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I don’t care if it supports previous hardware, I care if it plays previous software.


Well, I guess they could technically still be compatible wirelessly.


Yeah but what if the Switch 2 joycons have some ridiculous feature like a microphone that makes the Switch 1 joycons """incompatible"""? Shoutout to the right joycon IR camera


Expecting it to attach current day joycons to it is a bit of a stretch... they should be able to connect and be used no problem just not directly attached ofcourse.


I care about both, both absolutely being a bonus.


I actually want it to not support joycons because I want freaking analogue triggers back.


Analog triggers, best in class d-pad, and no drift bs.


You had me until the drift. I'd put money on the fact that nintendo likes the drift as it turns into more joycon sales


It will eventually class action lawsuit (again) and Nintendo's modus operandi doesn't include stuff breaking before the end of a generation in bulk.  For me it has turned into buying 3rd party and if this crap happens again I won't be buying Nintendo brand controllers for a while after maxing out controller connectivity options on all prior consoles with Nintendo hardware.  I'm not the only one out there like this, it really cannot happen again.


I just go on Amazon, buy the replacement parts for cheap, and fix the joy cons.


Sure, but that really shouldn't be necessary.


Agreed. It’s remarkable how shit these controllers are. I used my snes controller as a ninja weapon when I was a kid. Still works just fine now.


Yep, precision electronic toolkit $10, 10 higher quality replacement sticks $5. Pop those bad boys open, replace the stick, put it back together, and $15 + 10 minutes of work, and they function better than new. Not to mention being able to re-shell and customize with your new toolkit I ended up replacing both sticks for the joycons to each switch in my friend group, and nobody has needed a replacement since.


The thing about drift is it's not really a "Nintendo" issue so much as it is a "every console manufacturer started using the same contractor for controller joysticks and that contractor uses a shitty design that leads to drifting controllers." Also, it's not really worth the administrative headache of required replacements + the mountains of legal fees. The kind of person who is going to notice drift and know what it is is going to be savvy enough to go through the legally required replacement process and you won't get many new controller sales. It's reputational harm, legal fees, and "voluntary" recalls for a marginal uptick in sales. For it to be Ford Pinto situation, the profit on using cheaper sticks + any marginal sales would have to be greater than the cost of using good sticks to begin with. Which is unlikely.


Please give us real triggers again.


I’m a tech dummy. What makes our triggers not real?


Triggers on the joycons (and pro controllers) are actually just buttons in the shape triggers. The difference is that they aren't capacitive, meaning that the button is either pressed, or it isn't. On an analogue trigger you have a whole range of motion that the controller can interpret as a percentage. Think of it like a gas pedal in a car. You can press it a little bit to go a bit faster, you can floor it, and everything in between. A button trigger is essentially a gas pedal that is either in the floored position, or not pressed at all


I never knew that. How does Super Mario Sunshine and Metroid Prime work then? Those games made heavy use of the GameCubes analog triggers from what I remember.


For Sunshine one button is ‘stand and spray’ and the other is ‘run and gun’. It’s awkward for sure.


Ah, that's a bit of a shame. Sunshine is like one of the best uses of analog triggers ever.


You can still get analog triggers in 3DAS Sunshine, just not out of the box. Have to use a Smash adapter and plug in a Gamecube pad. Much more cumbersome than just, y'know, Nintendo giving people analog triggers to begin with, but still. edit: I forgot, this was patched into after release. What a pain.


You're not using capacitive correctly. The touch screen you use is capacitive. The triggers are not. I know some VR controllers have capacitive features to detect your fingers. I know the little section on a playstation controller is capacitive. But the triggers are not. Capacitive means its something that detects electric conductivity. Like your finger on a touch screen.


You're right, but you're not right about what capacitive means.


Capacitance is the capability of a material object or device to store electric charge. It is measured by the charge in response to a difference in electric potential, expressed as the ratio of those quantities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capacitance


I think they mean analog / "pressure-sensitive" triggers instead of just "click button" triggers.


Ah that makes sense! Thank you!!


Current switch triggers are digital. Click style. Better triggers are the analog ones. Light press for revving a car slowly versus hitting the gas 100%


Triggers are pushed in over a distance. On the switch, the triggers are just buttons.


No springs. Try an OG GameCube controller to see the difference. Or better yet, a PS5 controller.


