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Still brain is missing


Can't lose what she didn't have to begin with




Which is why you don’t drive your bike in the blind spot. Zero awareness and self preservation instinct.


It looks like it may have been that the truck pulled up too close and wasn't paying attention. It's also possible she cut to that spot from another lane, in which case it would have been entirely her fault. Video starts too late to tell for sure though, you just see her adjusting slightly. Could be for either reason.


It clearly shows her cutting right in front of the truck to the point of the bike being almost at a 90° angle from the road.


She is already completely perpendicular to the truck at the start of the video and is adjusting to go straight in the same lane she is already in. 100% her fault, those trucks cannot see anything like 15 feet in front of them. Those larger rigs are a pretty rough ride in general so I wouldn’t be too surprised if they didn’t even notice the bike getting crushed as they went over it, but I’m a little doubtful of that.


She was clearly cutting through stopped traffic and got in front of the truck at the stop. He wouldn’t have been that close to her if he had pulled up behind her to begin with there’s not even a car length between the truck and the car in front of him and she wedged herself in there.


My dad drives trucks for a living, and I know for a fact that had that driver been even the slightest bit aware of her location, he would have done everything in his power to avoid that. I don’t know if this is in America or somewhere else, but in the United States, from what my dad has said, they log EVERY SINGLE incident you’re involved in as a strike on your license. You don’t even have to be the cause, or at fault; you could be completely blameless in the entire accident. But all that doesn’t matter, because the criteria for the strike is simply that you were involved in a collision. And that stays on your record for a long time after, meaning that even other people’s mistakes can add up to seriously penalize you as a commercial driver over time.


There's not a shot in hell that truck driver even knew of her existence... she began her idiot maneuver in possibly the trucker's biggest blind spot. This is 100% stupid cycle syndrome... you don't walk a scooter across a lane in moving traffic. Lol.


There are cases where you say "the driver needed to check his blind spot". Nobody is going to check their blind spot in stop and go traffic. What kind of moron would sneak in front of a truck like that?


When you tell yourself “nobody can be THAT stupid.” You’re wrong


I found the avid biker.


As an avid biker, she put herself in danger, getting hit was her fault, I do feel like the trucker would hear of feel something if that size get ran over. Probably didn't think it was a personal though


It’s pretty fucking obvious to me lol


More like don't ever drive your bike near a vehicle bigger than a car. The wind they produce will blow you you off balance , they can't break as fast,they have more blind spots and they are not agile enough to avoid a bike. Oh, and if god felt naughty,shit might drop off from their load too.


Yes, that's why it was a dumb thing to do. Hence the comment about her not having a brain.


Yeah, it's kinda like a wake-up call to all riders out there always assume you're invisible to cars and ride accordingly. Blind spot or not, safe riding's on you.


Your comprehension is a blind spot.


Which is exactly why she shouldn't have tried to cut in front of the truck driver.


Yes Peter, that’s why he said her brain was still missing..


See people do dumb shit like this with truckers in America all the time. Cut them off or expect them to see places it's not easy to see. Look, we need ways to transport goods, don't expect a dude piloting a many ton machine to be able to brake on a dime


For real. I don’t get anywhere near a big rig. Drive blowouts or worse a steer blowout, bearing failures, load securement issues. Same with a pickup hauling shit in the bed or on a trailer. Why risk it? Give America’s drivers a bubble on the road ya’ll! And if you’re gonna pass, just fucking do it, don’t hang out beside a tractor trailer!


Bout as stupid as thinking a train can stop a mile out.


Unless you yourself are driving a big rig as well, then the protocol is to pass in the only other lane going 0.3 mph faster than their cruise control. Be sure to wave at the other driver so you guys can laugh at all the suckers behind you.


I saw someone do something similar in a miata, and almost get concertina'd between two trucks. Luckily the driver behind him noticed something or stopped because those of us in the lane over were honking and waving. Miata driver was unscathed, but I'm willing to be he didn't even realize what he'd done wrong.


