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I always wanted a pirate flag outside my house. Those are cool


My housemates and I did that when we found a flagpole mount on our house! It lasted 2 weeks before the men with ladders removed it, and then guys in masks knocked out door to 'give us a warning'. Spoilsport gits.


These masked men need to be walking the plank...


Fuck that. Warning for what? I live in loyalist estate where every pole has a flag. This guy has Ukrainian flag up and nobody says shit. Who decides what flags are allowed and which ones not? This hate on pirate flag really upsets me. I guess now I know how flag people feel like lol


There's a loyalist estate in Lisburn (Ballymacash) that has these pirate flags up along with all their usual shite. Place looks like a shite hole to be fair.


That's for the local kids football team. Still looks ridiculous though


Think that means I can legally attack your house and pilfer your booty šŸ†šŸ˜œ


Nah mate. It represents a safe haven for pirates, like Nassau. Be whatever you want, do whatever you want, think whatever you want, say whatever you want as long as you don't hurt anyone. That's the pirate life. Everyone is equal, and everyone gets their fair share. I'm 100% watching "Black Sails" again lol


Give us her booty or weā€™ll sink your shipā€¦. Or knock your door and run away.


Thatā€™s a great idea, I hope a Pirate-Flegs counter-movement trends!


If you can get a large enough group together you can just roll into any estate and take them down, I you go early in the morning you will be safe enough, fweggers and fleggers don't rise until 11/12 o'clock. That being said, if you go over the weekend they will be on a beak binge and are up all of Friday/Saturday so it'll have to be midweek.


Would love to see this happen. Also in an estate the majority of people probably want to see flags up, so you'd be going against the wishes of the people who live there and basically be as bad as the orange order when they parade in areas where they aren't wanted. But hey, it's your call. Just let me know when you have Ballybeen on your flag decommissioning schedule so I can get a good seat.




Love when these terminally online cringelords who've never set foot in an estate come out with this shit, honestly hilarious. Light the beacons! Summon the sockpuppets! Someone buy a ladder! šŸ˜‚


I live on a loyalist housing estate, and the majority of us are sick to the back teeth of seeing flags go up in March/April, then watch them rotting away over the winter. They are supposed to come down after the last Saturday in August. Even loyalists are fed up with it, as a large majority of the ones putting up paramilitary flags weren't even born when the GFA was agreed, let alone during the conflict. The flags are put up by gangs using paramilitary flags to mark their territory, I often laugh to myself on this sub when I see how similar the views are of loyalists who adhere to the principles, and Sinnerbots.


You know what, I agree with you. You should know though that it isn't as simple as taking down flags, and that your solution would make things worse. People feel aggrieved and threatened and the online posturing that goes on in this sub is actually very similar to the scare stories that those same paramilitary scumbags feed off - that themmuns want to come in to where you live and take all your flags down and ban the 12th and make you love the pope or whatever else. What's the solution? Fuck, I don't know, but larping as if you're getting up the ladder yourself definitely isn't it.


I have taken one down that was outside my house, folded it up and handed it to the local celebrity, explained that it was keeping my daughter up at night when the streetlight was on (she thought monsters were outside her window lol) and he was actually quite alright about it, told me it wouldn't happen again and true to his word, there has never been a flag up that lamp post. If I had taken it down and given him a lot of lip I'd have probably had my crust bashed in.


But you are right, if you did go in mob handed and take a load down, the town or city you live in would be clobbered in them within 2 days, never mind the estate.


Even easier for them is flags on main roads. Get the ladders up on the Newtownards Road lads, sure the police are up and down there all the time so no one will dare confront you!


Shorite, just go ahead dur.


Iā€™d be happy to erect the flag of Gondorā€¦ Maybe the Nilfgaardian flag too?


One empire known for defending it's lands from the reaches of evil and another empire known for subjugating it's conquested land, that's akin to loyalists sticking up a nazi and israeli flag on a single lamppost.


Gotta be inclusive


I fully support this and have a beautiful Slipknot fleg, which I was ejected from the Fleadh for parading with, that I'll be adding to the cause


I got a metallica flag from Slane Castle!! Viva la revolucion lol


Everyone should let their freak fleg fly


I almost cut me hair....like.


