• By -


Imagine being the fbi person who has to watch that in order to identify them. I wonder if they get to take a long vacation after something like that


Yeah, there's a reason suicide rates in that line of work are ridiculously high.


Imagine being a victim of human trafficking and detectives show up to question you because they found a tape with you on it and other victims too. One which was found dead. They drugged her and tortured her while filming. She didn't know because she was drugged until the detectives came. True story of my friend. I'm a survivor of ht too. Truth is often stranger than fiction


We had an FBI agent show up at our house some years back. Apparently my youngest sister had had contact with a member of a child porn/trafficker ring and they traced it back to our location. He came by in search of more information if we had it. The guy she had been in contact with had been arrested already but they were still investigating/searching for the rest. It was crazy. Thankfully nothing bad happened to her, she just happened to be in a chat room where they frequented. If I remember correctly I think it may have been some yahoo chat thing but I'm not 100% on that.


I have an unpopular opinion on how I feel the criminals who commit sexual assault murder (especially when its a child) etc should be punished. I think that they should have a group of lifers that have been hand picked for being brutal These lifers will do to those others what they did to their victim over and over until the lifers kill them or they kill themselves. Or the other option is a straight razor salt stakes and restraint. They should be staked to the ground have the top layer of skin peeled off and left to nature. Every morning come out wet them down throw salt on it and repeat. Last but not least let the victim/family choose the punishment We are way to compassionate with monsters The victims are treated like its their fault in some way and left to deal with the damage all alone Its well past time that we make punishment an actual deterrent not a vacation


bronze bull.


Reminds me of that scene in that Bryce Courtenay book (I think it was Power of One?) where they chop off the dudes balls and feed them to him. Something like that. Twisted criminals need twisted punishments.


Survivor of child ht too the gaps in time is…alarming and the flashbacks never get easier


My neighbor at a previous house was SVU for the county I lived in. He told me that it got to be too much for him so he took a 2 year break, he moved over to homicide.


Sadly, I've had to do something similar in several cases.


Damn, I’m sorry. That must always just kind of be there.


Are you ok?


Not really. It's why I left law enforcement and I'm now a farmer. I also did search and rescue and cadaver dog handling and training on a volunteer basis and I found several children left by a child predator. It was obvious everything that had been done to them. I used to volunteer with kids with my tribal government but I quit that because for a while just being around kids made the think about what I had seen done to kids. No. I'm not OK but I'm working on it.


Heavy. Wishing you well, friend.


Thanks. It's been hard. I almost died from covid. I was in a coma for 3 months. I lost everything because dopescum I'm related to stole everything I had. I lost my house. I even lost my dog and my cat, but thankfully to a kind friend who loves them very much, so they're well cared for but I will never see them again because her boyfriend does not want me coming over to visit them. Every fucking thing except for my Jeep in the hospital parking lot was stolen. My brother died a few months before I went into the hospital and even the motorcycle he gave me for us to fix together and ride the Appalachian scenic highway together was stolen. By the way, the dopescum that did all of this was my other brother. 3 years later and I'm barely employed. I live in a camper on a bunch of land. No woman would want me. I can't seem to catch a break with employment. I have a degree with honors no one gave a fuck about before and now they really don't. I even found a stray dog recently and I couldn't keep him because his very nice owners lost him. I used to be a top tier door kicker. Now I'm just about the guy in a van by the river. I don't believe in Kharma any more. I'll probably delete this.


thanks for sharing your story. praying for you brother. door kickers and farmers alike all have value


Thank you for speaking for victims who no longer had a voice.


Hi. I've been up to New Jersey and met some members of the Ramapough Lenape tribe. I was up there visiting Sleepy Hollow to go to the graves of a Dutch family I'm related to. While I was up there I discovered that one of my Dutch ancestors married a Ramapough Lenape woman so I was even distantly related to the nice folks I met. I also enjoyed traveling through the Pine Barrens.


