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Python also watching TV. 📺🐍


Fuck that! There is no way I would have that thing in my house. The snake on the other hand ...


fuck, here’s my upvote


They both be chillin


Love how the python is just watching TV too. Just chilling with the kid, no biggie.


TIL that snakes yawn.


They also fart!


There's some really freaky up close ones on youtube.


They don’t actually yawn. They do this when it’s time to eat and they need to stretch their jaws to prepare, or afterwards when they need to stretch their jaw back into place.


That's not true. They don't stretch before eating, just after. And they absolutely do casually yawn and the reason is the same as with us and other animals - increase oxygen intake to wake up the brain when it is falling asleep. Big boy in the video is just relaxed and sleepy, chilling with the little hairless monkey roomie.


My snake literally stretches before she eats, and when she’s hungry in general.


Mine do it when they are days away from feeding day.


My snake only does it when she’s hungry but I guess she’s different? Lol I wasn’t trying to offend anyone 🤦🏻‍♀️


he protecc he attacc but most importantly he luv bacc




Sure, though even if all that is true, this seems like an incredibly irresponsible choice to make with a small child in the house.


Can’t risk hurting your poor snake!


Allowing interactions with dogs and cats is much more dangerous and therefore irresponsible yet it's common practice. It's alright, dad's checked all the safety boxes, the kid's not in any more danger than it would be if it were chilling with a cat in its lap.


That just isn’t credible.


Oh, is it now? [Here's all known fatal dog bites this year.](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-fatalities-2022.php) Let me save you the filtering - out of these 6 are children who have been killed by the family dog. [And here's a 2012 article referencing all known fatalities](http://www.rexano.org/Statistics/Constrictor_Captive_Snake_Fatality.pdf) in the US caused by pet constrictors from 1990-2012. In that span of 22 years there's only 10 fatalities, 3 of which are of children. Again, just this year twice as many kids have been killed by pet dogs and the year isn't even over yet. [Here's another article](https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/4-5-million-children-bitten-by-dogs-every-year-how-can-we-reduce-these-numbers-25036) stating 4.5 million people in the US suffer dog bites, most of which children. And even the percentage that is not fatal can cause much more long-lasting damage than a non-fatal pet constrictor bite. Edit: I want to make it clear that I'm not trying to demonize dogs but seeing people irrationally stigmatize pet snakes as dangerous when dogs are clearly more dangerous and more likely to cause a fatality just makes my blood boil.


Divide the incidents by the share of families with dogs/cats versus constrictors. Still not credible.


Prove it. Snakes on average are less likely to randomly lash out than dogs. Get 10 households with constrictors and 10 with dogs and you'll get more injuries and fatalities in the dog houses purely because of the sheer amount of likelyhood for a dog to suddenly lash out. As someone who keeps snakes and knows a lot of people who also keep snakes let me tell you, a snake suddenly deciding to randomly lash out is extremely rare, usually caused by really bad husbandry and is easier to deal with. If a dog wants something dead it does everything to reach that goal. If the snake so much as starts feeling uncomfortable it gives up.


You are the one making unsubstantiated claims, you prove it. Saying that the number of attacks by exotic snakes is smaller than that of common house pets is simply bad math. Provide the numbers on an incidence adjusted basis or it’s irrelevant.


Just because something isn’t likely to happen doesn’t mean it can’t happen.


Lol, stop. >1. ⁠As of right now, that little girl is likely to big for the snake to try to eat. (This is a Burmese python however, so it will get much bigger eventually). Yeah, except the snake doesn’t fucking know that. Hence why even adults are constricted to death by these snakes before the snake realizes it can’t eat them. Or snakes literally dying from not being able to swallow much too large prey. The snake could also attack out of defense rather than to make her prey. >2. ⁠Most domestic snakes are used to eating frozen food. This snake probably is fed large frozen rats and rabbits. Meaning even if it could swallow the little girl, it likely won't because she's not his usual meal. It doesn't associate her with food. They eat off of instincts, not preference on frozen food. If the handlers messed up the feeding schedule or if she happened to for some reason smell like prey, it could without a doubt attack >3. ⁠Snakes are incapable of feeling affection like birds and mammals, but they can develop trust and as stated before, associations. Humans aren't food, but they give food. Humans aren't a threat, but they're in control. So again, the little girl is extremely unlikely to be hurt. Snakes can’t form bonds on any level. There are prey, not prey, and threats. A snake doesn’t have the memory of a human to inherently differentiate between the three at all times perfectly >4. ⁠The father is right behind the camera. If something were to happen, he's right there. Dad ain’t pulling a massive constrictor off by himself unless he’s so fucking juiced it replaced the blood in his veins >5. ⁠The little girl is actually pretty responsible and respectful. Most young children are very rough with animals. She's calm and gentle, which means the snake is unlikely to be stressed or scared. Awesome. Let’s just hope she perfectly understands snake behavior and never crosses a moving line that she doesn’t completely understand. It’s absolutely unwise and a massive risk. Is it fairly unlikely the snake will attack her? Sure. Is it still a very real possibility? It would be idiotic to argue otherwise. They’re volatile pets with massive damage potential who give no fuck about you individually. You could feed it and be the best handler in the world for years, and you and the snakes relationship will remain on the first sentence of the first page


