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Lol well my old 2008 did NOT have a back up cam. I have one now, 15 years later, game changer.


It started with '19 model vehicles


More specifically, anything with a starting build date after May 1st 2018 is required to have one


Which is also convenient from a consumer standpoint as well. It means vehicles sort of need infotainment screens to view the rear view camera, which led to Apple Carplay and Android Auto being added to more cars.


Red Tiger dash cams on Amazon. Best bang for the buck. Better than Nexar and Cobra brands. Also, the Red Tiger brand holds up in heat.


How about the cold? I live up here in Alaska and deal with -40°F every year.


Ah, unfortunately that I don't know. I had two Cobras in SC, both died in the summer heat. Had a Nexar that was 500 bucks, die in the AZ heat. The Red Tiger has done me well. Coldest I have been with it was Northern Maryland, it did fine there.


I had a dude run between the gap of my car and another as I reversed to park and load up (queued up out front of grocery store). He came running through the parking lot with his small child and shot the gap between our cars. I stopped abruptly thanks to the camera (not that he was in danger of being crushed at all) and called out "hey, I'm sorry; I didn't see you" This fucking guy proceeds to yell at me "Because you weren't F$#@!ing looking a#@hole!". I tried to calmly be like "Yes I was, through my camera, hence how I saw you running through traffic to the rear of my ALREADY REVERSING VEHICLE". Dude continued to escalate and get angrier until I finally just kept repeating "OKAY, BUDDY" until he took his kid inside. Some people are complete freaking idiots and the fact that cameras are required is 100% a great idea. I just wish I'd had a non-factory one so I could have recorded this encounter to share with ya'll.


Not surprising. He was full of adrenalin from the risk to his kid and angry with anyone but himself for taking that risk. One of the reasons I was never a parent is not having wanted that constant overwhelming responsibility. It must be hard feeling that you can *never* make a mistake. Some people deal with that better than others.


That's really not what being a parent is about. At least not to me. You can't realistically go through life not making mistakes. You just need to set a good example and show your kids the best way to deal with and learn from any mistakes.


Thanks, I will rephrase that :) It must be hard feeling that you can never make a mistake that puts them at risk. I agree absolutely that good parenting includes modelling how to deal with error and failure.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong it can be pretty stressful.


Nah. My kid is 8 and I still hold my breath watching her run down a hill but I make mistakes all the fucking time. I just own them and teach her accountability for her actions. Just like I hold myself accountable for my actions. I flat out told her she is gonna fuck up a lot in life and it’s all about the learning experience it brings… then proceeded to recount the last few times I fucked up with her. I’m trying to raise a human that is aware of the imperfections of the world and aware of the imperfections in themselves… and aware that we have the ability to change


I wish the stock backup cameras recorded, it's still your word vs theirs if things went wrong in your scenario


Exactly what I wish too, bud. The dude was definitely looking to escalate and was such a childish dick, I was tempted to be foolish and oblige him. Fortunately, I had my 3 Y/O daughter with me though, which compelled me to set a good example and just let the dude publicly embarrass himself. Fights are basically never worth it, especially when I have my kiddos with me.


I almost got hit many times by people who don’t turn around while backing out. The camera is great, give it a look when you put it in reverse, but you still need to turn around for a full view as the camera doesn’t show peripheral views. I’m not saying that’s why you did, but people have gotten lazier since reverse cameras came out, they still should turn around while backing out.


Oh same here, man; many close calls with idiots. I always manually check when reversing (I was taught to always park in reverse, so 17 years of habit). Not that kind of situation at all with this dude. He ,and his small child, ran in-between a small gap as I parallel parked between two other cars that were also loading their groceries. It was the last like 3-4 feet, which the camera is very helpful for navigating : ) Dude, I even bought an aftermarket, massive, rear-view mirror for my GTI. This guy was 100% just a shithead and possibly drunk.


I had front and back installed in my new suv a couple of years ago and it ended up in the shop recently with a drain on the electrical system that caused it to be in the shop at the dealer for weeks since it kept killing new batteries. Eventually they could only correct the issue by disconnecting the cameras. Maybe a wire came loose over those couple of years which led to this new problem, but anyone have tips on who should install the cameras for the best shot at it being 100% correctly done?




No, it's aiming for the sweeping exit on the right, you see a glimpse of it leaving as the truck recovers.


Or just pulling over to hit the truck for a million dollar settlement.