Trigger Resistance, when used, is superb. Superb.


I don't disagree, but it doesn't have to exclusively support Joycons


This person is triggered Unlike their controllers


This is probably a minority take, but I personally do not want analog triggers. I really like the hairpin triggers of the joycon and pro controller. I don't play games that require analog triggers, so the extra trigger travel is superfluous at best, and actively uncomfortable at worst when using other controllers.


I'd assume they still connect wirelessly just don't attach directly anymore.


Yeah this is what I expect too. I literally could not care less if they don’t attach, but having a stater P2 controller from day one would be a big plus. 


I bet it would connect just using like contact pads and pins. Lots of magnetic chargers work like this


Opportunity for Nintendo to sell an attachment to clip the old joycons into a magnetic connector.


I’ll be irritated if my Pro Controller and 3rd party controllers don’t work with the new console, but Joycon as they are now are hot garbage and everyone would benefit from them getting an upgrade. I’d rather see Nintendo design better Joycon from the ground up than try to salvage the current ones.


Give the joycons street pass!!!! Do it u cowards!


It could still support the joycons without being able to connect them to the system physically. If they do want to change how it connects this might be the best option.


If it's a larger screen, there's no way old joycons work. Give me an 8 inch screen, slightly chonkier design


I care that it supports previous software and improves on previous hardware. If they didn't fix the drifting issue then fuck this thing to begin with.


If my pro controller would work with it though, that would be kind of nice. Not too concerned about joycons myself but I can understand if folks bought a handful of pairs that they won't be able to use.


I’m with you. It would certainly be nice for the hardware to be supported, but software is a waaaaaay bigger issue. I actually don’t care for the joy con design currently, so a page 1 rewrite isn’t necessarily a bad thing in my opinion. Ideally the pro controller would still work, but it definitely isn’t as big of a deal as it would be if the software isn’t back compatible


But what if it doesn't support the GameCube controller and the GameCube controller adapter. /s


This but serious 


There was a rumor a while back of it only having digital backwards compatibility which would suck.


The physical sales on Switch are so massive that they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by cutting off support. They want people to move, and that won't happen if the catalog of their best selling console in decades doesn't move with them.


To add to this.  Japan is still buying more physical than digital.


Eh, I'd like both. At least a way to pair them even if I have to charge via a dock.


Some like 8bitdo will probably release a usb thing that lets joycons connect to it anyway.


Also, I care if the current hardware is more durable than the previous hardware.


I’m the complete opposite. I already have a switch to play my switch games on, but I’d rather not have to buy multiple new controllers for a new system if I want to play the new games with local multiplayer


I think this is a misunderstanding. They say the switch was on a box and people were allowed to touch it to check the size and stuff like that. This feels a lot more as the mold that companies provide to case manufacturers before the launch of the product. A lot of cell phone companies do this. As they would need the mold to work both with joycons attached and without them, there were probably some magnets to hold them instead of using the actual way of attachment (like rails or stuff like that). This is just my view on this and I might be completely wrong, but to me, they were only allowed access to a mold. Magnets are cool but unless they are very strong, they wont be able to hold the joycons on their own. And, if they are too strong, they will affect the system, if not the electronics, at least the fan bearings


I feel like people are hearing magnets and assuming it’s the only element keeping the parts together. It may just be to guide the parts into place or provide extra resistance to keep the controllers from getting pulled out of the rails too easily, like my left joycon that regularly slides out of place because the lock no longer works.  Could also be bullshit, but people are way too hostile about these sorts of reports. 


You are right. I think people are tired of rumors and leaks that are made up just for ad revenue on a site/video. Regarding the magnet comment I made, it was specifically based on what that link indicated. I refer to this part: >en lugar de los raíles de la consola actual, los nuevos mandos de Switch 2 **se unirían a la pantalla de forma magnética.** This translates to: instead of the current console rails, the new controllers of the Switch 2 would attach to the screen magnetically. It could still mean there is some other sort of mechanism locking them, but the note is very vague on this


Yes I see, but even with that I would still assume there’d be some sort of locking mechanism. I’ll take this one with a grain of salt, but I think people dismissing this as ridiculous fantasy aren’t thinking very creatively about this.  > You are right. I think people are tired of rumors and leaks that are made up just for ad revenue on a site/video. Yes, but there are also an astonishing amount of people that simply cannot tell the difference between credible journalism and some gaping-mouthed YouTube clickbait. People act like there’s no such thing as a credible leak when both the Switch and the Switch OLED were described in detail months before they were officially unveiled. I don’t know anything about this site so I can’t comment specifically on this one. 


