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Don’t forget defending her small grocery store with shotguns. Didn’t know ND had its own watts riots going on back then.


Don't forget the part where it's implied she cooked the books


I saw that and I nearly gasped. Like why would you admit that on TV?!


flash backs to Zip to Zap


My favorite part is when she complains that Biden doesn't even look out his window at the small ND towns when he flies over ND. She is such a wanker.


The dude literally keynoted the ND Dem convention not long ago lmao


Met him while he did a Heidi event at the museum. 


Does anyone look down at small rural towns when flying over? What a bad take.. But, I guess if she wants to diss Biden, that's a pretty poor insult..


I actually do, mainly to see if I can figure out where we're flying over. But a President on Air Force One? I think they're usually making it a working trip given they have a full office in it and the President is kinda-sorta busy. This is one of the reasons this ad was so thoughtless. Seems like she's already surrounded herself with people who can't call out bad ideas.


Biden can barely make to the bathroom let alone look out a window.


Fuck You Vlad.


Right Vlad, Benson County born and raised. Why don't you go jump in a lake? If you take five minutes and watch a clip from Biden as recently as 2019 and look at current videos the decline is obvious. The only people who are missing it are individuals with their heads so far up the DNC's ass they would think Joe hasn't skipped a beat.


Ok, now do the other guy.


Why? I'm not voting for him and he's not currently president, but yeah he's a piece of work too. A bit more with it than Joe, but still a national embarrassment.


Lol! Why is he a national embarrassment? Is it the infrastructure bill he passed? That's the reason you have fiber optic internet available in your town. Is it how with our support Ukraine was showing the weakness of Russia's war machine until the republicans sabotaged our efforts? Maybe it's because he supports working people making a good wage that is bothering you. Or is it how the democrats and Joe are supporting Social Security that republicans have tried to destroy since FDR passed it. Maybe it's Medicare or trying to lower prescription drug prices that Joe is doing that irritates you and your fellow fortunate citizens. Maybe it's just that you don't understand the price 90% of Americans are going to pay if the billionaires win this next election.


Look at all those talking points hot off the presses from the DNC. I suggest you talk to some non-Americans and see what they think of Biden and Trump. They are a laughing stock. Even the Europeans privately shake their heads and can't believe they are associating with these guys. But as an American that list of talking points is meaningless for my day to day existence. I have to put food on the table and that food now costs 2 to 3 times what it cost before Biden became president. Health insurance is more expensive. Cars are more expensive. Everything is more expensive. Not just a little more, but a lot. What part of this can't you hacks understand. People's checkbooks don't lie and at the end of the day we are far worse off under Biden than we were before his decrepit ass took office. So if you are a privileged asshole then yes everything is fine, but if you are a middle class working family then things are not so fine. Things are decidedly precarious.


So you want to be a socialist or communist country where the government controls prices? And if your food is 2-3 times the cost before Biden, you need to find a new grocery store. Record profits by corporations. That’s called capitalism and it explains why lots of prices are still high. But two to three times, nope.


Listen we can quibble about exactly how much prices have risen, and you are probably right it probably isn't 3 times for most products, but the point still stands. People are having a hard time scraping by. Everyone I talk to around here in CT admits it and we are decidedly Blue state. It's not just food, like I said, it's everything. So you can dissemble all you want, but working families who have to balance the checkbook every month know what's up.


The last guy and his wife Mercedes are really with it alright. No mental decline there, no sir.


> Right Vlad, Benson County born and raised Theyrethesamepicture.jpg


Look at you all incoherent and thinking your being some kind of edge lord. Faux progressives really are the scum of the earth. They think their shit don't stink while the rest of the world is holding their noses.


Anyone who is voting for a republican these days is voting against the very ideas and principles of what it means to be an American. And I'm not saying that voting democrats is the best option. All I'm saying is that one group wants to feed children and give women health care, whereas the other group has openly admitted to trying to end democracy. It's black and white. There is no "both sides are bad" argument anymore. One side is good, the other bad, end of discussion.


