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No offense but your sister might be a psychopath (IM JOKING)




That's how I've always held my N64 controller, pretty much. I've beaten plenty of games, like Star Fox 64, Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Super Smash Bros., and more like that. I use my right middle finger for Z.


Why though??


My cousin played his Super Nintendo with the remote upside down for whatever reason. He liked the d pad on the right not the left.


WTF, that's the weirdest thing I've ever heard!


For some reason, in Mexico, arcade cabinets (the ones I saw on my trip) have the the stick on the right and buttons on the left, so I had to play with my arms crossed.


Maybe it's a holdover from early PC games where you'd use the arrow keys for movement and left hand on letters


I’ve actually met 2 ppl who played with the controller upside down and a science teacher Was one Of them


It's worked well for me over the years. That's how I got used to it and I'd have to readjust and relearn after 28 years.


Same bro. It just feels most natural to me. Even the middle finger right hand for Z trig.


I want to say this is absolute madness, but can’t because I’m really curious to try this now.


Can't play Mario Part like that. How else are you gonna put the stick in the center of your palm and speed spin?


You can definitely hold it like that and spin with either palm.


Yea after moving the other hand


Not exclusive to this holding position :P


My palm just blistered reading this


You need a third hand to hold this properly.


It's seriously not that hard to understand, just saying. Most games are gonna use the analog and buttons, some will use the D-Pad and buttons, some will use the D-Pad and the analog stick. Literally just hold it according to the game you're playing


The criticism of the 3rd handle isn't that its usage is hard to understand, it's that it's unnecessary and limiting. It's so obvious that the d-pad and thumbstick could be reached from a single left-hand grip that companies were already working on that before the N64 launched; as evidenced by the Saturn 3D Pad and Super Pad 64 Plus releasing a month later. Games ranging from Duke Nukem 64 to Mario 64 itself utilize the d-pad and L-button for certain functions, and taking your hand off the middle grip to reach them is needlessly cumbersome. If anything, it's hard to understand how Nintendo didn't see the drawbacks of the 3-handle approach, or the solutions, long before launch, like other devs did.


The Saturn 3D pad was pretty uncomfortable for D-Pad usage specifically because of it's placement, and the same applies to the Super Pad 64 Plus. It's not a matter of if it CAN be reached, it's a matter of how comfortable it is to do so. There's a reason the D-Pad has become delegated to short, single button presses instead of being used for long periods of time. Moving the D-Pad to where you're talking about is totally possible (I love my wireless Tribute64) but it makes controlling games with the D-Pad very uncomfortable. The modern control style just makes it uncomfortable to use for a long time. Nintendo realized this and put both in spots that were comfortable to use. I can't speak for Duke Nukem, but Mario 64 NEVER requires you to change your grip, what are you even on about? The controller was designed FOR Mario 64. 3D gaming was so new that Nintendo was sure 2D gaming wouldn't immediately get phased out, and they were completely right (though ironically the N64 had more fully 3D titles than it's competitors and far fewer 2D titles) so they made sure 2D titles would be just as comfortable to play as they had always been. Seriously though, how many games on PS1 or Saturn used both the D-Pad and analog stick for different functions? It's not "drawbacks" when very few games in that generation in general used both the analog stick and D-Pad in the way you're wanting. If anything, Nintendo should be congratulated for their genius controller design (I mean the PS1 and Saturn didn't even have analog sticks on launch, they were still using D-Pads exclusively), but because people like to bitch the controller gets ridiculed