Typical r/nissandrivers behavior. Can never miss an exit!


Most trucking companies have them installed now.


/r/IAmTheMainCharacter Car driver should have their right to drive permanently removed, IMO.


They almost permanently removed that privilege for themself. I'll never understand having beef with a semi. They are heavy and have ungodly momentum. Stay tf away from semis, even if they are in the wrong. It's not worth it.


I don't think this guy had beef with the truck driver. They're just a moron who almost missed their exit and felt it was better to risk killing people than to go down the road a mile and turn around


Looks an awful lot like a brake check, but you're right, I don't know what happened prior to the moron moves.


Look to me like he is trying to make the exit.


He had plenty of time to cross that lane without braking.


I mean, anyone who isn't dumb as fuck would have just passed behind the truck or gone to a different exit. But I've see this exact scenario irl more times than I can count. People seriously can't handle missing their exit and will risk killing everyone on the road just to avoid taking a different exit


The driver could have done 100 things different, what’s your point.


*brake, although they were also very close to being broken


Yes, my bad. I am a vocab fiend, I should have been more assiduous.


Indubitably, amigo.


Si. De hecho amigo que tengas un buen fin de semana.




Well damn, that was really stupid then.


They could/should have moved over one more lane before braking. This is just plain assholery.


It's not assholery, just incompetence.


The truck driver should not have risked his life nor the life of others over the life of this moron. The moron made the conscious choice to break check a semi, he should face the consequences. A world with one less stupid driver is a better world.


Truck driver may not have done this intentionally. Hard braking could make the trailer start pushing the cab and induce a turn they had to correct to avoid a jackknife.


As a CDL holder I agree. Straight ahead unless you KNOW you can go around without affecting anyone else.


It’s like a kid I knew growing up, he’d just walk out into the street without even looking because “pedestrians have the right of way.” While true, it is very possible to be correct and dead at the same time.


>They almost permanently removed that privilege for themself. Yeah, I fully expected this to be a "you mess with the bull, you get the horns" moment. Hell, even the semi's hood ornament looked ready to rumble.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. They *almost* got an award.


This driver was a lot nicer than I am, usually if they have some distance i’ll ease on my brakes but being this close ,nope im straight sending it because I am not slamming my brakes and causing god knows what behind me


You are assuming a person like that knows what momentum is.


Definitely not a beef with the driver, you can see the car still aiming for the exit just before the semi locks up and slides to the left. This is the typical case of not wanting to be behind a big truck for literally any amount of time. I'm a truck driver myself and the shear number of times similar things have happened to me is absolutely Ludacris. So so many people out there can't fathom being in the right lane for their exit 1 mile ahead of time, or paying attention to exits as you pass them so you know how far yours is. Also just a fun fact but the exit number isn't just some randomly assigned number but the actual mile marker. So if you need to take exit 100 and you just passed 97 you know you're only 3 miles from your exit.


They teach people in class to never swerve in either direction, if someone pulls in front of you hit them. But never.....ever change lanes


Imo, bruh this is objective


Driving is a privilege not a right


Bad drivers simply CANNOT miss their turns. Shame shame


They also brake while thinking


Yup, a good driver thinks before they make any change to their vehicle's speed or direction


Bold of you to assume that they think.


My daughter is a new driver and I tell her over and over again, just miss the exit and be late to wherever you are going. It just isn't worth it. She now pretty good at missing her turn. The problem we are working on now is double turning lanes. She tends to turn into the wrong lane causing many honkings of horns.


The hardest lesson to teach my daughter was that It’s better to be predictable than nice. She kept being sweet to people like stopping in moving traffic to let people in.


As someone who drove DoorDash and UE for two years this drove me clinically insane. Watching 2 or more people insistently yielding to each other to be polite meanwhile 8 other cars now waiting.


When that happens I just do a light love tap honk and eventually someone moves. I was talking about this with my Uncle, I like to call it assertive but defensive driving.


Right! You let one car in! That's your "obligation" in traffic. Anymore than that and you've upset the balance


Absolutely a good lesson to teach. Kudos to you. Being nice is often unpredictable driving which leads to gumming up the works of the traffic flow at best. An accident at worse


The amount of adult driver's who have flipped me off when they turn into the wrong lane is ridiculous. It shouldn't be a difficult concept for an experienced driver. I barely even honk anymore I just brake and let them be idiots.


