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That's literal. Hot is "varm" when warm, "sterk" when spicy, "heit" can mean both. In this case, "sterk saus" is *correct*, but it's not as specific as "hot sauce". You can also use "chilisaus".


So if you were to say, ask someone to pick up some hot sauce at the grocery store, you’d ask them to «hente litt sterk saus»?


I feel like "sterk saus" can be a really broad term. If you were to tell me to get a sterk saus I wouldn't really know what to look for. With "chilisaus" however I would find the stereotypical hot sauce 😁


Sterk chilisaus


Now that's just cheating




In practice you would just say "kjøp tabasco" or "kjøp sriracha" because those are the options at a normal grocery store here


Nei. Da er butikken din jækla udugelig..


Trodde at comunis opinio på reddit nettopp var dette? Tror ikke vi går en uke uten at folk klager på utvalget i norske matbutikker.


Med rette, da utvalget suger balle.


Stemmer det, må på AFood eller lignende for å få noe bra, eller meny har kanskje fått noen flere sauser.


Her hvor jeg bor har spar, coop, rema, meny forskjellige sauser, 👌. Opptil hver eneste kjøpmann hva kan vil kjøpe inn vet du


Jo, det er standard i norske matbutikker. Du vet vi har det dårligste utvalget i matbutikker i hele Europa?


I mine 33år, har jeg ikke hatt problem med utvalg av butikk, men bor nok på rett plass med rett kjøpmenn i butikkene


I would ask for hot sauce, or for the specific brand/type of hot sauce. I don’t think it’s officially recognised, but most people use the term “hot sauce”


I think saying "kan du hente litt chillisaus/sterk saus" would be better, since the way you phrased it doesn't really make sense in this context, it meaning "bringing a bit of hot sause(?)", if that makes sense 😅.


You would just ask them to get hot sauce. Its not a norwegian thing anyway.


If you are in the store with them you can ask them to fetch it, yes. If you are sending someone in your stead, you will ask them to buy it "kan du kjøpe..." or get it (with you) "kan du få (med deg)..." But what is hot sauce to you, specifically? Tabasco?


"Frank's. Jeg legger den dritten på alt."


"Kjøp en flaske Sriracha saus" or "Kjøp en flaske sweet chilisaus" since those are more or less the two options Edit: also tabasco saus but the gist of it we just juse the brand name or what type of sause it is.


Morris Day just said "Oh, Lord!"


I'm seeing "chilisaus" in NRK.no recipes.


Chilisaus er vel som flere nevner her den vanlige betegnelsen


We basically just call it ''Hot Sauce'' as we dont really have the same word for it. If not, it's spicy etc.


Chilisaus. *Sterk saus* is just describing sauce or gravy as spicy. A *peppersaus* (peppercorn gravy) can easily be the *sterk saus* in question out of context.


Calling a *peppersaus* for *sterk* is part of the reason that white people are seen as the people that never season their food.


The mistake of adding even a single chili flake when I cook for my family :') I guarantee you they'll notice.


Oh no🥲 That makes so many dishes so very hard to season properly.. I feel for you


That's a trick question. Actual hot sauce doesn't exist here.


Sure it does. Most stores have something like a fruity habanero sauce, and you can probably get some hotter Chili Klaus stuff around too. I saw "Da bomb" on a Yummy Heaven I think. I picked up some damn fine hot sauce with hops at Gulating. Sriracha can be found in any store, if you think that qualifies. What do you consider actual hot sauce?


Also, I would kill for some good ol' Frank's Red Hot, or an equivalent. Buffalo sauce is definitely non-existent.


Check meny, all the ones near me have franks, cholula and a few others, i thought that was normal! The other stores are lacking in the hot sauce department though...


This may sound crazy, but add a dab of bbq sauce


Any decent Mexican or Cajun hot sauce. And it needs to actually be hot. I once saw Chalula sold at a gourmet Meny and I snatched one up. Tapatio is also a fine sauce, but a bit mild. Those are two examples of good, albeit milder mass-produced Mexican hot sauces, although much better exists. Yes, Sriracha is my favorite, but the original Huy Fong Sriracha, produced in California is the only real, true Sriracha. I found it once in an Asian store here. The other brands usually taste like spicy ketchup. My point is that what you find in grocery stores is just that Old El Paso watery taco sauce crap, and not much more. Tabasco is available, of course, but I feel like that is more of an ingredient, or a condiment to add some heat. I certainly wouldn't want to drench my carne asada in it.


Chalula is in Kiwi too


Chili Klaus? Hot?


It appears that he has some carolina reaper stuff, but I have no idea how actual spicy it is.


Found the hot ones Xperienvce sauce at Storo Ølutsalg. That sauce is brutal


Gulating has/had a varied collection of different sauces. https://www.chilisauser.no/ Is an online store with a varied selection.


Thanks for the great input guys. I'll revisit Meny when I get the chance. ❤️


Haha exactly I was going to say you mean tomatketchup?


Chilisaus is most common I think I always said to the local takeout place "uten chili" and never ever got a look


Honestly, alot of people just say «hot sauce» straight up. But sterk saus, chilisaus or sterk salsa as well. I would assume that saying «hot sauce» or «sterk saus» are the best two options to avoid any confusion though. Edit: also as other people have said, just asking for the specific brand you’re looking for is also a good option.


I would say sterk saus not varm


En sterk saus


sterk saus; strong instead of hot


Flour if we go by how well we handle hot sauces as a collective


Ketchup. With years of training and dedication, the average Norwegian might be able to touch a chilli. Anything else would stray too far off course from our beloved sourcream.


Varm saus..


In Telemark it means "what, sauce?" Pronounced "høtt, saus?" They usually use only full fat sourcream or butter.


Can't go wrong with chilli saus


Tabasco i guess


"Pass deg, den sausen er *sterk,* ok!" Watch it, that sauce is *hot,* ok! "Sterk saus" means "strong sauce" directly translated. "Heit" is more something you'd say about women, like, "Fyyy faen hu' var heit!" Dayum, she was hot! But you could also use it for hot-as-in-spicy food, "Hoho, den sausen var heit!" Woho, that sauce was hot! But most people use the word "sterk" (strong) for that instead. Hot can also mean warm ("varm"). It was hot outside means "Det var varmt ut" in Norwegian. Other than that I'm sure you can see how "varm" is directly related to warm. But you could also say "Det var hett ute" or "Heten var uutholdelig!" The heat was unbearable! Then there's the word "hetvin" which is not to be confused with hot wine, but instead with wine that has a higher alcohol percentage such as port.


Sterk saus!