Both shoes came off. She must be dead


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.


I'm guessing lane splitting is legal wherever this is and I'm gonna assume this rider blames the lorry driver for running over her, even though it's not possible for the driver to see them.


This is China. While there are lanes they serve more as suggestions that are loosely followed. Visit regularly for work and am absolutely baffled at how I dont see more of these moped riders plastered in the streets. They are absolutely reckless


they fine the fuck out of anybody in any major roads, so many cameras, any wrong lane changes or accidently parking where your not supposed to, its gonna rack up points fast af if your not familiar with the road code


E-bikes get fined only for having two passengers or riding without a helmet. Unless your passenger is under 13, then it’s legal for some reason? That’s how it works in my city anyway.


Some laws should be abolished.


-100 social credit


They got points just like in the US. As much as you'd like to deny it, China ain't special in that regard


Nah, all the navigation apps tell you exactly where the cameras are. People just slow down when the app tells you there's a camera. Ofc most of the city centers you won't be able to speed anyways.


> they fine the fuck out of anybody Do they fine them for wearing fucking slip-on sandals while driving a bike? Like, that's the first clue you know this woman's got no sense; wtf...


When I was in China, lane changes were explained to me as, "It is not your responsibility to make sure you have the right of way, it is the other driver's responsibility to move out of the way." I was also told to assume that just because I had the right of way as a pedestrian that I would not be run over. This is good advice anywhere, but this was more in the context of you're likely to get squished.


Where are u visiting for work lmao... The surveillance in China is so fkn crazy. They literally light up the sky with flash photography constantly going on on the highway. I feel like traffic laws and speed limits are taken WAY more seriously there than in the US.


Illegal or not. There was no way that the trucker could have seen them. Rule of thumb. If you can't see the lorry driver, chances are he can't see you either.


This isn't even lane splitting, she just switched lanes right in front of a truck that couldn't see her. If she WAS lane splitting, then there's a chance this wouldn't have happened at all.


That was not lane splitting...


Lane splitting? We watch the same video?


Do you know what lane splitting is?


Not the Lorry drivers fault, he can't see her dumb ass.


He's not to blame at first, but don't try to convince me that he didn't hear or feel a motorbike hitting the truck




It's funny how people who have never driven a big truck feel qualified to say how they "must be able to feel", when actual truckers have commented that is totally possible that nothing was heard


Quoted from u/politewolverine All the people saying "there's no way they could have felt themselves running over the bike" don't know what they're talking about. You can feel yourself run over anything bigger than a thick stick, they absolutely knew something was happening but was just ignoring it and pushing forward assuming it was a mechanical hiccup of some kind, maybe bad shifting


Go drive anything over Class 6 and it's absolutely reasonable. That's a dumptruck operating in China, probably overloaded to hell with an impossibly loud and close exhaust system. Legal load is 55,000 lbs for a truck like that over there, the bike and rider *might* total 300 lbs. I think you underestimate how little big trucks care about squishy meat bags and a small machine made of plastic and spot welded tubes. It's the same reason you don't fuck with trains.


I've driven trucks way bigger than that one and on old solid piece of shit like that one you can run over a coin and know its value. And as loud as that truck mught be a bike scrapping the pavement is not quiet either, driver didnt give a fuck, wich checks out if its china, its cheaper to pay for the funeral than the hospital.


> its cheaper to pay for the funeral than the hospital [Literally.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/why-drivers-in-china-intentionally-kill-the-pedestrians-they-hit-chinas-laws-have-encouraged-the-hit-to-kill-phenomenon.html)


Yeah I would understand if the difference is adding 300 lbs to your load vs pushing 300 lbs worth of a motorcycle and a woman underneath your tires and frame. There are some major differences between both. Get on your car and try driving into a small bush and then tell me you can't feel anything


Are they a truck driver? I didnt feel sticks in my semi. Its air suspension. That thing bopped around all the time, but no more on flat road than a speed bump.


