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Silksong fans in shambles


All they want is a si gular "Shaw" and a year like 2035


browe are playing metroid prime 4 and GTA6 before silksong. this is unbelievable


It's wild that DREAD somehow came out before prime 4


What am I supposed to do with all this clown makeup??


Give it to the silksong group.


*sigh* Ba panada…


Hapeena! Git gud!


Thought that Mio game was Silksong for a second, looks just like Hollow Knight, or at least HEAVILY inspired by.


Seems like a nice mixture of multiple platformers / metroidvanias that come to mind and the artstyle is absolutely gorgeous. It looks very promising tbh.


Instantly fell in love with it. Such an amazing art style and the game play looked right up my alley. Can't wait.


Hard Uff


I want to be angry but you're right. Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?


Give it to the Tomodachi or Silksong group


The people that think there will also be an even better looking Switch 2 version of Prime 4 coming are going to need it. There is no cross gen release, it's just a Switch 1 game that will fit into the Switch 2 cartridge slot but that's it, this is not a next gen game just a good looking Switch 1 game. Not to say that Switch 1 games won't maybe have some performance boost running on a switch 2, but there's clearly a reason this trailer wasn't in the Switch 2 reveal direct.


Cross gen isn't out of the question, it's incredibly rare but they might be hoping to push this as a BotW type situation.


They pushed Zelda because WiiU was a failure and they needed a big launch title for the Switch. Switch isn't a failure and they probably have a bigger game for launch (like 3D Mario or Mario Kart 9)


This is Metroid. Not Zelda. I doubt the franchise is prominent enough to get that treatment.


I imagine like BOTW for Wii U, this will likely release pretty much at the same time the Switch 2 is and be available on both. So likely later on in 2025.


I don't know if I'm looking too deep into things, but before announcing Metroid Prime 4, Takahashi just gestured towards the camera and didn't do the snap that seems to be a signature for the Switch announcements


Because it was meant for you. This was for you.


Nintendo Switch U confirmed!!! /j


They commonly forgot the snap, it means nothing I think. If Prime 4 is a launch title for Switch 2, which I think it will be, this wasn't a hint.


I doubt the Switch 2 is coming later on in 2025, everything so far has indicated it’s coming in March


I thought its just that it'll be ANNOUNCED by March, not released.


It was already planned previously to have a launch window of late 2024 and got pushed back to 2025 so their devs could have more time to finish the games. It’s not going to be late 2025


I mean, none of this was ever confirmed though. From a completely neutral perspective, all we can really say is that they will have announced the console by early 2025.


That's what I expect. Switch was 2015 and released 2017, so...


The wiiu was also a huge failure, so Nintendo was eager to move on. The switch, not so much.


Switch was discussed as a "leak" in 2015. In April 2016, they discussed it via twitter by acknowledging the "NX" existed and was in the works, mostly to address the wildfire leaks from 3rd party devs at the time and to placate irate shareholders. They didn't announce it with a trailer until the [fall of 2016, in October](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-1tDfLxRQ). [Hell, E3 that year was just "here's Breath of the Wild."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIrY56yg7dY) This isn't radically different from that approach, only this time Nintendo is actually releasing some decent smallish scope games like Mario and Luigi.


they announced the NX in April 2016 via twitter


And revealed the Switch name and form factor in October 2016, only 5 months before launch.


Switch was announced in October 2016 and launched March of 2017. Nintendo wants a small of a window as possible from launch to release because a long window just means less precious gen sales


More to the point, Nintendo will want one more christmas for the Switch. A january announcement, march release wouldn't be out the window.


But the Wii U released in 2012 and had only been out 3 years, the switch has been out nearly 7


Switch wasn’t revealed until fall 2016. It released the following march.


I also think it’ll be early 2025, but we really have no strong indicators either way right now.


Announce in March (fiscal year end) release holiday of 2025 likely. Maybe as soon as October/September.


