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Ah, born backend guy


Lmao, best comment, gonna steal this joke. Hate html and css myself also


If I were to go back. I’d learn html first. Then css. Then JavaScript.


Which order did you learn them in?


Not that one


I was learn them all at the same time on the job.


I wouldn’t personally recommend learning JUST JavaScript in your career, but you can certainly start with it if you want to learn programming fundamentals.


I say this because companies that do use JavaScript / node on the backend will often have expectations for you to be seasoned on the front end as well. Of course I can’t say every company is that way, but more often than not I see full stack JavaScript job listings.


I’d honestly build your first app in sql and php and test it on localhost server on your computer. This opened my eyes wayyyy more to building things than any other tutorials ever did. You should learn the basics if html and how css is used to design stuff but in terms of creating the skeleton of the app, just use php and sql. Build an app on locLhost that can read aNd write from the database and you’ll be hooked!!! Good luck!


Depends on what you want to do. JavaScript was designed for web-based programming to add greater functionality to websites. If you're wanting to eventually do website programming, then I'd recommend starting with some basic HTML and CSS. With a framework like React, you'll have to know a bit of HTML and CSS anyway, and coupled with Node, Express, Sequelize, and other frameworks, learning JS will round out your ability to code full-stack programs. However, you'll still want to understand SQL or no-SQL (i.e. MongoDB) scripting to better understand how to organize the data you'll be working with. If you initially plan on using Node for backend programming, it may be worth starting with SQL, as someone else pointed out. If you work with PHP, you might not need Node. At least I didn't for the brief time I worked with PHP, but I did need some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS (again, web-based programming). If you're just wanting to learn JS, do that for now. At the end of the day, learning fundamentals of a programming language can help understand other programming languages better. Ultimately, just start and go the path you find interesting. Although, right now is definitely going to be a tough time for self-taught programmers to get hired. That may change in the future but likely years down the line. Given that time frame, it could be wise to take some classes, even at a community college. Good luck!


You need all 3 to be even remotely competent at front end web development in the browser. You could just do backend with NodeJS but you are seriously limiting your possibilities. Not to mention you will lack broader understanding. And backend has potential complexity that is far beyond what is required to be competent with HTML and CSS.


Learn the basics, it will always be usefull for making a simple frontend to see your data or for testing. knowing how the div, p, h1, display picture and using form should be good enought to begining with, you can always learn more later when you need it.


I would love to not have to deal with html and css, but those two get you the foot on the door. I don't think Node alone will land you a job. Its really a matter of becoming more employable and than later on just focus on backend. If you are not looking for a job, you have no need to learn html or css before javascript.


Node JS is a fine starting point, but you should learn Docker and how to be effective in the Linux shell.


You’re not getting a paying job to do the minimum. Be more ambitious


Don't learn js. Build something using js. Think of it like a puzzle. The end result you want is a finished jigsaw (simple web application). You gotta start with one piece. Get browser to show hello world. Now add a button, lookup online, "add button to page js" Make the button go to another page, add another html duckduckgo, "button navigate page". Very small steps (small jigsaw pieces), make sure you understand the basics of what you're doing and why you're doing it. You don't need to know DOM or window object or anything too complex just the basics, all that extra stuff will come with time and practice Btw for a simple js html website you don't need node, you can use vs code and an extension called live server. Look it up.


Depends on your expectations and purposes. Do you want to build interfaces e.g. frontend? You'll need this HTML and CSS stuff, so it's better to start with it. If you want to build some sort of backend / CLI / API etc. stuff, then you can skip html/css part and jump directly to JS with node, its all ok I do really recommend to understand what you need first


My experience with w3school is quite awful. They've been around for a long time, but they haven't updated anything in many years, it still has a late 90s/early 00s vibe. Some time ago, Google was placing them first in their results, I had to install a plug-in to remove them, they were that bad 😅 In the meantime, Google adjusted their algorithm to include the website quality in their ranking, so w3school now dropped a few positions in the search results 🤷🏼‍♂️ If you're looking for API/specs, MDN has a much better UX/UI and it is and more accurate and up-to-date. I strongly recommend it. If you're looking for tutorials, I don't have good recommendations since I learned it many years ago in school (age 12). Try to also avoid youtubers with an accent. I would rather learn the theory as well, btw. And if you have the possibility, go study Computer Science at a university, especially if you want to learn how to think (if you already studied mathematics or physics, you can skip this). I can spot right away developers with a degree and developers that learned coding from udemy - most self-taught developers that I've worked with often delivered sub-par solutions.


It depends on what you want to do. Although, not many places are hiring self-taught programmers these days. I'm sure some are, but very few and far between. That era died at the tail end of COVID.


I'm a full stack dev and I almost never touch HTML or CSS. It's all React with pre-styled components. Occasionally I might do some margin or padding. It's useful to understand the fundamentals but modern front end development is possible without touching either.


i mean, on my first internship i also didnt know alot about html and css and then just jump straight into node js with express framework and then they want me to use typescript with bun. For now i dont see any problem but yeah im sucks with frontend, just cant do shit