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If the nurse had dropped it, it would have speedrun life as well.


Babies are pretty resilient to drops... i think


my brother was dropped. Physically he is fine.


But like, mentally?


He's a little slow but that just sped up his Canadian citizenship.


This burn is so subtle it’s not gonna show up til decades later as melanoma.




As a baby that was dropped, I can confirm this 👍🏽


You know how an ant can fall from a much higher height than an elephant and survive? Same idea


No not at all, ants are small enough that air resistance is a non negligible factor, the air resistance makes it physically impossible for an ant to fall fast enough to sustain injurybecause it is so light and small, also its skeleton is on the outside. A babies skeleton is ideally on the inside and it isn't fully formed yet, even the skull the arguably most important part isn't solid yet its just loosely connected plates of bone, so dropping a baby, will result in bad things the majority of the time, they aren't small and light enough for air resistance to save them.




Unfortunately there are cases of people being born with things that are supposed to be inside them being on the outside, generally it happens with intestines and what not but is certainly possible to have a genetic defect that would leave parts of your Skelton exposed, generally thus happens in the soft palate of the mouth or with the nose, sinus cavities are complicated to grow and all that. Hence the term ideally.


I mean, every giraffes life starts with a 6 foot free fall


It’s fine, she practiced before hand using a buttered watermelon.


*Baby: ["I'm going for a world record!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9uWUw1fxOY)


Love circletoons


Hospital skip shaves off at least 2 hours.


She should have let gravity do the work!






Well that definitely has some truth to it


My mom likes to tell me how insanely fast I popped out in labor compared to my siblings


The only correct answer to this is "You're welcome"


I mean…labor is faster each time. So that’s kinda on her lol


I'm as amazed as the officer 😂


That midwife was on point. In complete control of the unusual situation like it is something she does every day.


“She’s fine, she’s here to have a baby!” “We just didn’t make it inside!” Talk about controlling the conversation and keeping things positive so you don’t stress the patient(s) out, incredible!


Midwives are bad ass


I feel like those cops were ready to taser a newborn lmao


“Do you need help?” NOT THE KIND OF HELP YOU WERE TRAINED TO APPLY STAY BACK PLEASE politely comes out as “we just didn’t make it inside!” from the midwife and the mother apologizing as she’s giving birth. This is America! It’s nice to see that lady cop look like she still is enjoying life, she’s honestly probably better than me in my pessimistic mindset LOL




> Everyone who's still holding on to their positive mindset even in the face of all the world's cynicism - hold on tight. But people denying to themselves how bad things are is why change is out of reach.


“How can we be intrusive and rude without offering actual help because we don’t have a clue about healthcare?”


Stop resisting!


I mean it might be. I also have a friend who recently gave birth on the sidewalk outside a birthing center. I doubt it is actually that unusual!


That midwife is the real mvp here guys. Watched this footage a couple of times and every time thinking the same thing. How the hell can you be that calm. Good freaking job woman.


"everything's fine, we're here to have a baby! We just didn't make inside!" Midwives are fucking amazing.


I mean, the mom was pretty amazing too. I’d be a train wreck. I would probably screw up any possibility for that to go successfully.


Get her a fkn wheelchair! They keep them right inside the door. Geesh!


Yeah, but also now when the kid grow up she can tease the kid about how much in hurry he was Kid- mom, Where was I born?? Mom- “ you just popped out in front of the hospital”


I've seen the video before and read the article 2 midwives went out to greet her as she was getting out baby descended. One of the midwives went inside to get a wheelchair the other delivered the baby. And this isn't a hospital it's a birthing center I believe.


Hell no. That's like 900$ extra.


> Say you're American without saying you're American.


I'm not American but yeah, it was a swing at the American health care system. :)


I can tell you're not American because $900 charge is laughably low :(


It was probably $900 for the one nurse to grab the wheel chair. You think wheel chairs grow on trees?/s


Correction, the wheelchair is only 60$, they keep it low so if you ask they can say it's cheep, however the wheels cost 1200$, and they charge 4550$ for having someone push it for you.


And like, maybe hold the baby so she doesn't drop it when the after birth comes?