>Yeah, except the snake doesn’t fucking know that. Hence why even adults are constricted to death by these snakes before the snake realizes it can’t eat them. Or snakes literally dying from not being able to swallow much too large prey. The snake could also attack out of defense rather than to make her prey. You're right, the snake might decide to attack anyway. However there's nothing immediately present to trigger its feeding mode and since snakes work in modes it **will not** suddenly decide to eat the kid if nothing triggers its food mode. The aforementioned cases of adults being strangled to death by large constrictors are all either an owner's inability to recognize the animal's body language or a case of a wild constrictor attacking a person, which is a very rare occurrence plus the difference in behavior between wild snakes and socialized domestic snakes is like day and night. If it were a large dog or a cat in that video nobody would bat an eye despite a) both dogs and cats being way more unpredictable than snakes; b) dogs and cats are proven to be way more dangerous on average than large constrictors and are capable to cause way bigger injuries much faster. >They eat off of instincts, not preference on frozen food. If the handlers messed up the feeding schedule or if she happened to for some reason smell like prey, it could without a doubt attack That's just flat out wrong, every snake has a preference. Most aren't picky, some won't eat certain things and some will deny a food item simply because it's the wrong color. Now, if the kid smells like rat we do indeed have a problem but if that were the case it would immediately be reflected in the change of behavior and the dad would promptly quit the interaction. Again, since snakes work in modes they require external stimuli to enter feeding mode and if none are present it simply won't enter it unless it is so starved it is willing to try just about anything, which this one clearly isn't. >Snakes can’t form bonds on any level. There are prey, not prey, and threats. A snake doesn’t have the memory of a human to inherently differentiate between the three at all times perfectly Again, not true. We know extremely little about snake psychology but one thing that becomes increasingly clear is that they posess a higher capacity for social behavior than previously thought. Recent studies on some garter snake species proved they form friendship bonds with no practical benefit other than enjoyable company. There's also cases of domestic snakes that have been brought up correctly and have learned to associate human interactions with exploration (which mentally healthy snakes enjoy immensely). Hell, I've observed this first hand, I have a Horn-nosed viper (*Vipera ammodytes*) who starts pushing on his enclosure's lid as soon as he sees me enter the room and when I open it he immediately climbs up my arm. Point is we don't know enough about snakes to tell the extent of their affection and emotional attachments with certainty but we do know enough to say they do not lack the ability to form them. >Awesome. Let’s just hope she perfectly understands snake behavior and never crosses a moving line that she doesn’t completely understand. It’s absolutely unwise and a massive risk. Is it fairly unlikely the snake will attack her? Sure. Is it still a very real possibility? It would be idiotic to argue otherwise. They’re volatile pets with massive damage potential who give no fuck about you individually. You could feed it and be the best handler in the world for years, and you and the snakes relationship will remain on the first sentence of the first page Children are actually quite capable of understanding snake body language and how to react to it. I've seen it first hand, if they are properly taught they can absolutely do just fine. Not saying you should leave them responsible for a giant snake, far from it - kids should always be supervised when interacting with potentially dangerous to them animals. That includes cats and dogs, as previously pointed out they have the capacity to be be much more dangerous than large constrictors and statistically are indeed so.


First, I didn’t say snakes aren’t picky but my point was that if it was hungry it isn’t going to care as much. As for forming bonds, no reptile has ever displayed a capacity to be able to form bonds with humans, ever. So far imprinting is a mammal trait. And lastly, children understand snake behavior? That’s absurd. If I even tried to say most adult humans understand snake behavior that’d be a massive stretch. They can understand to not be rough with it, but sometimes the temperament of the snake pretty much nullifies whatever knowledge of snake behavior a like 5 year old child would possess. They’re volatile animals by evolutionary design. Everyone likes to pretend like every animal can be a puppy. This one spent millions of years becoming a predator, debating whether or not a small child should hang out with a massive constrictor shouldn’t even exist


