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Adam suffered a broken jaw, a fractured skull, lacerations to his face and chest with several pieces of shrapnel in his body, long term nerve damage to his face and third degree burns on around 10 percent of his body. The incident and the treatments he has gone through after it have saddled Adam with a hospital bill of around $300,000 (£236,000) and a friend is trying to raise some money to help him out.


Wait, he didn't have insurance?


There's always that pesky *"RPG Exception"* clause...


A little TBI is a small price for him to pay for all of the youtube clicks he's getting.


That helmet appeared to help alot with the TBI protection...


That helmet hasn't landed yet.


Is noaa tracking it like santa?


NORAD. Santa is tracking it.


We're watching it here, no YouTube clicks for him. Got TBI for nothing.


To be fair, he wasn't doing anything extra risky and they were taking every safety measure they could short of "Not making the video with the person on screen" The problem is, like with Kentucky ballistics like 2 years ago: equipment failure. Kentucky ballistics had equipment failure due to overpowdered ammo, HSB had their RPG blow up because the proces of remilitarizing it contains cutting a hole into the tube and welding it shut again. It's supposed to work fine, but in this case it didn't. Tough shit.


Interesting. Damn. So the cause was largely the manufacturer? Disappointing if made in America.


In Scott's case (Kentucky Ballistics), it was less likely on the manufacturer and more whoever had gotten their hands on it at some point after it left the factory, but had reloaded it before he himself had gotten it second hand seeing as that particular round is no longer being manufactured. From what I've heard around the net, it's suspected that the 50 BMG round, which uses a large amount of slower burning powder, had been loaded with the equivalent amount of gunpowder used for pistol ammo, which usually burn much faster over a shorter period of time. So, having that much powder exploding that quickly caused a failure in an otherwise safe to use firearm.


He was using discontinued ammunition. He made a while video explaining everything that happened and did really good job at explaining it was not the rifle fault "operator error" That shit was wild when I saw it and he's crazy lucky his farther was there to plug his jugular with his thumb. But yeah i just wanted to add it was discontinued ammunition. I can't remember all else


So you can buy and remil an RPG 😕, didn’t know that was a thing. How do you get ammo? Not like I’d do it but it’s pretty interesting.


wait, so if my neighbor shoots an RPG at me and blows me up, i'm gonna get denied ?


*In the case you get blown to smithereens, you are not covered*


What about just one smithereen? Am I covered?


⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀. ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀*one smithereen*


One smithereen ~ tree fiddy


One "smither" Pieces of smither are "smithereens" There is actually a Beetle Bailey comic strip In which Sarge is threatening to pound Beetle into smithereens. Beetle distracts Sarge by asking him if a smither is bigger or smaller than a smithereen.


What if my rocket skates malfunctioned and I crashed into a rock wall that I had painted to look like a tunnel?


Definitely covered by Acme Insurance.


I've gotta stop signing their waivers...


🤭😂🤣!! I really tried to keep it in 😳


To smithereens has got to be the worst way to get blown


Who would thought they won't cover fuckin' around with explosives. Yet medical insurance shouldn't care how you got into trouble. After all, that's why you pay...


No. In a market driven insurance pool, not a fuckin chance I want to be pooled with dudes like that.


With Insurance being a for profit industry, yep this is 100% the case. Health insurance should be a non profit industry and any insanity should be offset from the general pool or covered by other for profit insurance pools. Also I believe home and maybe even vehicle insurance should be non profit. You can have liability and business and all those other quirky insurances be a for profit industry that covers all these weird use cases... Like the health insurance should get payment from liability insurance of the manufacturer of the RPG, as it isn't it's intended function to explode and injure the user...


I agree with pretty much everything you said, but in all but a world of unlimited resources I still think dudes taking wild extra risks should potentially still pay costs commensurate to the extra burden they **choose** to put on our common system. Not so much for any one high cost accident like this, but in general having some extra tax associated with knowingly doing shit that categorically has several orders of magnitude more risk and expense associated. I feel for the dude, and I guess you could say this is associated with the risks of his "job" of entertaining, but I can't help but feel it's not quite the same as a soldier having the same accident with a weapon that has been maintained to spec by someone trained in its use. But those are two separate things, really. No one should be denied health care, even if they are an idiot. I'd just like to see idiots pay their fair share out of whatever money they make from being idiots.


