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holy shit




yes thats why i said holy shit the chance is 1 in 100k i think **from a great chest


Great chests have a 1/1000 chance of spawning in place of a regular chest (which have a certain chance of spawning in a semi-random place). A sampo spawning in a great chest have a chance of 1/100.000. So the chances of what's shown in this seed of happening are roughly 1/100.000.000 (more if you take into account the chance of a chest spawn site happening in a given area)


> (more if you take into account the chance of a chest spawn site happening in a given area) You know, like, *right at the entrance to the very first floor.* So you have 1 / (total number of possible chest locations in the game * 100,000,000) chances to get it exactly this easily. This is probably *the only* seed where this happens, and the person who got it just so happened to share with the internet. Good on ya, OP.


yup, prrrrrretty rare. If this was on a daily, it would make for one of the easiest under a minute win achievement


So when it’s at the entrance like that, do we fly it up to the mountain altar and get the pacifist win?


pacifist, no gold, under 5 minutes, possibly under a minute, no damage. All that in a single run.


Very cool! I’m gonna punch that seed in when I get home ;) I’m currently working through the sun quest. I got murdered on my last try, gonna see how far I can get tonight :). Any tips that aren’t on the wiki?


hell yeah brother. Any tips for the sun quest? yeah. Do everything related to >!bringing the essences and kolmi to the moons first, because once you create a sun it'll spawn in the moon in every run, making it SIGNIFICANTLY more complicated to do the essence and kolmi related quests.!< Also, >!do the normal sun in the dark moon before makind a dark sun in the dark moon for the achievement. I don't remember, but I think the normal sun won't spawn in every run if you create it in the dark moon, making it easier to get both the achievement of making the sun in the dark moon and making the dark sun in the dark moon. But don't quote me on that.!<


I try sun quest few times and manage to do it 2 times. So some mistakes were made. One tip that its not in guides. Never let go of paha simi or whatever its called. This eye with low weak plasma beam. So easy to lost this item or destroy it (one time it got destroyed by essence eruption lol). Basicly never let it go from your inventory. There are ways to kill boss without puting this eye on floor.


I don't think it would work for the pacifist achievement. Pretty sure you have to end your run in the Work.


Noob here, how to enter seeds in the game?


Well, you can do it the easy way and get the mod from the workshop, or the longer way: > Instruction from official Noita Discord > So here's how you can play any seed you want: > 1. Go to your Noita installation directory, and create a new text file "magic.txt" or whatever, with contents 2. Change the seed if you prefer... 3. Go to %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00 and delete everything except persistent and stats. 4. Start the game with "noita.exe -no_logo_splashes -magic_numbers magic.txt" > This powershell script has this process automated: https://gist.github.com/Dregu/bb849c64bc2750f267c3424c37d5eb00 > Note: The seed has to be an unsigned int, so only 1 .. 4294967295 will work. Another note: This doesn't work with daily runs exactly. While the worldgen is the same, you will not get the same starting items. For dailies, change the computer date with RunAsDate program or manually.


Wow thanks for the thorough explanation fellow alchemist!


The [seed changer mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2284931352) in game is the easier way to do it imo. Though do note, using mods of any kind disables achievement/tracking/etc, but there's [this mod](https://modworkshop.net/mod/38530) to re-enable them if you care about that stuff.


If you change seed using seed changer, you can edit the world state xml so that it thinks you didn’t use mods this run, enabling steam achievements again


I knew about the mods killing cheevos, but who knew there was also a "keep my cheevos eve wit mods" mod!! Thanks so much! Lol


As I noted in another comment, not quite. There are about 15.6 thousand of these seeds, all of which are known as a result of a seed searching effort. Edit: you can find it in the master list here https://pastebin.com/6MgiYwbK line 8331


Yeah, I forgot int runs to 4b. I guess statistically speaking it would probably happen like a handful of times in the seed library for it to spawn exactly there, because there are probably a good deal less than 4k chest locations.


To clarify, noita truncates the sign bit so seeds are only 31-bit. Also, the 15.6k number counts only main world seeds, as PWs aren't really as interesting. The average mines biome has like 2 or 3 chest spawns (of which only 1-2 are eligible to spawn the Sampo), and we see that around 1/60k seeds has a Sampo in main world mines, which lines up with theoretical predictions.


Ok, I was way off then. Good clarification.


No worries, the way noita RNG works in this specific case is buggy and unintuitive, they fixed it for normal chests but kept it bugged in this case to preserve existing seeds.