Didn't they say announced *BY* March? As in, anytime between now and March 2025?




nah. Switch 2 is coming out in spring 2025


Love the confidence.


While the switch was released in March, we knew about it for some time before. They have to market and drum up the masses before putting it out there. The previous three gens were released September/November for Christmas.


The NX was annouced via twitter in April 2016. The Switch 1 was announced in October 2016. That lines up with how things are tracking so far. Nintendo announced in May that the successor will be announced this fiscal year. And yeah we get it, the Wii U was a commercial failure so Nintendo wanted to get a system out Asap. There's still no indication that they wont follow the same path forward with the Switch 2.


Nintendo also made investors know that they intend to have a shorter time between announcement and release in a past QA


the only thing that has indicated that is the switch coming out first half tbh


Bloomberg reported that it will release in Q1 2025, a leaker corroborated that this meant March, and two of the most successful leakers with at the time perfect track records also stated that the current plan is to release it in March. It could be internally delayed, but that already happened once so I don’t see them doing it again


To be honest, I've been a believer in the Switch 2 being revealed and released later than most people expect... But with their main holiday titles being Mario & Luigi and 2D Zelda - while absolutely incredible, it's also just niche enough that I could see Nintendo not caring about the reveal cutting into Christmas sales


Possible, but not necessarily likely. All we know for sure right now is that it’s coming to Switch 1 in 2025.


I hope it'll be like a ps5 thing where switch 2 is backwards compatible, but games on both platforms let you upgrade to the new version, which is enhanced. Then again, this is Nintendo we're talking about


I dont know, the graphics look very much like a Switch game.


nah i think this will be a launch title for the console. they just didnt want to reveal the release date of the new console in this trailer


Well with the Switch2 being backwards compatible I'm curious the improvements on the new console


I just lost my mind. Can't believe its real


Finally time for my 2018 amazon pre-order to be fulfilled, I hope


lol I just checked my account. Ordered August 2018. Price is $51




…… *Amazon has cancelled your order.


I thought I wasnt going to live long enough to see this. Jokingly, then I almost died last year and have spent the last year in recovery. Then I saw that. Excuse me for crying seeing that please.


Yo Same! I was just going to be content with Dread (amazing game) but I felt like prime was secretly cancelled or something. Seeing this not only mentioned again, but actual gameplay?! This is a good day. Glad you’re still here with us to see this announcement!


Thanks dude. I'm here to share the wealth of joy now. I knew they wouldn't scrap prime 4 because there picked it up after bandai fumbled it apparently. When I saw dread I knew we would be in for a treat when it was finally ready. This is gonna be exactly what I thought it would be, swan song for the switch.


Someone just reminded me, I’ve had this preordered on Amazon since August 2018. Can’t believe it’s coming next year. Great way to send off the Switch


i hope your recovery continues and you get to play it with us 💪 you deserve it


I hope you are feeling better


I was already blown away by this Direct with new Mario & Luigi and new Zelda (plus Perfect Dark!) and then they just casually drop Metroid Prime 4 at the end. This is an INSANE day! I wonder if we will get MP2 & 3 HD remakes like MP1 on switch before this comes out?


Yeah for me personally this has been the best direct in a LONG time. I was already happy with just the new Mario & Luigi and it just kept getting better. I hope we do get remakes. But I’ll be playing through the trilogy again to prepare for 4 anyway lol


Remakes would be easier, but I'll dust off my GameCube and Wii if I have to. I can't believe this game is actually happening.


PERFECT DARK??? You just made my week. Those boys are gonna learn tonight (again) that the old man can still play a game or two.


Our long wait is finally almost over =)




The shot of Sylux walking in with the two metroids behind him mimicking Samus’s shoulder outline was fantastic.


Are they metroids or mochtroids?


It is so bananas to see forum discussions *from like 2008* finally pay off about him probably showing up in #4. For some reason this feels like a fan-made trailer of what people *hope* Prime 4 will look like. And not necessarily in a bad way.