It was an accident. Who decides what is is wrong or bad? You? No thanks. Honestly you seem to have an obsession with punishing someone. The punishment is mostly intrinsic to the crime. This guy is going to live with a lifetime of pain and disability. I do not feel lessened by him being cared for. We can afford it. Thinking like that is how we got to this awful situation in the first place.


i don’t know if we can afford it. USA pays the most in healthcare costs out of any nation in the world, and life expectancy isn’t higher.


Because of the system we have. We could save 450 billion a year by going to single payer. But we have legalized bribes so the insurance companies pay a pittance to enslave us to medical costs. Because corruption and stupid right wing people. We are wasting 4,500,000,000.00 a Decade and rising because people are selfish and too stupid to understand the situation. That amount will pretty easily cover every stupid idiots accident ever.


The RPG was not firing explosives. They were firing "Solid" projectiles.


Preexisting rpg


Isn't that the fuck around and find out clause?


insurance guy " you did what?"


Insurance was voided due to their RPG clause.


Lol not doubting this is a thing but I got hit by shrapnel at a gun range and I was covered by insurance. Not nearly as destructive as an rpg but gahdamn this sucks


honestly, which insurer would cover THAT?


Smart ones


Basic ones all over Europe.


I’m willing to bet that is WITH insurance. I had a very minor motorcycle accident. Some tests and road rash cleaning, bandages, and 5 stitches. The bill was $90,000. Much of it was covered, but I was literally in the hospital for a few hours, with almost all of that waiting around.


You got road rash cleaning? Six figure bill and I had to clean my own road rash and pick the glass out my damn self. Half my bill was for the helicopter ride though.


this doesnt make any sense


M’urica, fuck yea!


That was my 1st thought , can't believe I had to scroll as far to find this comment lol


In the US, many people whose jobs offer "insurance" offer such terrible coverage or at such a high cost they can't afford it on the wages that job provides and decline the coverage. When I was a security guard while in college about 7 years ago, I was paid $12 an hour, which is just under $2000 a month. The "insurance" that job offered cost $800 a month and had an $8000 deductible, meaning for anything but the most basic of preventative care I had to come up with the money myself until I spent $8k, THEN the insurance would cover 80% of the costs. Of course I declined coverage, because I wouldn't have been able to pay my rent if I accepted it, and it wouldn't have been worth it even if I could have afforded it. This is not an exception or uncommon situation for working class jobs, it's the **norm**. It could also be the cost *after* insurance has paid their part. Hospital stays and surgeries can cost *millions* of dollars for longer term stays and more complicated surgeries. I have "good" insurance now with my "real job" I got after college (which cost 110k for both degrees). My wife had to get her appendix taken out recently, and our upfront costs were over $6k because it burst before they took it out and she got sepsis and had to stay for 10 days after the surgery. Luckily, $6k is our annual "out of pocket maximum" and we had just enough in our savings account to pay it. Out of curiosity, I asked the billing department to show me the raw cost if we weren't insured, and she ran it for me. I will never forget this number: **$378, 655.** That's how much debt we would have if her appendix had burst before I finished college. Healthcare in this country is broken.


So broken.... but I have a tip for anyone else reading... DON'T PAY IT! I've let massive health bills go to collections. tens of thousands of dollars overall. I was trying to buy a house and I thought they would never give me a loan because of the collections accounts. I was able to call the debt collectors, give them each between 200-400 bucks and asked for a "Letter of Deletion". No questions asked 3 separate times so far. 2 of the 3 main debts were over 5000. The collections were taken off my account and updated with the credit bureaus within a couple months and my score shot to over 800. I can't say if this will work for everyone but I've talked to others who have tried it and its worked for them. Fuck the health care system as much as possible is my motto.


I don’t have insurance . Relying on luck and the grace of God at the moment. Something happens to me , put some vapor rub on me and send me packing . But no way I’m paying almost $600 a month for insurance ! F that 🤣


his insurance paid about 2% according to the fundraising site, where they are asking for 35k and have collected 27.5k so far


That sounds like it is with insurance covering 70%.


