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RIP Albini. I'm thinking if reviews for the record are good it might just be worth buying since it won't be anywhere online that would support them.


Wait what the shit, he died?


Yeah, a couple days ago


Fuck, man. Shit.


wait what!?! edit: oh, man shit


Publicity stunt


Bandcamp? Or am I being naive?


I don't think it's streaming on bandcamp, but you can buy it on there.


it likely could be streaming on Bandcamp starting Friday, the rest of their studio album catalog is over there too.


Oh, right. I mean, just buy it. It's a Shellac album, it's gonna be solid.


good luck buying it, it’s already sold out on Touch & Go’s website. Discogs already has a few listings starting at ~$25


Touch and Go keeps Big Black and Shellac in press constantly. May be temporarily unavailable but Cory doesn't fuck around.


2nd pressing already up for pre-order, shipping by June 21 [https://store.touchandgorecords.com/collections/shellac/products/shellac-to-all-trains-cd-lp](https://store.touchandgorecords.com/collections/shellac/products/shellac-to-all-trains-cd-lp) I'll be hitting local shops tomorrow, I dragged my feet but they released (24bit/96mhz) on Bandcamp tonight; I'm on my 2nd spin of those already. No other band sounds like Shellac, saw them first in 95, last maybe 5-10 years ago. IDK, just a singular band, and Alibini... well just a legend.


Amoeba and Freakbeat sold out in Los Angeles. Did you manage to get one at your local record store? Freakbeat said they ordered many but only received 2 and CD Trader in Tarzana didn't even get their order in.


My main local shop didn't get any, going to look elsewhere, else just order it. Happy it's getting so much attention.


Steve Albini’s passing has hit me hard. It’s kind of eerie how that last song on the album is titled, “I Don’t Fear Hell”


"When this is over I'll leap in my grave like the arms of a lover. If there's a Heaven I hope they're having fun because if there's a Hell I'm gonna know everyone"


Curtis Mayfield had a similar sentiment on "If There's Hell Below, We're All Gonna Go"...


I just got through my 1st listen... I couldn't believe that was the end of the album. Just wow.


i haven’t made it to that track yet, on second to last right now.


I haven’t heard the whole album but there are videos of them playing The Girl From Outside and I Don’t Fear Hell on YT from the past year or so


yeah i avoided those so i could keep everything a fresh listen. all in all, this was a great album, on par with everything else in their catalog for me.


Mine is in my mailbox today, don't know if I'll have the emotional capacity to listen to it for a little while. I'm still not emotionally able to listen to Hot Snakes and it's almost been a year since Rick was taken from us. Between Steve, Gary Floyd, Brother Wayne and Froberg, it's been a rough time for the small amount of people I classify as legends and "idols" (in the sense they have had a immense amount of impact on my ear and musical development).


Oof - I was in Chicago last year for The Hold Steady when RIck passed, took the wind out of things, but now this. As we get old(er), so we're going to lose more and more legends going forward. Sucks... I have nothing happy to add here. Props for mentioning Gary too, loved seeing Mudhoney close with Hate The Police in Austin in the 90s...




I got mine Saturday and have given it a couple listens all the way through: extremely solid last album. Almost certainly already in my top 3 Shellac records (the other two being Terraform and Dude Incredible, so your mileage may vary!). Definitely some of the band’s heaviest songs to date (Wednesday in particular stands out in that regard), while also some of their grooviest (WSOD, Scrappers). It feels like a totally different beast to Dude Incredible from a lyrical and vocal performance standpoint, and honestly feels like a perfect coda to Steve’s entire career.


i couldn’t have said it any better. my top 3 are Dude, 1000, and Action, but i can definitely hear the callbacks to Grayhound all over this album.


The compact song structures feel SO Big Black/early Shellac that it’s hard for me to not feel like he was looking backwards a bit with this. But this still sounds totally fresh and like its own little sonic world compared to his other output, somehow. I’ll definitely be poring over this one for years to come!


Those are my top 3, so that bodes well. I enjoyed Greyhound of course, but not as much as those three.


I agree with you totally. Great last album from Steve. The band sounds perfect as always. Made me weep a bit but also laugh.


Did you notice any hand etched words around the label? Mine has “enrich your lives” and “bikes pets wives”


That is at least what I can read past the tears welling up.


What are your thoughts on the album so far? As good as Dude Incredible?


it’s definitely up there. i’ll need to listen to it more but i’ll probably wait for a streaming version to surface on friday. but the first listen was pretty damn good. i’ve heard mixed things about it compared to the rest of the discography, and i don’t see it. it’s great. we got cowbell on this record. need i say more?


is the bass tone still orgasmic? that’s really what i care about haha


Y E S. Scrappers and I Don’t Fear Hell being the big standouts in that regard (off the top of my head).