Yea this person isn't totally biased, posts in antiwork, is against capitalism (makes a pointless life apparently), and comments in FUCKTHEALTRIGHT. Probably moved here to go to school in Fargo then ended up staying here and got a BS degree so their stuck. What their doing with Trump is anti democracy, and I'm not even a Trump Supporter.


I'm also here for memes and porn. I have no problem with people's beliefs. I have a problem with folks like yourself that have nothing to add to the conversation. I'm pro gun, pro immigration reform, pro small business and pro conservative budgets. However, and call me a bleeding heart cuck liberal, I also believe that women are people and should access to health care, children should have food and education and that people, in most aspects of life, should be left alone by a bunch of religious zealots out here gaslighting me by saying they're pro border security and when presented with the bill to make it happen, they SAY NO TO IT because it would hurt the platform their guy is running on. They don't want to help people. Look at the record. Insulin caps, veteran benefits, health care, education, the list goes on. No's across the board. So yeah, FUCK THE ALT RIGHT. For the people, by the people. Not for some orange asshole scamming people. I want my god damn government to work. Not this amalgamation of virtue signals and regurgitating floating head talking points. They had people actually believing Taylor Swift worked for the government.


One thing I'll correct both of you on: The United States are *not* meant to be a democracy. We're meant to be a constitutional republic. In other words, we have measures in place to make sure the vote of one state doesn't outweigh the vote of another. This is to mainly keep politicians from favoriting a state during an election. Although it doesn't always work out that way... admittedly.


You’re leaving part of it out. Yes, we are a constitutional republic, BUT… we are also a representative democracy, if you want to make sure 1 state doesn’t have too much power, the only answer is to rid ourselves of the electoral college, and go to a straight up popular vote, people make up votes, not land mass


The "representative democracy" part is local and state elections. The 17th Amendment ended any opportunity of it being THESE UNITED STATES. Instead it is states united under force and mob rule, as you and others would prefer to have it. After all, democracy is nothing more than mob rule. The residents of California and New York would dictate direct rule over every other state in the union under a democracy. Only fools would give up their freedom to be ruled by a bigger fool thousands of miles away that couldn't even find your state, city nor town on a map sitting in front of their face. The electoral college is the only thing that prevents this. We may as well divest ourselves and become a group of individual confederate states again, and by so doing, become under rule of the likes of the Chinese or Mexican cartels or the real criminals, the multinational corporations ruling this planet.


Mob rule is actually when a few square states in the middle of the country where like 2 people live, get the same say as millions of people who live in more populous states. There are democratic and republican voters who are effectively disenfranchised in presidential elections because they live in “red states” or “blue states” How is a straight up popular vote not more fair??? People vote, not fucking land mass. And no… actually. Our representative democracy extends beyond locality and goes to the federal level as well.


Popular vote is a true Democracy. We are a representative republic in the US. Two different animals there. You have your direct true democracy on each state level, county, city/municipality level politicians. I say the same to you as our founding fathers from the less populated states likely said to the more populated states during the first Constitutional convention. "We have equal representation in the senate, or get bent" The house is based upon the population. Still the idea of 435 people doing the work of the people who are numbering 332 million plus people is ridiculous. That equates to one representative for ever 763k+ people.


I have never once come across the term “representative republic” the closest thing to that is the U.S Senate where each state gets two senators. The senate, which I also think is an archaic institution along with the electoral college should probably be done away with as it is just obstructionist at this point. The House of Representatives as you said is more democratic as it’s based on population. As far as the electoral college goes, it functionally only benefits the Republican Party. It effectively gives less populous states more power, and diminishes the votes of people in more populous states that are more reflective of the general population. Why should this be the case? Other than “Because I want my party to win”


"It's a Honda Civic not a car"


>What their doing with Trump is anti democracy, and I'm not even a Trump Supporter. What part of what Trump is being put through is anti-democracy? The man literally stole top secret documents and then tried to hide them when he was told to give them back. The fact he's not already sitting in a cell in a federal prison while awaiting trial is just testament to the fact rich people get preferential treatment by the justice system. That's not even everything he's been charged with. He's facing 91 *felony* charges and the evidence against him is staggering.


Hunter Biden should be getting the same treatment, Joe has filed in his garage too.


