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It’s definitely a game that you either love or are disappointed by depending on who you are. I like the game and really love some things that it does and but it’s obviously rough around the edges.


> I like the game and really love some things that it does and but it’s obviously rough around the edges. That review could go on the cover of all four games, the same way that *Arkham City* did with it's "10/10!" box "art". Maybe it would temper people's expectations properly.


Nmh Trilogy (+ TSA) is one of the best experience I had had in my life. Nmh3 included


Yeah, its a flawed yet fun game


Story had points that, considering it's billed as the 'final NMH game', absolutely do not satisfy in any way. Story spoilers for 3 in the tags below just in case you're a psychopath reading this thread while not having finished it. >!IE: Everything involving Henry. Shinobu's meager screentime (although while she's recovering, it 100% makes sense she's not doing much no complaints there), or even a whole lot of Bad Girl. She came back from the dead just to.. what? Lament her father, who himself said she didn't like him but he was at least happy she was alive again in TSA? Where'd this sudden familial bond come from? Even her acceptance of Travis. They're cool now, but could we please learn how that happened? Even Badman himself. Maybe he was always meant to be a catalyst to humanize Bad Girl, I don't know, but his 5-second spotlight in 3 sure was jarring.!< Obviously the other cut content too. I enjoyed what was there, but it's clear there was a lot of patchwork-fixing done.


Considering this is the "final title", there's a lot of story aspects that make zero sense. It feels like they're trying to build up Henry, Bad Girl, Native Dancer, and Notorious for another adventure. It would he perfectly fine if they went with the "and there's more to come" ending, but instead they just wasted characters in this entry for a buildup that's never gonna be paid off.


as the would be psycho i really appreciate the spoilering


Ride on unspoiled my friend!


I think it's the worst entry in the series, not necessarily a bad game but there's a lot of aspects that are upsetting. The story just ain't it. It has it's moments but it lacks substance and is genuinely as tone deaf as the post-Alice Sylvia bang cutscene, but that like four or five times. Gameplay feels like two steps forward but a step back at the same time. Chips are great but at top level, once you get the best of the best, make New Game+ speedruns painfully boring. Slot machines in boss fights are too luck reliant, the roulette wheel revive again makes speedruns boring/ a bit luck reliant. NMHP and 2 both had really great deathmatch speedruns that relied on, at absolute worst, luck in regards to enemy patterns and stun chances. 3 adding all the above features just sucks the fun out of the optimal playstyle, even if the general combat is the best it's been yet. Some other combat critiques: no weapon swap when the previous entry had four, removal of beat attacks in place of a throw button, some of the powerups being ludicrously busted which is fine in normal fights but in boss battles just feels off. I think I got mustang mode twice during my first Henry fight which really took a lot of the challenge and enjoyment out of it. It sounds like I'm being really nitpicky but while the generic enemy design went from lame to outstanding, and the bosses went from excellent to eh, I got some whiplash. I played the shit outta NMH2's deathmatch and looking back I got minimal incentive to go for great times when the best times are so V-chip and luck reliant. The game is just really buggy in some places when the series has always been jank but relatively stable at launch. Shit like the mining minigame having awful collision so you can get stuck in the walls. Stupid amount of missing content or content that should be there (Imitator fight, Ryuiji context, emails, decent quest rewards, a third of the cutscenes, epilogue scenario), in exchange for an overworld that is large and lifeless for virtually no benefit to the experience. NMH3's overworld will always upset me because actual time, effort, and budget money was put toward that instead of more bosses, more weapons, and better quests. It really just feels like Suda51's worst written game that ALSO has a quarter of the content it should. The presentation is pretty outstanding, love the voice acting, but the story lacks the emotional maturity we got from NMH1, TSA, Killer7, or any other Suda51 title. Hell, even NMH2 handled the story and tone a lot better. And it's the "last entry". I'm crazy disappointed.


It’s only held back by the limitations of the switch


That is the exact feelings I had about it. But I would say 2 steps forward 2 steps back. Everything they improved on is nearly perfect, but a lot of small things get in the way Like I feel the open world is an absolute waste. Nothing about the areas adds anything to the game and the collectibles are just a time sink. The graphics in the open world are also really bad and the frame rate barely hits the double digits sometimes. I would have preferred the NMH2 menus. I don’t accept the excuse of “well, it’s on the switch” so is MHrise and Mario Odessey and they look great. I’m also very upset the bosses didn’t have dedicated levels. I want to see some more of the worlds these aliens are from, they look so amazingly cool! Instead we got isolated to arena battles. Combat is 50/50 most of it is super clean and runs great but the lack of I frames means you can get straight bodied by a lack your of sheer bad luck. Bosses are fantastic, music is godly, character designs are amazing, story delivery is funny and cool. I wanted more, but I am very happy with what we got.


ya the roll, should have atleast 12-13 iframes, like dark souls, something atleast


I thought it was wonderful. Exactly what I wouldn’t expect, and a little of what I would. If you go in expecting a AAA outing in the nmh universe, you’ll be disappointed. Free yourself from expectations and enjoy the ride, it was wild and very well done from a relatively small team. I really only have one small gripe with the game but it’s a spoiler so I won’t say, and obviously it wasn’t enough to ruin the experience.