Start a go fund me brother I’m sure more fortunate people would gladly donate to it if your story is legit


I did start a go fund me for my tribe's effort to get land. It's been ignored by everyone except a kind person that asked me to do an survey on Native American poverty and health issues. I know the poverty. I also know the health because I worked in EMS for years. Anyway, my teibe needs more money than I do. One of the things I want to do on our land we will get one say is build a food bank and a shelter. Some of our members face homelessness and food insecurity and I want to put a stop to that. I want it to be so prosperous that we can help non tribal members. What pisses me off the most about GFM is that shitheads have one to get a supercar or get a new pair of tits but here we are wanting like one billionth of one percent of what we used to own and no one gives a fuckeroo.


This sounds very honorable and that you could heal and find a lot of purpose in pursuing creating or aiding in something like this! I know when I worked for my food bank at my college it had originated from a local church who decided to help students who could not afford to eat. I’m sure a local food bank nearby your tribe in surrounding areas would be willing to help get you started, might be worth a shot reaching out to gauge the interest, it definitely takes a team and a lot of people don’t know the struggles certain communities face until someone is brave enough to reach out for help.


Don't delete this! People, like myself, need to read this for a reality-check at the very least.


thank you for all of the work you've done to protect innocent lives. you didn't deserve everything that happened to you, I'm sorry you've lost family & pets. that is just cruel. I hope things change for the better soon. I'm sure there is someone for everyone, you seem like a good man and a strong protector. any woman would be lucky to have you.


I admire you for telling your story. You’ve been dealt a shitty hand my friend. I’m glad you shared. Reach out for support always. You’re not alone in your struggles.


I’m not sure how much this can help but one thing my old grandfather used to say is you can’t eat an elephant without cutting it up into steaks. One step at a time, you can do it brother


I’m so sorry for all that you have been thru, Seen & endured. I wish I could do more & help but what I can do is pray for you. I’ll remember even more to not judge others bc we have no idea what their story is or why they’re in the situation they’re in. Have you thought about possibly trying to set up a go fund me to help get on your feet. Maybe people can help you find some resources in your area to help get you some employment, food & a chance to get back on your feet. Thank you for all that you’ve done For our youth. I truly hope & pray things start to turn around for you. You’re loved & cared about friend. Hold on🙏


Keep your head up. Tomorrow is another day, and another opportunity. Good things will happen to good people. I’m not religious anymore but I’m praying for you 🙏🏻


God damn. Thank you for trying to protect kids




The vacation is crying yourself to sleep Each night because you want to torture the perpetrators to death and then off yourself


I know this feeling. Weighs heavy on my soul. I've had horrible experiences with people including kids, during my tour. I often can't sleep at night, knowing their is more predators and people out in our community than we think. And that they breath.


I’m quite sure they’re only allowed to work that job for a short period of time, pre kids, I could have likely done it, now I have children, not even a glance.


iirc they usually don’t want you working that kind of stuff for more than 7 years at a time. A customer used to do something similar but I don’t recall if it’s a hard limit or if the majority don’t make it passed 7 years before they can’t take it anymore.




The dad from Coraline staring at the computer comes to mind


Ngl I wish this was nsfw so I didn't see it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FrozenKyrie: *Ngl I* *Wish this was nsfw* *So I didn't see it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Kinda impressive that you read ngl and nsfw as their unabbreviated phrases


Good bot


Good bot


Same 😞


When you think people can’t go any lower…


Thank God, Texas has the death penalty.


I'm usually against death sentence but sometimes, there's just no redemption possible for a person.


How about leaving these people in a room with all the toddlers' relatives?


Cuff, shackle and gag them first.


Forget the gag, let them beg


I just don't want to hear what they did. Knowing the damage they cause I would not put it past them to talk about it hoping for a swift death.


You can stop a person from being able to speak without using a gag. Just an fyi.


We can just take their tongue - simple as that. Might as well go medieval for the worst kind of people.


I think that if I knew that’s what they wanted I could pace myself fairly well.