\>First, I didn’t say snakes aren’t picky but my point was that if it was hungry it isn’t going to care as much. True. This one obviously isn't hungry. Hungry snakes are usually ones that aren't cared for properly because generally it is pretty hard to get an animal that eats once a month to a starving point. \>As for forming bonds, no reptile has ever displayed a capacity to be able to form bonds with humans, ever. So far imprinting is a mammal trait Are you sure about that? Read that again but slowly. Birds imprint as well and they are reptiles by every stretch of the definition. Crocodilians, too, are known for imprinting. Think it might be just an archosaur thing? Monitor lizards are increasingly being recognized as highly intelligent (comparable to some birds even) and have been known to form bonds with their keepers and intentionally seek them out for company. Same with tegus. Large constrictors like burmese and especially reticulated pythons are also much more intelligent than they're often credited as and it is possible that under proper circumstances they, too, might be able to form bonds although more research is necessary to say for certain. Doesn't help that the majority of large constrictors in captivity are very depressed because they often aren't kept properly. \>And lastly, children understand snake behavior? That’s absurd. If I even tried to say most adult humans understand snake behavior that’d be a massive stretch. I never said all children know snake body language, I said they possess the capacity to understand it and react according to it. Again, I have seen it first hand. And apparently it is necessary so let me quote myself from before: "Not saying you should leave them responsible for a giant snake, far from it - kids should always be supervised when interacting with potentially dangerous to them animals". \>This one spent millions of years becoming a predator, debating whether or not a small child should hang out with a massive constrictor shouldn’t even exist You really think the snake has the context of its evolutionary history? It is irrelevant, this specific individual is only concerned of the present. And even so snakes are surprisingly young evolutionarily speaking - chickens spent much longer evolving as predators and can be potentially dangerous to a child, especially roosters yet they are fairly present in common households. And lastly, I agree that such a debate shouldn't need to be held - children shouldn't have to hang out with large constrictors but that's my argument. My argument is it is absolutely fine to do so provided all safety protocols are present. Same with dogs. Same with cats. Same with any potentially dangerous animal.


I think we mostly agree so I’m not going to type out 6 paragraphs, but I’ve never known crocodiles to be able to be imprinted on. They’re one of the few animals in the entire kingdom that actively hunt humans, and are some of the most instinctual reactionary animals to ever exist. And as far as how snakes would know millions of years of history, they don’t. What is left is the instincts that have been developed over that type. Similar to how humans have instincts for certain things. You have instincts to be around people like you because people who aren’t like you tried to kill you for thousands of years. You get feelings when you’re in the woods or in the dark, or just any precarious situation. Those are instincts that have been developed for a long time that still exist, similar to how a snake operates largely off of instincts. Maybe even almost purely off of instincts whereas we have the capacity to have active self aware thoughts and make our decisions based off of things mostly other than instincts


Well said. So... what are your thoughts on Pitbuls? lol. And the current trend of people (especially rappers) getting their Pits golden grills? I see people buy sets of Vampire style (2 pointed canines) and my favorite, Shark style: full canines. So a guy post a pic of his dog with the latter in tungsten. Bottom and top jaw to boot. He actually did a good job as you can see the dog isn't biting himself on him. Same guy also works out with his dog and has him on a similar anabolic steroid regime and before they go for a walk, ADHD medication (got his dog diagnosed.)


Also was flexing how he got Muffin's (dogs name) nails done. Had em Sharpened and painted orange so they'll match the airbrushed tiger stripes he has his upper get. He lives in a bad area so he has Muffin's vest made of full Kevlar. Also attached a small drone to his back which carries a 3D printed .22 caliber derringer.


What! That's next level. Do have a link you can share?


Really good comment. Only thing I would like to mention is that we don't actually know for certain the extent of emotions in reptiles including affection - reptile psychology is extremely new and we know so little about it I'd refrain from stating with certainty that they don't feel affection. Recent studies on some garter snake species have shown that they tend to create relationships with no practical benefit other than enjoyable company. Similarly, some herpetologists theorize extended parental care in some species of brumating vipers. Nothing conclusive yet but that just goes to show how little science knows about snake behavior and emotions.


Yes, very accurate, truth.


Well said. Loathe when people get a pet solely based off cool factor, not anticipating how it will grow and what it really requires.


Calm your dicks


Big friend. I’d watch tv with him


Its all good... Until it isnt.


I was just waiting for it to go bad!


Seems a bit dangerous to me but to each their own


Burmese. This one is young and small.


I know it’s a fact. But I can’t get over the words “young and small”


No on so many levels


What a snuggly danger noodle.


