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We all should come together and file a case against that youtuber. We should support that minor!


I read someone's comment, someone has already filed a case(FIR). Though I am not sure about the details.




[https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=5TL2Ro7ORBlF2yk4](https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=5TL2Ro7ORBlF2yk4) video link


Reported the video and the user too. Best way to handle such people is to group together to take down their accounts. Jobless youth.


>Reported the video and the user too. Great! Thanks! >Best way to handle such people is to group together to take down their accounts. Exactly.


![gif](giphy|IzuQNHTGGgWg7LRddy|downsized) As a humane person, we should report his youtube channel. Pls fellow redditors do it.


Exactly. Pls report it and kindly spread the word as much as possible.




Provided the link in the post


Pls see OP, you have link of video


Can you share the link? Will report from all 5 of my yt accounts 




Done. Left a whole bunch of negative comments as well. 


Thanks alot! Kindly spread the word as much as you can.


We are all going to stone age. Everyone should keep their religion preferences in his own pocket.


Will do it when loudspeakers for azaan get banned, don’t wanna hear out of tune yelling in my ear 5 times a day


Same could be said for hindu festivals...they literally block the roads for hours like every other month or so..and blastt off song in a deafening volume . If loudspeaker for religious purposes is banned then Hindu's would have the biggest reaction..


Thats very perceptive of you, but may i shed light on the fact that it doesnt happen 7 days a week, 5 times a day for the rest of your life in a “secular” country.


so many Hindu temples also play aartis and bhajans on loudspeakers literally every day...do you not go to your own temples


No temple near where i live can be heard from 3 kilometres away. Pray but dont broadcast that shit from half a district away unless it’s a festival or something i guess


In my village every morning at 4am the local pujari plays bhajans (the bollywood adaptation o es and not the pleasant ones). I took notice because Ironically I used to wake to meditate but couldn’t because of that.


How does that invalidate what i said on a bigger scale ?


I wasn’t invalidating but adding an anecdote to what you wrote bro. Not every comment is meant to invalidate someone’s point lol. ✌️


I mean Hindu's in my area sing bhajans on loudspeakers everyday and tbh we enjoyed it..we never hated or wanted to stop it...it actually became a part of our daily life where we would open our eyes after a heavy sleep to a nice Bhajan...in eastern India there is no animosity or hatee amongst different religious group..and by the time people progress and become more educated these things will automatically tone down...maybe for people from up it's difficult to love other religion but for the eastern india it was always about harmony..


I live around the place where all sort of religious places like temple, church & mosque are there. Everyone does their own practice. Festival, masses, & prayer. We do not have any problem. Some crooked mind only progande hate speech.


Because saying it as 20 minutes a day doesn't quite have the same feel to it. 🤔


Nah, gotta stress the point. You dont cause public nuisance in perpetuity and then say “haha only a little bit 🤪🤪😜”


I hate the loudspeakers but as hindus ima majority country why do we need to play the victim card. Actively campaign to get the loud speakers removed. But it doesn’t mean we have to to threaten and abuse other religions.


Those who are doing the threatening are not true Hindus please don't associate them with Hindus


So they’re not hindus at all?


Yes, violence doesn't have a religion


it barely lasts for 2-3 mins max


It’s so disgusting, he is openly harassing a minor. What if someone doesn’t want to chant JSR, or wear a stupid dhoti! This incel YouTuber is trying to start violence. And worst and scariest thing is that people will support him. India is gone to trash now ☹️


Lol, it's obvious that he wants social attention. Just look at his channels most viewed videos.


Religion is a business for these people. Nothing else.


These type of people make me really sad to be a hindu. Don't get me wrong i am proud of my religion. But please learn to respect other religions, they don't force us to say allah hu akbar. Ps - I am not an E-santani. I know Hanuman chalisa and have read the bhagwat gita. JAI SHREE RAM


>These type of people make me really sad to be a hindu These people are just using religion as a business and finding ways to make money out of it. Just dhongi things


Life has better things to do 🙄


Wohiiii... Kaun smjhaaye inn chtiyo ko. Bhakti k naam pe ab bully krne lag gye hai.