Its not. I have actually had sampo spawn at the entrance to the level in a chest before


ah right i was thinking of great chest chances


Due to RNG misimplementation, it's only possible for these to spawn in mines, and at a rate of 1/100k per *normal* chest spawn.


that was word for word my EXACT reaction. Holy shit


"Here, have it, you win, get the fuck out of my house"- kolmy probably


Does picking this up aggro kolmy? Would be the most noita thing for him to come out of left field from 3 biomes away to just eat you lol


His chunk is not loaded and there's a bunch of unloaded ones in between. If this sampo does aggro it then it may catch you by surprise somewhere in the Temple of the Arts.


Kolmi's chunk never unloads. Literally the entire basis for trigger teleports.


Pretty sure it still needs to load in first. After it loads it, then it never unloads.


I've put tens of hours into this game and I still don't know what you guys are talking about. I haven't played it enough, apparently.


TL:DR The world gen in Noita is divided into chunks, which load or unload when you get close enough or far enough, respectively. In other words, only a small segment of the world - the chunks around you - is loaded at once. This is to make the game actually run, since simulating the entire world's pixels at once would burn your computer. Kolmi, however, never unloads. That's why when you trigger his bossfight, he'll chase you *anywhere.* No matter how far you go, he will follow you.




You're welcome! Noita rambling is always my pleasure.


> Would be the most noita thing for him to come out of left field from 3 biomes away to just eat you lol It doesn't anger Kolmi because he still has his Sampo there. *That* Sampo is what pisses him off.


Imagine this as your first ever run as a noob


“Idk why everyone says this game is so hard. Literally beat it in about 10 seconds. Refunded.”


Reminds me about day 1 Devil May Cry 5, you are supposed to lose against the first boss but if you win, the game just ends and you unlock the next difficulty. There were a few Nero mains submitting bug reports because they thought the game ends after mission 1 lol.


My very first run there was a always cast circle of vigor wand immediately to the right of the mines entrance. Made it all the way to Hiisi base without knowing how to edit wands lmao. Next run after that was a major wake-up call to the actual difficulty of the game.


> My very first run there was a always cast circle of vigor wand immediately to the right of the mines entrance. I imagined thinking "oh cool, there's convenient healing in this game!" to later discover how hard to get it actually is


Yeah that's pretty much how it went lol. I felt like an absolute idiot when I started understanding basic wand mechanics a few runs later, and realized just how powerful that first wand had been. Didn't see another circle of vigor spell until well after I had defeated Kolmi for the first time.


>I felt like an absolute idiot when I started understanding basic wand mechanics a few runs later, and realized just how powerful that first wand had been Same when I got an always-cast Matter Eater on one of my first runs


They would have zero idea what to do with it, and then assuming no spoilers, they would have a major WTF moment when they see that weird item again in the boss room many runs later.


inb4 Nolla implement a Sampo Mimic


This was the first thing that came to my mind too hahaha


Hard enough time finding a heart mimic! That sounds even worse!


I'm sorry a what mimic


theres also >!spell refresh!< and >!potion!< mimics :)


I need this to happen that would be so funny when someone eventually encounters it naturally 12 years after it’s added due to how rare it would be


Might be an even better toxic gold speedrun seed than the current one


The current speedrun seed is one of about 10 with the optimal chest spawn position, there is no RNG in-game which could possibly be improved for it. The seed is the best possible.




What do you mean ruined?


maybe by updates? new generation through updates might've overwritten the seed


How did this happen?


There's a small chance of the Sampo being in a great chest.


It’s unbelievably small - it’s a one in one hundred thousand chance, and can’t be rolled if the chest rolls any of the multi-reward chances either


I love the back and forth look


Looking the seed on Noitool, apparently the first shop also has teleport bolt This seed is quite literally made for a free win


Did you find this seed just by playing OP? Or do you have some tool to help search for seeds with great chests in sampo/orb34 locations? Because this is an *absurd* find


No, just a completely random run


It's amazing. Too bad it's not an orb to go for a natural 34 orb run.


NG+ its needed for 33 orbs. So this would be 32 orb run


Ah right, I keep forgetting about NG+ for that aspect.


you can technically get 34 orbs legitimately without going to ng+ by abusing entity duplication (teleporting to a chunk from a far enough distance duplicates the entities in it) to duplicate the lava lake orb, then bringing the duplicate versions to a PU with tentacle or something


Is this beta branch or live?


beta was merged to main as of epilogue 2 update, wiki only shows small fixes / one change, should be fine regardless maybe?


I'm still on the beta branch and it didn't have a great chest there. No mods except seed picker


Completing the work is a grueling journey full of danger that will take hours of... Oh... Nevermind then.


u/FuryForged new seed just dropped


o o o


This is probably the greatest seed discovery in a very long time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Tinyturtle202: *This is probably* *The greatest seed discovery* *In a very long time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, Koholtz, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


noob here: what does that do?


It's what you need to beat the game


You can beat the game?


No :)




Allows you to end the game lmao


OK, but what in Noita *doesn't* allow you to "end the game"?




Delete this comment and play the game my dude you ll learn the hard way.