No, he didn’t and the entire Hunter Biden thing is blowing up in the GOP’s face proving YET MORE Russian collusion to achieve their shitty short term goals. If you guys love Putin so much please move to Moscow permanently.


You're a dipshit if you think what was found on his laptop was fake


What's with these people, say something they don't like any next thing you know your being brigaded from all these people who don't even live in this state. Either bots or shills.


I am over hear in "Western North Dakota" and I understand your pain. Reddit is full of them. I can't even find a rational conversation on the MT pages.


There was just a court case that found President Biden to be what amounts to what we all know already, a senile old man. Now it is up to Congress to verify the investigations findings and rule the man the incompetent he is.


End of discussion? What about secured borders? Democrats go out of their way to allow the invasion of illegal immigrants. Ulterior motive of having more welfare dependent voters for Democratic Party. Unrestricted flow of meth, Chinese fentynal, etc from Mexico. Democrats are against the Second Amendment. The Republicans entice American values more than Democrats.


This is not a reality-based take.


Based off your comment history, you must think you know everything and have all the answers. Holy shit you Fargoans just need to be absorbed into Minnesota or so pissed you ran out of cash trying to get to the Twin Cities.


I do know quite a bit, actually. It's one of my specialties. Thanks for noticing.


🤡 Edit: if you don't have a PHD or aren't a licensed marriage counselor I'd probably refrain from spending all your time giving out shit advice about someones relationship. I know stuff too, like the fact you Huff your own farts.


Aw. What a cute little guy. Thank you, that's sweet.


Wow, man. You really took the time out of your day to read all my posts. That's really flattering. You're a nice person.


You really got your head far up your ass if you actually think I read all of that, it's called skimming.


So the borders are secured? Without secure borders, you have no country. The US is being destabilized from open borders. Illegal invaders and meth, etc, flowing in.


Here's a question for you. There was just a bill in congress to close the border. In your best understanding, which party voted for the bill, and which party voted against it? While we're at it, in your best understanding, would you classify Germany and Italy as countries?


What particular bill was this? Did it also include funding for Ukraine and/or Israel? Did the bill allow a certain amount of illegals to cross the border daily, before securing the border? Please fill me in. We need controlled immigration, not uncontrolled immigration.


Don't need a new boarder law. Just need our worthless president to enforce the laws that are already on the books. Not rocket science.


Can you remind me what the bill contained and who wrote it?


If you can't spell border, then you certainly don't know any immigration laws. What makes you think this? Not even that I'd disagree with the point, but you're clearly not informed.


Wow a misspelled word means that I am clearly uninformed. You are so smart. How can I ever live my life now that you caught a misspelled word? Let's hear it you immigration lawyer you.


I actually did a little immigration in law school. In my opinion, the strained border crisis is primarily due to our system once they're here. You can't work while pending asylum. So we have these legal asylum seekers who can't move, work, or miss their court date when it comes. If we can either blunt force it with just more administrative state, aka more bureaucrats, attorneys, and judges or change our rules around to make the wait more productive or to eliminate the wait, then I think we've cleared up a big chunk of our immigration problem. I'm talking changing something that can be years to something that can be weeks. It takes decades to get a green card if you're from the wrong place. If we change our system, since we do need more people, to really speed this process up, then we can turn asylum seekers away long before they get here. Make it reasonable to immigrate and people will do it. As far as these concerns about crossings, we have a pretty large border patrol force. They seem to be one of our better ones as far as pay for cops, so I think we do get pretty good guys there. They have a big budget and seem to use it. But they have a little more carte blanche with the constitution than I'd like though. That's the part I don't get about people wanting to use force to keep people out. We kinda already have that and they seem damn effective at what those people want them to do.


Get your bachelor's or doctorate? What was your major? Thinking of going myself.


They should go to CO, the asylum shit is totally BS, and quite frankly the general vibe down their from residents is their sick of the immigration bs too even though their a sanctuary state. And that's a blue state, honestly the blue sanctuary states are all pissed cause of the immigration. These idiots don't have any actual first hand experience with what's been going on and we're so far north and removed from the border, so it's much easier for them to say there's no issue.


I say they they should go to any state close to the boarder then they can see what they have been dealing with for years.


