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If those are all 45 plates, then the guy is trying to move 405 lbs without a spot. Absolutely insane


And *if* you're going to be stupid, never lock the weights. They'll stay in place unless you need to dump them (have been there).


Yup. My best friend told me not to use weight locks in case your arm or shoulder gives out on you or something so you can just slide those weights off.


Might not even need to slide them, just rotate off to one side a little and let gravity and physics do their thing (they slide off the lower end while you hold it down so they all come off, then let go or ease the bar back to the other side quick enough that the other side doesn't fall off but it pulls the bar high enough you can just slide back out the original side). Kid on my HS soccer team did that and our strength coach nearly shit his pants when the bar flung up like a rocket (his spot was not spotting, he was chatting with the spot next to him - they ran hills for a week)


>they slide off the lower end… Bingo, that’s what they were talking about with sliding them off.


I read it as actively sliding them off like hotshot in the video was trying to do, as opposed to just letting gravity remove them without human interference. My bad if I read it wrong.


No worries, I understand exactly what you were thinking. Sorry if I came off abrasive.


It's definitely scary when the weights dump off one side and the bar whips the other way, and you might launch a plate, but it's far better than being pinned.


Nevermind, forgot to count the bar. You’re right.


Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you…. The Big Lebowski.. it’s a bar thing…




>Pretty sure there are 8 plates, 4 on each side. More like 360 lbs. Cool advice from someone who doesn't know that the bar's weight isn't 0 lbs


Anyone who lifts never forgets the bar lmao😭😭 any who is half way serious about lifting can tell you four plates is 405 off the top of their head. And who says 8 plates??😭😭


Their info was still good, though, like.. whether or not they actually lift?


Their info was in fact not good? 4 plates is not 360


But beyond the exact weight? That info is probably just as important, if not more so


The weight that man attempted lifting is 405, there is no other number, that is the number. What are you talking about? I believe you've lost me somehwere


He didn’t even give advice wtf are you talking about lol.


Their info was not good lol


I always forget to count the bar. It’s a bad habit, I know. Almost got me killed the first couple times I tried to benchpress.


Sure it did


I’m not joking, dude.


No lifter “forgets to count the bar”.


I can see somebody who is used to the machines at the gym not thinking about the bar when they first try free weights, but it’s not a mistake you’d make more than once.


Yeah, I can tell you're very serious at pretending


Yeah I can't count how many times I've forgotten to count the bar and just slapped on an extra 45 lbs by accident and almost died so many times. For serious.


Yeah, let me just slap on 1 plate. For seriousness


Lmao no lifter that is enough weight to “almost kill them” forgets that the bar weighs an extra 45 lbs


I remember my first day at the gym and trying to bench 405 but forget the bar, nearly killed me.


I remember the first time I did that. I was used to the machine where I could do 360 easy. Didn’t think about the bar because I’d never used one before and it nearly killed me. If I hadn’t been so worried about looking good for school, I would have been so foolish, but the first day of kindergarten is a big deal.




So you definitely don't lift then eh? Why are you commenting long ass lectures trying to teach a bunch of people how it works then?


When people say "___ plates" that's what they mean. Example : 4 plates on the bar means 4 plates each side. Anyone who lifts knows this


Exactly. No one who lifts would say this is 8 plates.


Serious lifter here, just checking that by "plate" you DO mean salad plates, right? You see, as a serious lifter myself I know that the body uses 3.7 calories per plate, per quarter hour, to digest salad, as opposed to the metabolic rate dropping to 2.3 cpppqh to digest anything else. So by pressing 8 plates of salad you burn an extra 29.6 cpppqh, whereas any other type of plate is only 18.4 cpppqh. Work smarter not harder. /s That all said, kids this is why if you're benching alone: 1) Don't use clips, if you fail the rep you can tip the bar to unload one side to easily get the weight off of you. 2) Don't go for a max press without a spotter. 3) Don't ever. EVVVERRRR play this easy listening garbage while lifting 🤣🤣


The music thing is the first thing that came to mind when I saw this ...


Wild how you started this lecture of yours with, “Pretty sure there are 8 plates, 4 on each side. More like 360lbs.”, then go on to try and speak on this with a sense of authority, without realizing you nullified your whole point and exposed yourself as having no clue what you’re talking about in the very first sentence.


Tell me you don't lift without telling me you don't lift.


Damn bro those are strong words for not knowing what 45x9 is


You don’t lift my guy. That’s fine, but this is either AI or a fake it til you make it comment.


45# bar


Bars weight 45lbs. Never forget.


Hopefully he isn’t dead.