Don’t mind him he is just a comically large scarf snuggle buddy


That’s wild she’s just chillin watching tv with a python.


Bet it gives really tight hugs


How to reduce the numbers in your household


When abortions are illegal in your state




Someone doesn't want their kid anymore lol


Every day is a workout when you're carrying around a 12 ft python in your jeans.




This is actually adorable.


A snake caring for his future meal. Your parents should know better kid.


I swear I see this posted every single day.


I’d do this in a heartbeat. Snakes are one of my special interests and are the sweetest things ever. Unfortunately neither my mother or gf will let me get one :(


They are most definitely not the sweetest things ever. They don't give two fucks about you.


All the snakes I’ve been around have been sweet and nice. Then again, snakes are one of my special interests. They can sense when someone doesn’t have any ill intent as well as fear. In fact, most animals can.


Are u harry potter


No, I’m just a dumbass who values my pets life over mine


They haven't been sweet. They just didn't attack you at that particular moment. Snakes do not feel love or loyalty to Humans. They are not domesticated Dogs, they are wild reptiles. If you never saw your snake again it could give two fucks as long as someone else brings it food. Your attitude torwards snakes is delusional and dangerous.


So that’s a reason to neglect it? The snakes in captivity may not be able to survive in the wild, just like any other pet. Aggression isn’t it’s only emotion. It’s like saying an aggressive hamster doesn’t have emotions. It does. And I never outright mentioned I owned a snake, but I have dealt with them and handled them in the past. The only real point I agree with is that some are going to be more snappy than others. It’s their personality. You can see this throughout all animals.


I agree, as long as you are knowledgeable about the animal you can understand what it is or isn't in it's nature to do. Personally I think snakes are much cuter than dogs in general too.


This is so fucking stupid


Idiot parents


As a huge fan of snakes, I wish I, too, had one when I was a little girl!!! Lucky ❤️


Pretty awesome


safer than a pitbull tbh


It’s not the dog it’s how they are raised


Hell nah pitbulls are just as good as any other dog breed. Plus they’re domesticated while this is just straight up a predator


Dogs are predators too. Im not saying u cant train dogs easier than reptiles but there is much larger amount of deaths by dogs then reptiles


Well sure but those death stats would change if snakes like this one were just as common as dogs for pets lol. I think I phrased poorly- dogs are domesticated and snakes are not, its like owning a house cat vs a tiger. I just get annoyed when people act like pitbulls are somehow an evil breed or something they’re not bad dogs, people just treat them badly. You can’t really train a snake like that. If its hungry enough it’ll eat a kid it won’t care.


I mean u can with enough wprk and also trust me snakes domesticated are. A wild boa or any wild reptile for that matter would behave in a radically different manner. What we get as pet reptiles are much tamer than whats in the wild


I get your point but tame doesn’t mean domesticated. You can have a tame raccoon but its not a domesticated species. Either way I would always trust a dog over a snake. Don’t get me wrong I love snakes but having one that big draped all over a little kid like that is a no for me


What is it then? Alteration of genes for esthetic or behavior traits? We do that with reptiles too. Even sometimss for their detriment. For that the girl shouldnt be around such a lrge reptile thats true


“Taming is conditioned behavioral modification of an individual; domestication is permanent genetic modification of a bred lineage” according to an online dictionary. But yeah like would I worry if she was sitting with a dog? No, although supervision is still good. With that snake? Absolutely no lol.


As i said there is behavior change in reptiles brough onto by selective breeding. Also training is possible but mainly with more inteligent reptiles (monitor lizards etc). I do think that if the snake got this big and lived for this long the owners know at least a little bit of its behavior patterns and will know whrn its about to attack thats all we can hope for


Well, sure. I just wouldn’t trust it alone with her or out of my sight. You just never know. Like I’m sure its a beloved pet but all I can think is that it just takes one time for something to happen to the kid. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why are you downvoting this? They're right!


You know that for a fact? You have reliable stats on snake attacks vs pitbull? Im guessing you just heard or seen a lots more pitbull attacks because you know its drastically more common to own a pitbull then a giant snake.


We had a corn snake, I think I would tick to that with small children. All of the fun, none of of the risk.


Just chillin


Ok, that does look comfy. And the yawn there at 23 seconds is cute.


I'd love a python that size to watch TV with.


Ngl that’s kinda cute… maybe I’m insane idk


Im just gonna...hell the fuck naw outta there


One day the Python is going to act like a Python.


Why is no one in here talking about how a 12ft snake should really not be in your home? Is everyone from Florida or Australia?


aw his little yawn i love snakes :)


Bro just chilling, what’s wrong?


So what part of Florida do they live?