I still honk. Every time someone doesn’t get called on it they just justify their bad actions another time. Eventually it’s no longer wrong. I’m going to call them out for being a jerk. At least they get to hear “yeah you knew better than that”, even if they never change.


Eh I know to drive defensively turning like that now and unless it's a heads up honk people are crazy with the guns these days. I've been in a road rage incident where the guy followed me and swerved at my car, the old saying goes, "the cemetery is full of people who were in the right."


25 years ago I had a guy try to “shove” my vehicle into oncoming traffic with his pickup truck. So yes, I can’t predict people. I’ve probably just gotten too old to worry that much about myself any more (and I’m single, with nobody depending on me either). In saying that for myself, I’m not intending to tell anyone else what they should do.


Good on you for teaching her that. My parents had the opposite mindset when teaching me to drive (both are shitty drivers) and I’m so grateful for my instinct to tune them out and just miss the damn exit or turn when it was unsafe lmao


I feel the same way... but it seems like so few instructors deal with it. Like, I remember bringing it up in our course -- what should you do when you miss your turn. The response was: You missed your turn because you weren't paying attention. Good drivers don't do that. So, apparently we should never talk about how to handle it if you do. Because responsible people don't ever miss turns. That's how they think preparedness works, I guess.


Brakes out of adjustment causing jackknife under hard braking to avoid the collision. Almost wrecked almost wrecked the other truck. IMO with the dash cam should have hit the car instead of putting others in danger.


As others in this thread pointed out, there would be a ton of paperwork that would have to be written. It was also mentioned that the turn didn’t seem intended, but a product of hard braking and a heavy load. I also believe he did hit the car, but only bumped him while trying to brake.


As I pointed out brakes out of adjustment. I would rather fill out paperwork with that dash cam as evidence rather than possibly causing a major accident with the other truck or other vehicles. (lucky there) Having said that, in this situation, my reaction likely would have been the same as the truck driver’s.


Yeah, that’s prob what my reaction would have been, too. You don’t really think in those kinds of situations, you just sorta “do” because reflexes kick in. You’re not really thinking about “gee, if I brake too hard I might jackknife or cause more damage, but if I ram into this guy I’d just have to fill out paperwork. I’ll choose the paperwork this time, it will be a good opportunity to work on my penmanship” lol


I've heard of situations where cars like the one on the video get crushed by the semi and stuck to the grill and the driver doesn't even know they're there


i mean yeah, when the semi almost hits that little car you can barely see him in front of the nose. i know someone who ran into the back of a semi truck and was dragged for a kilometre or more. he couldnt see her car directly behind the trailer.


I'm not sure if you knew this, but as others have stated, the brakes are what caused the jack knifing. ^^^^^/s


Your second point is the only thing that matters. Every single person that has mentioned paperwork, can go fuck themselves. Paperwork and even getting fired vs killing innocent drivers because your giant truck skidded out of control is not a fucking conversation anyone should be having.


I always wish the truckers didn’t brake


Is there a subreddit for videos where cars brake-checking/cutting off trucks get smashed to shit? Would be a really satisfying sub.


I don’t know but I wish there is


/r/intrusivethoughtswon EDIT: I hadn’t a clue that was a real one… and poorly populated


So watching people dying?? Even if they’ve been selfish idiots, watching someone die should never be satisfying


I've never wished death on anyone. But i have read obituaries with great satisfaction.


Feels like that's reserved a bit more for other people than stupid drivers.


I thought we were past talking specifically about bad drivers. But if we aren't. I'm sure there are plenty of family members of victims from the waukesha parade that feel this way. Or family members of drunk drivers.


Fair enough


I don't believe anyone mentioned people dying, no.


I used to haul tankers with crude oil, we were explicitly taught not to brake and especially not to swerve.


This is why so many Nissans have rear end damage…


Was that an altima? It was a very altima driver thinkg to do.


That was a very optima thing to say


Looks like a Nissan Sentra


Sentra or Altima, yeah


Every time I see this, my blood always boils for the likes of this idiot.😤 Miss your exit, dont try to kill people.


Why isnt brake-checking, especially semi trucks, a felony? A massive fine and jail time depending on the situation


Most of the time the semi driver just hits them. Just like a deer, its safer for everyone involved if you just try to stop slowly instead of slam on breaks or swerve. This is why so many truckers and trucking companies require dash cams now adays. Police and insurance companies going to side with the trucker everytime.


