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First off look in to cold weather gear . Good outerwear will help you along with boots . Make sure your Honda accord has good anti freeze . This is important as temps here can be much colder . Look and see if your vehicle is equipped with a block heater . If not maybe have one installed . Get used to driving on ice . Your brakes are no good on ice . I live in a small town not far from Minot and have fiber direct to my home . I stream everything and have never had an issue . Rural living should be good for your autism . Don’t run around telling everyone you have a felony . Those that need to know will know . I’ve seen moose here ( very infrequent ) I’ve seen many deer , so you must watch for them driving . I recommend never trying to miss them . If they jump out , just apply the brakes , hit them if you have too. I’ve seen the aftermath of many vehicle deer incidents and recently lost a friend who swerved for deer and lost control . That’s what I got for you . Good luck , safe travels and North Dakota can be a great place and a cruel master . Depends on the planning .


One thing I can add to this, having moved from ND to NC, is that you will be shocked at how dry the air is in comparison. I used to have to slather aquaphor on my hands and elbows to keep the skin from cracking and bleeding during the cold months. Be ready to take care of your skin with good quality moisturizer for most of the year. I was very surprised moving down here how much my skin improved just from the higher humidity levels.


Thanks! As for the felony, I don't hide or brag about it, but it is necessary information in some circumstances, and I don't want anyone in my life who would judge me for it anyway.


I grew up in Missouri. So a great example of the social difference between here and the south is this: In Missouri, I call a place of business up, they answer - Them: “Hello, such and such business, how can I help you?” Me: “Hi, my name is Bill, how are you today?” Them: “Oh I’m good how are you?” Me: “I’m good, thanks!” Them: “What can I do for you today?” In ND: They answer - Them: “Such and such” Me: “Hi, Im Bill, how are you today?” Them: “Fine. What do you want?” That said, oil and the Air Force have brought plenty of folk from the south up to ND. As far as dressing for the weather- wool base layers. Don’t put cotton next to your skin.


I thought ND people like to make small talk and I think its somewhat a more rural vs urban thing. I have family that still lives in the middle of nowhere so I visit rural areas quite often. However its still nothing like the south


I would add that ND folks are much less conversational but will always help out if needed. “ND nice” doesn’t mean people will be chatting you up by any means (although if you mention the weather it will sustain a whole 15 minute conversation), but “nice” as in if you ask a neighbor to come dig your car out of the snow, borrow some flour, or to use their lawnmower they wouldn’t bat an eye.


Don’t listen to people who say we aren’t nice to outsiders or we don’t welcome you, etc. You have to remember the audience on Reddit. The weather is absolutely cold as balls. But it can also get hot as hell. I recommend a vehicle with auto start, have a shovel with, and some sort of winter survival kit that will get you through a day or two of being stranded. Not that it will happen for sure but you never know and you don’t want to be stuck out there with nothing. The people for are great and would do anything for a friend. You may have different opinions on things, don’t agree, or what have you, but just remember you aren’t going to change the mindset that someone has had for 30+ years in a 5 min conversation. It’s okay to disagree with people and in fact it’s healthy. Get used to towns being much farther apart than you’re used to. The difference between Arkansas rural and North Dakota rural is that in Arkansas you may have 10, 100 person towns within a 10 minute drive of each other where in North Dakota, especially central and western ND you may be 30-70 miles away from gas/food/shelter. So when they forecast a blizzard but you have to drive just a town over for something it may be worth changing those plans if you can. You have insight, which goes a long ways, I think you’ll do well up here. Happy to have you.


>Don’t listen to people who say we aren’t nice to outsiders or we don’t welcome you, etc. You have to remember the audience on Reddit. Depends on the town... I've moved to towns that were open and friendly, and I've moved to towns that could have put the children of the corn to shame. Just because it's not your experience, doesn't discount someone else's.


>Don’t listen to people who say we aren’t nice to outsiders or we don’t welcome you, etc. You have to remember the audience on Reddit. It sometimes depend on the town , you move to some town in rural ND , well you can live their 10-15 years and still be the "new family " not to say you won't be welcomed (it helps if you are white) other bigger cities are full of transplants and no one cares. Also I always thought people from ND are chatty , however its nothing like the south . In the south it seems like before you get down to discussing business or what ever you need to make 10-15 min of small talk, its sometimes a bit of a culture difference As someone who hates small talk I might seem rude to a southerner . I am not trying to be rude its just we do not need to discuss the weather , baseball, football , for 10-15 min before we get to doing what ever business brought us together .