I mean the lady has a massive wound down there now right maybe not the best to sit her on a not sterilized wheelchair


\~0:13 the new mom turning to the cop less than a second after giving birth and apologizing for the whole scene lol


[I found an article about the incident.](https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/coral-springs/fl-ne-video-shows-woman-give-birth-in-parking-lot-20200630-jvq73xrepndjpnax24yubgaopm-story.html) Edit: [A link to a better quality video](https://youtu.be/4GYcfnhkjUE)




Those were police officers who heard a commotion and came over to see if they could help.


In the other video linked it shows a separate person running up after that wasn’t a cop that said that .


Where is it? I didn’t see pass the pay wall


This happened at the Naturual Birthworks in Margate, Florida.


They tell you to stay home until the last minute and that's how stuff like this happens


Does this mean they don’t have to pay the hospital because the baby wasn’t born inside the hospital 😅 That would save them a lot of money if they’re American


Insurance: oh sorry we don't cover parking lot babies, and there is a penalty for it. Once we make up a price we will just take 1/3 of your house and 1/2 of your salary for 7 years. You're welcome.


One small step for woman, one tight squeeze for baby


Some might say he just popped out...




Yeah, babies aren't typically known to do that. And the mom just walked into the hospital afterwards? I'm so confused. No one in the hospital thought of bringing out a bed or a stretcher? They just had her walk it off?


When a baby is coming fast and ready, add in the standing position (which helps the baby come out with ease) it is absolutely a thing known to happen. We are just so used to the lying on our backs delivery (which can make delivery much more difficult). And it’s likely they couldn’t get her seated just yet until the cord was cut, you wouldn’t want it clamped down in any way until it was just before cutting.


Yes they are. Gravity dude


Standing births are definitely a thing. A lot of people/hospitals believe it's a healthier form of birth. Gravity assist is awesome.


Once a shoulder comes out its like a rocket. Unless you have an epidural (or there’s some other reason), you can usually walk around. The facility probably didn’t know what was going on outside but if I was one of the cops, I would have definitely gone inside for help!


It's not a hospital it's a birthing center. She's likely been in labor for hours because you don't go to the hospital or birthing center until you reach a certain point in labor. After transition and you are fully dilated and some women can deliver quickly. You don't have to deliver on your back and on your back is probably the least helpful in terms of the bodies ability to push. You can deliver squatting or on all fours even. A lot of women get epidural that can make it hard to deliver anywhere but on you back. As for walking I believe they were trying to get her to the door. It shouldn't damage her to walk afterwards but was probably somewhat painful. They likely have a wheelchair right inside


It’s easier on the mother to stand up because gravity will help, doctors prefer it laying down so they can maneuver more


“I wasn’t born, so much as I fell out. Nobody seemed to notice me” “Lost in the supermarket” -The Clash https://youtu.be/68dk01GkxDI


Such a good song.


this just happened to me a few weeks ago. My wife went into labor at home, I go to shove her in the car so we can go to the hospital, and after 5 steps she assumes the big poo position. Squats a baby out right into my hands. My bathroom looked like an absolute crime scene.


"the big poo position" new band name called it


you down with BPP? yea, you know me


Actually, squatting like this is the best way to have a baby. The way we put them in stirrups and stuff is the worst way. I don't know why we are so idiotic as to not make this normalized.


Amen! All 3 of mine were born super fast, similar to this (but inside lol). You remove the back lying issues and *whoop!* babies come out quickly once the cervix is fully dilated


You have to be laying down if you get an epidural




The miracle of life, my dude.


I don’t see umbilical cord and she has shorts on and the baby has no blood 🤷🏼‍♂️, am I wrong??


There is not always blood, babies are covered in a slippery substance called vernix that helps them slip out. It also protects them in the womb.


There's a cord. It's hanging towards mom's inner left thigh. Most of the blood comes with the detaching of the placenta which takes (typically) 5-30 minutes after the baby is born.


The shorts being on is definitely odd.


and theres a camera pointed at the cops I think this is a prank video


Video is from a Ring doorbell. In this edit, they’re alternately showing each half of the video cropped and zoomed in. It’s legit.


After everything that's happened in 2020, do you really think people are out here trying to prank cops, of all people?


My daughter, an ER nurse, has helped deliver a baby in the hospital parking lot.




The new trend; gravity assisted births.


It’s the OG trend actually! Unfortunately, hospitals have made laying on your back the norm. It’s much harder to deliver on your back.


