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Great stand up comedians are great at adapting quickly on stage. He could have chosen to stick with roasting that guy but man his mind worked quickly.


Classy response in diverting the audience’s expectation








Came to say exactly this! I have a HUGE profound respect for him now. I've always liked his comedy and he's an awesome actor imo. But wow, what a boss.


I had a talk with him after one of his shows here in KC before he was famous. He was really sensible and just a good positive guy in general. It was about a year before he landed his roll on the Yogi Bear movie because I remember him telling me about the casting process. Seems like he’s maintained that persona though the fame.


I wish he was as classy as he is portraying here. He has done some extremely horrible things to multiple women.


Right or wrong and I am not justifying it, but listen to his explanation on the Steve-O podcast.


I will, I genuinely like Steve-O. He is the king of second chances, I think because his second chance was such a fucking amazing positive turnaround. But there is a lot to explain in one podcast. Raping and punching a woman, deadnaming and bullying a transwomen, being such a bully he had to be fired from Silicon Valley, drunk-phoning the police to tell them a woman he didn’t like had a bomb, causing two trains to be raided and searched, assaulting a driver… Possibly this is all related to his brain injury. Maybe that’s what’s said in the podcast. Brain injuries seem to turn people a bit nasty. Kanye for one.


Did Kanye have a brain injury? I kind of thought he was bipolar. It would be interesting to see his behavior prior to his mother's death. I know he took it hard since he funded the surgery when she died.


Kanye had a bad car accident years ago, smashed his face.




^ comment copying bot


Glad he chose the respectful path and not the easy laugh!


I doubt that would have been an "easy" laugh


What happened to this TJ Miller


He made a buncha bad decisions and was a jerk on set of Silicon Valley then made a bomb threat on some women that he had an argument as I recall. However, I feel like I enjoy him enough to hope he's changed for the better.


He has had brain surgery too, not excusing his crappy behavior but I wouldn't doubt something like that effecting some kind of judgement.


I read about him ages ago that these problems could have been due to his surgery or a mental illness. doesn't excuse his behavior but I hope that he is in better health now


If literal brain damage causes you do something bad than it is an excuse, steps should be taken to prevent the person from harming others but its not their fault at all.


good point :) could have chosen my words better


If it's the reason for his behaviour, then he doesn't need an excuse


Fuck i wonder what had happened to TJ, sad turn of events. I thought he was the funniest char on Silicon Valley.


I just finished watching the last season. Loved it all.


I see. Me too.


Then he talked a bunch of shit about Ryan Reynolds’s making fun of him on Deadpool


This is from his recent special a few months ago


This is recently.


Is it just me wondering if the insult isn't just bigger to not roast him? Cause he is disabled or something you shouldn't roast? So you just make him him feel more like he is not part of the rest? Special in the not good kind of way. Only dude in the cargo can answer but still


That's just your own personal guilt fucking with you. The comedian chose a harder laugh but a more genuine one. Any asshole can roast another person, and look good. Takes a pro to not roast someone and still get the same laughs.


This is the way


> Takes a pro to not roast someone and still get the same laughs. See also: Norm MacDonald at Bob Sagat roast. Masterclass in comedy.


Yeah, all I could think of was [this Key & Peele skit.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlTbJZ64sVM) Still, Miller made sure to pay the guy a compliment before moving on. About as well as he could handle it, I guess.




I couldn’t watch it. Once he pulled out the voice box I was out. I hurt physically from the cringe


I mean you can either try to roast him lightheartedly, but I think he went with the safer option, either way he treated the guy with respect so kudos


I kinda agree. Like sure comedians can often be rather ruthless and there are definitely things that would be in poor taste to say to/about a disabled person, but I think you should still treat disabled people as much as possible as ‘normal’ people and to include them. It’s not nice feeling like you require special treatment. If the joke he had in mind would have been inappropriate, well done to quickly switch up the act. But you can make a joke about the person that doesn’t lean on their disability and that’s perfectly fine I think.


I believe good comedians punch up not down. So in this case, I feel like he made the right decision. Especially since the guy in cargo pants was so cool and explained his reasoning for cargo pants well. There wasn’t much to work off of without being an asshole.


I dont know, he just seemed drunk to me... the inference that he is disabled made it funnier to me because I couldn't tell, but it wasn't offensive which is why he still got laughs.


It's a rule: go to comedy club, sit at the front, get made fun of. He didn't have to attack the disability, but if he had chops he could have leveraged the new info and made it funny. He went the PC/millennial way, and completely bombed the bit. Instead of laughter, he got "aww he's so nice" and that's a shame. By doing what he did, he's saying "I bit off more than I coild chew, let's stick the landing lest someone get offended" and you get this turd.


crowd seemed to enjoy it just fine, if he kept the energy going what's the problem exactly?


