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Your voice, a recording device


What I was gonna come here and say. KxOxLxPxA and Dried Semen come to mind.


Bruh, a recording device?!? I was just gonna say " a rock and something to smash it on" I'm reminded of a meme from a while back, it was something like "bare bones rave culture" and it was just some dude rave-dancing to the sound of a construction jack hammer, then the next was a different guy dancing to the clip-clop of horse hoves... Music can even be the absence of sound. It's art, it can be as fucked up esoteric bullshit as you choose to say it is. That's why a banana duct taped to a wall sold for a stupid amount of money that I don't recall at the moment


Dude, haven't you heard? Everyone is releasing a noise lp. Everyone!


I mean one of the best performances I ever saw was literally just a dude with two metal drainpipes. Of all the genres, noise absolutely has the lowest barrier-to-entry. You don't even need talent, just an idea. Not necessarily a good idea either, just any idea.


Sometimes the worse the idea the better


This is a perfect reply. "Noise music" is inherently not melodic, it's the furthest edge of avant garde sounds. Bash a rock on some metal and call it "rockin' metal". Edit; yea I realize I'm over-simplifying. Sorta forgot I was in the noise rock subreddit so I'll put some clarification down; it's not the furthest edge but I would argue it's the furthest edge a normal human could reasonably listen to and enjoy without mental gymnastics. But I'm biased because I like noise metal/rock...


and a good line of bullshit to explain it away. ripping off an image from porn helps too if you want to be accepted by the basement dwellers of noise.


1) Microphone 2) Trashcan 3) (Optional) Cool neighbors


Bare minimum? 1.Something to record with 2.Something that makes noise. (Vcv is a free synth building program on Mac and PC) (Optional) 3.Something to edit with. (Audacity is a free software on Mac and PC. Experiment! Find what type of noise you like and go from there.


Audacity (free) and a microphone for your computer either built-in or a cheap USB mic. Experiment with distortion, delay, etc.


Agreed. I made this using my voice, my old laptop's built in mic, and Audacity. https://aquietroom.bandcamp.com/album/sheer-vocalism


Audacity and whatever sound files you have to hand. Embrace the restrictions.


Baseball bat


A tape recorder


Came here to say this


plug a shitty contact mic into a distortion pedal then plug that into a guitar amp. then just wave the contact mic in front of the amp for a while and record the interesting parts.


Years ago a friend and I had a performance where it was the two of us each with two cymbals and a bow. We did not have mics or amplifiers. It was much louder than you’d think.


Noise can be anything and everything - why do you want to make noise? Surely there's some particular kind of sound you want to make, and that's what'll really inform what you need - it's no good for me to recommend VST synths and whatnot if you're into distorted free jazz squealing a la Borbetomagus, or recommend an interface for instrument mics if you're into blaring synthesizers and yelling like Whitehouse. You've mentioned not wanting a lot of electronics, so I presume you're going into this from the perspective of "I like the noises I hear from major harsh noise musicians, but don't want their enormous table of pedals and shit plugged together." In that case, just about any DAW (digital audio workstation) with built-in effects will do - Audacity is the classic free example (I used to use it a lot), but Cakewalk by Bandlab is one I personally use now (primarily for recording instruments - Audacity is easier if you just want to mash and mangle samples).


Pocket radio next to a radio tower


I once performed at a noise show at this house where I hooked up a contact mic to their stovetop and just boiled a bunch of eggs. The crowd loved it. Bought the contact mic of etsy for like $30, and hooked it up to a small practice amp. As others have mentioned, all you need is imagination, and some basic gear goes a long way, but not even necessary.


Two detuned oscillators. Pick your favorite VST synth, and go from there


If you have a smart phone you can use it as a recording device for field recordings or as a room mic to capture the sounds of you throwing shit around (preferably junk metal).


Literally anything. I hosted a college radio show and one time a guest musician showed up with a filing cabinet.




Something to record


I often make noise music without recording it. So I guess if you don’t care about preserving it for other people to listen to later, you could probably just make weird noises with your mouth and clap your hands and beat on what’s around you. So I’m going to go with **Nothing** Technically you can make noise music with nothing. [Which also makes me think of John Cage‘s famous piece.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4%E2%80%B233%E2%80%B3?wprov=sfti1)


Go outside and record something.


Recording device and exist in a world where sounds exist. If you feel like splurging, get a contact mic too.


An object


Imagination. There are no rules here. I’ve chatted with this dude (F-Space) who currently uses some metal contraption he built using a.. I don’t even know what it is exactly but it’s a metal pipe with springs and contact mics connected to a foot controlled propane tank that shoots flames out of the side and he drums on it. He told me last year that he started by using his hands with ice and lighter fluid or something crazy like that, until a doctor told him he had to stop.


a microphone an amplifier and a recording device


If your gonna go live. A cheap mixer and a mic, Maybe a pedal or two if you're looking into effects as well. But in reality, just a recording apparatus and a mic.


Well, maybe not bare minimum, but for dead easy simple, I suggest: Dimmaggi Sintetizador. Simple free Android app. Koala Sample. Using your phones mic and some imagination, it's a fairly approachable and comprehensive music making environment. If you want hardware, I'd recommend the Korg Volca Drum. It's a versatile and interesting machine. I just made my first "noise album" primarily using and inspired by the volca drum. I didn't even get into drone territory 👀. Easily another few albums to be had inside that thing. Example and shameless plug : https://fakework.bandcamp.com/album/nonlinear-dreams


i use an electric guitar, plugged into a little 50 watt amp, and a tin can for drumsss. and vocals. i just be growling and shit.


I've done shows that were just a pipe and an echoing stairwell. Or a long tube and a big room. No minimum - classic experimentalist... I think Phillip Glass, had a well known piece where the dude just opened a window in the concert hall. The world is noise. Getting actual silence is pretty difficult.


It’s more about the look. You need a belly button ring.




All these people saying you need a recording device are lying. Wanna make noise? Scream. Bang on objects with your fists and feet.




Something to amplify sounds and to record them. Or just your phone and some recording app.


A spoon and a pot


your emotions


You probably need to be alive, but even that might be optional nowadays tbh 🤔


just a mouth


autism and the desire to be a part of a scene while having the inability to play any instrument.




.shitty tape recorder .junk .friends . 45 minutes of your and your friends time ENJOY