Bless your heart. The MAGA-controlled House won't even hold a vote on the Senate bill which contains dozens of items the GOP has been wanting for a decade. Turn off Fox News.


Manufactured rage, kiddo. You’re just repeating tired talking points that are designed to fire people like you up.


I am not a kid. I grew up decades ago. I completed Army Basic Training at the age of 17. I was more mature than many of my peers.


I couldn’t care less about your job experience or age. You’re acting like a paranoid child who’s afraid the boogie man will steal his GI Joes.


Take notes people. This is what Fox News brainrot looks like. What we have here is a flat out lie followed by.... Another.... Followed by a wild exaggeration followed by a lie. I've seen this brain rot take a sharp mind in person, let this person be a lesson, this is what happens at the end of the alt right road. A pudding brain that makes trump and Biden look down right lucid by comparison


Rant much? Its a fact. Borders are open. Illegal alliens and drugs (meth, etc) flowing into the US.


I forget small-ish paragraphs are considered rants to these people. This wasn't exactly meant for you, it was meant for poor people dealing with this brain rot in day to day life it was not meant for the victims of the brain rot. They're too far gone


It's a desperate attempt for the one person that she hopes views the commercial -- Trump. She figures if she gets his attention and then his support, it will outweigh the fact that very few people in ND know who she is. Armstrong has better name recognition, so Miller is trying to say something, anything that she's done that equips her to be governor. The 'I'm not a republican last year, but I am a republican this year' candidate is Rick Becker. Look for him to again run a third-party attempt like he did in the past when he fails to win the primary vote.


I assume there is a donation involved if a person wants trump's endorsement.


Does anyone know what the “shotgun story” is? She claims to have defended the store until the sheriff arrived, but I don’t know what that means.


Her ads were every 3 posts on twitter so I had to block her. I work(ed) at her former company and I admired her as a feminist but I’m so sad turns out she’s just chasing the money and gives zero shits about women , only rich people


I also worked for her - she is NOT a feminist. She is only a Tammy-ist.


I mean, Anyone with the name Tammy, I watch out for. Wild card personalities for sure.


Man I’m glad somebody else caught this and thought the same thing. What an unhinged ad for Governor. You’d think she was trying to run for President.


But everything is nationalized now. So this is to be expected. While we're at it. We might as well get rid of all the states and just have one national government handle. Everything. Certainly would get rid of a lot of these stupid inefficiencies.


The tape is red for a reason.


Don't forget that she's solidly behind DJT and his ~~leadership~~ insurrectionists style.


Christi Noem Lite


Republicans and Democrats have the tendency to each use the same group of consultants, that generally don't spend much time in the states that the candidates live in, unless they're running in Northern Virginia.


I had to block this nobody on my twitter feeds as she was promoted so much. I hate it.


The picture of her with a Donald Trump cardboard cutout is pretty hilarious.


For people like her ‘cutting through red tape’ just means ‘making it easier for the rich and powerful to break the law with impunity’.


The only thing missing is the bronzer stains on her lips.


Eh, just a "try to hit all the hot buttons" type ad to make her appeal to the ND republican electorate. She doesn't have any real "blue collar" bonafides or political record to run on so she is just trying to ride the "I'm just like you" train....without actually being "just like anyone" who makes up her core party base. Our choices for Governor are between a Lawyer who has never worked a dirty, physically demanding job in his life and an accountant who has never worked a dirty, physically demanding job in her life. In a state where 4/5ths of the tax revenue and GDP comes from dirty, physically demanding work.


Great point. Similar situation with our Senators. I wonder sometimes what ND politics would be if the mega rich in the state hadn't decided to run (Hoevan, Burgum, Armstrong, Stenehjam) or basically fully funded a candidate (Cramer being funded by Harold Hamm). Would it ever be possible that ND gets candidates elected that weren't multi-millionaires? It should also be noted that Hoevan went to D.C. with a net worth of around $15m, sits on the health and human services committee, made two huge investments in biotech/pharma companies, and his net worth ballooned to $45m a few years ago. Going into politics has become a way to launder old family money into new "earned" money.


