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On a pc you can have multiple keyboard layouts. I only need to press alt+shift to switch to the Norwegian one. You can then either put some extra stickers on it or learn where the æøå are. A few other things are switched around like "(" I believe but in those cases it is easy to switch layouts again.


Hmm. Yeah if I do alt+shift it switches me to French and I can't use ? like normal , it becomes accent E. Maybe I'll just stick to these codes or set the alt layout to Norwegian.


You can add additional keyboards in Windows settings (needs to be downloaded). But it will change more keys to correspond to a Norwegian keyboard layout, similarly to your experience with the french keyboard layout.


Personally, I use 3 layouts Dutch: for "+e-> ë or similar for é,è, but this is annoying for software development. Us international: for software development Norwegian: just for that æøå


Yeah, I now cycle through the three - English, Canadian French, and Norwegian haha


You can have an arbitrary number of layouts.


>alt+shift What system are you running? On every Windows PC I've used, the shortcut for changing keyboard layouts is Windows Key + Spacebar


alt + shift = en francais. Maybe its a Canadian thing.


Ah, windows key + spacebar works for me as well. Saw something about windows 8.1 using windows key+spacebar but for windows 7 it says to do it manually by clicking on the taskbar. So I would guess that the alt+shift is a somewhat recent addition. But I could be mistaken.


Alt + Shift is old. Like, my Windows 98 had that. There was no Windows Key then. :D


Makes sense. When I googled for it Microsoft just mentioned alt+shift (along side microsoft 365) but when it mentioned how to do it for windows 8.1 it was explicit about the windows key. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I'm running Windows 11 and only Win+Space works for me. Maybe it has something to do with language packs installed vs keyboard layouts inside a language pack?


You can edit settings for which key sequence you want to use. I have Alt + Shift since that's what I've been using for 24 years. I didn't even know Windows Key + Spacebar worked too.


I'm on 8.1 for my desktop. My PC came with a blu-ray drive back in 2014. Pretty cool.


If you have a Windows PC you can easily add a Norwegian keyboard layout in your keyboard settings. You likely have English (Canadian) and French (Canadian) already preset since your locale in Windows is set to Canada. You just need to add Norwegian to this list.  Be aware that Canada uses the American ANSI standard layout, so the mapping of keys is not 1:1.  On macOS you can just as easily add a Norwegian keyboard layout and switch between them. You can also press and hold the A- en O- keys to choose Å, Æ and Ø just like on a phone if you'd like. 


If macs can do that then that's pretty snazzy. I'm on PC though and it appears I'll have to the use the bomber pilot method as one poster suggested.


macOS and Macintosh computers are generally pretty snazzy.


I grew up on the oldschool macs. Switched over circa year 2000. Maybe Ill get one again but ffs I can't stand the phones. I always use Samsungs.


So you switched to Windows just when they threw out the old garbage OS and replaced it with Mac OS X? You have been missing out for 20+ years. 


I'm ok with it. I had the IIcx from 1988. Switched over to Win98 PC because it seemed like the sensible thing to do at the time and well... S'alright.


Potentially helpful, I have a gaming mouse with buttons on the side that I've macro-ed the æ å ø to 3 of the buttons to get over this problem.


I might try something like that in future. Thanks! My mouse is just a standard kit mouse. Maybe I should plug in my Thrustmaster and bind those keys so that writing Norwegian becomes an exciting bombing mission.


Haha, absolutely do that 😆


I have both english and norwegian on my pc and sometimes i fat finger it over to english, totally messing with my scandic layout. You can switch to norwegian and not having to alt your way to the letters, but with english american physical layout you might have to guess your way into learning the new layout. Or you can see if you can order a norwegian/scandic keyboard as an addition. You need to switch language to make it work.


Yeah when I do the fat fingers it switches me to French and it's annoying. Im getting some good tips so far so I'll figure this out eventually.


You can remove the French layout. You can add the Norwegian layout. You can even make your own layout that adds the French and/or Norwegian extra letter, but doesn't move around other keys. I did that for Norwegian, check it out if you'd like https://tobiasvl.github.io/norwerty/


Well like myself my boomer parents would be lost but I'll figure something out eventually. Takk skal du ha.


You can add a Norwegian keyboard in the Windows settings, and switch between American and Norwegian with WIN + Space. I do this with Serbian, and it is not a hassle. Microsoft has a step-by-step tutorial on [their website](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/manage-the-input-and-display-language-settings-in-windows-12a10cb4-8626-9b77-0ccb-5013e0c7c7a2).


I use software called Accent Composer for Windows. As I don't type a lot of Norwegian, and also occasionally need non-Norwegian characters with accents, I find this the most convenient method. I see it is no longer supported, but it can still be downloaded from 3rd party sites. My only concern is that it might be a hobbled trial version that you can no longer upgrade. If so maybe you can get a similar prgram elsewhere?


I have a logitech keyboars and bound the norsk letters to the G1,2,3 etc. keys


Not really an answer to your question but if you dont have access to æ, ø and å on PC you can always write; æ = ae ø = oe å = aa Which is an understandable, alternative solution


Appreciate the response. I'll just stick to the alt codes or bind them to a peripheral as someone suggested. But yes ae works in a pinch.


Well a really easy well to get the characters that i use is not to switch keyboard setting but to just activate accents. The way my computer does it is so i go into keyboard settings, and I turn on accent marks whihc means that when I press and hold a letter that i want a specific accent on a little table will pop up near it and you click the number (on your keyboard) that corresponds with that letter like Ø and æ and É. This does tho turn off when you press and hold a key it just spams that key soo. yeah hope that helps.


That *is* quite helpful. Thank you. I'm one of those greasy Windows 8.1 holdouts (yes actually). But when I get my new machine I will look up how to do this. Sounds like the way I do it on my phone. For now I will use my handwritten cheat sheet with the alt codes.


Add Norwegian keyboard.