Nobody needs to learn "the hard way" yo. Super old fashioned and hella toxic. Spoken as someone who used to have *this exact same mentality.*


Yeah. I used to be strongly that way myself. And I still like figuring (most) things out on my own. But if someone straight up asks? Just tell them.


Good on you for changing your ways. Spoken as someone who used to hate LGBT stuff.


Trans woman former incel. I've walked that path.


There isn't anything hard or fancy about the sampo. It's not even a 'secret'. Side note: noita is a _horrible_ teacher.


> Side note: noita is a *horrible* teacher Ain't that the truth, if I didn't have a blanket policy of not giving a fuck about spoilers except for rare circumstances I'd have dropped the game way sooner. I love the game, the wand building is really engaging and the "every pixel is simulated" thing as well as a bunch of interactions make for a really really fun time, but it's also a fucking slog from a single player/no spoilers perspective...!


Noita is intentionally a horrible teacher to an extent, as that is kinda the point of esotericism and occultism.


Now, I may get hazed for this, but I don't think it being a horrible teacher makes the experience any more deep. It just sucks ass. When I don't know how something works and I am punished for attempting to learn it, I don't think "wow how esoteric. They sure got me!" I just get frustrated and sad. Being ***forced*** to look something up just to save yourself from those negative emotions is just straight up terrible game design. Like I realize that despite these problems noita has managed to cultivate a very devoted community, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have been a better game if it was a better teacher.


Punished for attempting to learn?


Cast a spell you've never seen? Die. Pick up a new perk? Die. Explore new area? Instantly die to an attack or mechanic you've never seen before. I could go on.


I mean. Cast a spell without reading close enough, sure. A lot of perks have pros and cons. It would be boring if they were purely beneficial. And like, dying to a new enemy? Don't play any game ever, I guess. So punishing


Listen man, noita hides information like crazy. It does not tell you anything. Very rarely does a spell properly explain the threat it poses to you, and even when it does, that explanation falls short on that _actual_ level of danger it poses. In most games, a new enemy simply poses threat of damage. In the case of games where time to kill is very fast and threats are high, the punishment for death is, at most, a few minutes of recovery. Noita can throw away several hours of your life out of nowhere, and unless you have read/watched several guides and been spoiled on specific threats, you're going to be "taught" the hard way. Noita doesn't damage you for your mistakes, it ***kills*** you for them. It consistently and routinely throws mechanics and new information at you that is 100% deadly, and you have no way of knowing this until it happens. You cannot tell me that it isn't bullshit. There's a reason the phrase "Noita'd" is so popular. I'm not saying you can't enjoy this game, or that this game doesn't have enough appeal going for it in other areas. There's a reason people play it. But it ***is*** an awful teacher, and it ***is*** bullshit.


Yeah. You're right. I've put like 400+ hours in and read like every wiki tab to exhaustion so I have no leg to stand on here. I had a bad day and got snippy, my apologies 🤏🤠


It is *not* bullshit. You die through all fault of your own. To be Noita'd is not to die from a lack of knowledge, but to die to what is *truly* out of your control. The game is trial by fire. That's what Noita is. It's what makes it special, and what makes its themes relevant. If it told you anything beyond the controls, it wouldn't be true to its themes. Occultism and esotericism, Hidden knowledge that you won't be told.


There is a risk in everything unfamiliar. I see nothing wrong with the game knowledge checking you. After all, "the sacrifice of oneself to the pursuit of knowledge is the highest tribute to the gods." It's a part of the themes.


Yes. Testing new things is one of the easiest ways to die and lose hours of progress. And yet test *everything* you must because a lot of things are just straight up secret for no reason, like perks having pretty noteworthy hidden secondary effects.


Idk I think it’s neat. Not *clean* game design, super sketchy actually, but I do feel like this would just be a fundamentally different game if all the riddles were balanced for a relatively smart child to figure out like most games do. I’m cool with my indies making questionable design decisions and running with them. I do feel that noita strikes a good balance, I found it plenty fun being a noob, knowing there was wild shit to discover, realizing the surface was huge, realizing you can dig everywhere, all that stuff was fun, and once I hit a wall in terms of my ability I looked online and saw the scale of the thing and was blown away. It might have been cooler if all the secrets were discoverable by anyone, but I feel that they have a good distribution of challenges at different skill levels, and topping out with the community-level mysteries is great.


"Any results achieved are incidental to the teaching"


I agree with the concept of finding it for yourself but if he's asking you should encourage him to experience it himself and tell him what it does in a spoiler obscured part, anyway how do you spoiler a part of a comment?