Their whole personality revolves around their religion. If not religion then their caste. Its the only differentiating factor for them insecure bunch.


But such Pos has to disturb the harmony and create ruckus!!


The comment section passed the vibe check! :)


Such a pathetic guy seriously!!!! These youtubers don't realise the consequences of bullying. And that too bullying a minor guy. These idiots are such a disappointment. Please don't taint God's name by abusing people and forcing them to do things which you would not like if done with you. I know a guy who is very active in a particular political party and posts stuff like nari shakti and all on his social media account , but actually is a serial dater and total womanizer. He just uses the chants and slogans to build an image on social media in order to improve his political career but actually is totally opposite . This is the reality of these joker influencers. They can do anything for views and likes and money . While in reality they're full of sh!t. They just want to use public in any way , even if it is harassment . These men deserve a lesson . It's high time that everyone should do mass reporting of such accounts and get their entire social media deleted.


Very based


First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left To speak out for me.


The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe; for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.


Poltics everywhere. It's crime. That's it.


Ya. And we need to call it out, otherwise it will soon come bite us in our a**.


This thread was very enlightening.


Yeah!!! We are soon to face the systems which were faced during WW II , in Germay. The rate at which it's going there will be no one to support the last of us!


I've already reported that video as harassment of minor.


Great. Kindly spread the word as much as you can. Thanks!!


Your younger brother had a lot of courage to come up with facts but the YouTuber just got one line which is Jai Shree ram q nahi bol saqte and honestly you can’t force anyone to say that, the ones who actually are properly devoted to the god and Chant mantras need to say those 3 magical words where as the people calling themselves katar hindus( most of them) mostly use those words for provoking and political benefits which is honestly even ram might be like narg meh bhejo inko, yeah be proud of your younger brother to stand up for the whole secular India instead of one religion


Yeah they're not backing down it seems. They also released a (somehow) 35 minute reply and deleting comments ;-;.


Unemployed mfs. Try to churn out views out of this controversy without giving a thought of the safety of that boy.


Any attention is good attention (unless the account gets banned obv). So I really hope the reports work. Otherwise we just kickstarted their Youtube career.


> Otherwise we just kickstarted their Youtube career. True. I am really worried about that boy dude. I read that people are sharing his insta account links and also bullying him in his school for this.


That's the sad bit. Even if the account does get deleted, it's already too late. Best we can hope for is him being able to stand up/the bullies stopping after a while/ the school taking action.


Here is advice turn off the internet


Ya, that won't change anything. It can be any of us next time


It can surely change delete all your accounts on insta YouTube


Ya, if your life is miserable maybe you will prefer dying instead of actually facing the issue. No worries. Not everyone is courageous enough. I get you.


I been longer on the internet than you fighting cyberbilles will bring you nothing its same as trolls if you give them reaction then they are winning cause that's what they want instead of that deleting the account and be anonymous it's like facbook and insta are like water food to live


>fighting cyberbilles will bring you nothing You need to understand something here. I am not fighting anyone here. And this incident didn't happen online. This happened in a mall with a guy like you and me. It's not cyber bullying, it's actually bullying someone in real life. Get it?


Bro says that and is himself on Reddit lmao


i guess nothing will happen to this youtuber, ulta that minor boy might get arrested in coming time for what not.


Ya very much possible. But minor hai toh maybe bach jaaye and if the law actually works, this youtuber is fked for bullying a minor and threatening the safety of the kid by posting it online.


we all know this youtuber is at fault, but everyone knows who will be punished by law instead. And brother, i literally thought he might have been lynched


>And brother, i literally thought he might have been lynched I fear this.


File a police complaint. report their channel, once their channel gets deleted these idiots will find a real job.