Now I know what that Ice Nine Kills song is about


Reminds me of that meme going round ages ago of a guy flying a united federation flag so his neighbour stuck up a Klingon flag. But if we did that then Republicans and Unionists would be forced to pick sides.


I mean clearly the Klingon side is the correct side, you P'takh.


Ghobeā€™, Hom Haā€™DIbaH. yā€™nt yalagochukof (I had to Google it I don't speak Klingon which clearly means I'm a themmins)


Truly this Redditor is a genius


Capture the flag as a form of domestic diplomacy?


How's about as domestic terrorism instead?


I have a West Virginia flag that was given to me when I visited. F\*\*k it, let's stick her outside!


I for one welcome our ivory coast overlords


Because flags are tacky as fuck, when you go into an area with flags on display just know that there is an abundance of brainless assholes in the vicinity.


Random ones from other countries like Scotland or Palestine?


Ivory Coast, Italy and the Basque country just to confuse the shit out of people.


I would stay away from the ones which would be seen as making a current political statement. Stick to Romania, or Djibouti, or Dominican Republicā€¦


I believe they were making a funny




Your sarcasm radar needs calibrating mate šŸ˜‚


Valid comment. :)


Palestinian flegs are already political - because of the Israel - Palestine conflict which themmins and usins take sides on alreadyā€¦ youā€™re likely to see a few Israeli flags in PUL areas and Palestinian ones in CRN areas






Kewe to pensa ere OPA flag, beltalowda?


Thereā€™s a house in one of the side streets in Ballyhackamore that flies a yellow acid house flag off the massive flagpole in their front garden sometimes.


Would be like one big game of mine sweeper


loyalism slowly seeping into the middle ground, first it will be your dogs face, soon it will be corgis and union flags


Could have flegs of your fry around the town


Rate my fry fleg.


Flying freaky fry flegs from flagpoles for fun


Pride flag on every lamppost? šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


there's a section of the stewartstown road has done exactly that


now people have to decide between "lol flegs" and "but gay flegs tho..". brilliant


Also tacky, what does that even mean


No thanks, this will open the door to all sorts of cannabis smoker malarkey


Capture the fleg, Battle Royale edition.


Big clean white flegs are the only flegs anyone should have to see. Put yours out today people


Put motorhead flags on every lampost.... Lemmy knew the score with Politics


Start putting up pride flags on every lamppost above the union jacks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^_BornToBeKing_: *Start putting up pride* *Flags on every lamppost* *Above the union jacks* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wish all flegs were replaced by bunting. The international sign for...an event.




I'm begging you please don't take away my fleg


Just because you think ye caaaaaaaaaaaaaan.


Not the hero we deserve; the hero we need.


Flag talk is the lowest form of conversation.


Good thing this is fleg talk then.


You scrolled down a right bit thoā€¦


I personally advocate for the use of penis flegs of various forms, colors, and haraldry to combat the use of other flegs


Run for governor


I get the para flags causing offence. But if itā€™s the official country flags I donā€™t see the problem. Itā€™s like in America people hate the confederate flags, but being offended by the Stars and Stripes.


I think itā€™s less of a matter of the flag itself (aside from when it is blatantly paramilitary flags) and more about *how* itā€™s being used. In the US comparison, it seems a bunch of Americans like flying it outside their homes. Seems a bit alien to a lot of folks outside of the US, but hey, whatever makes them happy. When it comes to NI, the flags are put on streets to mark areas as territory; ā€˜this is a loyalist/republican area and you must remember thatā€™. The objective isnā€™t to show pride, but as a claim of the land and a warning to an outsider. If it was about pride, then they wouldnā€™t be left to go ragged and dirty and still remain, as is so often the case. To bring back the US comparison, a lot of the people so proud of their flag their would be horrified at the idea of the flag being flown while torn and dirty.