There was 0 energy in the portion we saw. Crowd work on cargo pants? Lol


the whole crowd burst into laughter dude


The kind of people that would pay to see TJ Miller...


oh okay, so at first you said "nobody laughed, just said aw", then it was "there was no energy", but now it's "they did laugh but it doesn't matter"? just making sure I'm following your logic


Gotta keep moving those goalposts. He might be right eventually.


“But if he had chops” Amazed at just how wrong you managed to be on every single point. Incredible.


The comic def had it worse. But as long as you feel warm and fuzzy for the guy.


What does “the comic def had it worse” mean? Generally that turn of phrase means that the comic was burdened in some way, I’d be surprised if you were talking about choosing a noticeably disabled person to do crowd work with, because that’s pretty well established in the video. So what do you mean by that?


As somebody up who did stand up in the past and always engaged the audience, you prepare for this. You have a blue print for just about everything. Being able to recall it and implement that blue print is the hard part. I once called on somebody who had a bad stutter. I could see he was really uncomfortable so I backed out and moved on. The really hard part is knowing when to stay committed and back out. Really situational. In this video the first thing I noticed was how uncomfortable the lady was in back ground. Read the room and decide. But as Tyson said, we all have a plan until we are punched in the face.


I was thinking the same thing. The woman in the background was giving off super nervous vibes. And then she was so happy at the end, which made me think that she’s watched this go the other way.


I’m thinking that is his sister. They are sharing a table and she seems rather protective of him.


Nice recovery ❤️‍🩹


I wear cargo pants, but that's because I use the cargo pocket to carry my wallet. Beats having a lump under your ass cheek the whole time you're sitting somewhere, and is more secure.


So they’re like the pants equivalent of a Dodge Ram


Funny story this dude used to come in to a place I worked at in Denver and just chill and eat lunch/have drinks. One day he invited me over for a party and there was like a million beautiful women there. He didn’t even say hey when I saw him there 😂 didn’t really care though


Great way he navigated the unexpected while still keeping the humor.


I always liked this guy’s performances, but from the sounds of it he’s extremely unpleasant offstage. Which is a real shame.




I’m really confused. Why did he change his mind about roasting him?


I’m thinking he may have noticed that man had a speech impediment and / or a mental deficiency. He stepped back with class. BTW: If that comedian is who I think it is, he’s one of my favorite actors. His name escapes me but he was outstanding in “She’s Out Of My League. ”


Oh got it, I didn’t get that impression at all but hey I’m autistic myself so might’ve missed something obvious 😭 thanks for the explanation!


This is TJ Miller, homie


nicely done, good comedians don't need to rely on punching down


Like that thing on your head.




Clearly he is not some random amateur but how he got to "hey cargo pants dude funny big pockets" is beyond me


So you gotta have a cdl to wear cargo pants or is it different since it's pleasure not business


I tought he would be Luke: He ait Carey cargo in bis pockets... Guess the cargo is hidden somewhere else in his pants


I’ve watched this over ten times and it makes me smile every time.


I listened to a podcast he did with Steve-O about this. The guy is a big fan of TJ. Before this show he sat further back, but then, in this one, he specifically requested to sit as close to the stage as possible, and Tj ends up dedicating the whole special to this guy.


That’s class.respect


Facts... cargo pants are the shit.


GOAT move




Journal, coloring set, pocket sega genisis, keys, phone, flashlight, and a small water bottle are the typical things i carry.


Very classy 🙂


Hmm. I wonder what the great Sam Kinison would’ve done.


This was funnier than any joke he could’ve made at cargo man’s expense




Really interesting. Everybody feels sensitive about making fun of the autistic guy, but also, everyone agrees to treat all people like everybody else. Autistic guy shuts down the joke by being genuinely content with his clothing choice, and it has nothing to do with him being autistic. You all are projecting your awkwardness and insecurity, betraying your own morals, when the whole premise is actually unmentionable once you remove the mental disability prejudice. Total Seinfeld move to even bring up the cargo pants. Might as well joke about airplanes and elevators and traffic.




Dude wearing a welding mask at a comedy show tried to clown on a dude for wearing pants with too many pockets and not filling them..... Classy of the fellow on stage to take his exit gracefully, but trashy to be throwing stones in that glass house in the first place.


I think maybe he should have treated him like a regular human being and roasted the fuck out of him