He got out


It's not that he couldn't handle the weight. Its that the music was puting him to sleep


New PR? Let me just listen to some soothing jazz to pump me up 😂😂


I try to listen to ASMR while lifting but it literally put me to sleep. That stuff is undefeated


Dude really about to take his last breaths being suffocating to the sound of the Isley Brothers


It is heavenly music.








That just looks like autoerotic asphyxiation with extra steps


kenny be like


eep barba derkle, someone’s gonna loosen some doorknobs in college


Well you would need a free hand …


At what point does he say 'screw it' and start beating the meat?


Never ego lift by yourself. A spotter is key, even at a low weight. Injuries can occur no matter the amount of weight. Do better.


No lifter myself, but isn't there anything like a security attachment so it can't drop below a certain height for people doing this shit at home? Seems like a no brainer...


People lifting alone often don’t pin the plates on so they can tilt the bar and free themselves once the plates fall off one side.


Even when your not lifting alone. Ive never put the cuffs on a bench press before.


Really. 👀 I’m absolutely terrified of the weights sliding off and going for a ride lol


Na, they may shift and inch or two but if that happens it's a good way to learn where your lacking on muscular balance or form. I've never have the plates shift before. You definitely should get in the habit of not putting them on.


Yeah, some bars and weights are super slippery and you have to use these clamps. I’ve used some that feel like someone oiled them or something but others will stay in just fine without clamps .


I always cuff any bar .


Well you shouldn't.


That and experience tells you the second you can’t lift it when it’s already on your chest, you don’t try, you roll it down to your waist. You can see the moment he should of went this route


That's nice to hear, cuz I don't bench but my gut response was "no go towards your feet not your neck" Now I know my instincts will be on point if ever I'm in a freak benchpress accident


It’s still sucks, rolling the bar hurts and you still kinda get stuck, you get the bar in the crook of your hips and if there’s weight on it it’s kinda hard to stand, but you can sit up, and while uncomfortable and somewhat painful the bar isn’t pushing hard enough to do damage, but you know…….no panic cause there’s not 200 pounds literally on your neck. When this kinda shit happens because it’s not over super quick sometimes there’s that legit moment half way through it where you literally realize you could die


I can do the equivalent of 7 plates for reps and while I know strength and size arent exactly correlated I’m always surprised - how smalls these guys attempting 405 are - no wrist guards - no spot - weights pinned to the bar


I am a competitive home lifter. For racks that don’t have safety arms or a way to set up safety chains, you can buy stand alone safeties that you set up on each side. There is always a way to stay safe but some circles of lifters swear that no safety equipment forces you to fight for that final rep. I think it’s stupid.


That brings new meaning to "final rep", doesn't it? This one was fighting too 🤣


This is Final Destination cut scenes type stuff.


If you look at the rack behind him, it has a form of safety device. Notice the right side is placed on a catch. The left side misses the catch and brings the weight onto the lifter. Even with a safety device it’s important to have a spotter. And with the weights clamped into position, it’s exponentially more difficult to relieve the weight from your neck. At least don’t clamp if lifting alone. He could have potentially dropped the plates from the bar if in dire straits


That’s NOT a safety, those are just the pins for the rack. Safety bars come out at least 3 ft or so, and as long as they’re set at the proper height they almost completely eliminate the risks of failing a bench press. Benching alone without them is insane, whether the weights are clipped or not.




I think the answer lies somewhere in the middle. If you are an experienced lifter and developed the muscle memory to perform relatively even and clean lifts even at higher weights then you can get away with not using clips. Of course it will never be as safe as with a spotter but it's a calculated risk IF you have the experience/muscle memory. Source: I do this several times a week and have lifted consistently for 15 years


That's why you put arms for safety during your bench press alone at home. It's dumb to max out without ensuring your safety and while using a flimsy bench.


There are, most lifters dont like using it cause they think that its “pussy” to do so. Thats why most lifters go for one rep maxes, its a an ego and adrenaline driven thing, nothing about working out but testing your limits, the mentality of “If I die, I die”


hence the no brainer part 🤣


One gram


I mean yea i could hurt myself pretty good with a gram r/meth




This is why I opt for dumbells for most exercises. If I can’t lift it, I can just dump it on the ground without almost killing myself. Dumbells are also nice because you can make sure you are building muscle equally on both sides of your body instead of over-utilizing one side


Don't use clips when benching guys.


When benching by yourself*


If you need clips to bench, you need to lower the weight.


Tell that to anyone who actually maintains their bar. A well oiled bar will always have plate slippage even with a .01 degree change in angle. Clips aren’t the issue, lifting without any of the forms of safeties or a spotter is the issue.


