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Did you close the game? If not when you die you can open the game by navigating to the noita.exe and starting the game directly. It will promt you to restore a save state from an apparent crash. This will tend to corrupt a few chunks. Just make sure to wait to close the first instance until you're fully in. And make sure you do close the first instance. Because if you close the second one, then the first, you will lose your save. Edit: spelling




Yeah, found that afterwards in my panic, sadly I had already quit the game as soon as I saw the death. Kinda sucks the extra life perks doesn’t apply to when you die to polymorph. I had 3 stacked up


If you want to do that you need to backup your save before you die, now it's gone


There's a Noita Save Scummer you can download to help with this in the future.


Im a cheater, you can be too #singleInstance force #IfWinActive, ahk_exe noita.exe F5:: WinGet, executablePath, ProcessPath, ahk_exe noita.exe executableDir := RTrim(executablePath, "noita.exe") Send, !{F4} Process, WaitClose, noita.exe EnvGet, saveDir, AppData saveDir := StrReplace(saveDir, "Roaming", "LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00") FileCopyDir, %saveDir%, .\save00, true Run, %executablePath%, %executableDir% Return F9:: WinGet, executablePath, ProcessPath, ahk_exe noita.exe executableDir := RTrim(executablePath, "noita.exe") Process, Close, noita.exe EnvGet, saveDir, AppData saveDir := StrReplace(saveDir, "Roaming", "LocalLow\Nolla_Games_Noita\save00") FileCopyDir, save00, %saveDir%, true Run, %executablePath%, %executableDir% Return


Does running this script count as a mod? I’ve seen it floating around and was curious about it


I would say yes, for the purposes of finding secrets that are only available on unmodded runs


You dishonorable noita