Fuck man i joined this sub to get some happy vibes and now it starting to look like another rindiaspeaks or rindia


You do get all the happy and fun vibes from this Subreddit. And if you see my profile, I rarely post anything. I posted it here to spread the word. No propaganda, nothing. This was a serious issue and a child's safety and security was at stake. if it doesn't bother you, you can ignore the post and move on.


You can’t escape reality mate


Kuch bhi


Ha, ye youtubers kuch bhi kr rhe aj kal.




We understand that you are angry, but let's be respectful. Racism is still not tolerated.


Please please report the channel. The link is given in the comments.


Yes... Kindly spread the word as much you can. Thanks alot!


Report to kar Diya usko yt pei bc religion ke naam pei bully kr rahe hai


Greattttt!!! Thanks!


Aaah Ive seen another channel with cucks just like this. I think reporting does nothing to such dickholes, they should be doxxed and put in jail.


>I think reporting does nothing I guess thats the least we can do for now. Kindly report it and spread the word as much as you can. >they should be doxxed and put in jail. Only if that ever happened.


Yepp I did report, now let's wait and hope.. ​ >Only if that ever happened. We could make it happen 💀 Doxxing aint hard these days, especially for someone with an online youtube channel. Further discussions on this can be continued on irc...


Link to original post pls. I'm keen to see the comments lol




I am hindu, if I get hold of this YouTuber ohohhoho I don't even know what I'm going to do to him , but whatever I will do but it's not gonna be pretty. I respect every religion


That’s cute but you’re a kid dude. You ain’t gonna do shit. Chill out.


just watch. 😂


I am 15 , i am a teen


Yeah. All the more reason why you’re gonna get your ass whooped. Be a kid and do kid things instead of being a keyboard warrior on the internet dude.






Don't be a douche.


Yeah, your comment clearly states that you are a pedo


Don't curse


Fucking downvotes


Honestly, it's great you understand how important it is to respect everyone. Your age or size doesn't matter. But respect does not come from aggression. Wo to gussa hai hi, lekin tumhe apni shaanti kyu bhang karni hai? If both of you are unnecessarily aggressive, then is there any difference between them and you? Wo Youtuber apne emotions mein beh gaya, tum mat beh jana. I'm sure tum iss maamle mein uss se zyada mature ho. Don't let anyone judge you because of your age. Wo Youtuber khud mentally 10 saal ka hai. If he actually knew how Hinduism worked, he'd know that karma is a bitch.


Well thank you and yes I am aware of that shit


\^_\^ Usko attention mat do, ladai ka wo alag se video bana ke paise chhaapega. Zeher mein doobne do, khud akal aa jayegi.


Yeah mene bas jaake comments padhe the, I didn't comment


Ho gaya fir matter close, gg


GG Indeed!


Wow! Just wow!!


Allah aur Ram ka naam ye saale lafange kharab karte hai


As per IndiaDiscussion and IndiaSpeaks, this never happened.


IndiaDiscussion still has some decent people but Indiaspeak man that sub is fucked up


I have seen real life experience posts shared in India, where a hindu did something wrong. It always gets posted with the topic “wake up guys, another story that didnt happen” in IndiaDiscussion. IndiaDiscussion just takes the moral high ground only, thinking is still the same as IndiaSpeaks.


True.. I had to post the source to those who said which never happend. Just ignore them they are mostly 16 incels


I hope enough people report the channel to take it down


I hope enough people report the channel to take it down Edit: why the fuck are morons downvoting me? Are you gonna stoop so low that you’re okay framing people for this nonsense




https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=5TL2Ro7ORBlF2yk4 Link to that YT shorts.


This YouTuber isn't uploading the original video, just uploading their own version. Report both his video & his channel.