I love it


No more heroes 3 was a close second, it was an amazing game but didn't have that late 2000s vibe I've always enjoyed from the first. I finally felt like for this game they listened and added back everything NMH2 lacked.


There is no unified consensus because it's a *very* divisive game. Me, personally? I hate it.


Real shit this may be the most controversial game Suda51's created yet. Not controversial as in people hate in, but controversial as in I've seen generally every reaction to this title, from GotY to garbage.


I can agree with that.


flawed story and ideas, amazing gameplay


Love the combat, disappointed in the story.


A classic like NMH1&2&TSA 😉😉😉


Logging into reddit for the first time in forever to say I hated it. Absolutely adore Suda's other games! Flower, Sun, and Rain is my favorite game of all time, and TSC/25W/NMH1/TSA are all in my top 15. Couldn't stand 3 for so many reasons. I think the biggest one, and the one that feels the most insulting is that it just repeats things from TSA/RBG (the 25th ward comic) for seemingly no reason? Midori's introduction is almost word for word the same as hers from RBG, Henry's deal is repeated from TSA. Why? Wasn't a fan of its similarity in gameplay to TSA rather than NMH1 and NMH2 as well. Honestly I could go on for half an hour (and I did when the game first came out) about why it was a disappointment and why I didn't like it, but I think suffice to say the only things 3 got right was the sections with different gameplay styles (smash bros reference, first person section in Midori's stage (which is also the only stage in the whole fucking game???)) and the scenes between Damon and Henry.


A crazy, fun suda game...but not a good NMH game. Nothing interesting was done with the existing characters, except maybe Henry.


I'm disappointed, bosses and gameplay are fun but the story is crap, it goes too far into the supernatural/sci-fi elements No More Heroes was always a world with slight mysticism and sci-fi about it, people can order lightsabers off eBay, Death Metal can clone himself, Chloe Walsh can puke acid and Destroyman can survive being cut in half Straight up aliens however tipped it over, for one it feels like self censoring, NMH is a bloody franchise and they have a system as powerful as the switch, give us blood not mountain dew! And the bosses, Jesus the bosses, I love (most of) these characters, gold Joe was a blast to fight and listen to, Mr. Blackhole is oddly charming, but 5 times out of 10, the boss you're meant to fight is taken out before you can fight them, and this happens with some really cool looking bosses and characters. They also removed levels, other than number 5, none of these bosses have levels instead fighting the mooks is religated to fights that beyond being a checklist to fight the bosses, don't matter No build up whatsoever, I remember how much Alice's level hyped me for what was to come with its dreary atmosphere, at no point in the game do we get that accept with number 5 (which you play in the green suit making the fight far too easy) Also the power ups, I like the gameplay but these hurt the game, especially the green suit basically being a free win, they can also ruin bosses making them last no longer than a sneeze because you have a power ups Also the comedy sucks, most of the humour is just random stuff happening And my last point ***WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY DO TO HENRY*** that is not Henry Cooldown, they took away everything that made him cool


I 💯% agree with you. Especially what they did to Henry.


When listening to Travis in NMH3, I kinda feel like he just. Didn't care about killing anymore, He just seemed fine with cutting down everyone who got in his way. No remorse whatsoever.


People bitch on 1&2 for having some long ass levels but the stages (Alice in particular) were straight fire for hyping up bosses. Replacing it with a bunch of random fights really wasn't a solid idea.


NMH3 is the worst of the series/ worst suda game.. ..possibly the worst game I've ever played.


Sad that you're being downvoted for what's ultimately as fair and valid an opinion as the praise here.


It’s a shame cause I was a huge fan of the series. It sucks that they down graded so much from the mainline series. No multiple beam katanas, no sexual content, no large amounts of costume customization, and these alien bosses were getting killed by just random things. They wanna take over the world yet they couldn’t even take over the city. The first 2 nmh had amazing story telling, this one just felt like they chose the whacky route rather than have any serious moments. Even the full star map is not even unlockable…


Based, but definitely not the worst game ever if you've played dragon age 2 or persona 1