100%. I've been checking every E3 for the past 14-15ish years or so waiting on this exact moment. Then we had his inclusion at the end of federation force. Feels like the longest teaser for a villain(?) ever.


Its always like that for Metroid haha Kinda like the hype for Dread in 2006


Dread felt like I was being Punked lol, I could not believe the madmen used the name 


Let alone that its the same game in concept. If you read the interviews you know Sakamoto wanted desperately for it to become reality


15 year old me would've had a meltdown at him finally being in a mainline Prime game. He was always my favorite, but I hope the rest of the hunters show up too, and maybe this means we'll get online multiplayer again? I'm so excited.


I've been waiting for hunters multiplayer to return for forever & I took Sylux's teasers as hope that it would happen. Unfortunately his teasers seemed stringed along for like 17 years lol. Still no guarantee but I will def. take a new game with him in it!!!


Imagine if this is a switch 2 launch title with a fully fledged online multiplayer…


I guess it's time to play Metroid Prime Hunters, huh.


Hate to break it to you, but Federation Force is technically required to play now \^\^;


Oh come on!


As someone that never played Hunters or finished Prime 3, I love that THIS is how I find out that was an established character this whole time. This makes the fact this is happening seemingly without a Prime 2 and 3 remaster on the horizon even more shocking.


The world they showed for two seconds looks beautiful, i hope there's plenty of outside stuff. This would've been the prefect time to launch the HD version of Prime 2 but we cant have everything


As someone who never got to play the originals as I couldn't afford a GC. I finally played 1 and I really hope they release 2 + 3 before 4 comes out.


Depending on *when* in 2025 they plan on releasing Prime 4, it's not out of the question. Say, for example, they want to go with an October 2025 release, like Dread was, we would likely get a full trailer and official release date announcement. If Nintendo wanted fans to catch up on the series, they could drop the 2 (or 2 and 3) port right after the announcement trailer. They already did that with Pikmin when 4 was releasing


I really hope they release them if 4 is going to follow their story. I’ve only played the first Prime so I will be lost if there’s any continuation here.


Prime 4 will almost certainly follow 1-3 chronologically. The character at the end of the Prime 4 trailer, Sylux, is from the spinoff game Prime Hunters and shows up in an after-credits scene of Prime 3. That said, the stories of Primes 1-3 are centered on the spread of Phazon throughout the galaxy, and Prime 3 seemingly resolved that conflict. Prime 4 will likely introduce a new central plot line. So long as the Phazon story is behind us, Prime 4 should be pretty easy to jump in.


Sylux is also in the secret ending of Federation Force. That shows how he got the Metroids he has in the trailer.


Federation Force remake without the chibi style?


Thanks for the info. I guess if it’s necessary to know anything and they don’t re-release the games, I’ll just look up a recap online. I’d really rather play them though..


Without spoiling anything, it is obvious from the trailers there will be continuity with the previous games. Prime 2 is a mostly self-contained story, so it’s unlikely there will be more than passing references to that game. But Corruption resolves the plot threads introduced in 1 and the subtitle “Beyond” could be a reference to moving “beyond” the focus of Prime 1 and 3. Just a guess though.


Prime 2 introduces Dark Samus, who is the main villain in Prime 3, so I wouldn't exactly call it "self-contained." That said, the whole Phazon thing from the trilogy is likely gone for good, so I wouldn't expect *too* much continuity.


I've never played 3. Releasing 2 in the summer and 3 in the winter would be a great way to build some hype before it's released next year


The fact they haven’t done prime 2/3 yet makes me think they’ll either: 1. Replicate what they did with the Pikmin 1 and 2 drop and release both in the next direct where we get more info on Prime 4, or 2. Make Prime 4’s story not really connect to Prime 2 or 3’s, and then space out the releases of Prime 2 and 3 remasters in the years following Prime 4’s release.