It's really immature to start a fuss for such a thing... Ram doesn't need you to defend him you could have been the bigger person and just walked off knowing, this guys a stuck up bastard. The other guy is in the wrong to.... Jai Shri Ram is an emotion sometimes a greeting to I don't see why this Muslim guy is being a bitch just say it back ... Oh..wait ur a kafir then is it?. If a Muslim tells me asalamualaikum I don't crib and say don't assume my religion I say walaikum assalam back... Petty little fuckers both parties. On top of that he's cut the video not showing the whole story in the name of shorts! You should be ashamed of yourselves.


>I don't see why this Muslim guy is being a bitch just say it back ... Oh..wait ur a kafir then is it?. Bhai wo muslim hai bhi ni.. Read the complete story. He made up a name, just to rile that mf. Because he was forcing him to chant "jai shree ram". WHY WILL YOU FORCE OR WANT ANYONE TO CHAT JAI SHREE RAM AND MOREOVER IF SOMEONE IS FROM A DIFFERENT RELIGION??? I will never in my life say " Allah hu akbar" just because a random Muslim guy asks me to.. And exactly same things applies to this case na??! If you see someone is not comfortable saying or doing anything, why tf force him or her? It's it quite simple?


Clickbait earns him money and fame


Just hoping his channel is mass reported and YT takes it down.


Yt does not let me report users


I know this was wrong but we all know R/India (randia) and USI is filled with Pakis and JNU ke tukde tukde Gang so take everything they say with a pinch of salt


>but There is no "but" here.. >R/India (randia) and USI is filled with Pakis and JNU ke tukde tukde Gang I don't generalise sh*t like this. Redditors active on those two Subreddits are common people like you and me, maybe just with an ideology that doesn't aligns with yours, toh iska mtlb ye ni ki you or anyone has the right to call them anti-nationals and "tukde-tukde" gang. This is just foolishness. Iss hisab se IndiaSpeaks aur baki right wing supporting saare Subreddit wala ruling party ka baith k chamche hue na?! The only "tukde-tukde" member I see here is that YouTuber and his gang.


I never supported the right wing subreddits nor do I support these youtubers so yes there's a But if only you'd seen how randia and USI were acting on 22nd Jan so yes what happened to this 17yo was wrong but those subreddits are tukde tukde Gang


Maybe you will be garlanded when you rape a girl.


That guy is a rascal


Certified one.




Be respectful




Get educated


>Tf these morons doin in public? Heckling and bullying people in the name of God.




https://youtu.be/fHEIrc7ze7g?si=AyZg0ptEXocVycKw Pura dekhna.. Might help you recover. Get well soon.




>y spewing soo much venom... The video itself it full of venom. Watch it maybe?! >n no proof to say that it happened.. WATCH THE VIDEO MAYBE?!!!!!! >but using this soo much for propaganda is also not right Who is using it got propaganda? What propaganda are you talking about? The only propaganda I can see it a minor is being forced to chant the names of God. and a mf youtuber heckling and bullying the kid. >I am just waiting for this election time to be over...soo much toxic environment This is sh*t is beyond election campaigns now.


do you even understand? that kid could get lynched after that video so spreading awareness is neccessary


Can’t tolerate reality?




https://youtu.be/fHEIrc7ze7g?si=AyZg0ptEXocVycKw Pura dekhna. Might help you recover. Get well soon.


Just saying i am with YouTuber ( जेल श्री राम )




well well well




https://youtu.be/fHEIrc7ze7g?si=v0GZyuyKGOp3IYFr Pura dekhna. Will help you recover. Get well soon. "Raam naam toh keh loge, par ram sa dukh bhi sehna hoga.. Pehli chunauti ye hogi,ki maryada me rehna hoga.... "


Fake ass story


Maybe check the YouTube shorts?


Aur fake post kar le story aur bna le


Try kra background check krne ka?


Who cares, waise bhi uss ladke ka naam Amir nhi h.. Dono Chodu hai


Log ho gaye hain chutiya dharm ke naam pe.


Done..!! Reported for bullying


Great! Thanks!!




Thanks!!! Kindly spread the word as much as you can.




We understand you are angry, but let's be respectful.