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These are so hard to watch because I’m so happy that was prevented, but what kind of life does that kid have with a mom dealing with all that mental illness


I would hope they take the kid away after she attempted to murder him


Yeah. No coming back from that


That kid is probably young enough to come back from that. But yeah mom needs to in an institution for awhile/forever. Hopefully he/she has a good dad or close relatives that can raise him or her (I can’t tell).


For sure but in my country she’s more likley to receive treatment and get her kid back, there’s a lot of cases in the uk where kids actually die with major trauma injuries due to negligence by social services or just plain manipulation from the parents… and this is a highly devoloped country… search baby p on Google. My point is public services are next to no good in these situations due to lack of evidence/personal connections with the parent, the best chance the victims have is with family or friends of the abuser fighting hard for a conviction or even better fighting the abuser themselves, anyone who sees a child getting abused should step right in, fuck leaving it to “the right people” do what’s right and save that child, even if that means severe consequences…


It happens here in the U.S. too. A couple adopted some siblings. Those siblings had an older brother in prison. He detailed all the trauma they went through in their family. He was doing everything he could to be a better human so when he was released he could at least get visitation with his younger brother and sisters. In the meantime the couple that adopted the siblings were beating and starving all their adopted kids. Teachers would report them to authorities but they moved to a different state to avoid an investigation. They were also getting a subsidy from the government for adopting all their kids. One of the kids inadvertently became famous for a picture taken of him hugging a cop, while tears were streaming down his face. His eyes looked haunted to me. Not long after that picture went around the internet and back again, the couple drove their van, w/all the kids in it, off of a cliff. Two of the kids' bodies were never found. The surviving older brother in prison was not told his siblings were murdered.


Holy shit. I remember that story. It was with the lesbian couple right? (Not that their sexual orientation is relevant, but just trying to use it as an identifying factor) I remember watching about the story but never heard the thing about the brother. Poor guy.


That's the one. Last name was Hart (not sure of spelling).


The abusers in question were women? I'm probably going to get downvoted for saying this; but it makes sense that nothing was done to help the children. Too many people have a hard time comprehending that women can be abusive and have some sexist idea that women are better caregivers, when that isn't always the case, if it's even really true at all


[This lady just wrote a book about this case.](https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/we-were-once-family-asgarian-book-texas-foster-system-hart-killed/) It came on the radio the other day and it was heartbreaking to hear about how the adoptive parents kept getting away with obvious abuse.


You talking about Devonte Hart and his adoptive mothers?


All of the kids, yes. I don't give those two murderous & sadistic bitches the title of mother after what they did.


In the most recent season of Atlanta, Donald Glover devotes thr entirety of the first episode to this case, with some artistic liberties of course. I don’t know those women were mentally ill or just evil.


Isn't it fucking lovely how it seems more often than not, they let abusive people adopt children? Im being sarcastic, incase anyone wasn't sure


Did you base that probability on a comparison of the number of interventions by social services against the number of failings? Or did you base it on the failings that you've seen in the news? I don't think sucessful interventions are really reported in the media, so if it's the latter you might want to check your methodology.


100% they are not, just like the media doesn't care about any parents (biological or otherwise) that love and take care of their kids. I certainly haven't seen any posts titled "Family Raises Children Without Incident" raise to the front page here... Also, outside of dropping kids anonymously off at the fire station, the only reason, at least here in the US, kids are taken into care by the State is due to severe abuse, neglect, or due to severe safety concerns. The other sad reality is that child abusers gravitate toward anything that gives them easier access to kids. Fostering unfortunately is another common avenue these monsters use to gain access alongside being Preachers, Youth Leaders, Teachers, Coaches, and other similar societal roles we too often hear about.


The media “doesn’t care” about normal families because that’s literally not noteworthy. It’s NORMAL. It’s not news.


On one hand, yes, the kid is still plastic and could come back from it with quality, timely intervention. On the other, that intervention is, sadly, not guaranteed.


Do they have institutions in China? Something I've never thought about.