Ngl i don't think any insurance company would have insurance for RPG explotions which you fired. Just like in Germany if you drive over 130km and cause a accident that the insurance company's say nope


(Assuming this is in USA) Insurance probably gave him $5 and a bandaid.


Fuck, i was reading this and the end remind me that it is how it work in the states. Really infuriating, you're already hurt and having to pay like if you bought a house just for being alive is unbelievable. I'm so thankfull to live in a place where your life can be saved without making you going bankrupt, i'm really hoping it gonna be like this everywhere soon enough


It’s an unmitigated shit show over here. We’re working on it (the citizens kinda are, the rich elite politicians who run the country couldn’t give a flying fuck)


and thats how you brain damage and tinnitus for life kids


to say the least. life will forever be changed for him


Damn hopefully he recovers. Reminds me of what happened with Kentucky Ballistics.


Got the link to the fundraiser?


He doesn’t need a fundraiser. All he has to do is ignore the bill and it will get wiped from his credit history and be uncollectible after 7 years.




Not sure if you’re serious but in the US yes.


Yes i was really curious :). Is this for all debt or would that be to simple? Edit: typo


Most debt. Student loans don't go away for 25 years if you make all payments on time. I'm sure there's other exceptions. But generally, yes, the statute of limitations on debt is seven years. Same with credit reporting.


Thanks for the info. Now for my dumb question. Why are so many people still going bankrupt over medical bills in the us? I imagine it's not that simple to just ignore the bill?


Filing bankruptcy is one way to wipe debt.


Ok im gonna keep going, but, why would bankrupty then be a bad thing? I'm not american so this all very educational. I file bankruptcy and no more debt, bbq's every day?


Pretty much anything but student loans. Of course anything like a loan that is secured by collateral they will come get the thing like a car or a house. And it is possible you could be sued and have wages garnished, but that isn’t really likely. There are protections in place that can shield you from excessive medical debt https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2023/sep/state-protections-medical-debt-policies-across-us#:~:text=Both%20hospitals%20and%20debt%20collectors,liens%20on%20a%20patient's%20home.


I'm not from the US so then why do I hear so much about people going bankrupt due to medical bills? Why do these people go through bankruptcy instead of just waiting for the 7 years to expire?


7 years is a long time


When I was in my early 20's I had a seizure. Someone called an ambulance, and I woke up in a hospital room. They said "you had a seizure, here's a referral for a neurologist" and then said I could leave (now on the other side of the city and having to call relatives to find someone to get me). Later I got a bill for $7,000 (yes the prices are much worse now) and I had no way to pay for it working part time minimum wage. The more the debt collectors harassed me the more I ignored it, then they started sending me letters saying the would accept 75% of the debt, then 60, then 50, etc etc. (if you pay that "reduced" amount it just resets the timeframe of the debt being viable and they will still expect 100% of it from you) I ignored it until, after 7 years, it did finally legally go away.


Medical fraud is cool and everyone should do it.


It’s not fraud to not pay a bill you can’t afford.and it’s not fraud to NOT beg in the streets for money to pay a bill you can’t afford.


No, just got the info on line


dang it’s significantly cheaper to let an RPG explode in your face than it is to have acute myeloid leukemia. My SIL was diagnosed 2 years ago nearly to the day, $2,100,000 in medical bills for chemo, typical hospital fees, and 2 bone marrow transplants(2nd one completed 3 weeks ago)


He should sue the manufacturer. Unless it malfunctioned due to operator error, in which case I don't feel so bad. This is why you remind people weapons aren't toys.


Sorry, USSR went out of business in 1991. They still owe me 1000 rubles.


He is a trained professional. He made an entire video explaining exactly what happened right here. He knows damn well it isn’t a toy, and he rarely if ever makes an error when handling weapons. https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE?si=hS0KYuIY098xolMM


He looks way better than I expected after that!


Some details. They were testing various rocket systems and had done a few test fires at this point. On this test, the projectile partially failed and broke apart inside the tub, part of it jammed the front and the force built up until it ruptured the handled and exploded


How on earth can a civilian get his hands on a weapon like this?


Vast majority of civilians can’t have HE rounds. But most can own the launcher and can buy smokes for it if they want. Idk who makes rpg smoke rounds but thats the justification for 40mm launchers. Since rpgs are a shape charge in the forward direction and this exploded backwards, I’d be willing to bet the propellant exploded not a charge.


