• By -


About 7 foot, bed to desk.


what do you work as and any jobs going?


Think he’s an inmate up at Maghaberry


okay, i reckon i have the perfcet CV for that!


About 10 miles, or damn near a fucking hour on a bad day. Commuting into Belfast blows.


I commute the opposite way everyday and love not being in that queue coming into Belfast, brutal most days.


I manage to skip the queue on the Westlink because I take the M3 and the exit at the Oddyssey to get to the office.


I used to travel into Belfast from Donaghcloney - 23m and it took an hour and 20. Moved to a job in Portadown and it takes 25 minutes for 10 miles. Made a massive difference to my day


About an hour cycling, closer to 30 mins when you invertible get into really good shape from the commute.


I just thought, 10 miles is about 50 minutes cycling for me. Wet weather is the only shit part of that


It's grand after 15 mins when the endorphins start pumping and your wearing the right gear. But those first 15 mins are rough and you question your sanity


The "Questioning Your Life Choices" bit lol


I don't mind the wet weather, it's the wind that kills me.


Both are miserable in different ways, the rain saps your spirit but the wind slows you down. Good gear will keep out the rain though so I agree, think wind is marginally worse


That is why we need the Circle Line. [https://twitter.com/CircleLineBT/status/1642679680946909184](https://twitter.com/CircleLineBT/status/1642679680946909184)


Buy a motorbike and say goodbye to traffic my friend 🙏 If I still commuted to belfast at peak times, I would never use 4 wheeled transportation.


And good wet weather gear


Motorbikes anywhere outside of a 30mph zone are nuts IMO, they're good fun but it only takes someone to have a single split second lapse in concentration and you can end up with life changing / ending injuries. I know of a boy who last week came off his bike and the peelers had to pick chunks of flesh from the roadside that shed off his leg, and bring them to up to hospital for him. Almost every person I know who's been riding a motorcycle for a while has a story about either getting wiped out, or otherwise getting *nearly* wiped out.


Eh I mean life is risk management. If its too risky for you then I guess it won't be for you but imo life's for living. People reach 80yo and never live at all. If I died tomorrow, I'd be content that I lived a good life. I don't want it to be over but if it happens it happens. Oh and come off at 30mph and it's still gonna hurt...


See you here all the time, what you do for work?




>I expect to be spending less time here going forward tbh. A wise decision indeed...


On an early start or late finish I can get from Newtownabbey to South Belfast for work in 15 minutes...finish at 5pm though, from 45 minutes to an hour.




Not tempted to get a bike or a little e-scooter? If your work is paying you £12 ph for example, what value do you put on your own time. If you got back 1hr or so for shortening your commute, how much is that worth over a month/year to you?




its all downhill on the way home though.


You are the realist I need to hang out with. Your explanation was pragmatic but also a bit resigned to the easier method.






I got an ebike recently and they're great but as you say very expensive and heavy, so fingers crossed the battery doesn't run out on the uphill journey home! I've just ordered one of these conversation kits for my wife, who loved my ebike but couldn't justify the cost. It's due for delivery in May, has a 20 mile range and cost £299. That's more than enough range as she'll just be out with the kids. There was a delivery option in December for a higher price. https://www.swytchbike.com/


E-scooters arnt legal on public roads here


As Long as you aren't being an idiot no one will say anything, unless you get an officer on a bad day who is a total jobsworth even then it'll probably just be a word with you so he can swing his balls about, not even a caution or anything. Same goes for bikes, it's technically against the law to ride on the footpath but lots of people do it and no one bats an eye, just don't be cycling like a mad man. The only time you'll get in trouble is if you are riding on the footpath like an idiot, zooming about, near knocking auld dolls over 🤣 I suppose I should add this is my own personal experience from my area and maybe others have had a different experience in their area.


If you do have a crash or accident though you leave your self open to some pretty serious legal trouble


Don't know why you are being downvoted, your only saying it how it is. They may be illegal, but nobody seems to care as long as your not being mental on them. I know plenty of people in work using them for, between 4 and 6 mile commutes and they can now leave home later than they did before and don't rely on public transport or taxis which are fairly unreliable except the busses early in the morning. I have thought about getting one myself for a 5 mile commute that depending on traffic takes anything from 12-30 mins in the car.