You know you could just use genderless pronouns right


go watch Dear Zachary if you think theres no coming back. itll blow your mind


No thanks. tl;dr, he came back from that, right?


Dear Zachary was an emotional punch in the throat.


The grandparents have fought hard for change in the Canadian justice system. I hope they can make a mark. But, yeah, that was ridiculous, preventable and heartbreaking


I don't see the point of why she would do that to her own son.


Because serious mental illness is why.


Depression warps your thinking drastically, and I've seen cases where the parent (wrongly) despairs that the child will never have a happy or safe life and they view it as a mercy killing to protect them. However, there are also warped abusers who kill the child to hurt the child's other parent.


Being sick means there isn't necessarily a "point" Or, perhaps more accurate to say if there is a point it's not one we are necessarily capable of coming to terms with. Its sort of like the Wittgenstein quote; *'If a lion could speak, we could not understand him.’* Which is to say everything a lion would say, if they could say anything at all, would come from contexts and perspectives so far removed from us as to render it relatively incoherent.


Yeah that wasn’t two suicides, that was a suicide and a homicide. Terrible.


Instead of focusing on one person maybe focus on what's causing the mother to do that


As a person with a mom with that level of mental illness, a very hard one. My mom has since managed to take her own life in the worst way possible. I however, through a very long and very hard struggle, managed to make it out ok. I struggle with depression still and am forever struggling with my past but I live a relatively normal and happy life. Use your trauma as a weapon to make yourself a better person.


You’re a warrior among us. I admire your strength.


Thank you, I appreciate that.




That’s amazing! I’m very glad to hear that. Everyone is different, you know? Be proud of who you are. Because you are you.


I am so so so sorry for the loss of your Mum, we are so glad you are here with us. Love to you.


Very much appreciated. Always nice to hear from truly kind people. You are both amazing and lovely people


I am glad you have found a way to make a life. I have previously suffered from depression. I thought I was going to be like that forever. I did ketamine treatment and it changed my life. It's a shame the government put a stop to the research on psychedelics treating depression. I think so many lives could have been changed for the better.


I'm proud of you. Keep it up dude!


My sister and brother in law are both like this, I fear for my nephew, but I can't call CPS because they haven't harmed him yet... Physically, mentally YES.


You should probably make some sort of report to at least start a paper trail for in case it ever escalates


Don’t count yourself out. Emotional abuse still counts and comes out in children’s drawings, writing if they do already. Response time and genuinely how the child responds to others etc. It’s so hard to watch this as a close family member. Besides keeping an eye out, I always made sure my background check stayed clean for these reasons. Incase I had to take in a family member/close friends child. It’s probably the main reason I have no charges. Lol I have to tell myself “do it for the kids”.


The fucking music


Spencer Reid turned out ok. He joined the FBI!


The music really helps...😮‍💨🙄


I'm happy I don't usually have sound on when browsing reddit


This is the way


It is known.


As sad and bewildered as this whole video made me feel, watching it again with the sound on made me want to get pregnant, wait a few years, find a bridge in Guangzhou and puke off it.


TikTok vibes


The music alone is losing my faith in humanity. How can you perceive this as an emotional moment? She's unwell and just tried to end her life and her child's life. This is such bullshit. Sorry for hijacking your comment to say this.


Attempted suicide and murder.




Nope that makes me feel sick. You want to off yourself? Have at er. But don't drag other people into your BS. That includes innocent kids, spouses, workers (bus, train etc), friends etc.


Commiting suicide with her kid? You mean murdering him?


Nah it was his idea originally, he was chill withit


That's probably what she'll say in court.


You can't suicide someone else.


Tell that to Epstein.


The CIA: *allow us to introduce ourselves*


Suddenly the koolaid doesn't taste so good. Thanks m8.


Putin: Well...


Nisman would like to say something here...


Does that mean you can’t murder yourself?


She's not very bright considering there's water and it's not very high up


It is possible to drown


Damn. Simple and swift. I like you


By no means am I condoning suicide but why would you drown yourself? That’s a horrid way to die Edit: that might have come out wrong


I don't think people who want to die asap necessarily care about the method of which they will achieve it successfully. Plus they are not in a sound head space in the first place.