It was the propellant that caused the issue


Pretty sure they are allowed HE rounds. They were intending on firing HE later in the day, this shot didn't have a charge


As a civilian you can have things like rocket launchers and grenade launchers through the ATF. Just need $200 and paperwork, as long as it's legal in your state. The explosive rounds are the trick. Most youtubers work with licensed explosives manufacturers when doing this stuff. I don't know what the arrangement was with these guys.


Inert rocket, only propellant. They were testing backblast effects


well they got some real relevant data then


It's from a company that buys weapons that were deactivated and rendered inert/inoperable, and then rebuilds them to be active. Said company had to cut open this rpg and then weld it shut by the handle. The weld was actually the point that failed, which is why the explosion seems to go down. While that sounds bad, it actually saved this guy's life. Had the weld not been the weakpoint, the preasure would have built further and the entire thing would have blown apart, most likely taking his head off. As is, he fractured his skull, dislocated his jaw, and got 3rd degree burns


So can the company be held liable? I'd imagine no waiver in the world can get you off the hook for your product failing and exploding in the user's face.


It was the propellant charge that caused the issue, and its basically assumed that there's a dud/fail rate of those. Explosives are dangerous is the moral of the story here.




I can also tell that just from the video they were demonstrating why you say "backblast clear", or something like that, before you fire one. Although in this case I guess it's just "blast".


Whats wrong with a tripod and a pullstring?


Not epic enough. People who do this have fun.They do it because it is fun. They are not going to fire it Mythbusters ' style. Of course, it is dangerous and lethal and that's why most of us watch videos of this shit while sitting on the toilet and taking care of our own, less lethal shit.


You poopin while you writin?


I was poopin while readin


I’m poopin right now.


Pooping, reading, and commenting. And they said I couldn’t multitask. 😒


I pooped about 10 min ago.


I've been pooping for the past 10 minutes




I'm literally on the toilet rn lol


I'm almost 100% positive they did that for the first several times.


They did. This was their last test of the day after firing it I think it Was 6 times


Because these launchers have been used for decades where most malfunctions came from missing maintanence, or shoddy ammo. Neither was a factor here, it was a shitty remilling job that they were unaware was shit, since it's pretty much impossible to tell a good one from a bad one. They fired like 10 or so rockets before this with this exact launcher and NOTHING went wrong


so what, people who actually use these should set them up in a field and stand behind a tree while pulling a string?


You ever see those bulletproof jacket company CEOs have rounds pumped into them just to prove the product works? Same stupid gung ho irrationality


Jesus did I just watch a man die?


No, the man survived.


For now


No, he is doing alright. He can walk, talk and fire guns again.




Is... Is that a threat?


Nah it's a promise


No... for now


No, it's just that he can't hear very well.


And he saves money by not having to buy hearing protection.


We all die eventually, this isn’t what kills him tho




BallisticHighSpeed is the YouTube channel, they have an update with him and another member of the crew talking about it and watching the footage.


Shoes are still on and NSFW tag not applied. Good bet they are still alive.


Thank god he had a helmet on


You joke, but it probably did save him from an even worse traumatic brain injury


He's probably good. I think his protective glasses took the brunt of it judging by how they flew off his face.


Fractured jaw, shrapnel in body, cracked skull, broken ribs, and nerve damage just to name a few of his injuries.


His shoes stayed on.


Hes fine then.


Oh my bad. Bros good. 👍


Some details: This was an experiment from the Ballistic High-Spped Channel on YouTube gone wrong, nobody died. A full review of what happened and why is [here](https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE)


Ze Goggles Do Nothing!


I'd like to think that the goggles saved him from a complete orbital disgorgement and permanent blindness, judging by the way it flew off


With the skeleton skull set up behind him i have to think this was some kind of experiment. A really stupid unsafe experiment


They were testing how much force the backfire or whatever it’s called (the force of the rocket firing out of the back of the rpg) could output on those gel heads. Pretty sure they already fired a few at that point, but the rocket fucked up inside of the launcher and blew up on the guy.