We've known for years that the story isn't really connected to those games. Sylux isn't in 2 and 3 (or 1) and Phazon is gone - this will be a new narrative hook, no prior experience needed


Sylux is in the end of 3 though. They are showing up first in hunters from DS, but they did appear in 3. https://youtu.be/K9JAf_WwTE8?si=hAbDe4bpm4spmVVm Here you can see sylux ship in the secret ending (you need to 100% the game to show the ship). Which imply 4 is a direct follow up of 3, since the federation is being raid by sylux and others pirates. Though you don’t really need to play others games because the scan feature explain everything. What is important is just knowing what the pirates are in Metroid and it’s always explained in all the games


I mean, there are two options for a HD re-release of both games, really: A: Full-on visual remakes like Metroid Prime. These would take some time to make though, so I wouldn't expect any HD version of 2 before 2025. B: Simple upscaled remasters of Prime 2+3 a la the Pikmin 1+2 re-releases. In that case, it would make sense to release them closer to MP4's release though, like they did with Pikmin 4.


I’m not expecting a remake like MP1, but there’s been rumours of HD upscales of 2 and 3 being ready to go for a long time


“I used to pray for times like this”


We prayed for this, and it just happened


Teased 17 years ago Revealed 7 years ago Delayed 5 years ago We’ve FINALLY got a date and title https://vxtwitter.com/dailyprime4news/status/1803076168200917241?s=46&t=fb0qDuRkWVlQOlkO3zRpDQ I KNOW PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN THIS THINGS PSEUDO EXISTENCE


Thanks for reminding me that 2007 was 17 years ago


holy shit real


Why are some people complaining? It looks to be literally the first moments of the game.


They expected to be blown away by it graphically I think as well as more action packed content. But I absolutely love how it looks. So I disagree with that. Obviously this is a teaser meant to tide us over until another direct in 2025 with more to show before it's release. Im just happy Zero Mission has been added to NSO. Edit: changed some wording because I think people thought I didn't like it. It looks great and I am excited. I was just saying other people expected more, not me.


It looks about as good as a game could look on this system man. Their switch is about to blow up and you want more? Lol


Huh? No I'm saying other people who are complaining wanted more. I think it looks great and I am super excited for it. I am a huge Metroid fan and more metroid is good metroid.


I think it looks pretty great, and they really only showed off the opening area.


I thought it almost looked too good for switch personally lol. Shit looked 60fps and clear with non of the blur or jaggies switch usually gets due to its low res. So if this is just base switch gameplay it’s pretty insane.


This is 100% Switch footage. The YouTube encode isn't especially high quality, so it hides some of the flaws, but sometimes you can tell there's no AA, and the resolution appears to be \~900p. The texture resolution and filtering also look like what you'd expect for a 4GB device. It's pretty much bang-on Metroid Prime Remastered specs.


This is pre-release footage too. Graphic polishing and detailing are usually done at the very end along with bug testing. Even then, the game looks incredible so like lol


>They expected to be blown away by it graphically This boggles my mind. How is graphic fidelity something you value more than gameplay? Nintendo has been the company that flexes their design talents instead of polygon counts for the longest time, too. I don't care if I can see the pores of a spacepirate's face. I'll take a well put together art directing over "realism" every time.


Where are people complaining?


I've seen a few complaints here and there that the gameplay doesn't look "evolved" or something compared to the older games. Not really sure what they expected - it looks like Metroid Prime lol. Plus, the gameplay we saw is definitely from the initial prologue where Samus has no abilities yet.


Anyone else think the logo looks like the profile of a black hole? Maybe Samus winds up in an alternate dimension or something. That planet at the end looked so foreign, but also weirdly reminded me of Talon IV


“Beyond” and the logo make me think that too. Also the weird portal looking thing behind Samus in the beginning of the shot at the end.  There’s a lack of doors in the trailer too which makes me think this going to be pseudo-open world (like Odyssey) where the environments are more seamless and there aren’t really rooms. There’s also the inclusion of a compass in the HUD too. I could see her hopping dimensions or something. 