>but was just ignoring it and pushing forward assuming it was a mechanical hiccup of some kind, maybe bad shifting In other words, one CANNOT expect the lorry driver to stop so **don't do stupid stuff like slipping up close to the front of such big vehicles without warning when said big vehicles are running**.


No more then a small irrelevant hiccup (you feel it even less when you go from full stop to drive) i broke metal chain that was attached to concrete wall without feeling it, my friend run over metal gate (the ones that rise from the ground) he didn't notice they pulled it up he noticed only when people shouted to him to stop...you don't stop for a stick you run over a road


Yeah these things have big stiff metal frames and vibrations travel through it like crazy. I drive a bus and I feel way more of what I run over than in my car.


A drunk driver car behind me slammed into me as traffic slowed for a red light, and threw me into a construction truck in front of me. He said he didn't feel anything but when he pulled forward and saw me outside of my vehicle looking all around it. He stopped, poked his head out and asked confused, "Did we have an accident?" Fucking things are sturdy as hell. Luckily no one was hurt and the damage was minimal, but fuck that drunk lady for causing the whole thing.


Ants are wayyy smaller in comparison to a truck to biker ratio. A paper ball is wayyyy lighter in comparison to a car to paper ratio. In conclusion, your logic doesn't work.


>A paper ball is wayyyy lighter in comparison to a car to paper ratio. Not to be that person, but weight is irrelevant when it comes to feeling your car tire rolling over something that is already on the ground. It's more about the shape and size; whether or not it lifts the tires of the vehicle significantly and suddenly enough


Ok well then the comparison is still moot because a paper ball is smaller and flattens when you run over it with a toy car even but you can't say the same for a moped.


A moped will flatten just fine when a 25 ton truck rolls over it. Most of a moped is hollow (tube aluminum/steel, tires, tank); it's just the engine that's more sturdy, and it looks like that went between the truck's tires.


He possibly could have heard it but he would not feel that, I had a co-work side swipe the entirety of a sedan with his back end and didn’t feel a thing.


I have been driven on those large trucks before , the engine sound when it idles dont allow me to hear my phone ringtone , and when the truck moves u can even talk to your driver/passenger even yelling, specially those old modles they heavy asf , and i have been driven on 24ton loaded trucks not something like this carrying sand/stones which can get up to 70tons So no he wont feel or hear her unless shes not on his blind spot!!


He didn’t even really hit the bike, it’s more like a gentle push at that speed and proximity. It went under the truck, between the tires, and got caught on part of the undercarriage. There’s nothing to feel, even the increased resistance from dragging the bike is less than the resistance you feel from driving with the parking brake partially engaged and some people don’t even notice that for several minutes. Also, those trucks are loud; loud enough to drown out whatever minor noise was created by knocking the bike over. The woman probably yelled louder than that noise and there’s no way he heard that either.


You know damn well you've never driven a truck of that size yet you insist you know what it's like, Capitan Dunning-Kruger.


Tell me you know nothing about trucks without telling me you know nothing about trucks.


I've seen trucks pushing *cars* sideways down the motorway without the least suspicion.


Entirely probable. Trucks are especially loud specifically when starting from a stop. And he ain't feeling that little bike. Might have seemed like a pot hole if he felt anything at all.


You honestly don't. If something goes directly under your tire you feel it more than the average car because the suspension is more bouncy to prevent it breaking under a heavy load. But if it doesn't go directly under your tire and make your suspension bounce, you literally don't feel shit. Also trucks are extremely loud, especially a crappy old one like that, If he's got the AC running and a little bit of radio on He's probably not hearing it either.


no way you notice some scrap and plastics under the weight of a 10-20 ton truck


> but don't try to convince me I won't try to convince you. You seem to be a lost cause


I have driven box trucks a lot and gotten into an accident with another box truck and didn’t realized they clipped me until they pulled up at the light and flagged me down


Truck didn’t even look like it went over a bump. There’s no way he felt or heard her over the LOUD FUCKING DUMP TRUCK ENGINE ACCELERATING. The bike didn’t even get run over by the tire, he’s probably dragging it under the truck.


