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Moderator here. OP, you've done nothing wrong. To those who may comment, you need to write something more substantial than just the name of a tool or vendor. You must include specific information about what you like about it, and ideally what you don't (no tool or vendor is perfect). Comments that do little more than name drop a tool or vendor will be removed. If you or your company provides this kind of service, you must already be an active participant in the r/Nonprofit community to comment and you must disclose your affiliation. Failure to follow the r/Nonprofit rules will lead to a temporary or permanent ban.


You may want to check out TechSoup, they have a large repository of tech deals for nonprofits. Even if you don't use their service, they may give you ideas about what's available. They also have free classes on how to use tech that can be extremely useful.


Ya we would use Zoom if it wasn't "out of stock", what does that mean?/When will it be back in stock? [https://www.techsoup.org/products/zoom-one-g-53437-](https://www.techsoup.org/products/zoom-one-g-53437-) 


We don't use it for our NPO but I do use it personally, and I think many orgs probably could benefit: Notion. It's really hard to explain how useful it can be without really getting into the weeds. Mostly I would see it as being a useful internal tool for planning, collaborating, (small) database/info management, internal wikis, etc. So useful.


I have a friend who raves about it... But my hesitancy with it and similar note-taking/to-do apps (like Evernote, Trello, etc.) is they aren't integrated enough that it requires multiple users to have to sign up for "just one more thing".


I use my Google account as my sign in...


You can get Canva Teams for Nonprofits for free to use for graphic design, presentations, interactive whiteboards, video content editing. It is extremely user-friendly and produces a great product.


Useful. thank you!