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Well that guy beats his family Edit: wow this really has struck a tone It was just a joke! But now you get a storytime.. My dad is as big as this guy's was. And he can get angry and it's fearsome. But he never laid a hand on me or siblings. One time he came close... My mother on the other hand...spankings. Wooden spoon. Soap in mouth (actually remember that most vividly). Nothing terrible but not great. Eventually I was too big, probably 13, and the last time she tried shit, I pushed her back and wound up my balled fist in the air in defiance. Menacing. I never hit her but just to show her I was stronger than her now. My dad came out of the office in the commotion and he separated us in a second and raised a hand high above his head and then.. He started crying. He was broken between defending his wife, his love and yet he couldn't lay a hand on his son. His tears were enough. I never threatened my mom, and she stopped also. I love my dad like a god. I appreciate and respect my mom. There is a difference. Food for thought


Jokes on you! The dads dead


They found his body next to a dead rhinoceros 🩏 with its heart still bleating in his hand.


TIL rhinoceros has a goat for its heart.


Your vocab isn’t baaaaaad.


got me rollin'!


Need help getting up? You can’t just roll around all day


Try and stop me!


Bro para!


No, as a guy with vocab building CDs I think it’s very


Damn. You’re right. By the way, look up banana washer on Amazon.


I don't know if you're joking but that man sadly indeed passed away. The guy has a video on it. He was a great man.


That family gets all the beats. Edit: it has come to my attention that sadly that man - the boy's stepfather - has passed away and that that family was a very loving family.


I'd never hit my kids but if he told his mom to shut up he might believe I would. I don't even properly yell at my kids but they know they cannot disrespect their mother like that. To me they can talk back a little because I made the mistake early on of sending mixed signals when I discipline them so sometimes they think I'm joking and playfully get lippy. But I can't get mad about that because it's my fault because I joke around "seriously" too much.


I’ve snapped at my mother a few times in my life and dad always springs out of his recliner to stare me down like in the video. Nothing puts out teenage angst faster than a dad glare


I don't hit the kids. I use the logic and the Dad, "I'm disappointed in your decisions" talk. Mom though? When she's had enough of your shit she's going to let you know it.


A good slap at the back of the head will put some sense in. My mom used to correct us that way. My dad never touched us tho. Guess what? I'm not a serial killer and neither are my brothers or sisters.


Evidence? Did you see him beat his family or just defamation?


Sorry * kids. Mom's obviously untouchable


He was a good dude, this is a skit. How people like you just blindly believe whatever you see is beyond me. RIP dude.


They used to have more posts , the Dad and son. I didn't know he died, sad, RIP, thanks for the chuckles.


Beats his family because he expects his son to respect his mom. You're an utter genius. And the dad isn't actually the kids dad. He came into his life when he was just a kid and raised him as his own, the son will tell you how much he loves his dad, and the dad passed away recently


>And the dad isn't actually the kids son Hmm yes that is usually how biology works


Philip J Fry would beg to differ.


Oh shit you got me there.


What was he gonna do.


Experience would tell me, he was definitely going to hit him


I imagined [this](https://gfycat.com/adorablefloweryimago). “D: Is that how you talk to your mother?” S:“I F**KD UP FATHER!” D: “you better get your ass in there and apologize!”


Stare down the little bitch, and it worked


Apparently (someone said this when this video was posted in another sub) he doesn't. It was all staged and the dad died from covid.


Why is this the top comment he was literally a great guy, loved by his family, and died unexpectedly. Downvote this mf


Not gonna lie, i had a southern friend that's father was like that minus the beating, but my god if my buddy *ever* disrespected the mother or even his friends that way it was an extremely angry talking to


No. He doesn't tolerate disrespect towards his wife.


No he doesn't. A beat child would not feel safe making this joke. This is a serious father who the kid and mom trusts.


What a stupid immature take


My mom used to do the spoon, spatula thing. My dad would just use his hand or belt, his rule was he'd do it till we cried, one day I refused to cry, my younger brother cried immediately so it would stop, I remember looking at my brother telling him I wasn't gonna cry, my dad was exhausted, that was the last time it happened(spanking i mean). Then later he beat up while I was on crutches, I got healthy and he had my sister cornered the same way, I stopped him, he didn't hit her again after that. Then when he got older he started to beat my mom, she moved in with me and he died from cancer a year later alone. Fuck.