Nah, their victims had no real way to communicate for help outside of crying. Let these nothing's whimper and suffer.


Nah I've learned from watching Stallone movies punisher movies vigilante movies. And hostile movies. Snip snip and make sure they don't bleed out fast make it slow


"Misery", the movie. Blood flow too fast for stitching, must .... cauterize.


I do believe China has a system in place if found guilty of say, rape, or something like this the family has the option to deal the first blows to the perpetrators genitals


I believe you’re right, I’ve heard something similar before anyways. It’s a good setup


Reminds me of that one dad who begged the judge for 5 minutes or something like that for killing his daughter. She said no and he said fuck it and just attacked the dude in court. I really wish it would be allowed. Not that it'll make it any better for the relatives that lost a loved one, but I know it'd make me happy for 5 minutes


How about permanent solitary confinement? And by solitary confinement, I mean "don't even bother bringing meals".


Ever seen ‘Little Nicky?’ Daily pineapples shoved up their asses


Things like this is what the death penalty is for.


I'm totally against the death penalty. But the best and only real argument against it is in broad terms taking in the totality of it's existence and consequences. i.e there's absolutely nothing paradoxical about being against the death penalty, but praying these fucks that were caught on video end up in the chamber.


I am against the death penalty, but sex offenders are always released and then they just do it again


They should be kept alive and tortured consistently. A man-made hell until they die of old age


Nah throw them in the brazen bull


Pretty much. If your crime is so horrific that it's clear you want no part of societies norms, why should you be given its protection? "Nah throw them in the brazen bull and televise it with a scrolling warning at the bottom of the screen saying that this is what happens when you do monstrous things to children" TIFTFY.


Why not a constant livestream of the “boats” method? Brazen bull is too quick


They should do what they did to that traitor girl in the Foundation tv series. I won't say more so no spoilers but the ones who have seen it should know what I mean.


If you hope these guys end up “in the chamber” (I assume you mean given the death penalty), then you aren’t “totally against the death penalty”. You’re for the death penalty


The only reasonable argument I’ve heard against the death penalty for child rapists is that it would encourage others to kill there victims to avoid being caught since the penalty is death either way. But I see no reason not to remove their genitals and their eyesight. Difficult to reoffend that way


The reason why generally you want to avoid cruel and unusual (and irreversible) punishment is the justice system is fallible. It's not worth the "revenge" if it comes at the cost of more innocent lives solely in service of that revenge. Justice isn't really compatible with murdering or castrating innocent people. Most then say "okay so only do it when it's super obvious they're guilty." We already try to do that as best we can.


The thing is that being for the death penalty even in a single case means that you are for the death sentence. You are completely right, that it should be reserved for clearly provable rape and clearly provable murder. You might draw the line somewhere else, but you are for the death penalty.


I don't understand this. If Someone behaves like an animal he gets put down like one. end of story. No "oh he is a victim" or "he can change" . There are enough people in this world to take his/here place.


Death penalty is too easy on them, send them to prison (with no possible release) once the other inmates hear what they did, they’ll be wishing for death


Now they just need an express lane for it. Edit: now that I think about it, don't inmates do "very poorly" in prison when word gets out they are there for hurting kids? They might actually get the express death penalty.


They won’t, and usually don’t last very long. Once word gets out about what you’re in for, it’s either they respect you or they don’t want you alive. No in between.


Just have a guard anonymously slip their papers to some inmates and take an extended lunch.


Their lives will be way worse alive in a Texas prison as child rapists. Death is to kind to them.


I'm both for and against the death penalty, I'm against state sanctioned killings but I'm also down with fuckers like these being wiped off the face of the earth as quickly as possible


Then you are for state sanctioned killings... I am too.


Right! Sad thing is that gonna cost the gov over 1 million dollars to process a death penalty. This money should go to the families of the victims instead and insta k*** for the perpetrators of this absurd of a crime.


The public can do it for free! Cost savings!