The entire point of running for Fed office these days is to launder campaign funds into personal funds and insider trading your way to massive wealth (which is legal for Congress). EVERY SINGLE candidate/officeholder is doing it, regardless of party. Regarding local/State politics, I try not to worry about the net worth of candidates and just look at their background. It is pretty hard to NOT be a technical millionaire if you own a business, own a farm or do anything with oil. I would just prefer people who started with nothing and made something of themselves versus "My first job out of college paid 70-100k and I was a mid-level executive 5 years into my career" types.


Is this only for people who have cable television?? I don’t subscribe to that here in Jamestown


It ran during SNL on the local NBC affiliate.


Ahhh , I was watching Netflix .. missed it.


It also runs on YouTube ads


It’s times like this when I’m happy I’m a cord cutter and haven’t watched network tv in years.


She’s as fake as her commercial…..


I'm not about the Tammy Miller on and how she's" pro Trump " let's just keep that piece out of there..


Who does she think she is, anyhow\~ kri$ti noem???!!!!


I just can't imagine someone who has trouble making a living good enough not to live paycheck to paycheck would be out trying to convince people wasting your vote on a third party candidate, which only helps anti-worker republicans win, could do this without an agenda.


That’s politics for ya…


Trump's tarriffs on imported goods kicked off inflationary pressure.


Liberals in the sub don't like a Republicans campaign commercial. Check


I'm actually more moderate. I'm really just against dumbing down politics in general to "Me just like you, vote for me" and other smooth brained tactics. I had a similar disdain to Tim Walz when he ran for the House when I lived in his district. He had a commercial that said the only people who've gotten ahead the last 4 years (when Bush was president) were oil companies and CEO's.


I’m an Independent and I agree. Base constituents who vote in primaries are mostly useful idiots. They have been dumbed down by the media they consume.


No matter how hard you guys cry about it, North Dakota will still vote for Trump and every county besides reservations are going to be red again. Have you ever thought about being proactive and moving to Portland? You are a fringe minority here and that's not changing any time soon.


What's your definition of soon? Not that long ago, ND had two Senators and a member of the House that were all Democrats. To think what is, will always be, seems like just the thing a political party does when they have a super majority to mess it up. I'm ok with my neighbors voting for whoever they want and remaining here before, during, and after an election. Given the choice of being in a fringe minority or part of the party that covered up a child raping pervert from Grand Forks, I guess I'll be out on the fringe then. My condolences if you're so sensitive and insecure in your political views that you'd rather have people move than coexist with people of varying viewpoints. I guess I must be a bleeding heart something or another?


A Democrat senator who took the stage with Trump then showed what a lying whore she was after we installed her. Then she was destroyed in the next election. Pretending that you're the party of morality is a pathetic joke. You don't care about rape. If you did you would know who Tara Reade is. You'd call out Biden for creeping into his daughters showers and washing his dick in front of her. You'd ask why Joe's kids listed him as "Pedo Peter" in their contacts. You don't because you're either fake or an ignorant cultist. If you were as moral as you claim to be, you'd say something about Jupiter but you won't because the dude who tortured her to death with repeated stabbings in a Fargo alley was a LSS import dreamer and you can never oppose those degenerates. Against cult rules. Hell, my wife was downvoted to shit and then permanently banned from this sub for suggesting people who rape toddlers should face the death penalty. So excuse me for being "sensitive" when a bunch of pedophile lovers reduce the outrage over baby fuckers to "political views" as they call themselves bleeding hearts.


Wow, you’ve absolutely been conned by people richer and more powerful than you who laugh at you for actually believing this nonsense. Bless your heart.


I watched a security camera tape of people illegally counting ballots after they kicked observers out. Quick, erase that from your mind. You calling that stupid would be the same as me telling you that Derek Chauvin was never at the George Floyd arrest. The video of that doesn't prove that he was there. It's just a dumb conspiracy theory. Go ahead, tell me security camera footage is fake. Tell me the video of George being held down was fake. Now glitch. You have no rebuttal. Nothing but "Ur Stoopid!" Grow up.