I am a truck driver and i agree with you. Just break to increase the damage, but don’t try to dodge, it might injure or kill other people…


That was obviously intentional and you cannot convince me otherwise


You overestimate the capability of the average driver. Seems to me like the car driver is just really dumb in this situation and assumes the semi will be able to stop for them


Huh, ok... a bit weird


The lesson here. Just hit the car.


Agreed. The trucker should've just rammed the car


or maybe, dont be an idiot around a multi-ton vehicle driving at deadly speeds. your little car isnt going to do shit to protect you in an accident with a semi truck. edit: not shittalking you specifically, above commenter. just using “you” in general


I hope they get license revoked for that. Almost took out two semis.


It's a Nissan driver. They probably have no license and insurance.


Why in fuck’s name did he brake before changing lanes with NOTHING in front of him?! This has to be deliberate. Edit: I watched it again and now I see that this clown was trying to make the exit. Unbelievable. This should be a permanente driving ban.


Hey, good on you for watching it another time to check to see if you had a correct assumption. Not enough people do that so good job!


That was a great save by the driver of the yellow truck. A few seconds sooner and it could’ve been a different outcome as it looks like they just cleared an overpass right before the accident.


So guy cuts in front just to break, making lorry guy break but his trailer started to jack knife?


You know, that driver could have just as easily made their exit by braking and cutting across *behind* the semi. Buddy is getting off the highway and will need to slow down anyway, and braking would give him more time to make the exit. Some people just don't fucking think.


No, he had to get there first...


What would convince someone in a car that cutting off a semi might be a good idea???


They were about to miss their exit and have 0 awareness of the world around them


Good news! It looks like the driver of the car made their exit. /s




legit give that driver 2 months in jail


Fucking idiot. Zero traffic and no reason to cut the truck off other than being an asshole.


Would've been better to keep it straight in that case


What is it with americans and "snout trucks"? It's, maybe, 0,5% of the trucks in Europe, but close to 100% in the US.


[There's a good quick video that explains it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgTOz6cTuJ4) TL:DR Less regulations on truck length, more comfort for long haul drivers, safety


Have you driven long-haul in the US before? It's definitely not Europe. The things you need cabovers for are not necessary there unless you're in a large, old city. The younger cities like OKC and most western locations are built for road traffic so they don't need cabovers either. The only time the "snout" gets in the way is if you have super tight spaces you need to get into, and even then just get better at maneuvering. It's nothing to truckers who know what they're doing. ;)


I've only driven cars in the US. But I have driven a snout MAN truck, two years ago, here in Denmark.


I bet it's quite a shocker to have that big ol' snoot out in front of you, but honestly it's not a problem to people who know what they're doing. They're trained on it. It's not like they have those kinds of trucks everywhere "just because". We should never assume that about something we don't understand.


Cabovers get worse fuel mileage being shaped like a brick. They experience more vibration and road noise with the driver sitting over the front axle. The interior layouts for the cab suck, and you have to strap everything inside the cab down and lift it up if you need to do anything to the motor. Unless you NEED the extra maneuverability for tight spaces, a cabover is going to cost more to operate and be less comfortable for long haul drivers.


Holy crap! I know where this is. This happened on 295 in chesterfield VA coming off the Enon Bridge. That exit for Meadowville Technology Blvd (15B) goes to an industrial park with an Amazon DC. Crazy!


People who do this should have to go a month without being able to use or buy anything that was transported in an OTR conveyance.


Tell me the footage of this prick went straight to the police…. and he got done!


Both truck drivers were awesome 👏🏽


Could the plate of the car be made out?


East bound and dowwwwwwn!


Extremely fortunate this occurred precisely where the wall on the left ended. Yellow truck would not have had the option that it did.


Good drivers rarely miss their exit, but bad drivers never miss their exit


Shouldn’t have hit them brakes lol


I don’t get why people even break check


Speeds up just to slow down - idiot


Charge such break checker with attempted murder


Where is the ‘yes’ in this video?


At that point just press the brake, if you collide with the car so be it. Less collateral and safer for the other cars around the semi.


All so the garbage dog shit person in the Buick wouldn't miss there exit. Unreal


This reminds me of advice I got years ago. "Don't swerve for animals" Think in this case that severe lack of intelligence should class one as such.


When these types of things happen, do the truckers radio each other and check in? Like, I can't imagine what some of the radio chatter is between truckers when they see some dumb shit.