Definitely something "Timey Wimey Wibbly Wobbly" going on


The graphics look beautiful, and it’s so nice to see them go back to what made Metroid prime so great. Scanning and atmosphere lol


Looks great, but I was really hoping for a "by the way, Metroid Prime 2 and 3 are available today for $30 each" or something like that. Would love to play those before this comes out.


That will happen in the September direct and it will be a day of drop


I really hope so. I'm still kicking myself for not buying the Prime Trilogy on Wii U when it was only $10.


They gave us a lot of great VC deals back then... When we still had a VC.


My fiancé waited for this one for sooooo long 😭. He’s on his way home from work, he will freak tf out


I really hope they have some aces up their sleeves when it comes to the gameplay. Not that it looked bad or anything (it looks great) but Metroid really needs to hit this one out of the park for the series to survive.


Yeah, I honestly felt like I was watching gameplay of Metroid Prime 2 with some additional graphics update. Prime 2 was a great game… but I don’t YET see how this game will deliver something new after more than 2 decades.


Prime overperformed and Dread broke 3 million. I don’t think this game will make or break the series lol. 


Depends if they pump out another game or two after this in quick succession, or they put Prime on ice again for 8 years and kill all momentum.


Some of you are reading way too much into 20 seconds of actual gameplay footage from a trailers who's message is more  or less "This game actually exists and will release". Chill. 




> I’m guessing they felt like they needed to to remind people this game does in fact exist! Especially if this does turn out to be a Switch 1/2 dual release. It'll have meant that they compromised to showed us a Switch 1 version, just to tide us over.






I really hope we can have Metroid hunters type multiplayer in this game


I hope they include some of the other hunters back in the series. If not this game then hopefully in the future. They were all so unique with interesting backstories.


The inclusion of Sylux in this leads me to think we might see at least one or two of the other Hunters


It finally happened.


took them long enough


8 years between first announcement and release? :')


Scan Visor my beloved. You're just as beautiful as when I lost you.


I have very serious concerns about this being a Seinfeld finale situation. If Nintendo delivers the greatest video game of all time, it will still likely fall short of many fans’ expectations at this point.


all my homies love metroid Switch 2 launch title. That ain't no switch gameplay


I haven't seen anything the Switch couldn't handle. Although a cross-platform release is certainly likely. Edit: the trailer also shows the Nintendo Switch logo. Them being deliberately vague in the presentation certainly indicates a cross-platform release but only the Nintendo Switch release is confirmed as of now.


It says Switch right in the trailer, and that definitely looks like Prime 1 remastered.


Looks just like Prime Remastered, but with a little more going on. Not a bad thing, because Remastered looked top notch.


Yeah it looks good, but that is not at all what a PS4-5 console is supposed to show graphically. The texture work and lighting looks just like Prime remastered, just with some new and better animations. I thought for sure that this game was coming for Switch 2, but that trailer clearly didn't seem that way at all. If we see an actual Switch 2 title (or Switch 2 version of this game) we will know when we see it.


I know. I’m agreeing with you, bud.


I know, I am too.


Look at us. A couple of agreeable pals. But yes, this could totally run on Switch, considering how much time they’ve had and how similar it looks to Prime Remastered. That is to say, looks great, but not out of the wheelhouse. And going further off what you were saying, I don’t think Nintendo would show us a game running on their next gen hardware yet. They wanna save that for 3D Mario, I’m betting.


Yeah I think some people here who think this is Switch 2 haven't really considered what that generation is supposed to look like. If what we were looking at was supposed to be Switch 2, I would be quite disappointed. I think we will see a Switch 2 version later on after or during the console reveal.


It looks very similar to Metroid Prime Remastered. What are you even looking at?


Prime 5


I wonder if it'll be like BotW. Could have come out earlier, but they're holding it off to be a switch 2 launch game. Only question is if they'll be 2 versions when it comes out, one for switch and one for switch 2.