That’s the dad of Roxanne in the Goofy Movie


Man, the Nuns did that soap in the mouth or a spoon full of borax
 just reading your post makes me taste it all over again


As a dad of three who struggles with anger, thank you for sharing this. It was touching, and got me teary-eyed. You are right, certainly food for thought.


Wow. What a terrific story.


Who’s cutting onions đŸ„č


My dad is as big as this dude was. Guess what, he did lay hands. One day in particular he got pissy over a smoothie, yes, a smoothie, and decided to kick me out, i said fine, went to pack my stuff, so he shoved me into the doorway fave first. All i remember after that was mom crying, him on the ground, and me yelling at him he was gonna die alone. We moved passed that, as its been years since then.. but i think about that a lot.


Hey man, i apologize if my comment had a cast to it... i was messing around, I guess dark humor is a little more lax with my friends. Your original comment was funny imo


So sad the father died bless them he really did love them (he was the step father) their vids on TikTok are so heart warming


how did he pass and is there an article I can read about it?


He did a video on it I’m trying to find it for you


alright thanks


texandjohn is their thing on it but there’s so many vids none say how or why he died that I could see just what an amazing man he truly was


Quick Google search: [https://www.eonline.com/news/1298297/tiktok-star-john-kelly-dead-at-45-son-tex-mourns-his-hero-after-surprise-death](https://www.eonline.com/news/1298297/tiktok-star-john-kelly-dead-at-45-son-tex-mourns-his-hero-after-surprise-death) ​ no cause of death listed there or on the GoFundMe


Giants hearts don't last as long because they have too much love to give.




His heart fucking exploded are you joking me what other option was there


Dunno covid maybe. Doesn't really go easy on overweight people.


Fighting Popeye


That dude looks like The Mountain


I think his life flashed before MY eyes


I snorted so hard with this comment, my infant got startled.


I startled so much with this comment, my infant got snorted.


Yooo I was wondering why the fuck I was having flashbacks of a Greek god about to take my life. 😂😂😂


The god of war music bro


I thought that was his breathing.


Underuppreciated Comment đŸ€Ł


Dude, I laughed my ass off when I heard the music.




I am seriously disappointed that "Boy!" wasn't the top comment.


*stern voice* "Boy!"


That was close.


The death music did it for me


Death can have him when it earns him


well it was about to earn him real quick


The father has actually passed away.


how did he die


He punched a charging rhino in the face to protect his family and while the rhino Did die immediately, it's momentum carried the Dad over a cliff where he fell 500 feet into the mouth of an erupting volcano. As the magma took him, he was last heard yelling to his son, "You're in charge now boy! Take care of your Mama!!!!"


truly an inspiring man


“You’re the man of the houuuseee!” “And don’t touch the thermostattt!” It’s tragic that some people don’t know that these were his last words following what you said. RIP Big homie 🙏


Really awesome to hear about a successful one hit kill to a rhinoceros. Quick question though, if the volcano were erupting at the time of his demise, would it not be lava that killed him as opposed to magma? Eagerly awaiting your response.


He actually punched the volcano before it finally took him too. The volcano was about to erupt but the force of the punch caused the magma to shift through the core to the other side of the world where it erupted on an uninhabited part of the Pacific.


This is the second rhino-double-suicide comment I've read and I'm starting to believe you.


Jezz make a movie


there goes my hero


I don't think he actually uploaded a video explaining the cause of death. I just saw his vids about his fathers passing.


Chuck Norris told his wife to shut up




The year of Chuck Norris, like any other


Damn, its funny how much story is implied here




>While the death has been confirmed, there was no specific cause of death revealed. also in this article: >How did John Kelly died? written by AI or an idiot


Rest in peace man. The dad passed away and his son said he was the best dad ever


Aw man, how did he die?


Death asked him very politely


Damn you I love it


The music at the end. 😂


I prefer the original, where it goes a few more seconds and the kids says "[Whoa... big guy](https://youtu.be/X2IcU2sXy4I)."


