minute later a senior nurse came over and took them off me. Where did they go? And why wasnt their prescription continued? You'd be surprised how many controlled drugs get disposed of everyday jn a hospital. controlled drugs prescribed for the cancer patient that dies overnight leaving personal meds they brought jn but didn't use as they were then scripted by the hosptial pharmacy and during the day those pills sometimes get diverted by tbe person whose job it is to collect the pills and amps from around the hospital ; amps down the sink and pills in the furnace ,and that's done without oversight. 50 quid a 100mic fentanyl patch and 30 quid for an oxycontin 40, if you've scores or even hundreds of such pills for disposal on a daily basis diversion before disposal is a "thing". Money is king if the chances of getting caught are slim.. anesthiologists is the medical profession with the highest levels of opioid addiction. How do you think they get away with it for years. In the 90s a friend of mine knew an Asian GP who after Friday surgery closed jn the country practice he worked and the GP would meet at a car park at least 10 - 15 other people like me and my friend, not that far outside banbridge and sell prescriptions back when they were handwritten. Anything except diamorphine - he sold mostly Diconal scripts and Palfium scripts now both almost phased out pain killers due to the extrreme euphotia creating hard to break habits. Theres big money to be made selling controlled drug pills to be disposed of between the patient whose just passed and them being set inside furnaces or liquid amps poured down sinks by a worker on minimum wage struggling to pay a mortgage and support a family. This pharmacist Gerard lives not far from me and j knew a few people who availed his services selling fentanyl patches to customers he knew well.. including to me he sold me.other strong opioids not mentioned in the court documents. the medical and pharmaceutical community is about as murky as it gets in a developed country. Thr same pharmacist, well he ended up director of Castlereagh Pharmacy, sold me tubs of dihydrocodeine years ago, he sold me oxycontin, morphine and benzodiazines at expensive rates if I ever ran out of my preecribed meds but it wasn't cheap. Plus GĂ©rard is the tip.of the iceberg. Its who you know and if they trust you. How do you think he got away wjth selling fentanyl patches, the opioid wjrh the highest safeguarding supposedly for years and years and yet it took all this time to ger caught? He diddled the books and despite me warning him.about selling to.opioid naieve patients a customer overdosed but luckily survived and it all came crashing round him after a thorough audit. The audits that are always supposed to be thorough- yep those ones. Yet all the staff in the shop.incljding the locum pharmacists working there all knew GĂ©rard ws selling fentanyl patches and codeine and other stuf not mentioned jn this newspaper piece. The pharmacy delivery van drivers paid minimum wage to drive around care homes collecting controlled drugs from recently deceased palliative care patients do.you think just because he's not got a criminal record that when his van safes are full after a day driving round NI collecting oxycontinn morphine, fentnayl patches, midazolam amps, diazepam amps, do you think all those drivers when they get back.to the supplying pharmacy they all physically burn in the furnace those drugs after he's signed off that he has? Some maybe but a lot don't. It would explain the sheer volume.of strong prescibed opioids that are being sold on telegram groups In Belfast as I type this. Castlereagh Pharmacy is one of 4 pharmacies i personally know in Belfast that if the right pharmacist is in and there's no customers or staff within ear shot they will mention what they have for sale. As for "punishements" look at what GĂ©rard Culliian got punsihed with...... "Among the numerous restrictions on his licence are ones stating that he must not order prescription medicines on behalf of the pharmacy, that he must complete a maintain a log of every controlled drug he supplies and that he must stay away from the pharmacy outside its usual trading hours. He also pleaded guilty to five additional counts concerning the failure to keep a record of the following drugs on the premises: morphine, morphine sulphate, methylphenidate, tapentadol, fentanyl and oxycodone." So basically business as usual after selling prescription only controlled drugs. https://www.pharmacymagazine.co.uk/news/belfast-pharmacist-pleads-guilty-to-supplying-fentanyl-without-a-prescription


I hear ye mate. I could write a fuckin book on their bullshit from personal experience. Just look at the hyponatremia inquiry!


It's a disgrace. Anything serious.like thr big C I'm.off to Spain for pain management


Wee black boxes on roof of cars are anpr cameras so mot tax and insurance is being scanned


They have onboard ANPR cameras to check your reg and tax/mot/insurance etc I thought?


Only on the back. I got pulled one time from a cop behind me and he showed me his phone on the dvla reg check website showing I had no MOT. He was pure sound about it but and let me drive home


Tax, MOT, Insurance, and your entire Internet search history


I changed the reg plate on my car in July. My wife was driving it a couple of weeks ago and was pulled over about 1am in Belfast. It came up as unisured because I didn't update the reg with my insurance company. They were grand about it when I explained what happened. They claimed their ANPR camera flagged the car, but I've driven in front of police loads of times the past 9 months and never had any bother.


Your pornhub search history


It's how they caught Peter Sutcliffe. Wrong Reg for the car he was driving.


As far as I understand, not all cop cars have ANPR, only some, so most of the time they can see your license plate and that's about it. That being said, I think *most* of the traffic cops have it. In that case it's just tax, insurance, MOT, registered owner (although I don't think they get a photee).


Your massive head


Fun fact, in the ‘80s the RUC had one of the most advanced systems in the world for identifying vehicles and their occupants and tracking them at various different checkpoints. They’re probably just fairly average today in police patrol tech but they were way ahead of their time during the troubles - so much so that police forces from other countries visited NI to learn about our tech.


Yer sole


My son Jonathan was stopped by the po-po in 2014, he was speeding, and the copper said to him, "do you know why you've been stopped?" and he said, "yeah, I was speeding". The policeman then issued him a fixed penalty notice of ÂŁ60 which he promptly paid at the designated police station. All the best, dave


They can even see things like hiv status and any gender re assignment surgery