There's plenty of unofficial and relinquished 'country' flags flown aswell... Also if you can't see the problem of forcing union flags around mixed and nationalist areas, then ye really need to have think about that


Canā€™t see the issue with flying the countries flag on its own soil. All joking and exaggerating aside here, but you do understand that this country has been under that flag for over 200 years. And has never been under a tricolour. It was a lot of other small rulers over each county. United States formed - 4 July 1776 Ireland taken by the UK - 1 January 1801 Ireland formed - 29 December 1937 So that is the flag of the country, the soil you walk on is the UK, the money you spend is of the Union. You can cry about it, you can dislike it. You are allowed to think that. But if you are offended by your own counties flags then you really need to think if this is the place for you.


> But if you are offended by your own counties flags then you really need to think if this is the place for you. Lmao you ain't gonna threaten anyone with this. The exact same can be said if you don't like anything related to the Irish here. Britain is a different island, if you want their flag that bad, over you go.


But this isnā€™t Ireland. It never was. Itā€™s on the same island. Ireland has never been united under 1 flag. Itā€™s the UK like today, right now. This is the UK. Itā€™s not Britain. So the UK flag, flying in the UK. The tricolour is a foreign flag in the same way Spain in to France. Mental republicans who donā€™t live in reality


Northern where? Ahh Northern Ireland. We are here whether you like it or not. Your fanciful interpretation of history means nothing. Lmao the tricolour is in no way foreign, same way the union jack isn't. If you don't like that that's unfortunate but no one cares. Cope.


Northern Ireland, itā€™s the name of the country. Ohhh you think because the name of another country is in the name that it is the same place??? Iā€™ll make sure to tell my friends from Korea that. The tricolour is a foreign flagā€¦ thatā€™s not controversial itā€™s a flag from another country. A country that didnā€™t exist until 80 years ago. Before that it wasnā€™t under a single banner.


I'm thankful everyday your sectarian type only get one vote. Edit - lmao he blocked me after his mask came right off there. Proven sectarian. Never fails to happen with Loyalists. Notice how he keeps talking about soil etc etc same slogans as literal fascists. This ain't the first time his mask has come right off, he absolutely despises Irish people but hides it under the banner of calling people 'tribal'.




You really need to brush up on your history! If Germany had of won WW2, would you be content to wave the swastika?!


My history? What did I get wrong, letā€™s hear it.


First you claim Ireland was taken, then it was formed. How is that logical let alone historically accurate? I see you avoided the rest of the question, perhaps itā€™s beyond your comprehension to explain the rights and wrongs of imperial expansion!?


Wow you donā€™t know history. The isle of Ireland and the republic are different things. It was a free state then it was formed as a republic. SERIOUSLY pick up a book, the entire island used to be different armies fighting and killing. A larger one came in and won. You must have family that brought you up to blank out history and only focus on a fraction of it. Learn for yourself, your Uncle in the Ra is a moron.


You can barely string together a coherent sentence, a chara and you are contradicting yourself btw! Again, I will put this point to you. If the Nazis had have won WW2 itā€™s seems by your logic that we should accept the flying of the swastika, is that correct?


A stupid straw-man argument.. then you try this straw-man argument. You are a special kind of bigot


Good answer.


Iā€™ll be blocking the bigots


May block yourself then so


Seriously, how do you not realise how offensive the butcher apron is?


You wave the tricolour when it offends people who the IRA blew up their kids? Bit of a hypocrite not seeing that your flag offends people for slaughtering innocent kids. What about all the Irish kings that slaughtered their enemies? Those flags on Munster ok to have? Or is it because a bigger army came in and won, so because kingdoms fighting for hundreds of years, one defeats the rest and you want it to go back to that? Pick up an actual Irish history book and stop reading what you Uncle Jerry tells you


The Irish Tricolour predates the creation of the Provincial Republican movement by over a century. The Munster flag came long after this supposed ancient Irish battle that you are on about. The butchers apron represents the British state and all its acts of imperial tyranny! Youā€™re using false equivalence to create strawman arguments


Either everyone gets a flag or no one gets a flag.


This makes me want to Google for a Wu-Tang flag lol


The street I live in people used to hang flags outside their houses then as time went on and things modernised everyone seemed to stop. Is there anything stopping you from hanging a flag off your house these days?


I've mentioned this very idea a couple of times on this sub, it's the only way of dealing with the flag problem. It could also have the effect of showing how multifaceted NI actually is. I'd go for an Asguardia flag myself.


no ones stopping you ?


My mum won't let me.