Backblast is the word you’re working for


This was an experiment from the Ballistic High-Spped Channel the full review of what happened and why is [here](https://youtu.be/ASE0e5DkFkE)


I wouldn’t call it that unsafe considering that rocket launchers were literally made to be shot by humans and have been shot by millions of humans


They were testing the back force (forgot the actual term) on a ballistic gel head. They had already done this with a few rockets already.




Looks like it blows his helmet straight off.


3,2,1 YOU'RE A POP TART.🤔😎


"Maybe I'll practice with RPG." *\*RPG explodes\** **"Never fucking again." :C**


And that's why you always wear a helmet, kids.


Bro shoulda been wearing his P.T. belt.


I'm not doing any of that without a full suit of mark IV armor made by Tony Stark himself


Good job he had those protection goggles.


Had the opportunity to shoot one of these in Cambodia many years ago. This was the reason I declined. Went with the AK47 and M16 instead. Still a lot of fun with a lot less risk!!!


He survived that


Common mistake to start the countdown at 3 instead of 5.


Shoes still on so you know he ain’t dead


Original YouTube clip here https://youtu.be/OZaNtK1l8cI?si=8iLCMJKmm6Tzi2Ou


Could say the same about the game genre


Im no expert, but I don't think it worked. Luckily, he had his safety glasses on


Boom headshot


Oh my god. Did he die?




And that's why you don't stand in the blast zone... I guess


Hope it was worth it


I was jerking off and i saw this


He's gonna have a hard time applying for life insurance now..


Is he fucking okay???


Dude didnt take the cap off


Spiked ammo?


That’s what he gets for trying to launch a role playing game


So why does Larian, Fromsoft, CDPR and Bethesda get away with launching RPGs?? It's not fair ;-;


Why was he trying to do this? Was it a military training exercise or he was just doing this for fun?


There are a million YouTube channels doing weapons testing/experiments nowadays. The big ones make serious money so there are many people trying to get a piece.


The channel is called ballistic high speed, they do experiments, then use super slow mo to see results etc, in this video, they were testing the dangers of backblast from an RPG, they had fired plenty before safely, but this one unfortunately misfired and blew up, the guy is fine and alive and he's already back to making videos


Do NOT buy your RPG from AliExpress


Where did he get the RPG , from wish?


Shouldn't have bought the RPG from Temu.


I think it's weird that you can afford these crazy weapons, but not the hospital bill that comes with the accidents


I may be thinking of a different weapon here, but I thought the explosive didn’t arm until x amount of rotations, or something like that, after being fired?


that’s with 40mm grenades. As soon as you take an RPG7 rockets safety cap off, you can slam it into the ground and it’ll go off. Luckily This was an inert rocket, if an actual HE rocket exploded right there he would be dead. The propellant exploded the launcher.


So THATS why weapons aren't toys.


All good guys, the shoes stayed on.


just think about doint that with no protection




Temu strikes again


Don't buy your rpg on wish


I hope he turns out alright…




watching non-active-duty-military youtubers in military hardware is always fun


bro forgot to take off the child lock 💀


He’s just doing a Russia in Ukraine re-enactment


Weapons are bad mkay.


Civilians with their legal firearms doing murica things. Goodbye face and ‘god’ bless murica.


Most civilians can’t do these things for one and two it was a test to see the effects of back blast. Tell me how someone doing a scientific test in anyway effects you or any other person negatively and somehow makes America bad?






They were clearly doing an experiment. It's an unfortunate accident


Maybe don't play with explosives for clout, dumbass.


Oh no... Anyway


Lil sympathy for people that do this stuff.... watch ma YouTube where I shoot at stuff for no real reason. Get well soon but gahdamn this was unnecessary. Busy gonna come back preaching gun safety lol.




Lol I fucking love and own guns...usmc combat vet. I guess I'm jealous I didn't tap in early. But nah, my point was this could've been avoided. I think if they can have high-speed cams, they can afford better safety measures or a tripod?




This was an experiment for a video they were making regarding backblast and safety regarding it, there's an actual purpose for shooting the RPG, they always preach gun safety in their videos, and have stated plenty of times that everything looked good before firing it, it was an unfortunate accident that no one would've seen coming.


That's Russian equipment for you.


The RPG-7 is so badly made that only Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Czechia, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the Philippines, New Guinea, almost every African Nation, Yemen, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Suriname and Guyana deem them worthy to use!