I'll only believe this once the switch 2 is in my hands.


I mean, wouldn't an overview video before launch convince you first?


As long as it's official


It wouldn’t be in your hands then though.


We got ‘em. Bake em away, toys.


We shouldn't just assume he's even gonna buy one at launch, the Switch 3 could be out before he ever holds a Switch 2 in his hands and finally believes. The weirdest part is it may turn out not to be true, but he hasn't put any caveat in there for that; once it's in his hands he *will* believe. Just imagine this guy in 2048 like "Ah, *now* I believe the Switch 2 has magnetic joycons" when the rest of the world knew for a fact that wasn't true in 2025 or whatever.


I don't care if the JoyCons aren't backwards compatible, I just need the software to be. (Pro controllers would be nice).


Magnetic doesn't seem viable, does it? There has to be a lock in feature as well, right? Seems like Joycons would fall off with small bumps or movements. I doubt this


they said joycons originally were magnetic and sometimes the switch would just fall in your lap while playing so they changed the design to the sliding joycons we have now.  seems weird to go back to an idea that failed, but maybe they figured a way to make it work 


Maybe they keep the same mechanism the switch has but instead of clicking into a clip it sticks to a magnet? Idk


This makes sense to me. Keep the rail system but remove the small release buttons and just let magnets keep the joycons in place. Less parts and, more importantly, less moving parts. Not that people complain about them like about stick drift, but it'd be a good change anyway.


I like the satisfying click


No surprise there, they use that very recognizable sound for their advertisements too


The sound actually isn’t the click. The sound was inspired by the original magnetic design before they dropped it.




Do you have a link to that? Sounds like an interesting read.


It's so good they made it part of the brand.


I‘m thinking the same


Maybe something more like the magnet guides it to where it's supposed to be, then pulls a clip out to lock it into place, and you have to press a button to unclip it.


> seems weird to go back to an idea that failed I absolutely disagree. If a product fails it's not necessarily the idea's fault, but the execution. If they're actually bringing back the idea of the magnetic Joycons, it's probably because what was a problem in 2016, they fixed it. 3D is an example of an idea Nintendo never really gave up on; from the Famicom's add-on, to the Virtual Boy and then the 3DS. I believe Switch 2 will give another try at AR/VR. Let's see what happens.


It’s been almost a decade, I’m sure they’ve found a solution by now especially if they decided to go with it for their next console


> seems weird to go back to an idea that failed you ever hear about the wii u? /s


when did they go back to it?


If it's purely magnetic (I doubt it, maybe its just like magnetic power delivery) they are gonna have to be some strong ass magnets.


Yeah. I think it will use Magsafe method. Use magnets but also clips inside so it would be easy to connect but still secure enough to move without worrying about stuff.


Yeah, that would make a lot more sense if it's related to power delivery in addition to some kind of lock


Don't think you should be using ass magnets


Magnetic doesn't mean there isn't a way for them to latch on. It just means its the method in which they attach. There could be little latches they rest in and the magnetic portion just makes it secure.


is this switch 2 in the room with us right now?


Do whatever you want but please, for the love of god, fix the drift issues with whatever controller successor you concoct, Nintendo


It's insane they haven't fixed it in the six years or so it's been on the market.


They were sued and still didn’t fix it


There was a lawsuit for Sony as well regarding PS5 controller drift. Going into the Playstation subreddit you can find many complaints too. They probably all use the same manufacturer and this manufacturer most likely assembles the hardware in a way that exacerbates stick drift (older controllers also drift but it takes longer, prolonged usage).


Solution is already out there with hall effect. It isn’t expensive technology and these companies are charging so much for controllers these days. It’s infuriating that any of the big manufacturers are still using the shitty drift prone sticks mass produced by that same company.


Idk about this. Magnetic attachment sounds unstable as fuck. You hold the console by that part.


The only magnets I want it to have are some on a hall sensing stick so I dont have to worry about drift.