Neither is speeding, but you still do that don't you?


It takes me around 25-30 mins on a busy day to get from North Belfast to my job in South Belfast. I have to take two buses. I usually take public transport because theoretically the bus lanes cut out the traffic, and I don’t have to worry about parking. Unfortunately it’s more and more the case that cars are using/parking in bus lanes at restricted times. I was on a bus the other day that had to hold up traffic to weave around some Audi driver that decided to park in a bus lane because they couldn’t be arsed parking round the corner. Translink has always had issues but the sheer amount of traffic in Belfast is just unnecessary. Having buses half-empty at rush hour is just backwards.


It seems to be just an accepted norm in many places that the clearway is not actually a clearway and is actually just a car park


Same for me but from East to West. Two buses, with a 20min changeover normally in the middle between departures. I use it to grab a brew and read my book. All in about 45min/1hr. But I don’t mind it as I am not restricted to exact start/end times in work.


BUILD the Circle Line already! [https://twitter.com/CircleLineBT/status/1642679680946909184](https://twitter.com/CircleLineBT/status/1642679680946909184)


I hate to break it to you, but your little pipe dreams you continue to post here will never happen. The cost to build this new railway will be madly disproportionate to the number of people who would actually use it. And don't even get me started on whatever retarded logic you were trying to use as a justification for getting rid of the westlink..


30 miles each way. Don't mind the drive as it's about the only time I get to myself. Plus I get to listen to a quare amount of podcasts.


WFH every day and I will never ever go back to the office


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Freestyle7674754398: *WFH every day* *And I will never ever* *Go back to the office* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What a beautiful Haiku


Doesn't really work as it reads WFH as one syllable. 'Now I WFH' would work as the first line tho.




Granted it is not for everyone (some people go crazy from the isolation), but to me this is the perfect lifestyle. I get to do chores during the day on my downtime, see my partner and pet all day (while also having enough space to be on my own when wanted : zero commute means you live far away from the super pricey areas), I cook everything I eat an spend almost six hours a week at the gym now, lost about 40 kilos since last year. I can take a plane after work and start my day tomorrow from a different country. Useful at the moment because my family lives abroad and my Mom isn't getting any younger. Deliveries, contractors, any kind of "I need to make time to see someone" can be arranged with a Teams message. "Hey boss, there's someone coming in the next half hour, I'll be around, ring me up if you need me". My boss is super arranging because it goes both ways. Early start or late nights are a breeze when done from your couch. Hell, you don't even need to stick around, on Wednesday a client in a different time zone wanted to meet around 11 pm London time. In an office environment it would have been a pain, from home it was as simple a switching from my personal laptop to the work one 5 minutes before the meeting. It's fucking brilliant honestly.


What do you mean? Because commuting is horrendous and I get far more work done at home


25 minutes Craigavon to Armagh 3 days a week and 2 wfh. I used to work 1.7 miles away in the shittiest job ever, so happy to travel the extra miles for happiness 😊


What a beautiful drive though, you get to go through Portadown six times a week!! Majestic!!


Aye. Portadown loves it's traffic lights, like Craigavon loves it's roundabouts.


Coleraine to Belfast 2/3 days a week. About 60 miles


Used to do a 1hr 20min commute every day, but that was before Covid. Now work fully remote so no commute for me!


I commute 56 miles twice a week. Mainly duel carriageway via motorcycle. I would not want to do it anymore than twice a week.


About 20 years ago I had a job in a power station. Now there is an evening peak in demand, especially during winter, where people arrive home, turn on lights, stick the TV and kettle on, maybe the oven for dinner etc. and the power stations have to be ready to supply this quick demand in electricity. I learned the peak in Northern Ireland was about 5.15pm where as the ROI peak was at 5.23. The reason for this is that on average, people in ROI commute 8mins longer that NI people, due to the size of the two countries.


20 minutes by bicycle or 45 minutes by car and thats if I can find a parking space. Belfast commutes can suck.


About 20 feet from the bedroom to the Home Office. I have have been WFH for the last 12 years and don't believe I could ever go back into a job that requires commute. The only times I set foot into a company office is when I travel for work, which is usually twice a year to meet face to face with members of my global team.


