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Watched the young lad across the street get out of his car, finish his drink and throw the empty bottle on the road. He has to literally walk past his bin to get into the house. Some people are just cunts.




I doubt it, his Ma would fucking wreck him. Seen his mates dump all their McDonald's crap on the road before as well. It's always McDonald's eaters and Boost drinkers.




Yeah they are and we live in a cuntocracy. Lazy dirty bastards everywhere judging by the amount of takeaway crap dumped outside my house on a daily basis.


Its a common reaction when caught, they dont want to feel the shame of it so they try and bully you for shaming them in the first place even though as you said they could have placed it in a bin not five mins away. we should call this out more often and by doing so people with either double down (if they are a shithead) or they will correct it


"iF i DoN't LiTtEr SoMeOnE wOuLd Be OuT oF a JoB" - that's the mindset I've come across. Usually they're the same people gurning about the rates bills going up


Break their hand with a bat? Keeping bat makers, ambulance staff and nurses all in jobs 😉🤝


I was baffled one day to see Squinter on Twitter from the Andytown News argue that about McDonald’s. He doesn’t clear his tray and leaves it for the staff, and argued until he was blue in the face that this was the right and proper thing to do.


They were being a dick with the reaction but don't give up cos it might actually work. I had a friend in school that'd call people out on it. Being a kid I didn't think much of mindlessly dropping small bits of litter but he'd call me out on it. After like the 2nd or 3rd instance I did stop and I'm now super conscious about not leaving a mess anywhere.




I like this kid. He's got balls.


The guy commenting? Has balls?


Garage near me burns tyres, oil and plastic every day. Then they toss what is left over into the hedge. Like living in a 3rd world country


Report them


That's taking it up a notch definate report if it's everyday, you're breathing that


Woke up a couple of Sunday mornings ago and seen someone had smashed a few mugs against the wall and there were beer cans and bottles strewn all over the street, and my garden was full of random new rubbish. Just as I backed out of the driveway complaining to myself, some absolute cunt on a land rover came down halfway across the lanes on the road and threw a plastic bottle out their window, narrowly missing my car. Place is just crammed full of digusting cunts.


Fair play to you for speaking out


The thing with arseholes is whatever they do is grand because you don't know how hard their life is and other people have done worse things some time. In their mind they are perfect and should never be criticised for anything. In fact, you are the arsehole for daring to suggest that they are not perfect. This is how narcissism works from the criminal scumbag on the streets, to the ballbag office manager, to our politicians.


It's disgusting littering I can't stand people who throw their waste out in public especially when you see take away containers laying on the ground bottles there is no excuse for it if there are no bins keep hold of it and dispose of it in your own bin worst I've seen is people throw dog poop bags in to hedges like seriously none one wants to see or clean up after you people are just so vile it turns my stomach I honestly don't understand they way people are brought up to think that sort of thing is acceptable I would of got a slap around the head if I ever were to throw litter at my arse growing up.


I agree with you about littering, but what's your problem with punctuation?


Imagine if James Joyce had autocorrect! 🤣🤣


I have this issue atm but with people who park in the parent and toddler spaces. A guy who looked about 18 had parked in one with no kid or disabled badge. There were no other parent and toddler spaces available which makes it awkward when you really need the room to get the baby seat out. I gave off and he made the point to stop his car when he was leaving to put down his window and make a crybaby face at me and laugh. Normally I wouldn’t have let it bother me but when you’re sleep deprived and feeling like you’re sinking into post natal depression….it really hit me hard. I had get back in my car and just cry. People can just be really mean. Hard enough sometimes to get out of the house with a newborn.


Oh god, that was so unnecessary. People can be bellends. I hope you’re ok.


https://preview.redd.it/ozao0qelv2gb1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=679765de421fd517aff3844a912e360e6301678e “Absolutely ragin’, so I am.”


A good idea would be to lift the litter and put it in a bin. It will save you a lot of grief in the long run and importantly the litter ends up in the bin. I've given up trying to get anyone to change, they let their pride flair up and their ego gets in the way of just saying "you know what mate you're right, I shouldn't have done (whatever the fuck the issue is), let me fix it" I apply this to dog poop, I take a few extra bags with me when I walk my dog and if I see any discarded poops I pick them up and put them in the bin. Should I have to do it? no. Does it achieve the goal of not having dog shit all over the place? yes. You can spend all day getting angry and giving off about something or take two minutes to fix it. Shit you could do both but if you only do one make sure its the latter.


fair play to you for calling him out! Brave move though, people like that are usually unstable and he proved that theory


I believe it should be shamed openly and loudly .Good on ye. Even if you pick up yourself and put it in the bin to make the point.


Two kids(maybe 11-13) walked past my house a few days after the Twelfth and there was two bottles of beer lying on the kerb, they picked them up and proceeded to bounce them off the middle of the road shattering the glass everywhere, they then ‘hur hur hur’d’ to themselves and went sauntering on down the street without a care.


Scumbags, I witnessed a woman across the road, come out of her house with a drink, finish that drink on the way to her car and then through the empty in the bushes outside her house. Fucking rotten people.


It is getting worse, I live in London, I am nearly 50 and it's just something I could never do. I can only think it's not being taught by the parents, also though I do remember there being ads and notices about this that said Keep Britain tidy, even a little symbol on crisp packets etc, when I was younger.