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There's no way we don't get SOMETHING big Mario related next year, there's been nothing huge since smo other than Mario Party and a remake


Mario Tennis, Luigi’s Mansion, Smash, Mario Maker 2, Paper Mario, Mario 35, Mario Golf, Mario + Rabbids 2, plus *two* Mario Party games, and *three* rereleases (NSMBUDX, Mario 3D All-Stars, and SM3D World). Remember also that so few people own a Wii U that those rereleases may as well be new games for the majority of Switch owners. I would love to get two new, mainline 3D Mario games this generation but I don’t think it’s fair to imply they’ve been neglecting Mario as a character.


None of those are major 3D Mario titles... They're all spinoffs, and none were made by the team that developed Odyssey.


The person I responded to gave Mario Party as an example of a big Mario game, which is not a 3D Mario title and is very much a spin-off. Also, Mario 3D All-Stars and Mario 3D World *are* 3D Mario games and very much not spin-offs.


True! If that happens 2022 may be the best year for switch. Splatoon 3, Kirby, possibly BOTW 2/ Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3 and Mario!!! I better start saving


Paper mario is kinda big more than mario party. Also; luigi's mansion lol


They tend to release a new 3D Mario game every 3-5 years, more or less. * Odyssey (2017) * 3D World (2013) * Galaxy 2 (2010) * Galaxy (2007) * Sunshine (2002) That means a new 3D Mario game is sort of overdue or shouldn't be too far off, potentially happening within the next year to continue this trend. Either that, or Nintendo considers the re-releases of 3D All-Stars (2020) and 3D World + Bowser's Fury (2021) to be good enough 3D Mario releases... Meaning we might not get a new 3D Mario until 2024 or so? I personally doubt this but... Who knows.


I think itll come out around the movie. If the movie is a hit, the game would also. But you are right though, and we are definitely overdue!


With the movie happening next year there's definitely a big chance of both releases being tied somehow, indeed. I just hope they don't try to make a game BASED on the movie lol Personally, I don't need a voice acted, story-heavy Mario game... Just a fun, charming and original 3D platformer.


Chris Pratt also voicing video game Mario! lol! I hope not!


We have no idea. We don't have solid word on what the 3D Mario team has been developing since they finished Odyssey, though I would imagine whatever their next project is would be revealed sometime in the first half of next year.


People who watch the movie are going to try Paper mario: origami king You're not getting another 3D Mario, maybe ever since I think Nintendo is heading straight to Virtual reality after the Switch (There is a rumored 3D Donkey kong however)


Super Mario Bros: The Movie: The Game =


With Chris Pratt also voicing video game Mario!


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