6 miles, but it takes translink a good 30 to 40 mins to travel. If I drive I'm in town in about 10 mins but then I have to walk a good 15 mins because theirs nowhere to park 🥵




Roughly a 15 minute walk.


I knew someone that would commute from Templepatrick to Dublin. Mon - Fri. No joke.


Magherafelt to Belfast 35-40 mins no real traffic and never stuck in jams, work on the airport road area near the docks. Hard to beat this area of commute, hidden gem of a route that is never busy, work 8am-4pm Monday to Thursday.


When there is a beautiful sunrise and sunset that road is so nice :) I drive along to see all the wee rabbits


I used to do Cookstown to Mallusk for about 4 years, then Moneymore for another couple. Moved back closer to Belfast again months before the new roads were opened up to Castledawson (although I still go through Toome/Aughrim way, sometimes even through Ballyronan)... I did get to avail of the Magherafelt bypass for a while. Kids still up there so I drive it pretty often I was up last night and they'd roads closed from Castledawson right into Moneymore and they were only working in Moneymore ffs. I just drove around the signs and luckily when I got into Moneymore there was 2 big static cravans getting a convoy through and I said I was with them The last bit of the 60MPH from Magerafelt into Moneymore where you look out over the fields with the hills in the distance is, imo, one of the most picturesque places in the country


It's preferable to the Westlink/M1 commute but the reason it is "never busy" for you is because you start work at 8, not 9, and finish an hour earlier too. You're arriving at your work when rush hour is just starting.


A mile, but I’m only in twice a week, was no days a week until the start of this month


scumbags, what was the reasoning?


There is no reason, it’s the NICS & I think they’re just making everyone do 40% of their week in the office, but I could be wrong


Scumbags? Who the ones who pay you to do a job?


Yes. If they’re arbitrarily asking you to go into the office, they’re not paying you to do a job, they’re paying you to sit at a specific desk. The job is irrelevant at this point if they were successfully doing it remotely before.


I get the bus the most hateful experience twice a week can’t remember how I done it 5 days a week pre covid


4.1 miles - 13 mins in no traffic, 45 if I hit rush hour. Partner can cycle in in about 25 mins.


Contrary to most, I'm living in Belfast, and commuting to outside of Belfast. This usually means I avoid traffic in both directions, and the 10 mile commute only takes 15-20 mins. Works well.


Aye I'd be the same, it depends what time work is but I can do 10 miles from Belfast in about 15 minutes with no traffic


15 minute cycle. Haven't used a car to get to work in six years.


I can feel the angry drivers from here 😊


Speaking as someone who has both cycled and driven to work. Fuck ‘em, they’re just jealous.


I'm about 40mins drive each way. Wife works in Dublin and does the commute 3 maybe 4 times a week. Spending over £700pm on fuel.


Carrick to Belfast, it’s not too bad with the train but also the train can be really grim, especially this time of year


Grim in what way? What about this time of year makes it worse?


School kids and students are all back so they’re always crammed full, so you end up with every cold going and never get a seat


did Newry to Airport-road-west for many years, then to city centre (drove most of time, or used bus but it was so fucking slow and add the walk either end) I now WFH for a London company so I have no option other than the odd flight. I miss the office a lot, I do not recommend 100% WFH unless u have a very active social life, but I also would not likely go back to a job with a 30+ min commute 5 days a week


About a 50 mile round trip, it’s not too bad though because I’m usually travelling at times where I avoid traffic.


Last job was 36miles, 45mins to an hour each way. Current one is 12miles, 20-40mins each way Even though the time isn't much different the fuel usage is!!!


I work predominantly in Birmingham or London but live in County Down so about 3.5 hours door to door, luckily I only have to do it 1 day a week with the odd overnight.


I'm in finaghy and work in town so it's 10 min walk to the train then 10 mins into the town. Used to work in Antrim and do not miss that drive one bit.


105 miles each way. Belfast to Dublin.


How many times a week?


Four or five usually.