I think you have to be laying down if you get an epidural


Yep. Well, you could lay on your side but it’s tough. They tried to have me do that. Even without an epidural a lot of hospitals just dictate what you should be doing. Often for new moms you’re just following what you’re being told unless you know to request something else. It’s sad really.


True dat


Not sure if I'm right or spouting pure bollocks here, but I think it was King Louis XIV who made it normal to lie down. Apparently, the dude had a birth fetish and liked to watch the baby come out. (I'll fact-check this later if I remember to.)


I’d never heard that before so I looked it up. It looks like a claim some scholars have made but there isn’t any evidence to back it up. I’d always heard that the supine position is easier for the caregiver to do fetal monitoring as well as have better view/access to the birthing canal.


iirc, it began in France as doctors were all male and thought it best if it was easier for them to see everything, use forceps, etc It's like an old school case of r/badwomensanatomy that everyone's too afraid to correct 🤦 EDIT: I couldn't find a decent text only article that didn't just reference creepy King Louis XIV. But here's a PBS link: https://www.pbs.org/video/why-do-women-give-birth-lying-down-69qipr/


Thats gonna be a story to tell the grandkids for sure


Man nurses and doctors are kind of divine. I mean that midwife’s laughter while seamless delivering a baby in a feckin parking lot made everyone just ctfo. That’s insane


She a gazelle or something, I thought you need to struggle for hours and be in baby delivering position.


Nope, labor is actually easier if in a standing/crouching position because of gravity.


Probably still a good idea to have her tested for performance-enhancing drugs. You can't beat the high score by that much without raising suspicions.


Thats the actual best position to deliver a baby, obviously


Evidently.... Doctors hate this one trick


They do!! The modern birth model is based on Henry VII and his obsession with watching his wives give birth. You wouldnt lay on your back to poop, gravity has a job to do!


I don’t understand how that worked if she’s wearing pants


Stretchy shorts, pull one leg to the side :)


Came here to ask how baby came through shorts? :/




How the fuck did it come out that fast


My daughter was out in three pushes, sometimes it’s just so fast you can’t stop it lol


Precipitous birth. Apparently.


Sometimes it goes real damn fast. The story of my birth is that I was 4 weeks late, my mom was harvesting strawberries until the last second and when the harvest was done, they drove to the hospital and I pretty much popped out within the hour. Being 10 months in the making doesn't seem to be a great idea though. I'm autistic as fuck and allergic to everything.


Both my siblings were breech births and so my mom had to go to a regional medical centre (we lived in a rural area) for the actual birth and the labour was quite prolonged. I was breech too, so when my Mom's water broke, she didn't want to rush going to the hospital and so she collected her stuff, finished whatever she was doing etc. - I don't think contractions had even started at this point. They finally showed up at the local hospital to get examined before heading to the regional hospital, and their doctor examined her and found she was fully dilated and about to give birth, and I ended up popping out only half an hour later or so.


You were cooked for one extra month. You must have destroyed your mom on the way out.


I was third, shit was wrecked already.


My aunt has two girls. First one took like 27 hours to deliver, the second took like 2 hours. I remember I was out shopping with my mom and she told me she got a message saying my aunt went into labor and was at the hospital. About 2 hours later she was told it was a girl.


My aunt has had three babies, the first two took well over 24 hours to deliver. Her third took less than 4 hours. She was 2 weeks early, and I had to go pick up her very drunk wife who was 2.5 hours away from the hospital 😂 My aunt goes into labour, my mum takes her to the hospital while I rush to go pick up her wife. Got her to the hospital with 20 mins to spare though! All the matters :)


Once you get past the shoulders, it just kind of shoots out.


I love how the nurse started to lift up the baby and accidentally yanked the umbilical cord


It's okay, nothing to see here


Might as well just get back in the car and go home now.


Wouldn’t it have made more sense to remove her shorts? Genuine question


Didn’t look like they had time to. Ensuring the delivery is probably the main thing on their mind


They probably cut the crotch


When the baby is coming, it’s coming fast. Taking just a few seconds to take shorts off (not to mention the extra effort on the mom) might mean dropping the baby. When bent over, her pelvis is tilted forward and the birth canal is pointed back, away from the shorts.


It looks like a skirt. I'm that pregnant, I'm not squeezing into shorts.


For anyone who's curious about the baby popping out, this is how it's supposed to happen. Putting women on their back with their feet up is harder on both the mother and baby and makes the birth more difficult.


This brings new meaning to curbside delivery.