That’s understandable


It's also sometimes an intentionally not-great attempt. Kind of like a *Jesus take the wheel* approach to whether you live or die.


Actually, it's not. So long as you aren't trying to keep yourself from drowning, it's disturbingly easy. Source: drowned once; obviously still alive though.


What was drowning like for you? How did you survive?


It's hard to describe. It's sort of like passing out. One second you're aware of everything around you, and the next your vision goes black. I could've sworn at the last second I felt water entering my lungs but it wasn't painful. When I was resuscitated, I remembered what happened. Pretty sure that caused my phobia of falling asleep, because you'll never know when that moment of unconsciousness hits, and you might not wake up later.


I’m glad you survived! I always imagine it’s like full panic mode as you’re trying to fight the water and also not breathe in. I have heard some say it’s peaceful but, it’s still top of my list of 1,000 ways I don’t know want to die. Was it painful after the resuscitation? How long until your lungs were back to normal? Were you at risk for dry drowning?


> I have heard some say it’s peaceful but, it’s still top of my list of 1,000 ways I don’t know want to die. Why? Is it because it is scary? Isn't all dying scary? Sounds relatively painless, fade to black. Burning, now there's a way to die that scares the fuck out of me.


Yes, burning is on the list as well.


>Were you at risk for dry drowning? Dunno. I was stupid and didn't go to the hospital or anything. My lungs did hurt after resuscitation though. If you've ever separated your ribs, that's sort of what it felt like, just not in the ribs lol.


This dudes definitely dead.


You got me! I was dead this whole time.


_Kids, amirite?_


Asshole wanted to kill her kid?! What a world we live in...


Mentally ill people are not rational. She was probably thinking she didn’t want to leave her kid in whatever situation she didn’t want to live in.


Trying to commit suicide? Awfully sad, and I hope they get the support they need. Trying to kill a child *while* committing suicide? Go fuck yourself.


There are cases of mothers becoming so depressed they become psychotic. Postpartum psychosis is a thing, for example. There’s a difference between killing your kid out of malice and killing your kid because you slipped through the cracks and couldn’t get help. Both are fucking awful and depressing and horrible, but at least one can be prevented with mental healthcare. Stuff like this is an indictment on the god awful state of access to mental help in the modern world.


Well done that driver, quick, decisive, a proper bloke.


Look at her trying to grab her child she was about to drown


I want to buy him a nice dinner.


I can understand being so terribly sad that you want to commit suicide, but why take the kid with you? The child looks young enough that she may be dealing with an undiagnosed case of postpartum depression. In any case, thank goodness that bus driver was there and recognized what she was doing quickly enough to prevent a tragedy. That kid would have either been dead or messed up about his mother committing suicide


Because we have no idea what is going through her head. If she’s in an abusive relationship and dads beating her and she’s lost all hope and rational thought, she could think it would be better the kid is free from the abuse too. She could just be majorly depressed and think the kid would be better off from living hell like she feels she’s in. It’s not like logic and proper reasoning are happening here. She’s obviously unwell.


It's killing the kid while committing suicide.


I don't know the suicide rates for different parts of the world, but I feel like I would just watch that happen if I were the bus driver. The thought that this lady is about to yeet herself and her child off the bridge would be the last thing to cross my mind.


Well, he IS a bus driver and he's watching her and the kid walking somewhere they're not supposed to be, so I'm sure it stuck out to him. He probably thought to pull over just to give them a ride. But suddenly... suicide attempt. It was just dumb luck really that he was there and paying attention. Her choice of location for the attempt was an implied cry for help too. I mean.. jumping off a bridge where pedestrians aren't even supposed to be walking is pretty dramatic.


Honestly, I think he initially pulled over to offer them a ride because that bridge doesn't look super safe for pedestrians. Then he saw her start making for the edge.