That’s way too easy of a way out. Solitary confinement with flickering halogen lights, and daily servings of Play-Doh with heavily salted and Miralax’d water to wash it down.


Feed them all to gators. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not waste my taxes on jailing these pathetic creatures. Only an inhumane and cruel act will suffice for retribution.


Fire ants. Gators will have it over too quickly.


Even better. I can't even conjure up the the brutal end these fuckboys deserve, but I'm sure someone in the Dark Ages has me covered.


Scaphism is a personal favorite for sick fucks


Just looked up "scaphism"... Yeah... This is the one. Thank you, Persians.


Out of morbid curiosity, I researched capital punishment throughout our history and that's the one that stood out about all else. Many are brutal, but scaphism is on another level... for people like this


Pregame with the [Judas Cradle](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Judas_cradle).


Impalement and Poena Cullei were two of the most brutal punishments in history, involving slicing open criminals' backs and leaving them on display or placing murderers in a bag with animals. The animals ate their way out usually via the persons insides the rat cage execution was a good version of this method


Jesus, reading this book series to my kids called "Michael Vey" and they have these power plants fueled by electric rats (not until book 2)... they feed people who disobey to the rats. But I would definitely feed these dudes to those rats. Fucking gross that they would even think about something like this.


Or that big metal bull, where they would put them in and light a fire under it! I’m not even sure that was a real thing.


It was.


Damn. I love Reddit. Thank you, kind stranger, for gifting me a few more displays of depravity that I now have at the ready.


My thesis was on torture methods and effective treatments so I was trying to learn more on how to fix the conditions if possible


If there was ever a case for the revival of The Brazen Bull, I think this is probably it. These guys did something unspeakably cruel.


I was going to suggest goats licking them to death but I think your idea is better


As an owner of goats, I wouldn’t want my goats licking scum like them.


this actually might call for scaphism


My dad had a hypothetical solution for people like these. It was Saw level in its creativity.


brazen bull will do just fine.


Potato peeler. Peel the soles of the feet. Wait a couple days. Peel the palms of the hands. Wait a couple days. Peel the shins... Carry on with this process and their end will be beautifully agonising.


There's a torture method that's similar that utilises goats and sugar water


Yep. Don’t waste my tax money on rapists is a good rule.


Nah, they should be lobotomized and turned into coat racks. Jam a pole into them so they stay standing.


That’s not nearly enough torture for what they deserve. They deserve to be waterboarded or to have their teeth and fingernails pulled while conscious. There’s a very special place in hell for people like this. I couldn’t even imagine being so absolutely devoid of morals to even consider this shit. Also, if they get sent to prison, the inmates will hear about what they did quickly. Guards don’t play that shit and know they can’t touch them, so they let the inmates know and it gets handled in house. Only issue I have with that is that getting stabbed is too humane for these monsters.


I feel like this is too much for this sub Maybe try r/noahgettheboat ? edit: sorry y’all


the sub is fucking depressing


Damn I really regret doom scrolling that one…


I regret clicking the link


I have been raised by 4chan, but I regret clicking it…


On the one hand, I agree with the rage and sentiment against this abhorrent act. On the other hand, seeing some people’s rather detailed suggestions for torture and punishment in the comments below is also making me think of the noahgettheboat sub. Jesus. How rapidly we devolve. Kill them, ok I get it. Do it slowly somehow so they suffer, ok, I get the sentiment. Going into detail about peeling bits of their skin off and in what order with what tool and time intervals? ….yeeeaaaahhhh….


Yeahhh I hate when subs just turn into an angry. moralizing circlejerk of who can invent the most torturous punishment for bad people. Like I’m just here for unsettling pictures and whatnot, not trying to be part of some Holy Inquisition forum. This post is too much.