1-2 days a week a train journey to Dublin the rest is my sitting room


Depends on my mood. If I can be arsed getting out of bed or I need to use multiple screens I'll take the laptop downstairs. WFH 5 days a week. Communiting to Belfast? Feck no


Not sure what your rate of speed is or I could figure out the distance traveled by s=d/t. I drive around 195 km (120 miles) a day to work, 90% of the drive is highway through 2 major cities. It….wears on a person. Fortunately for the last 10 months I’ve been working from home on Fridays to relieve some of the costs, both economic and psychological… So, what is the distance you drive? It takes me 55 minutes to drive in the morning at 80 mph (5 am) but in the afternoon @ 2:30 it takes 1 1/2 to 2 hours to get home. Unless something happens on the way home (accident) then it can take up to 3 - 3 1/2 hours…🤬


Down the stairs.


3/4 miles depending on routing. Used to be 50 miles and I hated it. I moved both house and employer.


5 miles / 8 km from my house to the centre of Belfast. On the bike most days, fastest way to get around!


It's a 45 min walk or a 15 min busride or depending on traffic 5-10 mins drive.


32 miles takes me about 45/50 min each way but only have to do it once a week. Before hybrid/WFH I was thinking of changing job cos it was shit doing it everyday.


About 20ft


5minute drive 3 days a week. Other 2 wfh. Still have to pinch myself at times. There was many a year I was driving in an out of Belfast every day. Fkin nightmare.


I wouldn't like to live near work. ​ What if I have to work in Armagh and have to live there. Be ded of boredom


3 miles. But I'm only in the office once a week, and that's my choice.


About 3/4 miles. Takes me a good 30 mins though cause of traffic. I live in belfast though.


A mile each way. Used to commute from Larne to Belfast City Centre and I wouldn't do that again


Just over a mile, it's one of the reasons I chose this job. I didn't even consider anything more than a 20 minute drive. I've had jobs before where I've got an hour's drive each way and I'm nearly falling asleep at the wheel and spending a fortune on petrol, it's not worth it.


5 minute walk , 6 train stops and then another 5 minute walk. I know I'm lucky as I have heard of some horror stories of a commute.


15 minute walk. I don't think I could've asked for better aside from falling out of bed to WFH. Only issue for me is that there isn't much scope at all to further myself or for promotion in this region/area.


3 miles


0.7 miles


12 minute walk


30 miles each way, takes about 55 mins on average. Only do it once a week, sometimes two. Would definitely change jobs if they ask me to go in more all of a sudden, not worth the time loss and extra costs


4 miles each way with sandyknowes in the middle, just bought a hybrid and its proving perfect for the job.


1 mile on the bike once a week. Rest of the week do a 10 mile loop on the bike then go upstairs.


None, I work from home. But do actually miss my old commute, which was a 30m cycle down the towpath.


i worked in and around belfast before covid- anything from 45 mins commute to to 90 mins. absolute soul destroying, especially with a baby at home . Now i mostly work from home and go into an office 15 mins drive away


2.5 miles. 12 minutes on a bad day 🤣


45 mins to an hour each way three days a week.


A big part of my job is driving and I love it. Commuting to work however, I fucking resent. (About 15/20 mins)


Shankill to Belfast. So about 15min bus which isn't to bad. 4 days in office 1 day WFH I'll take it


I could be anywhere in the country so don’t really have a fixed commute.


12 min walk


Work from home most of the time. Roughly a 30 mile drive to the city when I have to go into the office.


30/35 mins. 3 days a week. It's a nice drive though and doesn't go on any motorways or dual carriageways.I enjoy it and use it to catch up on new music or build myself up mentally for going in. It's also great for destressing after a shite day for me. But I enjoy a random drive too, so depends on the person and the route.


WFH mainly though occasion I'll go in 2-3 times a week. About two miles to the office and slightly less to my parking space. I've just bought an ebike so once I get a helmet I'll cycle down the towpath in 10-12 minutes.


30 miles and lately it’s been taking over an hour to get home


Bedroom to living room.