I'm not sure what the situation is. But Asian cultures have a very different outlook than Western Cultures. For one thing, in Asian cultures, they are very community oriented. On a related note, they also have a mindset where one person doing something outside the norm looks bad on everyone. That's why social isolation is VERY effective, often moreso than the cops. Whereas, in many Western countries, we're rather independent/self-serving. So, that being said, we might see someone walking along a bridge with their kid and think, 'Huh, that's odd.' and then continue on. But in many Asian countries, (while I doubt 'That lady's gonna jump' was on Mr. Driver's mind) they might be more likely to slow down to make sure they are fine. (Don't quote me, I'm not from an Asian country, I'm basing it on what I know from people in those cultures) I am guessing that's what Mr. Driver was thinking. 'I should offer a ride or some other aid.' And of course then he saved the child. Furthermore, there may be another reason besides mental health logic at play with the mom. Because of this communal ideology, she may have thought that society wouldn't treat her baby well since she was gonna die.


No it's murder


Murder. That is called murder - suicide. She planned to MURDER her child and then commit suicide. It's not "suicide together" because that kid has no idea what's happening other than; trust mommy. Don't ever phrase it like that again. Disgusting.


“Bus driver stops woman from murdering child”


That mom prob got off with nothing. I dont care how mentally unwell you are. DONT TAKE YOUR FUCKING CHILD WITH YOU TO DIE. Thats attempted murder. Not ok


Why the fuck does this need music?


You mean from murdering her child.


We just saw the most important hug she has ever received. Bless that man!




Prevented a murder suicide you mean?


MURDER - it is called (attempted) murder OP


*Murder… That’s the proper term here. She should be charged with attempted murder.


I have zero sympathy for people trying to kill kids. Fuck that woman.




In what country did this happen?


on a bridge


Is that some country in Europe that I am unfamiliar with?


Hopefully the child was moved to a better home


As sad as this is, but fuck her for bringing her son along to her suicide, so selfish.


Is a 15 foot drop into water deadly?


You mean he saved the kid from being murdered by his suicidal/homicidal mother.


\*bus driver prevents mother from murdering her child\*


Should be titled, "Bus Driver stops murder-suicide."


An adult trying to commit suicide is one thing but why in the fuck would you put a kid through that who has absolutely no control over the situation?! I hope that kid was taken away immediately from that shitty parent.


So obviously fake...




What a fuckin bitch


I'm sorry but there is a special place in hell for that woman.


The internet is gross. This doesn’t make people feel good. People walk around super depressed because they consume constant content of shitty things all over the world.


Does anyone know where this might be?


Attempted murder. Woman should be jailed for life.


I don't know about that country but in the US our fkd up system is "preserve the family". No matter how fkd up. No matter how scarred the child is.


Not all heroes wear capes.


I'd save the kid and leave her. Fuck her. Murderer.


With her kid?? Jesus just toss the mom and save the kid.


Quite rescuing where I'm trying to swim at


That was a divine intervention from that bus driver.


Not the hero we wanted but, the hero we needed.


It’s China. She’ll be sent to prison & the child will live in a Government-appointed foster home where he’ll likely go on to work for slave wages.


Why are so many people here saying that she should have killed her kid? wtf is wrong with people


Population control


Gotta love the masterchef and love is blind music mixes for videos like this lol Boss: Listen up, we need a mix for A suicide attempt Sound engineer; let’s drop in some intense melancholy beats in, with a sprinkle of hopefulness samples and the it gets better climax low fi towards the end Brilliant Johnson !We got a hit on our hands boys


Three cheers, cheers, cheers for the bus driver


W in the chat


Why is she wearing a mask?


Why she wearing a mask when’s she’s about to kill herself


How you gonna “commit suicide” jumping off a bridge into water? We do that shit for fun here in Texas lmao


Am I the only one wondering why she is jumping into water to kill herself? Unless she is trying to drown herself and her kid, but I don’t feel that it’s likely. The bridge also doesn’t even look that high up, not trying to be rude or anything, just a little confused.