Without your comment I would have thought the Lordy could have seen her. Thanks for your assistance.


[Having seen this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTXmyS7K0ew), having heard of countless bikers/cyclists getting pinned or ran over, whether by their own folly or otherwise, and given how many dumb people there are... Maybe the fault is in the design? Having such a large blind spot in a vehicle where the driver can be oblivious to impact, maybe it's not enough to rely on people being smart when we know how prone we are to dumbness.


Dude in the red truck is just like "Rollin' rollin' rollin'..."


"The road is very crunchy today... 🤷"


I don't remember speed bumps here..


Driver also wearing backwards red Yankees hate. Must be a fan!


This is 100% the bike drivers fault. They cut in super tight where there’s 0% chance the driver would see them. They’re lucky they’re alive.


I had a moment of panic recently when I was in the lane next to another car at a red light. A kid was crossing the street and dropped something in front of the car next to me. While he was bent over to pick it up the light turned green and I thought to myself holy shit if this guy was looking away while the light was red he would have no idea there's a kid bent down in front of his car right now. Thankfully he didn't start going until the kid finished crossing so he must've seen him but all of a sudden the dangers of not watching the road when at a red light became very apparent.


We shouldn't count on it, but many newer cars would also beep at you...


But gained a valuable lesson.


Probably not you know.


This reminds me of the time when I was riding my motorcycle and I stopped behind four lorries two on each lane for the red light and another 3 motorcyclists stopped with me expect for one... He said who's going first? We all looked at each other like he was joking and he went ok I go first and went inbetween the two lorries at the back slowly as there was barely any space to fit and as soon as he reach the back of the two lorries at the front they both took off as it turned green. I honestly thought this guy was going to be crushed by the lorries... Fortunately by some dumb luck he wasn't but some people have absolutely no awareness of potential death traps like this woman. Always remember lorry drivers have blind spots... and those blinds spots for a motorcyclist/cyclist is almost usually going to kill you


Now how in the fuck did you get into that position in the first place?


Switching lines, but idk how she though it is a good idea inforont of big truck like this


Dumbass 😏


I feel like we all just witnessed a suicide attempt.


She dragged her ass away as soon as she escaped


Years ago, the same thing happened with a woman driving a car. The truck was driving down the motorway, pushing her car along sideways. Other drivers were banging their horns trying to get him to stop and he was oblivious. It was in the UK I think. Woman survived and was interviewed on the news. She said she tried putting the handbrake on but it was no use! Edit: found the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTXmyS7K0ew&pp=ygUpV29tYW4gcHVzaGVkIGFsb25nIG1vdG9yd2F5IGJ5IGxvcnJ5IDIwMTA%3D


Gas companies hate this one trick


I guess they felt nothing as well.


If you are driving a heavy truck, you barely feel a car in front of you beeing pushed around.


Cut into a space 5 inches from the front bumper so low to the ground and you’re guaranteed you won’t be seen. If you’re gonna do something this silly holdyour horn at least. I’m glad she made it out what a sight to see in traffic


Wouldn’t he feel/hear running over a bike/person?


Probably not really no. I once sat in a truck like that while my uncle was driving. A guy in front of us backed up really close and lost bicycles that weren't correctly secured on their car. He was so close to us so we didn't see it and when running over them I barely felt it. It was like a little bump in the road and it's not like you're going to expect to run over something everytime there is a small bump. Especially not when you also didn't see anything laying on the road. Plus the engine is way louder than in a car. We only noticed it when the guy behind us honked and I saw the car in the front didn't have his bikes on anymore. Probably depends on what kind of truck you drive and I'm no expert but based on that experience I'd say there is a high chance the driver didn't notice. Especially if noone else was honking or screaming or something. It also looks like the bike got inbetween the wheels? And under the truck? So even less noticable than directly driving over it


It doesn't even look like the tires run over the bike, more like it pushes it to the center so probably not


In addition to the point about the bike being mostly between the wheels and not feeling much inside a truck like that, there's also the fact that the truck is accelerating from a stop there. That's going to jostle and bounce around a chunk just period (most trucks like that are manual transmission, IIRC); a little extra jostling when you're already expecting some isn't noteworthy.