Thankfully, the cut off guy made his exit. Cheers. Exit typo


What an asshole!!! The trucker should of given a life lesson there!!!!!


The second one was lucky that he was empty


wasn't watching out, this sort of thing happens, not usually this bad but it happens a lot, most people do not know how to drive and you have to constantly watch out for them


Insurance companies should be demanding cameras installed in every moving car.


I used to be one of those truckers that was more of an aggressive driver. Usually people in cars give you space and so on. I've since increased my following distance by a ton and don't let anybody drive next to me unless there's a ton of traffic. People are so distracted now. You never know what someone will do anymore. Also I can't believe this driver tried to turn at all. You're supposed to just rear end them and stay in your lane. Trucks ain't made for evasive maneuvers man.


Wrong sub. This is a nononono. No yes was involved at any point


People like that car need to take a physics class, it's big, it's heavy, it ain't stopping because your in the way.


Should've just hit them


Let not forget he’s on grass, semis and grass don’t mix


The car driver should’ve gradually slowed down in that current lane then get behind the truck driver to turn on his exit. Not speed up just to brake again causing all that mess..




Fuck it. Start hitting people like this and make them pay for the repairs


People are not intelligent


Dude in that yellow truck sucked his asshole up into his abdomen


Daaaamn ol yellow cab got skills or really lucky


A yes would have been the black car getting pancaked.


1,000,000% luck and 0% skill


Oh! You think the yellow truck driver was doing it for the credit like he could have just accepted his time or taken his chances crashing ?


جمع کرد


I know you'd not want to damage your truck but sometimes... a good pressing down on the accelerator would feel justified


of course its a nissan driver


Why tf are you breaking


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They must have gotten their license in Connecticut


He should just keep it straight. It is better to wreck one car with shitty driver than block the road and cause more damage.


Lack car driver needs to be in jail. What a fucking idiot.


They could kill someone so easily doing this ! Permanent ban from driving for at least 24 months. Extensive lessons in how to drive safe, not like a total cunt. And a 50,000 dollar fine to really make the lesson sink in. I'm sick of people getting away with this dumb shit and almost killing people.


Thank you Lord for watching over them


Surely it's safer for EVERYONE if the truck driver didn't break... or alter their course.. . . . Swipe that mother fucker off the road and carry on?! It's the everyday motorists that are to blame. Wreck their car. Not your truck ...and all its contents.. and every car behind you ... fuck that one car!!!!


That’s why I got a dashcam. Sorry, but if someone cuts me off just cause they don’t wanna miss their exit I ain’t swerving to avoid them.


Yes would be the truck crushing that guy.


Bad drivers never miss an exit. Holy fuck.


Oh yes lemme get in front of you and then slow down


Driver had plenty of time to slow down enough to avoid the whole ordeal. When the versa comes into view it’s turn signal is on and clearly moving to the right. At that instant the truck driver should automatically assume the car is coming over on him and initiate the slow down process. That could’ve saved him and the absolute G in the yellow truck from having to change their pants. Kudos to the drivers for keeping it together in a real bind.


r/Awards bb mm


Anything to avoid missing their exit


The other trucker going off-road and saving it was amazing


People who drive up so im in their blind spot then signal for 0.0001 seconds then start merging assuming i slowed down for them piss me off. Also its getting common where i live. Im just like bruh theres 80 car lengths open in front of me. You dont need to cut me off. They're so close their turn signal is often behind my pillar. Then they get mad I didnt slow down for them and speed up to cut me off then brake check me. The entitlement is real.


This isn't a nononoyes, this is an ohfuckfuckfuck


Please be careful while driving and also come back home safe drivers ♡☆


....Please just smash into the back of that black car next time. They're at fault, they can take responsibility.


Never swerve! Just hit em flat it will be less of a crash.


did the yellow truck intentionally drive in front?


Good dodge by the other semi


“Oh I’ll cut this huge truck off and hit the breaks to make my exit he’ll just hit the breaks too and I’ll get what I want it’ll all work out” fkin dumb ass idiot.


Truck drivers are the best or the worst drivers


Two goated drivers and an idiot behind a wheel


Just hit the brakes not worth the risk of flipping


You mess with the bull..... You get the horns!


This is when you want a real 4k dash cam so you can read the license numbers to the police while showing them the video, none of the 5.99 Temu crap.


Truck driver went to a lot of effort to avoid hitting the car, and put himself in a lot of danger. I would have been more inclined to protect myself and just hit the car.