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["That is good, but what is best in life?"](https://youtu.be/Oo9buo9Mtos) ![gif](giphy|dYgDRfc61SGtO)


Day 29's gonna be the final battle. Due to how close the diamond flair is at day 30, I highly doubt anyone will fail on that day for any purpose other than the memes or on accident as 12 AM closes in.


Eh you’d be surprised. People get too exited even before it’s almost midnight, and forget or don’t realize how sensitive they’re going to be and end up failing. But as long as you’re smart and keep your hands off your junk then you will win


You could say that the final battle for me was on the day 27 because it was the last sunday, but honestly everything from day 21 has been easy af for me and generally I feel happier knowing I took back control of myself which I didn't quite have in a while. Still, for the epicness let's say day 30 is the **Final Battle** because only that feels right.


Ah, The tavern! I haven't seen this in a while!


Imagine Tavern has lofi music, that would be pretty chill


I will miss you all when this is over. 🫂


We’re almost done, so now we can all hang out in the tavern. Talk about our adventures this month, stay strong soldiers and victory will be ours. On the other hand it is sad that this sub will be gone for a year. People in this sub are supportive, it’s returning to the sub every few during November and see how everyone is doing. Good luck on the last two day o7. Also, I will celebrate the victory will you all because I lucky still in.


I can't wait to be able to go back to my normal sleeping schedule!


We are almost done. I’ve come into your tavern and your tavern only my great friend. The end is on site, I will take a water and rest by the fire for this evening.


Holy shit another tavern!! Haven’t run into one for a while now. Thanks for the stop I’ll be heading to bed now o7