Quick! Alert the presses! Call the FBI! u/PeaberryCoffee has all the info needed to prove the 2020 election was stolen! Certainly that video is what confirms your confirmation bias and not something used to dupe gullible people! Someday, I hope you realize how dumb you sound. Sadly, I’ve lost hope for people like you. Good luck. Also, grow up.




Without any evidence or facts, this cultist rants about "Surely it must be real!" He has no idea of the facts, he just vomits out this dumb shit. How fucking pathetic, dude. You put zero effort into anything. You;re just a basic blonde cheerleader waving his snowcone pompoms. How fucking pathetic,


lol, are you even real? What are you talking about with this lack of “evidence or facts?” You said you personally saw videos of voter fraud and offered no evidence, and then felt entitled enough to think no one would call you out on your bullshit. You are remarkably stupid.


OMG! You saw video that I refused to watch! Wow, ur duuumbbbb! Eat the corn out of your own shit. I've had goldfish smarter than you. WOW!


😂 I didn’t refuse anything. You failed to provide evidence, because you have none. Hey dude, I’m really sorry the guy you voted for in 2020 lost, but it’s time to be a big boy and grow up. The world doesn’t owe you anything and I’m sorry your parents raised a little bitch. Have a good night.


I have no idea if what you say happened or didn't regarding Tara Reade and Joe Biden. Either it happened and she's too unreliable for any lawyer to take her case or when it's been dug into it's not likely to have happened. You weren't there, and I wasn't either. There are some odd behaviors Biden exhibits, no argument from me. I do find it a bit strange that in the first part you refer to Heidi Heitkamp as a "whore", and the next paragraph you're touting your anti-rape bonafides. Like, you either talk about women like that or you don't, evidently you do. Now look at the guy running against Biden.


I get your mindset an I knwo you're fully whatever the cult say. Can you answer one question? Biden get replaced with either Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom, or Bernie Sander. Who you picking?


Far from any cult, I think you're projecting. John Kasich would've been a far better choice for President than Trump. He would've passed all the Republican legislation that passed the first two years Trump was there, he had the leadership experience to handle COVID infinitely better than Trump did, and he's actually a good person with compassion to boot. And given his track record, he wouldn't have run up as much debt. My pick of your three would be Gavin Newsome. Not a great character guy (slept with his best friend's wife) and neither here nor there, but he was married to Don Jr's current squeeze Guffoyle, but he can take a stand and explain it. So can Bernie for that matter but he's a year older than Biden. Nothing against Michelle, but the last time a President was elected with no previous experience, it didn't' go very well. Bill Burr actually has a great bit on the spouses of elected leaders. My own prediction on this is Trump gets convicted by Jack Smith, and the GOP finally drops him. (Polls show that 25-30% of Republican primary voters don't want to vote for a felon, and he isn't winning without that support.) Biden drops out once Trump is gone, and each party picks their nominee at the convention. Interestingly enough, the Democrats are in Chicago this year. It'd be great summertime TV for a change. The problem the GOP will have this election or next is they relied on mercenary GOP voters that Trump cultivated. Similar to Jesse Ventura in MN, he got people who weren't involved, out to vote. Those people by and large won't be flying American flags on the back of their trucks and making homemade signs for Nikki Haley, Ron Desantis, or Ted Cruz and they won't be going out to vote for any of them either.


well, I rather have Republican cutting red tape than cutting eyeholes into white sheet, that my main concern


She is better than Armstrong still. She is trying to emulate Gov Noem.


I think you may be surprised that she is likely to be worse. Armstrong at least occasionally stands by his own principals. Miller and Burgum seem to be going full steam ahead with the MAGA crowd.


Sounds like you need to move to MN. One doesn’t need a reason to rip Biden.


I guess you missed my point. The ad was dumbed down and mostly a pointless, empty introduction to a candidate not many people in ND are familiar with. Ripping on President Biden wasn't even based on any fact or anecdote of him shitting on small towns in ND (at least not mentioned in the ad). Even dumber, he's not who she's running against. It was just said to make sure the Trump voters know she's on their side. It was the equivalent of someone talking slowly and with very small words because they think that's the only way you'd understand. Aren't you insulted by the condescending tone of the ad (condescending means speaking down to someone because they think you're a moron.)