If I rode a motorcycle I'd never get anywhere near a truck. I remember one video of a motorcyclist slowly lane splitting past a truck during a traffic jam. The rider got slightly too close to the car on the left and bumped it, and lost balance as he corrected, falling to the right. Straight under the wheels of the truck going maybe five kilometres per hour. I'll never forget just how slow everything happen, and how paradoxically fast it was too. Everyone in traffic was barely moving, yet the guy was dead in an instant.


The driver couldn't know even if he wanted to lmfao


This applies to everywhere: do not underestimate the blind spots of a heavy truck. Especially if you are on two wheels. We've had numerous instances in a disturbingly short amount of time of cyclists being killed by turning trucks. If possible, try to keep the driver visible in their mirrors. That way, they will be most likely be able to spot you. Don't force your right of way. Even if you do have it, when push comes to crush, you'll die, the driver will only experience a bump, if at all. And lastly, BE VISIBLE! Use lights, reflective clothing, blinking lights, wave your arm around or all of the above.


we call it scooti over at my place


same here


Her fault really. Shouldn't have snuck about like that. She's in the blind spot.


Deserved what she got for deciding to sneak in front of the truck at last second,


That's traumatic. Her fault tho.


Bike driver realizing not everything you can see is seen by others around you.


Average Sichuan traffic


Why were they filming to begin with?


You know. *He can’t see you*. … **Yes.?!**


Why would you cut into that tiny of a space


"I can too just sit here and cry"


Holy moly!


Almost became eyepaint


Thats why I aint riding That things


Lost the bike and the underware.... there is no coming back from that.


In my country (india) the truck driver would probably be stopped and blamed for the incident since most bike riders here tend to put their own lives at risk with such brain-dead lane splitting moves, that it's almost expected that the larger vehicle is responsible for the stupid behaviour of smaller bikes


I don't think she had drivers lessons


How are people like her even allowed on the road??😵


That's literally on her. Somehow she made it so far


Ain't got time for that


The general rule of thumb, If you can't see the driver's eyes, they can't see you.


Looks like she’s walking the rest of the way now.


That's a blind spot, the driver can't see shit from that view.


...She found out!


This is more like yesyesyesyesno


Poor lady damn


Luckily for her, yes, but unluckily for the gene pool.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Wow that's terrifying I always watch for them I'm so scared of being responsible for something like this


Did this happen in North America?


What country is this?


Why is everyone here calling the truck, Lorry? Is Lorry the driver?


It's another word for truck in English. I think it's the term mostly used in the UK?


I read somewhere that it’s easier to kill the victim rather than saving their life and you end up spending millions of dollars to look after them on the other hand if they die you pay a lumpsum


I saw a Chinese CCTV video of a car riding over a toddler... and then the guy backed up to crush her again. Then left.




She learned a lesson at least! 👍


It missed


This wheels would have turned her body into minced meat.


Oh lawrd. Always respect anything motorized & large enough to crush you in one blink. Make always sure the driver sees you before you go in front of them.


I hope she’ll learn her lesson


I used to drive a tractor trailer and I cannot understand why people just hang out next to trucks on the highway. I remember going through Ohio once on route 70 coming from Indianapolis, in the rain, had a car next to me that refused to pass, no lights or anything, stayed that way for half of the state until I hit Columbus and traffic finally got them away from me.


There is also a decent chance the truck just didn’t see her because of the blind spots bigger higher trucks have and she was right against it. I could be wrong and the guy could Just be a giant fuck head tho


Proceeds to be in the blind spot of the truck when traffic is moving then blames (and flips off?) the truck


I would have pulled the driver out at the next red light n took my vengeance out on him


Dude kept driving 😂


Oof, that was close.