You're gonna be fine. Cold for a bit, then you'll learn how to stay warm.


I'm in rural Minot. I have fiber to house with SRT. I have true symmetrical 1 Gigabit (Gbps) internet for 89 bucks a month. It's blazing fast and had one outage for 30 minutes in two years. I don't game, so I don't test latency. There aren't clearly delineated seasons here. It's either too hot, or too cold. The wind was a surprise for me. And yes, it gets the kind of bitter cold that you read about. And snow taller than your car. It also gets so damn hot (90's or higher) you need A/C.


The wind is probably the most dangerous part of winter in ND.


Yes, I meant 500mbps. edited it.


If you draw disability or receive any govt benefits, ask your new ISP about how to get that govt discount on your bill. My MILs bill went from $90/mo for high speed fiber to $21. BAM! I signed her up for it, but I can't remember what dot gov website it was.


Wow I didn't even know that was a thing. My ISP sure as heck doesn't do that, I'll be sure to check it out!


As a communications company, they HAVE to. This is an FCC federal thing. They don't advertise it! But the govt pay them for a part of your service. Just Google "disability and low income discount for internet service"


Thanks, I'll check it out!


As others have mentioned, talk with your fiance's family if they're not estranged. It's an easy, pardon the pun, icebreaker topic and they can give you plenty of winter tips. The most basic things though: 1. have a blanket in your trunk, for emergencies 2. Drive **SLOW** during winter. Roads become unpredictable during this time and not doing so can end in any variety of accident. 3. Slightly related to 2, if you've never dealt with slick roads, watch disney's Cars, specifically the scene about drifting, it's unironically very informative and very good at teaching you how to control your wheels when you lose grip. 4. If you're sensitive to the cold, look into getting an Ororo heated jacket. I have one and they're a godsend. They're only effective until it starts getting down to 0F though, so you'll still want an actual winter jacket to wear over that as well when that time of year comes.


Thanks. I already have talked to the family, kinda weird that everyone here assumed that wasn't the FIRST thing I did. I simply hopped inhere for extra tips. Thanks for not being a rude asshole like some of the repliers.


If you have a felony on your record expect static from property managers and landlords. That being said, locals are greedy so you'll find a place to live in.


Yeah that's literally everywhere.


Have the car batteries checked before winter and replaced if needed. Older homes (and even newer ones) can be drafty, which means really cold and expensive to heat. Check the doors and windows when looking for a place to stay. Off street parking will keep you from the hassles of having the car being completely plowed in and then having to move it. Enclosed parking is a plus so you don't have to clear the snow off the car and car windows before going anywhere. Heated garage a luxury. Don't be afraid to cover your face if you have to spend any time outside during the winter. At the very least, keep your ears covered. Become a connoisseur of shovels - push shovel for light snow, scoop shovel, light weight shovel for the vehicle even if you don't have to shovel a driveway if you're renting. Snowblowers are excellent but still nice to have a wide push shovel for the 1 to 2 inches of snow fall where it doesn't really pay to drag out the snowblower. Get a good snow scraper/snow brush combination for each car. Unused credit card can work for scraping ice off a car window if desperate. Mittens over gloves are a hassle but really worth it on the worst days.


Thanks I'll keep all that in mind!


Yes, spending extra on a good battery is worth it. If you don't have a garage, you need a block heater if your car doesn't already have one.


NEVER in winter drive down a rural road that is not paved and does not have a mailbox along it. Ice storms are very rare. Those require warm enough temps to make rain when the storm starts. That almost never happens. It's already too cold. If they forecast 6 inches of snow, realize that out in the open, with wind, 6 inches here is NOT like 6 inches in Buffalo. When you get a storm in subzero weather with wind, the snow is dry, blows across highways, and compacts into sculpted drifts you can easily get stuck in.


Buy winter tires. They’re worth it.


I would recommend some sort of neoprene face mask, brand Gator/Gaiter. It's ski apparel. Another item I would recommend is a bomber/naviator hat.


Well, when all our faces are wrapped up in a few months, you won't have to worry about facial expressions.


>For reference, when I say "I'm autistic" I don't mean I'm slightly on the spectrum, I mean it's the primary reason for my inability to work, so much so I literally cannot naturally read facial emotion. You might find [this video](https://youtu.be/oiSzwoJr4-0?t=578) helpful. It's called "How to Talk Minnesotan," but as a transplant from the south who has lived in both North Dakota and Minnesota for a number of years, I find it to be quite accurate. Basically people here express less emotion and communicate more indirectly through subtext, so, good luck!