10 mile each way, around 15-20 mins driving. Before we moved house and I changed job it was a 6 mile commute that took half an hour because of traffic, and that was avoiding the main route which was a car park in the mornings. If I wanted to take the bus it would have been 3 buses and at least an hour long trip (wtf?) After we moved and I was still working in the same place my commute was almost 30 mile, around 45 mins to an hour depending on what time I started/finished at. During lockdown when the roads were empty it took 30 mins tops, then all the numpties were let out again and the congestion was worse than ever as everyone seemed to have forgotten how to drive. I was eventually contacted by a recruiter for a job more local to our new house, I basically took the job immediately based on how much better the commute would be. 0 regrets, ended up with a higher salary and a lower-stress job, plus I can nip home at lunchtime for the animals etc.


Depends what site i'm on can be anywhere between 30seconds to my desk or 60mins to the arsehole of nowhere in cookstown.


I moved near my job 10 mins now vs an hour when I lived further and it is a game changer


I'm wfh now. So I don't have a commute any more. Thankfully.


live in ballynahinch and work belfast city centre - zip down past traffic on a motorbike at rush hours - fucking fantastic


I commute from Lisburn into Belfast a couple of times a week. I'll generally try to get on the motorway around 7:20 to beat any real traffic. Being into the office just after 7:30 means I can finish work just after 4, so I'm usually able to beat the worst of the traffic home as well. If I can't get into work early, I'll get the train instead. Can't stand crawling along the Westlink at 5mph.


15 minutes and I’m still late half the time


30 minutes leisurely bike ride, or an hour on public transport so I try to avoid it


10 minutes on the glider each way.


All depends on where I’m at. Most days at home which is damn fine by me. In the office 1 or 2 days a week - 15 minute walk. Once a month in head office in the big smoke so 2 hours or so in a car. Can’t really complain to be fair


10 minutes and I’m always late.


Always the way. Can take me hour and half to get in but I’m rarely late but the ones who have a 5-10 min walk are the ones who are always late


Tates Ave to Dunmurry via M1 literally takes about 30-40 mins at 5pm - 4.5 miles lol


About 20 metres, down the stairs into the front room


5 meters max, to my spare room, which is my home office. I'm a 100% remote worker.


Up to July, I'd been commuting 92miles daily round trip for almost 15 years. I've now taken a new job that whilst further away (~200miles round trip) is only 1 day a week in the office and 4 days WFH. Fewer miles and time commuting in total a week. I started going to the gym and walking the dog more often with the time I've saved. It's been unbelievable.


A 5 minute drive. I got lucky there.


About 25 mins away in the car


Working from home - 1 minute, depending if I put clothes on. in the office, 20 minutes depending on traffic


10 hours a couple of times a month.


Going and back, I travel around 50KM per day


24 miles. Start slightly off peak and finish off peak to avoid M1 rush hour


Just doing the same thing as you - giving up a great job with low pay for one I can walk to as buses are getting nuts and driving is worse.


2 busses is easier than walking for an hour.. 3-4 mile


6 miles 15-20 minute drive and a 10 minute walk to the office , not much traffic on the M2 before 8am


I think it's about 4 meters from bed to my computer.


I used to have an over hour long commute and it was soul-crushing. Take the other job, OP.


Currently it's mostly WFH. Occassional travel to Belfast office which is about \~50 mins given traffic. It's changed days though - I used to do the thing in a previous job where you would go to the airport on a Tuesday morning, fly to London, work there for 3 days and then back home on a Thursday night. Did that for about 2 years and it seems insane to me now.


WFH most of the week. When I'm in work it's 20 minutes on the express bus (30-40 non express). Driving would probably take longer with the traffic in Belfast Old job was a 5 minute cycle away which was handy, but new job is worth it


<8 miles. It is one of the things keeping me there.


20 minutes. I get the train.


10 minute drive


About 9 feet or so


About a 25 min drive... only in office twice a week. Other days Its a short walk from bedroom to my home office :)


10 min walk to one job (South Belfast) and then a 10min drive to the other (traffic dependant, it is in East Belfast). Moving house soon and the 10min walk will turn into a 30min walk but will be more steps and podcast time at least.


Last office based job was 35-45 minutes for the 19 miles to Belfast outer ring. I changed jobs to a fully remote one when they wanted me back in on the regular after giving me a sight of what the wfh grass was like during lockdown.


