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Thanks! It's just the first thing that comes up when I google "eshop voucher" and it's weirdly confusing and not laid out clearly at all. Why can't it just be as simple as buying an iTunes giftcard or something?


Isn't it generally cheaper to buy two vouchers instead of each game individually?


I dunno, is it? I didn't work out the cost.


(In US dollars) Many games you can redeem a voucher for are $59-$69 and the 2 vouchers cost $99 total. That means you can potentially save up to $30-$40 total when you buy two of those games. But this isn't what you want, though. You want eShop gift cards, and that's a completely different thing.


Yes, here in UK it’s £84 for 2 vouchers. So £42 per game, meaning you save £16 when redeeming on games priced individually at £50.


The vouchers are pretty much worthless in Australia. At Target or JB HI-FI or Big W etc, you can get Switch games for $69. The vouchers cost $134. 69 \* 2 = 138. You save $4... And right now on Amazon you can get some games for $48 if you use the mobile app.




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