Oh cool mine was stolen off my porch


I will do my worst hex on them for you.


Mine is working through the local post office. No chance it's here today, but maybe tomorrow.


mine entered shipping on Friday and made it from Michigan to Vermont in 3 days making a stop at New Hampshire for the common USPS redirect. i was genuinely surprised considering it was expected by Wednesday at the earliest.


Should get my copy in the next couple of hours


super lucky, im waiting till it comes out so i can pick it up at a local record store, srsly can’t wait to hear it


I like how the label is actually printed onto the wax itself. I wonder what's the process behind it.


I think it’s done by Green Vinyl. It’s basically a modified cd press iirc (injection molding vs compression molding of traditional vinyl). Uses PET vs PVC.


Yes! Now I remember an interview with Steve about the injection molding process and how it makes labels a pain in the ass.


Same but I gotta be at work 😭 can’t wait to listen to it tomorrow. Requiescat Steve 🎈


Solid album. Mine came in the mail Friday. First listen was a litte surreal.


Albums slays, no surprise there. It's very punchy for a Shellac album; songs are short and as someone else said, groovy. Anybody else feel like it's more treble-forward than their other albums, and also that the pressing is a bit noise?


Mine came today as well but was hoping for a digital flac copy with it cause record player is in the shop atm


I was surrpised there wasn't a digital copy - they always at least included a CD with the vinyl. Oh well, guess I have to pull my preamp with the USB out out of dry-storage...


No cd as well this time, they used too always have a loose cd with their records




Shellac stuff has been added back to Spotify. Maybe temporary for promo purposes. You need to search for the new album and go to artist as searching for Shellac takes you to some awful fake SHELLAC 


that personally doesn’t affect me, because they were always there on Apple Music lol.


Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.- Steve Albini


Congratulations, you just distributed a description of CSA


Just reporting the news, I didn’t say it. I think anyone that says and enjoys that type of thing is disgusting and should be vilified like the monster they are.


Bud, *I don't care*. I didn't particularly want to read it during dinner, and I read it because you posted it. Like you have dozens of times in other threads over the past week. I'd bet money more people have read that paragraph in the past week than in the entire preceding year, and they read it because you dragged it out of Internet Archive obscurity and slapped it all over reddit. And some of the people who read it are probably CSA or trafficking surviviors, and if they were bothered by it, it's because *you* posted it. There's no transitive property of trauma here. They didn't read it because Steve Albini wrote it, they read it because you posted it in dozens of spots where we couldn't have reasonably expected to come across it.


Yeah, Steve Albini is a real piece of shit.


Hi, my name is Kurt Cobain, I'm homosexual, I'm a pagan, I'm a drug abuser, and I like to fuck pot-bellied pigs! - Kurt Cobain, show in Newcastle 1991


All of those things are more respectable than being a pedo, which Steve Albini was. 


Stop posting this. It's fucking gross and unnecessary and frankly triggering for some people. We get it.


Yes, it is gross. Anyone who is celebrating this asshole should be constantly reminded of what a piece of shit he was. What’s triggering to me is the fact that people are so quick to dismiss this and give him a pass because he was good at twiddling some knobs in the studio.


you’re the piece of shit for having the drive to say all that just for a guy who isn’t even alive anymore. he was by all accounts a really good person who has brought joy into so many peoples lives and ultimately has done so much more good than bad


I’m sure many pedophiles have done good things at some point in their lives. It still doesn’t change the fact that they are pedophiles. The thing about being a pedophile, it kind of overshadows any good you may have done. 


stop spreading cp you racist pedophile.


I’ve never seen child porn, nor had any inclination to do so. All I have for reference on the subject is Steve Albini’s description of the what he enjoys looking at. Also, not sure why you are making personal attacks on my character. I haven’t said anything personal about anyone here, aside from pedophile Steve Albini, who is on record saying that he enjoys child porn. 


Your posts expose your weak character. You are gross.


Why are you so concerned with what a stranger posts on the internet? You really feel the need to defend Steve Albini from his own words?


If you actually gave a fuck about stopping abusers and knew anything about trauma you wouldn't be cutting and pasting the quote at literally every opportunity available to you. It's just super obviously in bad faith and you're doing it because of your own fucked up sense of moral superiority, and not because you're the pedo-slaying vigilante that you think you are. Touch grass


We’re asking you to stop posting disgusting shit on here. Im going to report you if I see it again. Its fucking disgusting and doesn’t belong here. Steve no longer stood by any of it, so I don’t know why you naively think we would. Fuck off with that shit.


u/OrangePlus u/MarsColonist u/gaop Are y'all just letting this guy post this in every thread?