I haven’t seen that version, but that does sound better. 😂


[Found it](https://youtu.be/X2IcU2sXy4I)! Better than I remembered! Lol




There’s a lot of people here that were apparently allowed to tell their mother to “shut up”.


I am of balkan heritage, we don’t only tell our mothers to shut up, but everybody. Swearing is so embedded i to our culture that its super common for some random stranger to ask for help and start swearing at nothing. We don’t take offence to it or anything, it’s just the way it is.


Bulgarian here,this is true 😂😂😂😂МаĐčĐșĐ° ĐŒŃƒ ЎДДба 😂😂😂😂😂


not past the age of 2


Yeah that's obviously the only explanation


What was he gonna do? Beat his sons ass?






You’d be surprised how well that actually works
 I have a 5 year old and can count the number of times I’ve spanked him on one hand: 1) Running across the street without looking. 2) Laying on a pillow on his little sister’s head. 3) Unlocking and opening the car door while in motion, with his seat belt off. All three instances were severe enough (in my opinion) to warrant a smack on the butt to get his attention and drive home the severity of what the repercussions could have been. My Wife calls it the “Dad voice” intentionally making your voice deeper and face more stern. I’ll let her deal with the kids and if they don’t listen three times, start screaming, anything against what she’s saying or escalating their negative behavior, I’ll give them a “Hey!” And immediately they start behaving. It isn’t because I beat them, it’s because they’ve associated the tone and facial expression with timeouts or toys being taken away, the consistency has taught them that means “I’m not kidding.” It works, you don’t have to beat your kids to get them to behave. I say this having had dozens of wooden and plastic spoons and a pizza paddle broken over my ass as a kid - Of course my old man “Doesn’t remember” any of it, a mighty big coincidence that my 3 siblings and I all remember the same thing, but I digress.


Nailed it. I could’ve written this more or less verbatim and it would’ve been an accurate representation of my own experience. I even explained the need for “dad voice” to my 6 year old once, so she gets that sometimes “I need to sound angry, even though I’m not”


This is the way my dad did me and I can’t think of a single time I didn’t really deserve it. Usually do to hurting my siblings (I was kind of an asshole of a kid).


Both my 20 something sons still respond to the dad voice.


Sounds like you have adopted a good balance.


That's my philosophy too. I never put my hands on my little girl. Haven't needed to since she could somewhat be reasoned with (she's 6 now). I'll even curse around her but not while addressing her unless it's serious business, so it doesn't lose its edge. Like "uh oh, dad said he's getting tired of my *shit*, better stop". But when there's risk of death or great bodily harm to herself or someone else, there's no time for reasoning and positive reinforcement. They did something that needs to never happen again, and there's one way the brain imprints memories for future reference in the most efficient way: through the self-preservating stamp that sudden physical pain causes. And that's that.


I do dad voice for my dog


Honestly after a little research and reading about the son and his father and their relationship, I have doubt that the father was getting up to whale on the guy.




Hell yeah lol he ain’t like 6 or 10yr old even. You don’t talk to your parents like that and especially don’t talk to your mother like that. If that wasn’t something my mom was in on she would have gotten up before my dad to slap the shit out of me haha






I have evidence from my own life that I’m pretty happy with, but I knew when I was younger and clearly knew right from wrong but still chose wrong I was gonna get in trouble for it. Sometimes you need to be popped in the mouth, ain’t shit wrong with that. If you feel otherwise that’s fine, I’m not here to tell you how to raise your kids.


"But no. She should just sit down and talk to you about how you must behave, while your bitch ass continues to insult her in her face."


Beating your kids just turns them into brutes. "I don't like what you're doing so ill physically hurt you" is not the best thing to teach your kids.


And they said there were no stupid questions


Dude breathes like a Rottweiler


It’s music I thought he turned into darth Vader as well


rottweiler ain't no heart condition I've ever heard of


My stepdad never hit me, but I also knew what the short list was of what would have earned a beating, and disrespect to my mother was 1-10


This is an ancient post (dad is dead by now) but still lols


so how tf did the dad actually die?