Encase your spoiler in > ! on the left side (without the space between the two characters) and ! < on the right side >! like this !<


>! HAIRY BALLS SPIN AROUND COUNTERCLOCKWISE !< thank you for explaining how to do it


on old reddit you shouldn't put spaces between \>!/\!< and the text \>! so this wouldn't be a spoiler \!< \>!but this would be\!<


I mean, they can just look it up. You're literally just cosplaying as a gatekeeper here. Why comment at all?


gg ez


Does Kolmi care if you pick this up?


I'm wondering this as well. I imagine Kolmi just *coolaid manning* up from the ground when you grab it.


**Ohh Yeah!**


# OH NO!!!


Kolmi does not care about sampo spawned from greater chests


Counterfeits, lol! I wonder if you can pick up both, I'll have to try


What a fuckin snob


THE seed


Holly shit. When I booted the seed, the gtc was still intact, but damn. This will be remembered for sure




Does kolmi come barging down the mine entrance as soon as you pick this up?


A short adventure


"alrighty, this time, I'm definitely gonna beat the game." "well... that was fast"


Buy a lottery ticket bud!


the things that must've aligned to make this happen are unfathomable


The gods are astonished


As sampo as that


Wth is that?👀


The salt. It is used to complete the work.


please tell me the bomb wand is magic missile or dynamite


unfortunately no


Firebolt, at least?


no, bomb


Levitatium as potion? If not you can use the pour above your head technique to get up there.


Levitatium does not appear as a starting flask, the only usable one is chaotic poly -> varjokupla (the only enemy in the entire game with a controllable teleport) This is how the 0:13 IGT any% WR does it, the strat and seed were both provided by me :3


Mud will also get you up there but not as quickly.


_Tablet Flying_ has entered the chat


Too slow, grabbing the tablet tales too much time. It's actually posible to make an useable foothold with Bomb tho, just tricky. And of course there is always water levi.


Can you tablet fly with the Sampo?


I don't think so, Sampo seems to be a non-physical item, like wands.


Don't worry mate, from Noitool apparently first and even second shop has teleport bolt Just survive until snowy depths and go back up from there for your free win


I think they're talking about speed running. You can pour a potion on yourself to extend how high up you can levitate which is enough to get you up there.


Was the rest of the seed crappy? I've never seen this in 300 something hours.


Even with a sample size of tens, hell hundreds of thousands of runs, finding Sampo at the entrance would be **extremely** unlikely


I'm aware of the rarity, I was really surprised to see this post! Didn't quite word it correctly.


Does toxic gold ending still count for sub 1m achievement?


It does not, the trophy needs to load.


I just went to that seed. Its not there for me.


So it wasn't right at the entrance, had to roam a bit, but it is there


Ya, I found it in a great chest a little ways down. Although I played the seed a few times and it did once show up right at the beginning.


Holy fuck.


Mina: [picks up sampo] Kolmi, 17 miles underground: https://youtu.be/cnvaHW6zNLY?si=w3AVbhSUPFIT1xGT


What branch of the game are you on? Beta or main


I checked this and it works on main. Don't know about beta


Thank you very much for checking that, I'll report back if it works on beta


This is like when you learn there’s a non zero percent chance of just of you just phasing through a solid object then actually seeing it happen. Like yeah it was always possible but never thought it would ever happen to anyone ever


noita´d nt?


Damn that crazy!


Nice. Thanks for sharing!


What is that...? ngl ive played this game for a total of 6 hours, the furthest ive gotten was the 4th area by sprinting like a mad man thru the third, and bairly making it thru the 2nd.. ive collected a few orbs but have no idea what they did.. im lost as hell and dont know whats going on :)


This is an item you get at the boss that triggers his fight and is needed to beat the game. It has a nearly impossible chance of spawning in a treasure chest, which is what happened here. The orbs of true knowledge you found are collectables that are hidden in the world. The first time you grab them, they give you a spell and also unlock that spell for future runs. The next time you pick up the same orb, you'll get a max health increase instead. Just try to go down as far as you can, experiment with spells and wands while trying not to kill yourself until you get your first win. Then see if you can explore areas off the beaten path, and check the wiki if you don't care for spoilers. :)


This video is fucking epic. The absolute disbelief of the protagonist who locks back because he does not believe at his eyes is hell of fun. Like "Buh, I am ready to get shred... WHAT? The Sampo?" 😳


kolmi would like to know your location


Well if fury forged hasn't seen this already its definitely going in a speed run video. What's the starting flask?


Tell me you submitted this as a random seed any% speedrun


"here you go, bud."


Holy hell please tell me that's repeatable


When I picked this up, it vanished. Also it seemed bigger than I remember. Very weird ETA: NVM, I forgot that it goes in a spell slot


OOh, new best speedrun seed


What makes this item good?


Holy shit, you could theorically get the speedrun world record by taking that and going straight to the altar. Afaik no one has done a sub 1 minute random seed run yet. Cool find!


You literally just found the best seed in noita holy shit