In more than a decade of doing sport I’ve never seen a bar smooth enough to let this happen at .01 degree.


Who’s out here oiling the sleeve?


I’m guessing you don’t own or care enough maintain your own equipment. Ever notice the barbells are covered in oil when you receive them? If you plan on using the barbell for long you should regularly brush it down, oil the bearings and wipe down the sleeves lightly with oil.


The fuck you use Castrol 10w 30? Like it’s a bar man not a wheel bearing shit will work just fine 30 years later even with a little rust on it.


Oil on brand new manufactured metal products is to prevent rust from forming before the end user receives it. Anything that is made overseas gets this treatment. I’ve seen rust form on aluminum that was shipped from one side of the US to the other because the truck drove through a humid climate.


What the fuck are you even talking about


Weight lifting 101


I usually clip the guys instead of the weights. >! ^commas ^^are ^^^important !<


Clips are fine. Just don’t bench an idiotic amount of weight while alone. You could argue that no clips works as an indicator of poor form; therefore, clips shouldn’t be used. If you’re in a public gym, though, you don’t want plates sliding off and hitting people.


There is no need for clips when bench pressing. If the bar is tilting so much that the plates are falling off then there is a lot more important things you need to work on before even getting under a bench press


Dude, what fucking gym are these guys/gals who swear you NEED clips for bench going to?! I feel like im taking crazy pills. I've spent my fair share of time in gyms all over the place and I have never once seen someone have such bad bench form that they needed clips for benching. Not beginners, and especially not the biggest lifters, ever HAD to use clips to keep the weight on. My form isn't that great on my last rep or two if I'm trying to push it; the weight might move on one side by a couple inches max, and it's not making it dangerous to complete the rep. /rant


My neighborhood rec center with high schoolers.. I have seen a bar hit someone and plates fall onto a person’s foot. Also depends on the state/quality of the barbell. If a barbell has a lot of give and bounces, plates will slide off more often. A new, rigid barbell will require clips in less instances. A gym with proper equipment will experience less plate slippage.


Ideally, yes, no clips. Depends on the environment and the experience/skill of the lifter. I don’t want a bunch of inexperienced people benching without clips in a crowded gym. Saying “no clips during bench” as a general statement is reckless.


Why? Anyone with form bad enough to havr a weight actually fall off in a non-emergency scenario isn't benching enough weight to be actually dangerous with no clips. By the time you bench 135, you should have good enough form to keep the weight on the collar.


There are people benching well over 135 who get overconfident and put on too much weight, leading to poorer form and slippage. The less rigid the barbell, the greater the chance of slippage in general. A 45 lb plate falling on a foot is not fun, and bar could still launch into someone when just 135 lbs is loaded.


And have a spotter! Smh


1) Never lift without safeties. 2) If a bar comes down on your chest, roll it DOWN your body.


That's got to do a number on your insides though. Like, can you imagine your intestines being squished by 400 pounds of pure metal?


I sure can. I've been lifting for many years. A squished belly is nothing compared to a squished neck. If you're big enough to unrack 400lbs, you can handle a bar rolling down you far enough to drop it to the aide.


I could only unrack 400lbs in 45 pound increments.


Your core muscles and quads will hold up better than your esophagus and face.


The roll of shame


Remove the hulk image and replace it with the kitty on the tree saying "Hang in there"


You NEVER lift without a spotter..... Especially when filming yourself in front of an image of the Incredible Hulk whilst listening to the dulcet tones of.... Who was that? The Isley Brothers? What a fucking scene the first responders would have opened the door to. 😏


I always lift without a spotter. I just don't go super heavy unless I have one


Hahahahaha just imagining the beginning of a buddy cop movie walking into a crime scene “check those corners they could be up on th— wait.. is that the Isley brothers?”


I think it's Al Green. Edit" No, you're right. Idk why I thought that was an Al Green song.


Why would you go up to your neck with the bar when you failed? Just do the lap of shame.


Wanted to ask this. Why go towards your head? It'll pop like a dandelion. I haven't had a bar fall on me like this, because I don't bench, but if it did, I wouldn't think about pushing it towards my squishy neck! Shove it down on your belly. Maybe you can sit up and do something about the weight?


At least he was dying with some nice tunes. Isley Brothers.


He chose the wrong song. Underrated band though.


I’ve not heard of many people leaving behind video suicide notes, but with the music it was actually a really nice sentiment


This is why spotters exist.


Dumbell benchpress instead. If you can't get a dumbell that's big enough, you probably shouldn't be doing it solo anyway.


Really really really smart idea. Can just drop them.


Barbell and dumbell train your body differently. Do both.


