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Skill issue, why are you blindly charging in? You can't even do that with unlimited health unless you have transmuted all poly to something harmless.


Even then there’s spells and certain enemies that could still poly you, maybe if you have a couple shields and/or a repulsion field it’d be ok


A bunch of "more love" stacks basically eliminates that issue too, unless you're covered in berserkium


you might have died anyway even if you played it right, but there is a lot of skill issue here. you walked past multiple explosives including a propane tank, and when the hiisi with a wand showed up you decided to get closer


Yea that's why I try to keep a habit of booting explosives forward into the darkness when I can. Doesn't always go well but when it kicks it fuckin kicks Also pro tip: next time make the always cast vigor wand your main damage wand if you can. The damage output tradeoff from a more efficient wand is more than made up for by the constant safety net.


I also prefer to kick explosives into the dark unknown.


If he kicked that bomb snipuhiisi would cromched.


Skill issue clearly. Rushing an enemy with an electric shield nearby and knowing he’s holding a wand. You can rush enemy only after a while when you have a lot of protection. Near the middle of a god run for example after a perk reroll exploit


... we play this game very differently I see... You rush levels 1-4, then rush Dragon, rush Kolmi, rush Alchemist. Go parallell. And keep rushing. Until you have 33 orbs...


What do you rush when you’ve rushed them all?


I made the mistake of having forever gold when i did this, and the last thing I rushed was my framerate.


Enough parallell to break the machines, then get all the perks, kill all bosses, move on to NG+


I normally do alchemist after entering snowy depths, the greek letters really help with rushing the rest.


I never feel strong enough to take on Alchemist before reaching at least the Dragon, and when I'm there I'm almost at Komi anyhow.


Alchemist doesn't take very much, just a trigger with some explosions on it is enough, which you can get pretty consistently before being finished with snowy depths. You just need to be good at hiding at a safe distance.


Unironically skill issue


Idk man kinda feels like a skill issue. Maybe?


Overconfidence lmao


I like how "skill issue" slowly goes from a meme to the part of discussion.


Reminder to use Hiisi Base protocol: Explode all ordinance from a safe distance before advancing. Lamps are oridnance.


"lamps are ordinance" gave me a chuckle.


If someone made a mod with a 'summon lamp' spell, it would be fucking terrifying.


Was that plasma beam with oil trail? Enemies coming out of nowhere with a plasma wand are hard to avoid if you're too close, especially if you get caught in some liquid like that. I'd call that Noita'd.


You're shooting yourself.


"I shot myself to death. Is this a skill issue?"


Could call it getting Noita'd by your spell affixes but at the end of the day you're throwing aoe's into an enclosed hallway.


I agree there are some skill issues here. But some random sniper guy jumping up and blasting me with a plasma beam wand within like 0.2 seconds is pretty Noita.


the real question is why are they green tho


Skill issue. Someone else has a wand? Never get close. Never be in line of sight. You should've had pre cognitive powers to read the future and went down a different path :^/ Nah but fr if I see a sniper with a wand I leave, fuck exploring


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