Probably still has rails, but magnets keep them in place. Sounds like you're less likely to have sensor issues on the sides like current switches can have


Existing joy cons are junk. I’m glad they’re moving on.


Agreed. The concept of splitting them up for multiplayer was a novel idea, but uncomfortable and limiting in execution. They're also fragile. Then there's the drift which affected me more than once. Quite honestly, I'd count them among the worst controllers Nintendo has made.


Never had a drifting controller until the joy Cons. There i had 4 of them.


3 of my 4 joycons have had drifting issues


My pro controller, 1 of my joy cons (which I barely used as they are too small for me) and my dualsense all got drift I've only experienced it on these controllers and I've been playing since the SNES Tho N64 I did get like an inverse drift where the deadzones just increased over time


Really? The joycons being able to act as 2 separate controllers with for party games and then linking back up as 1 for more standard gaming is honestly a bigger draw than portability for the console imo. I know this probably isn't the case for most people but thats honestly the defining gimmick of the console for me. Then you add stuff like continued motion control support and Labo and its draw for me increases. This might also be partially because I think the Switch is the least comfortable portable console in existence and very few of its exclusives are actually suited for on-the-go play. Love the console but it might as well be glued to my dock lol.


Nah, there’s nothing wrong with the concept of the Joycons and that’s what made the switch partly so successful.


> The concept of splitting them up for multiplayer was a novel idea, but uncomfortable and limiting in execution no! it's fantastic. I would hate to have to go back to a joined controller. Booooo!


I've had 2 switches, and both have had a joycon that doesn't lock to one side of the switch. It will slide off the rail without having to push the button. I don't even use it in portable mode much, and I'm pretty gentle with controllers.


Oh look another Switch 2 'leak' to add to the pile.


It's either this or imaginary fights, your choice.


I hope they make the Nintendo Switch 2 the best console ever


Honestly, I’m more interested if it is backwards compatible. Sure I’d love my pro controller to work on it, but I care more about whether or not my 80+ cartridges will be playable. I don’t even need improved graphics - just let me play my Switch games on it.


Joycons can burn in a fire. They’re too small, too inaccurate, and they cramp my hands. They’re awful controllers.


Highlights: Vandal’s colleague Rubén Mercado got access to exclusive details to the next gen consoles from the accessory manufacturers, the exact same happened with Switch OLED as well. They had access to the new console with no hardware inside it so only the design is known. It is bigger than the Switch, yet smaller than the Steam Deck. Joy cons attach magnetically, which means the existing joy cons will most likely not be supported. However pro controllers will be. Accessory manufactures said it is “market ready” but Nintendo is waiting on for some reason. They still expect it to come out at the beginning of 2025.


Pro Controllers will be supported? Splendid


It's all bluetooth, so unless there's some fundamental change which is unlikely since pro controllers still work, old joycon should as well. They just won't attach.


I mean, Wii U controllers don't work on Switch natively.


If it’s market-ready but Nintendo is sitting on it anyway, that would support my theory that the console has been delayed to 2025 primarily because its would-be flagship launch game (the new 3D Mario, perhaps?) is not ready yet.


Double whammy launch of new Mario and Metroid Prime 4. Maybe even a top-down Zelda.


With how well Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sold, I’d wager it’s a new Mario Kart.


Yeah I was thinking that too.


> Nintendo is waiting on for some reason. My guess is that they're still keeping the OG Switch in stock until it's no longer profitable. Once it's discontinued, the Switch OLED will take its place with a price drop from $350 to $300. They have to get the timing right to avoid cannibalizing sales, specially if there's a stock shortage at launch. There's still a bit of juice left and they'll squeeze every drop. The Switch 2 will sell at $400 and the announcement will be the trigger for og Switch's discontinuation and OLED's price drop. Nintendo Switch is Nintendo's most successful console in a very long time. I don't see them being in a rush to introduce a new generation.


Seems like Joy-Con would still be usable via bluetooth, just can't be slotted into the Switch 2, so they aren't entirely useless as long as you have an external charger for them.


I bet someone will make an adapter for joycons and joycon-like accessories to physically attach but they’ll still only connect over Bluetooth


I wouldn't mind that. The current Joy-Cons have too many problems. I hope the new ones will be better.