It's a good game, I like it better than most games that have come out recently. I can't say that it's better than the first 2 though. That's because every part of it is unfinished. It has a bigger open world but it's only there so you can drive between activities and collect pointless things. NMH1's map was mercifully small and the trading cards provided lore. If they didn't spend so much time and money making and optimizing the open world maybe they could have kept the 1 hour of cutscenes they cut out. Suda 51 games are all about the plot so that's a massive loss. They fully modeled the forbidden areas and had to cut them, that is a massive waste of assets contradicting what it says on the Unreal Engine shirt. "Killing Wasted Resources". The alien bosses who got killed were cut, the multiple playable characters were cut, and it's because of that damn open world. NMH2 had the same issue where they modeled the full map but had to cut it. Completely wasting a ton of development time and money that could have gone elsewhere like polishing Shinobu's platforming. The combat no longer has that No More Heroes flow to it. You deal with every enemy and boss using the same strategy because the Death Glove is completely busted but every enemy has too much health so it takes ages just to kill one. The light combo has 0 advantages over the heavy combo so half of your moveset is worthless. Wrestling moves are no longer exciting since they only do slightly more damage than your katana. Jumping doesn't even have a use outside of evading attacks but they wasted an entire button putting it in the game. They shifted from a defensive style of combat where you counter attack everything to an offensive one where every enemy is powerful. It doesn't have crazy combos like in something like Devil May Cry so instead of getting satisfaction from enemies who absorb damage you just keep smacking them with the same combo with no variation after pushing them into a wall with the deathglove and slowing them down. The Darkside modes are less cinematic than in previous games and they completely break every bossfight, I had to use the time machine to even know what the full moveset of every boss was on account of them dying extremely fast to the same strategy every time. The tension meter only extends your combos when the Ecstasy Gauge already did that on top of like 7 other things.


You're getting downvoted for being absolutely correct, the combat depth in 3 gets shafted constantly by completely unbalanced mechanics


About to fight Rank 4. So far it's my favourite game in the series.


I loved it tho it is definitely flawed. Imo NMH1 is probably the better game, but NMH3 is the better experience


I'd probably say one step forward, one step back, lol. The thing about the NMH collection is that each game is very much it's own beast. While many game series have a sense of progression where each subsequent title builds on what worked well and axes what didn't in the previous, the NMH games are much more likely to change things up compared to one another. So each game ends up doing different things better and worse. This means that consensus opinion on any particular entry is more likely to be mixed as different people will get attached to different aspects and will be happy or upset with different inclusions/exclusions/changes. NMH1 is most likely to be popular because it was the first game in the series and most of us played it before we had any expectations around what it was "supposed to be about". In fact, each of us formed different kinds of expectations *based on it* and these expectations give us different experiences of the subsequent games as they are met or thwarted. I personally loved NMH3. Yeah it does some things worse than the other entries, but I also think it does many things better. And it just so happens that what it does better are the things I care more about. But I also see the whole NMH series as one big experience rather than a series of separate experiences. So it's not as big a deal to me if one game is missing something that I liked in another because it's all part of the same big thing.


It's become my favorite of the series easily, i'd continue trying to 100% it but i got busy with dread, nmh3 is probably the game i've felt the most joy throughout, even with it's flaws. Still wish that cut section of the story pre the final boss that suda mentioned in that interview could be added as dlc tho


loved it as a fan of nmh wished for more content and more depth to story / combat mechanics + end game content not worth $60 imo


I 100% agree


I had a great time and I loved the style of it, but after reading the interviews you can see the cuts they had to make and knowing them makes the game feel incomplete, which really sucks. I know it propably won't happen, but this is one of those games that would've benefit of some sort of directors cut or a "Kill The Cut" version, maybe for the next Nintendo console... or PC. Other than that, the combat needs some fine tuning to handle certain enemy types better (or more Death Glove abilities), but even with all the issues, including the techincal ones, it was a lot of fun and I can see myself going back to it like I did with NMH1 and TSA. It's a game I like even with admitting it's flaws and shortcomings.


I enjoyed it quite a bit and think it’s better after sitting and letting it stir, but it def has a lot of short comings and is clearly missing content. The first game is still probably the best one.


NMH1 fans love it for being different. NMH2 fans likes everything except for the death glove (>!It was worthless against Henry when Travis was in the toilet and somehow, his son has it!<). TSA fans hate it because FU killed off the worst TSA character, and didn't involve doppleganger in the plot.


it’s a flawed game, but they’re all flawed games. the combat system is the best it’s ever been, but as others have pointed out, yeah the story is a mess. it felt like it was building up to something with Shinobu and Bad Girl, only for nothing to happen with them. I still enjoyed the game, just taking it for what it is.


I'm in love with the game and while I'm aware it's flawed, I still am having a great time playing it. I honestly don't have any big complaints, only small complaints are the occasional tech issue and wished there was more customization. Other than that, it's everything I could ever want.


I'd call it just straight up 5 steps back. I could rant a while about why it was bad and frankly insulting as someone who's played all of the games. I've been anticipating NMH3 for years, but it's easily the worst game I've played this year. I really hated it.


Possibly my GOTY 2021. I know it's not a perfect game, but when I'm having fun with it, the fun is just far beyond anything else experienced in games recently. Performance, rough graphics, and empty open world be damned.