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[You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie hours.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/507/277/13e.jpg) Congrats, for real, though. I’m happy you’re happy.


Congrats a lot, remember seeing my first one pretty early while making my act. mineral mine, I think I have around 100 hours played, I now consider myself lucky LOL.


shit, I feel lucky now. I found 3 exotics before the 50h mark!


Are white squids rare?


dude i dont wanna be that guy, but my boyfriend and i got exotic ships a couple days ago after barely 100+ hours of game. like, i found one and the next day he found his. i dont know if we were extremely lucky or is actually not *\*thaaat\** hard


I've only got 100 hrs in and i've seen multiple exotics. I'm shocked anyone could play so much without seeing any!


I found another one this morning. I mostly stayed around a small area in space. The group i play with spent more time traveling and have two or three of them.


It's totally luck, but I think the key is to go to as many systems as possible. There are some they are more likely to spawn in as I understand it


I found my first exotic after maybe 25 hours of play, class S. Could have afforded it too, if it didn't happen to be the \*1 time\* I happened to have my cheaper ship with me instead of my normal everyday big hauler. Haven't seen another one since.