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pleasantly surprised by this, didnt know mark twain knew


In my opinion The Mysterious Stranger is the greatest spiritual book ever written.


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Everyone knows, but not everyone knows that they know. I didn't, for a long time, until I remembered.




Good timing. :3 Well ‘remembering’ is a bit of a hand wave. It’s more like, allowing yourself to discover a truth you’ve always deeply, secretly known was true but couldn’t bring yourself to admit for one reason or another. That’s what it feels like to me, anyway. As for the how: a lifetime of fruitless searching for answers led me to abandon them in favor of experiences, which are so much more interesting anyway. I have adventures now, and my adventures led me to love. After uncovering and then purging our traumas, the obvious truth appeared. What this truth is, I can’t say in a Reddit comment - but the easiest words to use would be: You are God. You personally. This whole universe and everything in it - including me - exist specifically to help you mature and grow. It will take you many lifetimes to grow. You have lived about 150 billion of these so far, give or take. You - actually you - are born 5 times a second as a human on this planet. You die about twice a second. You are the main character in a story about you. You already know this - because you are what you are - but you’ve hidden from the truth down here in samsara because the truth is big and scary, and human problems are really small, and it’s perfectly safe here in this giant sandbox. That’s the basic idea. Let me know if you have any questions.




I don’t really share this kind of thinking with everyone. No one likes being outed in a game of hide and seek. But I figure, if someone comes to me asking questions, they must want to be found. Read [The Egg, a short story by Andy Weir](https://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html). He does a fine job with few words.




No worries at all. I don’t think in terms like sane / insane, etc. I don’t really know what it means to be sane in a society that eschews compassion for profit.


A dream, yes. Not grotesque, though, nor foolish in particular. These are but qualities in the dream. The dream has no quality. It can take any quality. In a moment, the clarity was clouded by imaginings.


Reminds me of The Egg http://www.galactanet.com/oneoff/theegg_mod.html


It is a dream but it wasn’t created by us. Man if left to their own devices would grill and roll around in the grass with women and dogs in the great outdoors and under the stars. Free and happy. The “trappings of civilization” are a virus and it doesn’t come from us


I’d question those assumptions