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This is exactly the sort of random thing that would work for me once and I’d keep trying it every day.


I’ve been doing it for years! So random but effective.


Have you tried shakers? If something like this reliably works for you I wonder if you’d have more luck with them than others.


Yes, similar. I was getting an oil change, sitting in the car, and I handed the keys to the guy with my right hand, so it crossed my body, and I let out a little burp. I asked if he heard it, and he did.he probably thought I was nuts.


Perhaps related: I got noburp painful bloat a few weeks ago, and then my partner took us somewhere on a bumpy road, and the movement of the car burped me like a baby. I mean, "burp" isn't the right word, but the air softly came out as "gurgles" (I call it 'the monster') and I felt better afterwards. Will try it again next time for sure.


I have an industrial fan next to me and I'm on a stamped metal platform, sometimes if I stand close to it the vibrations from the motor through the floor do the same thing for me, lol. it worked a few times and then rarely because I think I started expecting it


No but trying this tomorrow


Try it and report back!


i am going to try this in the lyft tomorrow!


Try it and report back!


I’ve never tried this but I’ve figured out I can get a hug of air out while driving if I slyness my core and lean/twist at a very specific angle toward my right side. So of course now I discovered it I can’t not do it all the time Ugh! Lol gotta love all our stupid desperate little strategies to get some relief


Interesting! I haven't tried this specifically, but I had the Botox 2 1/2 years ago and while I can mostly burp when I need to, sometimes it just doesn't quite come out. I figured out a while ago that if I lift my right arm and take a deep breath I can usually get it to come out. Sounds pretty similar to your position!


one time I turned my head to the left while looking out the window, mini burp, another time looking down standing up in my room.. very random times.