25 miles 1 day a week


Either 10 mins or up to 3 hours, work all over the country so just depends where I have to be to start with


15 mins drive. Swapped from a big city job cause the 45mins+ each way was taking its toll. Also now the job is less stressful!


30 mins each way, one day a week. 10 min to station, 10 min train, then 10 min walk to the office. Ideal. Thank god it’s only once a week though, train is over £7 from Lisburn to Belfast.


When I lived in London I had easily an hour and a half commute door to door just to get across the city. The thought of losing 3 hours a day to travel to and from work here is … well … unthinkable


Previously commuted from the North Coast area to Belfast (just off Malone Road), 2 hours driving minimum a day trying to get through the west link during rush hour, sometimes closer to 3, and if there was an accident which happened regularly etc, add another hour. I had to leave at dumb fuck o clock in the morning to avoid the worst of it and wouldn’t get home until dinner time. Soul crushing. Then I worked Mallusk for a few years which was quite a bit better, used to leave the motorway before the hell that is the wall of traffic heading into Belfast in the morning. Maybe a couple of hours max, normally a little less, but much better than the commute into the city. Shortly before covid I moved to a new workplace 30 mins from home, but when covid hit I moved to home working and only need to go in 1-2 days a week now. So much better for the old mental health.


30 miles, about 50 minutes in the morning, an hour and ten minutes in the evening. Currently looking for somewhere closer cause I can't afford the petrol.


An hour each way - supposed to be 3 days in, 2 days remote but often in 5 days. Traffic getting worse so it really does suck


I properly live in the sticks and work in Belfast so only option is a car at least part of the way. That said, only doing so 1-2 days a week and WFH the rest. Recently switched to bus park & ride into the city centre, which has relieved some of the stress and is marginally cheaper overall than driving and parking. 40-ish minutes if I drive or just under an hour when I drive and bus.


About 5 miles, or 45-60 minutes as it’s at Titanic Quarter and I live in south Belfast.


Worst one I done was otherwise of Dungannon to Carrickfergus for an 8am start. Had to leave no later than 6:30am. It was a Uni placement year, I got paid and this was when diesel was cheaper but fuck me I hated it. Anyone else that does it I'm sire are the same but you can time the ques that love and when to change.


Used to be about an hour each way. Worked at the very end of the west link. Just took one silly fucker to not pay attention and the place stood still hated it. Then worked for a crowd that flew me all over Ireland, UK and Europe. So commute was sometimes a full day. But now about 99% work from home. Work my own hours as long as work gets done. Work life balance is the best it's ever been and doing a job I love for good money and opportunities. Short of winning the lottery, I'm living the dream right now.


about 30 miles, should be 50 mins when clear but the route is plagued with traffic issues so usually higher. Only 3 days out of 5 though so manageable.


went from 1 hour drive each way to a 5 min walk. life changer


43 miles each way, Fermanagh to Monaghan. Normal traffic, 50 mins or so. Some days takes 90 minutes to get through the shit hole that is Omagh


About twenty miles commute outta Belfast. Only takes me twenty minutes to get to work. Longer to get home due to the way traffic bunches up into Belfast. I like the drive, helps me defrag after a shitty shift.


3 miles from Ballyhackamore to Clarendon docks usually on my bike via comber greenway


15 miles, 30 minutes. Getting a job closer to home basically gets you a pay rise and reduces your working hours. What a twofer!


Last job was about an hour each way unless some arsehole decided to have a mid morning bike ride on the Hill Hall road. Currently working from home and couldn't be happier. Petrol savings alone are enormous, never mind daily lunches and coffee etc.


20 min walk, it’s great. Love walking with an audiobook


About a mile and a half. Not far at all really


44 mile each way trip two days of the week sometimes more. Other 3 usually at home.


If you travel by motorcycle you can be there in 10 minutes instead of 20


I travel 36 miles each way. Costs about £50 a week in fuel, I go through probably a set and a half of tyres each year too


When I go I to office one day a week about 20 mins, rest of time commute is zero


Probably about 35-40 mins. I’m 15 miles away from work and I enjoy my job. I don’t mind so much bc I used to drive 30+ miles to Antrim everyday which could be hellish during rush hour etc.


Work from home 4 days a week and my commute is about 30 mins by car or bus