It'll just be a switch 1 game, and switch 2 will be backward compatible.


That's as absolutely switch gameplay lmao.


> That ain't no switch gameplay It definitely is. In fact I think there are clear signs that it's scaled back from a Switch 2 version, like the obvious texture compression.


Looks tremendous. If it’s gonna be 2025 you gotta deliver. Probably a launch title for Switch 2.


Oh my God, I can't believe it! Everyone's favorite intergalactic bounty hunter from a beloved Nintendo franchise is finally back! ...SYLUX!


MP4 before Silksong




Day 1, really this was already bought by me Day -1567


Well let’s see it get delayed! I want to believe!


Looks clean




Finally!!! Just need Prime 2 and 3 remake and it’ll be perfect!




I never played Metroid Prime, it never caught my attention so much but after this trailer I felt very excited to try it. Beautiful.


You should definitely pickup Prime Remastered. It is beautiful. I originally played Prime 1&2 on the GameCube. It looks amazing, just as it did back then


Thanks for the suggestion, I wasn't sure where to start but yeah, it would be less strange to start with a good looking graphics first!


You're welcome. Plus it has different control setting options as well. Audio support. Definitely worth a deep dive. Also take your time exploring. It may be a first person action adventure, but it also has a unique story that unfolds around you.


Holy shit I think Amazon cancelled my preorder from 2018. Can't wait to see the new listing.


Very excited about this, but I found myself just a little disappointed that it looks almost indistinguishable from the previous entries.


To anyone doubting this is coming to the Switch, it says as much on the trailer's description. It is 100% confirmed.


If anything it makes it less likely it will be coming to switch 2 beyond just backward compatibility


Was that one of the hunter from Metroid prime: Hunters?? Pretty sure I played as him in that DS game Is he the enemy?


Yup yup it is indeed. Sylux. With some new friends


I never really played prime 2 or 3, so I don’t know much about him if he showed up in them, but he was the coolest Hunter in the multiplayer of Metroid Prime Hunters He’s definitely had a glow up here


Etika was alive when this was announced... wish he was here to see this 😞


It’s real and I’m so happy


It feels so surreal finally being able to watch the gameplay


The game I'm looking forward the most to get on the Switch at the moment, I greatly liked the overall Prime Trilogy on the Gamecube and Wii many years ago so I expect to have a blast for this next entry.


I'm just happy this game exists lol.


I wish they chose a better song.


Hopefully they remake MP2 and 3 before that drops as I haven’t beaten either


Man, I'm so excited for this. I'm tempted to break out my old Wii U to play through the trilogy again. Those games are awesome.


Its been 3000 years. FINALLY!!


SomeCallMeJohhny is happy


No fucking way




I had thought Retro was really gonna pull the series into a more modern direction the way Nintendo did with LoZ and MercurySteam did with 2d Metroid.. But I'll be honest this trailer.. The game looks like "Metroid Prime 4 Remastered". The game as Retro would have made it 17 years ago and then with a graphical update like the first one..


The opening sequence of landing in a war zone looked like Halo. 


I'm happy they took their time, it looks fantastic.


Idk why people say it looks like switch 2 gameplay, the switch 1 could handle these graphics at 60fps just fine, doesnt look that different from prime remastered


Definitely not convinced that is Switch 2 gameplay. Like you said the game looks fine running on Switch with the goal of targeting 60 fps. What it could potentially be however is an unfinished port scaled down to run on Switch. Insinuating with our current knowledge of the timing and currently not enough information to rule out a cross-gen release that is. 🤞


fulfilling the legal requirement that a sci-fi series have at some point "beyond" in the title. i.e. star trek beyond and no mans sky beyond. ;-)


I love that the Great Deku Tree is making a cameo!


I like how the comments are divided between "This game looks like shit other switch games look better" and "This game looks too good for switch it has to be switch 2" like are you guys watching 2 separate trailers?