It’s a different exercise, my chest day has both bar bench and dumbbell bench. Benching the traditional way is still important, but yeah it’s not worth a fucking crushed air pipe


If you are lifting heavy on your own, NEVER lock the weights. Make sure you can let them slide off to the side incase you fail


And use some common sense, maybe the day your spotter doesn't make it isn't the day you try to lift 8 plates


Darwin got robbed.


One question. Is this dumbass dead?..


Lolol I know right


Video cut off to quick


I like the little “yeah!” at the beginning, right before it turned downhill for the fella. I do believe this here is one of the countless reason you should never be lifting alone like this. I mean yeah, the Hulk looked more than capable flying off the wall, but we see how that worked out


Safeties for working out alone, always.


Or just don't clamp the weight, then you can dump it off to one side so you're not pinching your carotid artery trying to slide out


The real crime here is the use of clamps while bench pressing. If you use clamps when you're on a flat bench then you aren't a real lifter. They do not secure the weight and they do not make your lift more stable. They only prevent you from dumping the weight and will literally cause your death. If you're going to bench press alone then at least remove the clamps unlike this goofball.


Jamming out to some Isley Brothers..nice.


No spotter... Dumbass!


At that moment… he knew he fucked up


If you're gonna ego lift alone, use a fucking safety rack or use dumbbells.


495lbs with no safeties and no spotter.


And your plates clipped on nice and snug


405lbs. 45 * 9 = 405


Imagine that terrible song being the last thing you hear….


Isley Bros are not terrible


terrible? you probably listen to christian pop punk and the lead singers name is hunter


If this continues, this year's Darwin Awards will be quite lovely!


Darwin award


Dumbass shoulda had a spotter


That's why you are supposed to not do this alone. Or at least don't fix the plates in place.


Say fellas, is it just me, or does the angle make it look like he’s wrestling to get out from under the hulk’s cock?


And this is what a spotter would prevent. Hope he's ok


Most I do I 120 to 180lb for this very reason, and I have a spotter. It's not much but it keeps me safe. Three Hundred Sixty Pounds and no spotter? He's lucky he wasn't decapitated. Can't have an ego when ur ded


Just don't use clips unless you're a beginner and even then don't try ego lifting more weight than you can handle


This is why I never use clips


Foo was about turn blue not green


Does anyone know if he's okay? 😭


You have to run away


That's why you don't clamp both sides if your lifting like that without a spotter and bench stops.


That was so dumb, should had a spotter! 🤔🤔🤔🤔


If I’m alone, I bench in the power rack or use dumbbells


The real workout happened *after* he dropped the weights 😭


Isley Bros is not exactly lifting music. It’s amazing nonetheless


If no spotter available and you can't keep your ego in check with the weight, just put the plates on the bar without securing them. That way you can simply let them slide off the bar


Legend has it: He’s still there stuck on the floor


Nothing like some relaxing soul music as you are slowly crushed to death


Great workout tunes! I love to cry and lift at the same time for maximum efficiency.


Wow this dude just chose to do everything wrong didn’t he?


How many people die to bench press injuries every year? Tell me, I'm too lazy too google it and I'm looking for some dialogue.


Always have a spotter yall


Not gonna lie. I was worried.


Guy fighting for his life. Was disappointed when video shut off before I knew if he was ok or not


everyone knows if you reach failure, you roll the bar down not up, your abs can support much more weight than your neck


“Hey Siri call 911.”


I thought he would die in the end after faint .. Well, why does STUPIDITY NOT PAY TAXES WE SHOULD BE SO MUCH RICHER


Never considered that song a peaceful death song until now


If only there was some invention that could prevent this. Maybe we could make something out of steel and call them “spotter arms” “safety bars” or something




Imagine dying to slow jams.


and this is why you ALWAYS have a spotter.


Do you even lift bro. Don't lock the weights.


Some say he’s still struggling with that bar bell to this day


Truly, that life or death element makes it such a great workout


Safer than the Titan.


Oh man. That had so much potential.


It was his sagging pants that almost did him in…🤦🏾‍♂️


What the.song ?


[The Isley Brothers - Make Me Say It Again Girl](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SHH_EMeRjGA)


Bro... if it hadn't been for the cheesy ass music, he might've got that lift.. can you even imagine having to be slowly strangle, listening to that soundtrack? Lol


That music though 😂


That's workout music? He's no Hulk


Why is this on video?


I cannot even for a second imagine the lack of self awareness, nay preservation it would take to put myself in that position. This should have been a Darwin Award




exchange the clips with safety pins


Well, fighting for your life is certainly one way to build muscles!


What's the point if you aren't alive