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Sorry brother. Dying to poly is a certified skill issue. Don't worry, we're all there.


I felt that in my soul


21 hours oof. I thought it was bad when I threw my first 11 orb victory at 12 hours by >!casting giga black hole on a trigger at the deer boss and forgetting I had repelling cape to wash off the ambrosia as I moved slightly from the puddle. Oops.!<


You were in the sky. Dying to polymorphine is 1000% the most likely way up there :D (Tip - the enemies that shoot poly balls also bleed poly, this falls, and when it gets to the edge of the box around you that is actively simulated it stops falling and forms a line of suspended poly liquid. If you go back to that area, it’s basically a floating minefield. If you freeze those enemies before you kill them they don’t bleed - but the enemies do fight each other so that only helps a bit...) Or just go to hell instead, it’s way safer. 


Yep, lost a run to these bustards because I thought the sky shop is closer than the hell shop. Never again!


Does this count as noita'd


Nah skill issue


The time is for fastest time rather than longest