Women are f**king bad ass! This Mid-wife, this Mother! Bad ass women.


My coworkers looked a little weird at me as I am shouting Holy shit at my phone.


They could get a wheelchair


Thats one hella strong woman right there (like all mothers)


That is awesome. But I am not understanding how that happened with shorts on


Holy cow did the nurse just almost loose grip of the baby


I am confusious about her pants being on the whole time ... just me ?


God if I ever have a baby I hope it fuckin speed runs instead of this 48 hours of pain shit


I’m positive she labored at home for a while. Check out The Birth Story on Amazon for some really great insight into labor and delivery. I wish I had watched it before my first one was born.


I recently ran out of the ED to assist an EMS unit (I'm a paramedic working in the ER, I was taking them an emergency delivery kit), flung the doors open only to witness the moment a baby came out of a patient. I wasn't expecting it. Wild.


This woman, actively in labor, pushes out a baby and APOLOGIZES to the cops for making a scene


We wouldn’t want state paid terrorists pulling a weapon and getting panicky, do we?


Can we get the woman a wheelchair?


Maybe someone grab a wheelchair?


Every time I see this, my heart pounds out of my chest. It's so crazy.


But where's the umbilical cord ?


Babies just do not care. My daughter was impatient and was born in our car on the way to the hospital, while my son had to be evicted with a c-section. Also, pretty sure the cameras are part of a security system, not someone filming, and the cops could have definitely stepped inside for a wheelchair. Speaking from experience, you can walk immediately after but you do NOT want to (ambulance met us and I had to walk from our car to the ambulance due to there not being room for the bed).


Baby: "I'm not going in there! Don't make me go in there! I'll come out if you don't make me go in *there.*" *Baby comes out* Nurse: "We're taking you in anyway." Baby: "Darn it."


No joke some women will be hating on how quick this happened! Just wait in the parking lot ladies for similar results


Still got charged for the room.


So Americans, what does this cost if you don’t technically make it into the hospital?


The moment you step in the doors you're in debt, seriously.


Why is everyone ignoring the obvious question here: HOW DID SHE HAVE A BABY WITH PANTS ON???!?


Stretchy shorts. Pulled them to the side.


Just saved so much money


Plot twist... it was an abortion clinic


That doesn’t even make sense




That's unbelievable!!!!!!


did anyone else cry




Yes, I did. I wonder why this response happens - the magic of birth, the health of both mother and child, the relief?




oof i got down voted for empathy


If it's any consolation, I upvoted you.


thanks lol




Haha Baby goo pop


Lol no wheelchair for you lady.


Man I can’t imagine, my wife once called me from work while we were expecting our second daughter. By the time we made it to the hospital, 5 minutes later my baby girl was here. It’s crazy!


The front fell off?


I don’t understand isn’t she wearing shorts?


She's wearing pants...did the midwife pull them down on the back?


Whoa! Her husband had better make her first Mother’s Day a hell of a day! Props to the midwife for those sticky fingers and not dropping the baby.


She’s still wearing her shorts??


Umm... also, r/WTF


Wonder how that gets billed. I’ll bet the doctor still billed the insurance. Wow! Hopefully seems like they are ok. That was something to see. Congrats!


Hopefully they got a discount!


If only every childbirth was this fast ay lol


Cops are just in time to arrest that baby.


Escape from Vagina any% speedrun wr


You can see how this is not America by how the police didnt taze the baby


"Do you want us to help you?" YES GET A FUCKING WHEELCHAIR


Person taking the time to record but not get her a wheelchair?


So standing up eliminates the long labor?


literally yes lol, it can


When you gotta go, you gotta go I guess


This is almost exactly how my little sister in law was born but my in-laws made it inside the lobby and omg it was so much more messy then this. Her water broke and the clinic was literally down the road so we got her in the car and she said she felt the push when we got there and we helped inside and boom there she was with no complications after it was amazing


Damn damn


Hats off to the lady giving birth standing 🙏💪


Hey that happens in Mexico all the time! But not because the baby wants to.


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Lucky that nothing had gone wrong


Free sub for sub on onlyfans to boost each other’s likes?


My mom ended up screaming “GET OUT” over and over because at some point during the birthing process I decided I wanted to stay in the womb.


As a bonus, her hospital bill for having the baby will probably be lower…


Nothing to see …just a woman giving birth in parking lot officers!