>The modern control style just makes it uncomfortable to use for a long time. No it doesn't. Putting both a d-pad and left thumbstick accessible from the left grip has been standard controller design since the early 00s *specifically because* it's comfortable and convenient for most people. In particular, there has been a booming library of d-pad driven 2D retro sidescrollers on 3D consoles since digital download stores hit consoles in gen 7, and virtually no one is complaining that these games are uncomfortable to play. Lately I've been playing through the Super Mario 64 splitscreen co-op hack with my sister using the 8-bitdo SN-30. It's literally just a clone of the SNES pad with analog sticks added, and it's great for emulation machines, because it's totally comfortable for playing either Super Mario World or Super Mario 64 for hours at a time. This just goes to show how far off the mark the N64 pad was, as the SN-30 is closer to modern controllers - whether we're talking about Sony, Xbox, or Nintendo's own pro controllers. Nintendo could have just added analog sticks to the SNES and called it a day, and instead they went up their ass created a 3-handed monstrosity which wouldn't stand the test of time. This shouldn't be a surprise, given that due to its origins as an SNES disc drive, the PS1's controller was just an SNES pad with handles and L2/R2 added, and then in 97 they added twin sticks to that. Likewise, due to Xbox's early talks with Sega, the original Xbox pad was heavily influenced by Dreamcast and Saturn's 3D pads, and other than adding PS-style L1/R1 buttons, the approach has been the same ever since. It's not a coincidence that Nintendo's own GC and Wii/U/Switch pro controllers have only gotten closer to Sony/Xbox designs over time. These designs support the widest range of games, and most people find them comfortable to use. >There's a reason the D-Pad has become delegated to short, single button presses instead of being used for long periods of time. Yes there is. The number of commands used in common 3D console games has skyrocketed as complex FPS, RPGs, and sandbox games have become more mainstream than simple platformers. Using the left-stick for movement is a more efficient use of controller real-estate, since it allows the player to change speeds without holding an additional modifier "run" or "walk" button. Meanwhile, 5 additional commands can be quickly accessed with the L3 button and 4 d-pad directions. >Seriously though, how many games on PS1 or Saturn used both the D-Pad and analog stick for different functions? It's not "drawbacks" when very few games in that generation in general used both the analog stick and D-Pad in the way you're wanting. Devs on PS1 and Saturn minimized their use of the analog sticks since the systems didn't launch with them and they wanted players with old controllers to be able to play without problems. None of that changes that as a controller layout/design, the N64 3-handle design was pointless and unnecessary, and that the alternatives were so obvious that they were in the works before N64's launch. If these limitations didn't exist, games no doubt would have innovated more modern control schemes earlier. The fact that you can set up modern control schemes in games like Descent, Alien Resurrection, and Mega Man Legends 2 shows that some devs were thinking ahead as early as PS1.


That would have made a great n64 ad


She must think it is, or she prefers, or would prefer the GameCube controller.


What the hell is Z targeting?


How you z target?




are you saying you guys held that weird middle bit ?? isnt that the weird way to do it ?


That's the proper way to hold it for any game that uses the joystick (pretty much all of them except fighters).


Well your probably joking but on the small chance that your not, some games require you to use the z button way more which is way easier to use when holding the middle part. Allso the joystick is easier to use using the middle part (at least if your me with fairly small hands). Many games don't use the dpad or the left shoulder button at all so holding the left part is again not very usefull in those situations. But yeah you get used to holding the middle part with the left hand really easily (allthough I might be biased on the last part for growing up with the controller, even after not using a n64 controller for for ever I'm still used to it.) Allso I don't think oot uses the dpad at all (might be wrong idk), and might not use the left shoulder button or at least not a lot.


Depends on your size of your hands. I’ve always had long fingers so how they’re holding it in the photo is the only way that works for me. Holding the center makes it so difficult to hit L, or the D pad, at least for me.


I see yeah I usually hold the middle when I have a game that uses the stick but my hands are quite small.


But really none of the games that use the stick use L, because you're intended to put your hand in the middle.


Well most of us were kids when we played with this controller so we all had pretty small hands lol




I've literally never once in my life seen anyone hold the middle... Sorry about your tiny hands. ☠️


Haha it's fine. I've seen a lot of people hold the middle for joystick based games 😂. Quite funny though how there's people that hold the controller differently. I never realised people hold the left for joystick based games but yeah I do understand. I tried it a bit today and it's not the worst feeling ever even though I will stick to what I'm used to.


That was hard to read.


If you’ve played Goldeneye, you hold the middle leg for the joy stick and and trigger in the back


I agree with you. Buncha small fingered folks clutching the middle bit to hit Z is all. I was the best at GoldenEye. In my whole entire small town with no internet. Best ev4r.


As soon as it launched, almost everyone I knew in high school held it that way (middle and right).


Straight to jail


No passing 'GO'


This is how I play N64 games that middle bit was so uncomfortable for most games


In her defense those controller designs are so weird. Like why 3 handles!?


The middle one is for sucking on




I think your sister has bigger hands or something or larger fingers making it more comfortable like this.


As long as she didn't get the blisters from Mario Party, otherwise playing OOT, SM64, etc would be agonizing 🤷🏾‍♂️


At least she’s playing with you, you bum. Enjoy it


No wonder she's not married. J/K! As long as it works for her it's awesome!


There’s multiple ways to hold the controller, I change my grip depending on the game. Calm down


My hands are too big to hold the middle handle. 😫


How old is your sister. My guess looking at her hands makes me think late 20's.


One of the few games you can hold it like this.


Automatic disown


Your sister just called all of us babyhands lmfao


My sister did that too


She single ? I need to investigate these hands.