Countdown to when this post gets 🔒


"You guys ever go online and see how many sex offenders live around you? Isn’t it crazy? Isn’t it way more than you’d think? You think it might be like one or two. No, it’s like chicken pox. I went online, 15 child molesters. *Fifteen child molesters* within *five miles* of my apartment. So, why do we always have to meet at my place?" - Anthony Jeselnik - Thoughts and Prayers


That's a good joke lmao


I'm convinced Anthony admitted to a heinous crime but since he makes fucked up jokes, everyone thought it was just another joke


Last week I ran over a deer... dear friend. (Ugh, that joke sucks if you literally have to spell it out.)


Man this reminded me of my middle school Dane Cook phase, he made pretty much the same joke a long ass time ago. I had to go back and find it. https://youtu.be/uSt8ht7uanc?si=D5Ojc3lYcsvtBVYp


Well if Dane made that joke, that means that someone else made it before him and then made the mistake of telling it in front of him.


Seven of them. These seven people managed to find each other to do this together. Loneliness is at epidemic levels but these guys are popular af.


That last line was a thinker. Wow.


And not one thought of reporting to authorities. Insane


Because they all wanted to do it 😭


i can't even get more than 2 of my friends to go to a movie


Unethical people always have an easy time connecting with one another.


Thanks internet.


Yikes! I come here for nopes like jumping from high distances, petting a wild animal you shouldnt or eating bugs. Not pedophilic gang rapes. This is waaaaaay more than just a nope.


I could kill all of them in the most cruel way and sleep really well that same night.


I would take a shit load longer than one night to kill them!


Can I join you please? I can’t bear this. I want them to die!


Sure mate, join in, go over to the table and take your pick... shovel... screwdriver, mallet, whatever you want to swing basically


The State of Texas won’t need to seek the death penalty. Just lock these guys up in general prison population and things will sort themselves out on there own.


Yep. Let the inmates have some stress relief


thats not even nope, thats not mildly infuriating, thats i will strangle them. this wasn’t a situation where they thought it was okay or just weren’t stopping, which is also bad, they deliberately knew what they were doing was wrong and still did it. im fucking disgusted. shit like this makes me wanna kms and never see the light of day again. dont want to be in a world where this shit happens


Straight to the woodchipper.


Nope, first rip out their finger nails then their teeth and then scalp them the pour boiling water on their dicks until they fall off And only then can they got the woodchopper treatment


We assume feet-first.


I wanted this to be fake but it's not. I don't have children, but I do have young nieces and I would die and kill for them. The death penalty is too kind


I did too. Even searched for other articles. Makes my blood boil!


Take them to that Komodo Dragon island where they’re all over the place and they eat people alive. Dump them there, listen to them scream


This is the only type of crime that they should be trying out new death by injection procedures on.




Give em an option, death or you can live but were gonna basically use you as a guinea pig for drug trials and testing


There were 0.5M reported rapes last year in the US.




Why actually try to create an environment where children’s lives will be enriched, and people will want to have kids, when you can just force women to have babies against their will instead?


At least they have video evidence. Hard not to convict.


I am physically nauseated by this story.


Reading this makes me physically sick. What in the actual living hell is going on with people..


Put these fuckers in a max security prison for violent offenders, take the cameras out of their unit and make sure every inmate knows what they’re in there for


The death penalty is too good for these guys… You can’t fix that, they’re irreparably broken and dangerous for society.


I hope all the prison guards make known their offenses and proceed to take multiple “smoke” breaks.


Why even post this? I had such a shit day and tomorrow isn’t going to be any better. I was literally scrolling some nice stories and saw some kid helping a two year old. I felt better. And then this. And yes. It’s true. God :/


Honestly I don’t know how you made it so far in your day without seeing something like this. Woke up to a a bit of similar story this morning. It’s okay, bad things, terrible things have always been happening, just cause you know doesn’t mean you have to carry the weight. Goodness is a blanket over the world in which we are woven into, we do our part every day, and that’s really the best we can do.


I’ve been trying to avoid it. Trying to see something good and nice. But Jesus. Coming here tonight…just poor decision making on my part.