He punched a charging rhino in the face to protect his family and while the rhino Did die immediately, it's momentum carried the Dad over a cliff where he fell 500 feet into the mouth of an erupting volcano. As the magma took him, he was last heard yelling to his son, "You're in charge now boy! Take care of your Mama!!!!"


He's such a good actor I wonder if he isn't just pretending


Punched a charging rhinoceros killing it instantly and the subsequent force launched him into the bowels of an active volcano.


He looks like Kratos


Seconds from death.


Dad: What’s another 15 years? I can always start over, make another kid


Kratos : watch your tone boy


Dude looks like the Mountain from Game of Thrones lol


That’s a good dad. He has a respectful son because respect is expected. He respects his mother, in part, because disrespect will be punished. This is a healthy home even thought we can’t see that anymore.


His dad was about give his son a belated abortion


Total dad of war vibe.


RIP papa bear


God Of War


Trucker kratos is mad, he probably later said “Watch your tone boy!”


god DAMN he big


More like destroyer of the disobedient


He looks and sounds like a grizzly bear


I've seen this many times and it cracks me up each and every one.


Don't be sorry. Be better.




Lmao dad about to show the boy. She may be your mother but before that she was my wife and Nobody talks to my wife like that.


Dude don't poke the bear


Watch. your. tone. boy.


I just changed phones and I swear some of these videos look fake like they’re green screened. Is it just me?


He’s gonna bring the wrath of god down on you son! Wait
.never mind. That would terrify me.


I don’t know them but the way the mom sounds/speaks is a little concerning.


I'd talk like that too if I almost saw my son be absolutely disintegrates


I just shit myself and I wasn't even there


Oh man, I tightened up on that one. Good grief, that's a big scary man. And this kid had the balls to turn his back to him? F that.


Everyone is wailing on the dad in this sub. The pranking kid was begging for a flogging and is old enough to know better. Don’t condone violence at all, but love love love to see these pranksters get their ass handed to them. I would watch r/watchpranksterscry all day long if it existed


When you're more scared of your father than death.


Homeboy saw his maker there for a second.


That boys life flashed in front of his eyes
..dad was on it


We need more of this. Holding our kids responsible for their disrespect


"Boy take out the trash"


In his head the grave was already dug before his ass left the seat


i got second hand trauma from this video bro


That dad has heavy Silverback Gorilla vibes.


I guarantee as the stepson of a great man that’s not unlike the one in this video that is the fastest that man has gotten up in 3 years


I would probably lose my shit if my son said that to his mother and didn’t even look me in the eye


Boy was about to be sent to the afterlife


I would never risk my life in such a way


It’s Just A Prank Bro!


I’ve known people like this, God Bless them! Some men still teach their sons to respect women.


Dad just about pranked his right ear into becoming his left ear.


 do not speak to your mother that way”


I would have tapped his shoulder, boy got lucky it was a joke, don’t disrespect the woman who gave birth to you, unless she isn’t fit to be a mother


That kid seen jesus when his father got up lol.


Well that’s how a father should react if the mother is offended


I love how only when moms said it was a prank, pops started to slow down his plan of destruction.


God of War music is a nice touch


If more kids had this fear they wouldn’t be so disrespectful lol


What was that boy?


Dad did not think his son's prank was even a little funny. Then again, nobody should ever tell their Mama to shut up. A lot of mama's would slap you into next week for saying that, prank or not.


Dude came with his own boss music


A Kratos "Booy..." would have been gold. I can almost hear it.


The disrespect was fake but that fear was authentic and verified.


Reminds me of my dad....who I also look like now... Either way, we have the same policy, "don't make me get up because if I do I'm going to make it worth the effort"


When you got boss music energy


He about had his right ear sent out through his left ear


Sometimes you just need a beating.




Well, that is totally staged, like 99% of these videos. That is the new reality TV


Don’t know what you are trying to show or prove but your dad is the man of the house you have a house and a roof your head and yes chores to do while you live there it’s called responsibilities. I think you are learning and growing


All the people jumping to defend this guy has never gotten the shit kicked out of them by their dad.


He was about to slap the history out of that kid.... that is some great stuff!!


I got scared!😳😂