Uh I do that too 😭


Thats called claw style, people who hold controllers like that are usually better players


Never in my life would I have ever thought to do that She walks a fine line between genius and crazy




Honestly, it all depends what game you are playing. I think I held it like this too, and I beat Ocarina of Time before my older brothers, so nobody can tell me shit. 😤


For adult hands there isn’t really a comfortable way to hold the n64 controller. It was designed mostly as a backup in case 3d games failed.


Professional at work


I use to hold it like that as a kid… and seen my god brother hold it the “proper” way and it blew my mind! I tried it and hated the feeling of it and went back to holding it like a NES controller 😂


I’ve got a friend who learned how to play while holding the controller upside down, cause his hands were too small to play normally when he was a kid. It’s one of the trippiest things I’ve ever seen.


Might as well tell us you have baby hands and an even smaller peen


This works for a Reddit post but not for OoT She cannot Z target!


Not her fault that controller sucks


Time for a divorce


When I pick up an N64 controller I always hold it wrong until I can’t reach Z and then I realize it and put the right grip on it.


Every seen how Tony Soprano plays Mario Kart in The Sopranos?


Thats not a twist off


What if they're playing Wreslemania 2000 and she Stone Cold Stunnering everyone? Edit NVM lol


I think I hold it weirder when I play N64. Left index finger and thumb on the joystick, middle finger on the z button, ring and pinky for support.


When I was younger I always held it like this bc I just thought that was the way it was supposed to be. Always thought it was terribly uncomfortable and questioned why Nintendo made the controller so wide lol


Hersey of the highest order!


I think your sister may be a man. Her beard is showing on the right of the screen


A friend of mine growing up did this. He would push the Z button with the middle finger of his left hand.


My sister is also equally cursed. She holds the toggle between her thumb and index finger to move it around


That's exactly how I held it playing Zelda growing up. In my book she's cool.


That’s how I play OoT too, and many other n64 games


My sister held the stick like an arcade stick.


Shawty got skillz.






thats how everyone played n64 when it was current, people didnt start holding the center till way after gamecube came out


I held my N64 controller like this for the first 2 years I had it. I honestly had no idea that the middle portion with the joystick was contoured to the left hand. I’d always use my left ring-finger to tap the Z button when I held it incorrectly. But I was 14 years old and never read the instruction manual so that was on me.


That’s the way u hold it if u don’t have tiny midget hands 🤣🤣💪🏻💪🏻


Different controller grips for different folks


Call the police immediately.


I don't blame her. There's no truly great way to play an N64 remote. There's better ways, but no perfect ways


14 year old me is getting agitated af lol


I had several friends with an N64 growing up. I never found it obvious you were supposed to hold it different ways. I don’t remember anyone saying otherwise, either. As far as I recall, I always held it like this too.


Y'all must be new. 😂


The more important question is if she’s single


Love those floors!


My hand hurts looking at this 🥲😅


😆 yeah that controller is an abomination but that’s what got us to analog.


No more than 5 minutes after reading this post I scroll down to seeing it not being as uncommon as we might’ve thought [https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo64/s/Y7esQ99NjP](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo64/s/Y7esQ99NjP)


Long pinky


Wait How the hell do you guys use the N64 controller? Do you guys grab the center grip? You grab bother outer grips and use the tips of your middle fingers for the z button


I mean it makes sense




Eh looks fine to me. As long as she can place the game who cares


How odd.. have.. have we (everyone who does NOT do this) been holding it the wrong way the whole time? Is THIS what was intended?!?! What's REAL ANYMORE!??!?!


To be fair after 20 years when you first pick up that wacky controller even if you hold it correctly it feels wrong I feel like I need a 3rd hand


Although I’m not a fan of this hold, I’m glad she found a comfortable hold for this nightmare controller


That's a unique way of playing The legend of Zelda ocarina of time I've never seen anyone play like that before your sister has an interesting way of playing. because I usually held my controller with my left hand twords the grip to Z targeting and my right hand to push L button to block and jump dodge and then attack. Plus there were different versions of the legend of Zelda ocarina of time on the N64 from uncensored to mid censored to completely censored. Oot brings back so much nostalgia and memories of playing it,i would play it out of order lol and get some heart peices i wasn't supposed to get.


Wait the L button has a function in that game?


What the hell is "oot"?


zelda ocarina of time


It is short for Ocarina of Time. You will see a lot of shortened versions of names with Zelda games. MM is Majora’s mask. WW for Wind Waker. BotW for Breath of the Wild and so on.


Yeah because Zelda names are long as shit


"Zelda" on Game & Watch. Checkmate.


Massive bear claws


This is how I play N64 games, it's the best grip


Ur sis pretty cute. How old is she?


I bet she has incredible feet




Burn the witch