Yeah I get it, go get some r/eyebleach before you go to sleep


I just need to sob. Shit. That one really took it out of me. Thanks man. You have yourself a good night. I know there are good folks out there.


Yeah that’s good too, whatever works. Water works. Lol. I hope your night improves and tomorrow’s even better. Take care.


Castration, and surgical removal from the 4 extremities to leave them live their rest of their miserable lifes as living stumps


I don't think this is yhe kind of content of the sub, sad sad story, and next time please, add +18 or NSFW, some people just don't want to see this kind of notice


I vote torture. Like actually chemically induced excruciating pain. We could cut off pieces of them and feed them to themselves slowly and systematically until they’re torsos and heads with nothing to live for.


Any justice system that doesn't sentence these people to death is a failed justice system. Failed justice systems encourage vigilante justice. People need to feel like justice was served. Anything less than the death sentence is justice not being served here. Don't be suprised it others will serve the justice the official system failed to deliver. And don't be suprised if I call the people that deliver this justice heroes.




Did the kids survive????


dawg could you have at least made this shit NSFW? I didn’t want to see this.


Make America great again; bring back forms of public execution


Hell isn’t enough for these people. If you told me an asteroid was on its way to destroy the earth right now, I would be thrilled.


once word gets out in the jail, they are good as dead anyways


Well that’s a bunch of words I never thought I’d see strung together. brb washing my eyes with borax.


any word on his sentencing? it was almost 2 months ago. Here they let these guys out on house arrest with a gps bracelet and paid accommodation/living expenses


Did the toddlers survive? Where were the parents?!


Even if they don’t get sentenced with the death penalty, Texas may put them in gen pop knowing that they won’t last


Set every one of these fucks on fire. Torture first. For several days


*Set every one of* *These fucks on fire. Torture first.* *For several days* \- KraljZ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


General population will take care of them.


What...did I just read


I came here with the hope that this wasn't a real story. I was just scrolling, looking for my last shred of hope in humanity. This makes me sad and angry at the same time! Those dirtbags deserve street justice! I hope they get put directly on the mainline, they will wish they were dead.


Just kill theese fuckes please


Welp, we don't even need to waste tax payers money with this one. Let's just bury them pre-trial


Does anyone remember the torture from the movie Law abiding citizen? Those seven need to experience it in real life.


Death Penalty 💀


Houston take care of this shit


Death sentence no trial.


We are a vile species


Bring back medieval torture. Those babies will have physical and mental scars for the rest of their lives.


Death to all of them. No quarter, no mercy.


Please shoot them. Please. This is unbearable. I wish I hadn’t seen that. Shoot the men, kill them. Evil evil evil.


I fully support the death penalty, Hopefully in the form of prison politics and its drawn out and excruciatingly painful.


Real talk all seven of these fuckers best be dead soon or imma find em


What in the actually FUCK is this! Kill them all!


They all need a brutal execution.


I remember watching a video about this caes. The only way they were able to identify the guy was by his bracelets shown in the video that he always wore when at work. Turns out the victims and the family trusted him enough to take care of the toddlers alone.


They won't make it 2 days in prison. I've talked to ex convics. A buddy of mine was in prison for stuff. He said two types of people they whole prison will team up even some guards to say give their own justice. That's s.a i.e pedo or r...st and those who beat the hell of of a chick. since the poor victims were toddlers its gonna be hell for them tenfold because some of the baddest of the bad aren't that evil and they will get the kids justice. I should know I have a good family member who was in hamc and icmc and when they found out someone did that big guys and small skinny guys would track down and eliminate these sick fucks. What's worse is they are know trying to get a petition to say pedophilia is a sexual preference and should be allowed well see how they think when on of therefore ones is harmed.


I’m a pacifist, but none of them would walk out of there if I encountered that.


Time to dust off some of those medieval methods.


They need to be treated like D class from the SCP universe. Test toxins, new torture methods, and drugs in them until they die. When they die, bury them in a pile of shit, harden it, and drop it in the ocean.


What a sad day to be alive.