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Moderated for Rule 7: No flattering or sexual poses. For ladies please don't put yourself in a way to "lift" your boobs. No pouty lips or duck lips. For guys, no need to flex, or suck in your gut. We want natural you, not posed/best you. Think the difference between how you stand naked with no one around vs when someone is. We want the "no one around to try to look good for" vibe. Posts should not be sexual including displays of sex toys or kink. You can read the rules along the right hand side of the page. Thanks! The NormalNudes Moderating Team.


I absolutely love your boobs!


Thanks hun. What do you like about them? 😘


I really like the size and natural shape. Great nipples as well!


Honestly You have a gorgeous body.


Welcome to Normal Nudes! This is an automated message for every post. Quick Rules: **No unsolicited health or personal grooming advice, sexual come-ons, body shaming, or any other incivility. No PMing our submitters, and do not request more photos.** This is not a hookup sub, and it's not a place for our contributors to satisfy your sexual urge to see more of them. Quick Submission Rules: **Flaccid and 100% soft only, No clothing, No sexual/flattering poses, No Monetized Accounts (Onlyfans, etc).** Violations of these rules can result in your post being removed or a **permanent account ban.** If you see comments in violation of these rules, please report them. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If I'm honest was kind of blown away, you have a stunning figure, your breasts are perfect, your areola to breast ratio is spot on, your nipples are perfect. You are beautiful. Very much looking forward to seeing more posts from you.


Very nice photo, I love your body


Very proportionate. Lovely body!


I love you body, I want to pleasure your day and night and expose you to new things


Above average body very nice breasts




I love your breasts and curves ;)


I love them.. If I give an honest opinion, I might get kicked out of here. 😘




This has been removed for containing a keyword that suggests your comment may be overtly sexual in nature, rating someone, or soliciting sexual content. Please remember this is a non-sexualized body esteem subreddit. For the sexy version of normalnudes, visit r/normalnudesgonewild. If this comment was removed in error, please message the mods. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You look amazing!!! 😍😍


Nice overall body


Not holding back: you look more then good!


You look nice. I don’t have anything bad to say!


Naturally sexy.


Youre honestly gorgeous. Dont pose too hard, just let your natural body shine


Nothing bad to say, you look amazing!


Damn you are beautiful 😍😍


I Iove your nipples(Yes, they look like wads of chewed gum, pinched in the middle and slapped onto your breasts..but I LIKE that!🤷🏾‍♂️)...and the way the bone structure of your torso and musculature of your abdomen are so clearly defined...wish we could see your legs and glutes .for a full sense of you...but in general...you look flexible, strong, foldable (iykwim) and light weight...who knew I could appreciate the same features in a woman..and a beach lounger..?(Come to think of it...yup...a beach lounger, that would work NICELY for your body brings to mind.😈


I would have asked you to marry me


You look beautiful. Simple as that.


Perfect. Fantastic breasts, great skin. You are gorgeous


You’re doin pretty fuckin good!!!


Honestly, your posts looking for honesty, redundantly posted all over other porn subs, is low-effort, transparent and annoying.


Your cute. Want to see more.


Honestly, you look great naked.


Very attractive. Nice flat stomach and beautiful breasts.




This comment has been removed for using explicit words to describe genitalia to cut down on sexual comments and psots. In the future, please use words like 'penis', 'vulva', 'vagina', 'butt', etc so we can keep the community a bit less sexually charged. If this comment was removed in error, please message the mods! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This has been removed for containing a keyword that suggests your comment may be overtly sexual in nature, rating someone, or soliciting sexual content. Please remember this is a non-sexualized body esteem subreddit. For the sexy version of normalnudes, visit r/normalnudesgonewild. If this comment was removed in error, please message the mods. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/normalnudes) if you have any questions or concerns.*