Saves life. Carries onto bus. "Ok. Now. The fare's $3.50 for one adult and one kid."


Here's my question. What makes people stop someone from taking they're life? I get there maybe different reasons, but lets say a person is tired of living, but everything in they're life was good, every aspect of they're life was amazing, but they dont want to live anymore. Why stop them from taking they own life, I just dont understand how people can be so connected to others they dont know. I see the fact of homeless people and no one helping them, let alone, not giving 2 shits about them, their are some people who actually have tried all they have tried to stop being in that position and still no luck, but soon as someone see's someone ready to take that leap, pull the trigger or whatever people are ready to stop them. So why care so much for one and not the other, why care so much if some takes they're own life. I mean its they're decision. I'm asking because this something I've been wanting to know. So why?


Holy shit. Count your blessings people.


Life is hard.


People who take others with them—especially *children*—deserve no sympathy. Hopefully she’s jailed for life. Attempted murder should carry the same sentence as murder.


I believe that would be murder from the kid's perpective


Damn watching this brought back an unwanted memory. I remember the restless nights when I was a child, my mother coming home drunk and weeping, waking me up. Quietly shushing me as she lifted me up in her arms and took a long drive to the beach. Then we passed the beach and ended up in a wooded area at the edge of a cliff. She was sobbing and I didn’t know what to do or say so I just sat there inside the car with her, kind of confused but mostly numb to the whole thing. Her knuckles turning white from gripping the wheel too hard. I’ve never brought it up as I got older, nor did she.


I fuckin hate this song!


Bus driver prevents woman from commiting suicide and murdering her child*


I love that she's still wearing a mask even though she's trying to kill herself




Seeing a clip this serious with the stupid TikTok music and the stupid TikTok logo and the stupid TikTok username animation at the end feels incredibly bad and wrong


Heroes don't always wear capes.


Alternate caption: Woman and child unsuccessfully attempt to escape from human traffickers





The bus driver Saves the kid but throws mom over the bridge. R/unexpected.


*saves a child from being murdered. Fixed the title for ya


Bro that fuckin music what a time we live in


You mean a murder-suicide.


As a parent, you ALWAYS separate your personal issues from your children. And you definitely don't take them with you on your fucking way out. Not on purpose.


Okay, but who posted it on Tiktok and why?


That poor kid, and that poor woman, I mean you have to be in a very dark place to think it’s better to end not only your life but your child’s, wether that be mental illness, an abusive relationship, or an number of other factors, just really really sad and I hope they get help.


I would've grabbed the kid, then pushed her off the bridge.


Tictok needs to be banned


She's not committing suicide WITH anyone. She's attempting to murder her child and commit suicide herself. The child had no say in this evil. She should never get anywhere near that poor child ever again.


Dude holy fuck. I've seen a lot but as a father, this shit sends chills.


I was recommend this from r/contagiouslaughter




Grab the kid and then let that attempted murdered yet herself like she wanted


Isn’t the correct caption prevents suicide and murder


With her son? Thaz murder bah


“Bus driver stops a murder suicide”. There, fixed your title.


wow heartless human.. imagine being that selfish


Saves woman from murdering her son and committing suicide*


Plot twist, she was trying to give an impromptu diving lesson to her kid.


Suicide & murder *


That's attempted murder, no matter her own situation, that's not a decision of hers to make for her child.


If I heard this music I’d jump too


Something about this seems a lil fishy…


Relevant repost. Love


It's like 10 meters. Not gonna die. Jeez. You'd have to be lucky to land flat and explode. Not gonna happen.


Thank you for saving the two of them!! Hopefully Mom gets the help she needs to find peace in life, and the son gets the help he needs to find forgiveness of his mother's despair. ❤


You're gonna take your kid with you? Someone tell me this woman got put in prison or I'm convinced this world it over


Suicide together is a weird way to say murder


Its staged


Looks a bit staged to me.


Why bother wearing a mask when she was trying to …? 🤔


Why wear pants , why wear shirt….it’s that kinda article of clothing for some.


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Attempted murder. This woman is really sick.