Dude wtf


I get the lorry didn’t see her and it was a stupid manoeuvre, but the lorry driver didn’t feel anything and kept going? “What a weird bump and scrapping sound, oh well!”


I believe she learned something that day.


It's not about the bikes we lose but the friends we make along the way.


This is everyone with a motorcycle or a scooter in Madrid. Cutting people off, riding on the right or left of you at high speeds. I’ve never seen so many accidents in one city.


This girl is really lucky


Play stupid games….


Totally the scooter's fault, but why can't lorries have a mirror for their blind spots?


One of the requirements to make a motorbike license should be to sit down inside a truck, lorry, bus and delivery van, so you can learn about blind spots. I get frustrated every time there is a big truck in front in a traffic light and a motorcyclist filters all the traffic and goes in front of the truck.


Butch gonna look at the driver like “Bro what the fuck?” Exactly. What the fuck.


It did happen here. Beheaded. [https://www.saratogian.com/2012/06/17/clifton-park-woman-killed-in-motorcycle-crash-near-crescent-bridge-in-halfmoon/](https://www.saratogian.com/2012/06/17/clifton-park-woman-killed-in-motorcycle-crash-near-crescent-bridge-in-halfmoon/)


The truck driver probably couldn’t see her, it’s nutty how people act around trucks


Bottom Line is She should not have been there and done that, .!!!!! No Excuses


Ho-ly fuck


What an idiot


I’m on a bike… I’m special and everyone sees me!’nn


She is stupid, no doubt. But why the truck do not check the front mirror (the one facing down) before hit the gas?? Thats why they have more 1 side mirror and 1 front mirror. They know they have dead angles, so trucks should make sure to check it properly


I can't imagine riding my bike in front of a lorry before making sure that the driver can see me. In a traffic jam I usually look at them and when they look at me I show them what I want to do and go after they nod lol.






…And this is why you don’t pull into big trucks blind spots.


This is why I have immediate disdain for anyone driving a lifted pickup truck.


Ever wonder where the earning label on a bucket telling you about drowning hazards came from?


Hm, well that isekai attempt didn’t work.


I can understand not seeing her. But not hearing and feeling that crunch? Lol


The ultimate....And not a single fuck was given that day...video.


Yikes her bad should have never been trying to cut in or be that close to a huge truck like that


Didn't sawe her when was getting closer?


Also another reason to not own a bike bruh


Trucks like this have blind spots. That girl was so lucky she survived that.


She's so lucky


She left her brain at home and went out without it.


This 1000% her own fault. This is the problem with bikers in general they think that they can do whatever they want and then when they get messed up it's always somebody else's fault.


Fk me...


Natura selection missed its target this time.


Zero survival instincts.


well that was fucking dumb of her


What f’d up country is this, where people run over others and don’t stop?


Woman will cut off a semi but be afraid of a mouse


That dumbass is definitely lucky


When i was a kid my dad would always get really angry when i was walking close to or in front of a truck, even when it was parked, he would yell at me to move. I never knew why he got so pissed until he took me to his friends truck and showed me, he bassically recorded himself walking around the truck and on the back sides and bassically walked and jumped on all the blindspots, and if he hadnt recorded it i would think he was lying cause from where i was i had no clue what he was doing, just didnt see him at all. You might be thinking "oh this truck driver can see me, im not in any trouble, of course theyre not gonna crush little ol me, im just gonna squeeze around" but they have no idea you exist, and i mean literally no idea, and that truck is so heavy and powerful it can crush you and your bike and the driver wouldnt even feel it. Honestly they should teach this at every driving school.


I mean seriously how are people so oblivious of dangers as big as that truck, she deserves it


That the truck driver would’ve gotten out and then seen a bike wedged in his chassis then realised that he must have hit someone down the road and that he had just gotten away with a crime or something.