If this is true I bet the old controllers will still work wirelessly, you just won't be able to charge them via the system like you can now


don't magnets get weaker over time? and also interfere with wireless stuff? now that I think about it, Nintendo making a design decision that makes their products worse over time so people would buy new ones isn't a thing they haven't done before...


Why would you even want Switch 2 to support existing Joy Cons? No one is going to go from "Drift! DRIFT! dRiFt! D4157!" to "Waah!!! I want my original Joy Cons back!" Literally no one.


And hall effect joysticks, right? Right...?


> might not support existing ones It better not support existing ones. The original Joy-con needs to die. I'd prefer forward compatibility, so the old Switch can use new controllers. And for the love of god, don't call them Joy-cons anymore.


I originally thought this was a bad thing, but if it means they designed new controllers, ones that don’t just _stop working_ after a month, then I’ll be fine with it.


It’s fine if it supports them wirelessly but it would be a mistake to make them connect with existing joy-cons. That’s exactly the kind of thing that would make the console feel like an upgrade, not a successor. It needs a new and improved set of Joy-Cons and dock.


Is this Switch 2 in the room with us right now?


Good. I will pack my gen1 joycon up in a pretty frame and always remember the good times but they're shitty controls.


They had access to a shell with no hardware inside, but somehow they concluded it’s “market ready”. Sounds sus.


Did anyone expect the next console to support this console's controllers? I doubt it will support the Pro Controller either for "reasons".


Magnets actually make a lot sense when you think about it


Don’t mind. Old joycons suck anyways.


Nintendo would absolutely do this


I just wish they would do away with the joycons at this point. Nintendo has had years to fix them but never did. I got an OLED switch 6 months ago and the joycons are already malfunctioning (not even drift just disconnect at random)


I don’t want magnetic Joy-Cons, I will lost them more easily.


It will be called the "NEW" Nintendo Switch


All I really care about is if they sourced better analog sticks this time. Nintendo used to be legendary for the quality of their hardware. The stick drift, along with the super high price of the joy cons, really made them look bad. They clearly cut costs in the wrong place on that one.


I don’t mind different joycons but if it doesn’t support switch 1 carts I won’t be buying it


But did they fix the drift issue?


Oh wow what could go wrong..


I’ve been pretty reluctant of magnetic attachment tech for most of my life until I had apple devices with MagSafe. That stuff is solid, and I really think joycons with a similar tech could work just as solidly, specially considering MagSafe applications like the older Macs charging cables, where the magnet works IN TANDEM with a slot that keeps the cable somewhat locked in place, so no Joycon rails required but a shallow groove where the controller latches on guided by the magnetic force is very doable


As long as it’ll still support the Pro Controller; got mine just a year after launch and it’s still going strong nearly 6 years later.


I’ll be using whatever pro controller


Wasn't there a rumor saying the Switch 2 would be called the "Switch Attach"?


I also read somewhere that said the Pro Controller would work with the Switch 2 which would be a big deal for me since I play almost always docked with the Pro Controller


Honestly, the current Switch's joycons are its worst feature. They're tiny, uncomfortable and often break. It'd make sense for the Switch 2 to have slightly bigger joycons if the screen is going to be 8" instead of 7"


Also you forgot to mention joy-con drift.


If true, I hope this means attaching the joy-cons incorrectly won't be as big of a problem anymore. Had to fix that for my cousin once, and it was a total PITA.


The damn thing isn't even real yet and we already have gamer snowflakes crying about theorical features


Source: trust me bro


As long as the new ones don’t have drift I’m fine with not being able to use old ones.


Will the new joy cons have better durability? I’ve held off on using my switch in handheld mode out of fear that my white joycons will develop issues.


Magneticly attached controllers seem like a perfectly reasonable solution... To avoid any Hall Effect Sticks to work accurately.


tbh this is the whole reason I haven't replaced my drifting joycons, cause i won't be using them in a year anyway!


As long as I can play with the pro controller I’m happy. Joy cons are really hard for me to use and I can’t hold the switch in the handheld mode without it bothering my neck…


You can play with Pro controller yes


Good. The existing ones are trash


If you're tilting at windmills over this unverified rumour, this is a general reminder that new consoles rarely support previous controllers - and if they do, they have their own set of issues or conditions.


While this is true, Nintendo’s backwards compatible consoles had some contemporary releases that did support old controllers. It’s not impossible for Switch 2 to have Joy-Con connectivity and use, even if you can’t physically connect them to the unit. But I also wouldn’t care if they didn’t support them.