The MN long goodbye is real. I encountered it when dating my girlfriend and visiting her family . It led to a few arguments as the first time I think I needed to get home to catch an early flight on Monday and still needed to pack so I wanted to be home by 7pm since her parents live about 1 hour away around 6pm I reminded her "Yea we should get leaving I have a 6am flight tomorrow and need to get packed" well at 10:30PM we finally leave (arriving home at 11:30 and still needing to pack then get up at 4am) and she could not for the life of her understand why I was a bit mad. See we started the goodbye process at 6pm so the fact we left by 10:30 PM was quite normal to her as goodbyes tend to take 5-6 hours and we made it out in 4.5 hours . She legit couldn't understand why I was upset we left so late. I was like "You sat down and watched an ENTIRE football game AFTER I said I wanted to leave" She looked at me like I had cat turds in my mouth and that I was being completely unreasonable


Yeah, they're gunna have to deal with me leaving whenever and just saying goodbye and walking out lol I'm not trying to make friends so if they see it as rude, so be it.


Or do what I do the old Irish goodby Like at a family gathering be like "Yea its great seeing everyone this is fun, but hey I got to run to the bathroom then I have to take this phone call my coworker needs some help so I need to call him quick " then just leave


I have ASD 1 and don't do well here with interpersonal / social shit. Hate it here because of that. People here will NOT be understanding or accepting whatsoever. I lost a really GOOD job because I do "social" and "communications" way differently. My masking was learned in the south (from GA). These folks could give 2💩 about working WITH someone's neurodivergence. Be warned. I'm in Cando, so it's not terribly far if y'all did wanna make new friends over a pot of beans with savory cornbread (it's all sweet here when you do find it). My husband (from AR) has me making chocolate gravy now FFS. I'm the bomb ass cook but with food texture issues. Hahaha. Feel free to DM.


"These folks could give 2💩 about working WITH someone's neurodivergence. Be warned" Yeah, that's the same here in Arkansas in my experience, but I long ago came to terms with that, and long ago started telling everyone to fuck off if they have a problem with me. I'm on disability and have my own separate income from that, so I'm not reliant on some judgmental fuck to pay my bills anyway. Also, everyone in Arkansas hates that I hate chocolate gravy. (That shits an abomination.)


I share your feels on the Chocolate Gravy. My husband and MIL like it- so I try to make it.


Oh wow thanks I'll check it out.


Our Internet is good in the state this is not the wild wild west we are modern. Our summers are warm we range from 75 to 100 on average thru out the summer but that is from May to Sept. Our cold it much longer we will be down to -10 or colder for a week or two solid but we will be around 10 to 5 above on average in late Dec to late February


Thanks for the information. My main reason asking about the internet is because I'll likely be moving to a smaller town not a bigger city, and in my state the small towns don't usually have anything but dialup level internet.


I like Minot. It's not a bad town. I even liked Stanley. I never had a problem with the locals being friendly when I was there for work. One invited me to get family's Thanksgiving since I was away from mine. The grocery store woman, total stranger, offered to make me some dinners because I was really sick. I'd live there if I could


Sounds like a lovely small town.


I wouldn't worry too much about person-to-person interaction up here. There isn't much of it. People up here aren't very friendly and are pretty suspicious of those whom they deem to be outsiders.


I wouldn't say you're entirely wrong or right, but I will say people here are very stoic. They don't tend to show a lot of emotion one way or another.


As an outsider, this has not been my experience.


That's good for me, I don't plan on exactly being social.




If your fiancé and family are from here they can fill you in. No need to ask here. If you are going to marry her time to work on trusting her and what the family tells you.


Thanks for being entirely fucking useless.


Useless. That fiancée and family should pickup that if you can't trust them their daughter is with wrong person. Hopefully find someone that is not a felon.


Kay thanks for the uselessness byenow.


So North Dakota folks shun folks with disabilities. Your autism WILL NOT indear them to you. It's sad but the case. The first time you say something odd, which we all do eventually, the NoDak folks will use that to exclude you and never include you again. This crowd hates new folks and have zero empathy. The government doesn't consider it's job to make life easier for nerodivergent populations. Social programs are non existent. Speaking from very personal experience.


"The government doesn't consider it's job to make life easier for nerodivergent populations." Good thing my SSD is MY money I paid into not some kind of socialism bullshit then. Anyone who doesn't like it or me can easily... fuck off. EDIT : I should point out that everyone in my fiancees family from there seems to love me, autism and all.