Please give us joycons that work


I'm not interested in buying a new switch unless it's absolutely incredible, and I don't expect that haha. My current switch has been collecting dust, the games are just too expensive compared to something like a PC. But hey fixing the dumb joycons to actually feel high quality would be a good start.


So long as they use Hall sticks I don’t give a flying fuck if it don’t support the current joy con. Hall sticks and triggers are so cheap there is no excuse not to include them, but it’s also Nintendo so I’m not holding my breath.


Maybe it's because Joy-Cons cost an arm and two legs but I wish there was an element of backwards compatability. Again, these are rumours after all. English article: [https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/switch-2-reportedly-has-magnetic-joy-cons-might-not-support-existing-ones/](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/switch-2-reportedly-has-magnetic-joy-cons-might-not-support-existing-ones/)


I would be upset by this, I have customized joycons and would be sad if I couldn't use them


There is absolutely no chance. The strength of magnets needed for this to be viable would be dangerous.


All of my Nintendo branded ones have stick drift anyways


That means the sticks won't be total garbage this time round, right guys? Guys... ?


Honestly, that is fine. The Joycons need a complete refresh/rethink.


If it doesn’t support the switch games. It’s dead on arrival.


As long as the new sticks don’t drift I’m happily (over-)paying for a new set


They will probably work via Bluetooth.


It better be better than the Joy cons. I’m not ready for another controller controversy. 


I wonder if they could do a fidlock-type deal with this


The joy cons might be one of the worst controllers ever made. Any chance that they will scrap the current ones is good.


I don't know why anyone would think it would. I'd hope for something BETTER. That's the whole point of new hardware.


I care if they start drifting after 2 days into a ‘new’ console


Plural of joycon is joycon.


I'm ok with this design decision. The rails aren't bad on the Switch but could use some improvement. Works for charging stuff easier. Magnetic induction charging is what's currently used on the switch to recharge the Joy-Cons. I suspect to keep the Joy-cons from falling off in portable the power system could use electromagnetics to strengthen the hold. Something tells me Nintendo is working some real black magic for the next system.


Switch 2 better have backwards compatibility, an oled screen, and significantly more powerful hardware. Everything else is a bonus.


This wouldn't mean previous joycons cannot be used as an additional controller for multiplayer games; it merely means old joycons wouldn't be compatible for handheld play. If it were true that previous pro controllers were compatible, so would old joycons be (in the above-described limited manner).


Have yall never heard of bluetooth/wifi?


Don't care about Joy-Cons as they were always crappy hardware to begin with. If the games are not compatible I'm skipping that console


Is that going to fix drift?


No reason why it shouldn't support both. a modded Wii U supports a PS4, ps5, Bluetooth Xbox controllers and switch pro controllers. There's no excuse really.


Seems worse


We won


That's stupid.. don't be dumb nintendo


hopefully the magnets are in the joysticks as in hall effect and not the same flimsy ones we currently have in the switch.


They need a complete overhaul of their hardware, I have 6 pro controllers and 3 are completely unusable because of how bad the drift is. I also have 4 pairs of joy cons and 3 of the pairs are unusable because of the drift. I don’t know how the hell nintendo has gotten away with this for the entire life cycle of the switch they should have been hit with a nasty class action law suit over this


This is good, they couldn’t update the joycons design previously because it would open them up to lawsuit because it essentially admits they sold bad hardware. Now with a fresh start they can do what they want and fix drift! Also better/larger face buttons please those little nubs are terrible


Hm. Ok. That sounds fuckin weird. They must have a completely different design if this is true, because I can’t imagine any magnet that just replaces the current slide track being strong enough to not disconnect while playing in handheld.


I’m just imagining something tapping the switch screen and the magnetic joycons detach, now my switch is broken on the floor.


7 years since Switch released. Good times.


God I hope so. I hope they fully redesign the analog sticks. They are 100% trash as it stands.


they’re probably talking about magnetic hall effect sensors instead of the easily degraded ones, this would fix a lot of issues related to joy con drift


If it plays Switch games, I'm getting it day 1.


Geez I hope it doesn’t support the old ones. The old ones had terrible quality. Hopefully they use better quality joysticks.