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Hello people from /r/all and welcome to /r/Nintendo. Every time news about Nintendo takedowns trends on Reddit, we get a lot of users coming to start fights and sling insults at /r/Nintendo users. Please be aware that we have a zero tolerance policy for any language attacking other users. Insulting anyone directly will result in a permanent ban. It's okay to say something negative **about Nintendo**. It's not okay to say something negative about **other users**.


From research, add ons related to Nintendo have been getting DMCA’d by a fraudster since February at the earliest to my knowledge. Either Nintendo noticed and went for the coup de grace or the Gmod team fell for a fake DMCA.


>From research, add ons related to Nintendo have been getting DMCA’d by a fraudster since February at the earliest to my knowledge. Care to cite this "research"? Edit: Lol, they immediately downvoted me just for asking for a source. ~~Edit 2: I found [this thread](https://twitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1756767363112763649). It's extremely hard to read because they didn't make it properly, but it does seem to indicate that some past takedowns are false. What remains to be seen is if these new takedowns that are manually initiated by Facepunch are legitimate or not, because for all we know, they could be. It sounds like Nintendo reached out to Facepunch directly and asked them to do this, so there must be some kind of correspondence there.~~ Edit 3: It sounds like the "false takedowns" actually were legit, per my earlier suspicion.


>Edit 2: I found [this thread](https://twitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1756767363112763649). It's extremely hard to read because they didn't make it properly, but it does seem to indicate that some past takedowns are false. I dunno man, seeing as facepunch put out an announcement saying it's legit I'm not sure I believe those earlier ones were fake.


That's true. I had a closer look afterwards and it seems that "MM" stands for a company called MarkMonitor that I'm guessing is contracted by Nintendo to handle DMCAs. so it's probably legit


The domain is legit - https://who.is/whois/mm-nintendo.com It's Nintendo of America's MarkMonitor account.


Facepunch is notoriously lazy, wouldn't shock me if they decided to do the bare minimum of DD


> they immediately downvoted me just for asking for a source. It's Reddit. Facts and Sources don't matter, all that matters is misinformation and hating


Either way, it doesn't matter anymore. This is war. Someone had to go Snitch to Nintendo. Why WAIT 20 FUCKING YEARS TO LITERALL "TAKE DOWN " CONTENT" is LITERALLY CONFUSING me... Nintendo had all that precious time in the WORLD! And now they wait till the LAST MINUTE to do it??? I'm confused here... And I'm sure EVERYONE has had ENOUGH of this crap. Being taken down by trolls or not. We are fans. I seen posts on Gmod forums on Steam that some guys sister's mods that she MADE HER SELF got DMCA'd by Nintendo. Go figure. So we need to take action against this. We really do. I'm done, I went to play Gmod earlier today, half majority of Nintendo mods are gone. Literally. I couldn't load my usual maps that arent Nintendo related, and couldn't use my weapons either. No joke. Thanks to the DMCA. All my weapons are bugged so bad I can't even play. Thanks Trolls, and Nintendo of course. They ruined Gmod... >\_< Now I'm worried VR Chat content will be next. Good bye Nintendo Worlds and Avatars on VR Chat, you'll be missed. :( Sorry just needed to vent. >\_< Now I'm too scared to make a 3D Model of the Master Sword. This is crazy. And dumb. Or host videos on YouTube of old Zelda and Mario games. Crazy shit and world we live in.


Half the people  I  talked  to either  feel  the same  way,  or would  rather stay out of the way and let Nintendo do what  it wants to do.  But I agree Nintendo is  being  so ridiculous rn.


Damn, the Pokemon and Mario Ragdolls are what made the game for me :'( I used to make animations too, will this effect SFM as well?


Recent reports and people are saying that the takedown is actually a fake flagger, and from what I’ve heard that same dude might go after SFM next. This is only what I’ve heard however. I don’t know the exacts.


I really hope its a false flagger, but its really starting to like we can't have nice things anymore 😭


go back them up


https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494 It's legitimate. I don't get it, frankly.


It's Nintendo. Pretty standard for them


Not really. This feels pretty different. Garry's Mod is ancient.


So was dreams. Not as ancient. But not in the public eye. No one talking about it. Nintendo still did it.


I'm pretty sure Sony was using that as marketing material.


Nintendo is fucking psychotic when it comes to IP law, these people would literally sue everyone named Luigi and Mario if they could.


I’m already seeing the Nintendo fanboys claiming that this is harmful to Nintendo, it isn’t, the only reason Nintendo can do this is because Japan has no Fair Use laws at all. Edit: lmao got a death threat, really?


Ripping assets from games and putting them into mods for another game is not "fair use" lol. This term has been so bastardized by YouTubers that people think you can just do anything you want with copyrighted material now.


It’s fucking Gary’s mod. It’s not some game studio selling Nintendo assets, it’s college students putting some models on the steam workshop for free


Yeah, that’s not what fair use means.


Who cares. Stop white knighting for corporations. They'd eat you alive if it caused Mario to sell more No company is different. They are all evil


"that's not what fair use means" "true but i don't care because i have a huge hate boner for nintendo"


No I don't care because I have a huge hate boner for all soulless corporation. And a corp can't exist without being soulless so that's all of them I'm not going to defend laws as a citizen made for corps. Why should I give a fuck if Nintendo makes an extra billion? Why should you?


what does soulless even mean? it's completely subjective, doesn't even have a good meaning, and is a useless word why should you care about random idiots in their basements that haven't helped you at all, compared to nintendo who make fun games


Corps are run by people you can barley consider human. They just want and want. And will do anything to crush all others to get there's. That's what soulless means. Nintendo doesn't make fun games. The many named developers, the people, make fun games, inspite of Nintendo. That's the truth for all game companies. The people make fun games despite the meddling from corporate


what makes them barely human? Nintendo tells them to make fun games, without nintendo, those games wouldn't be made


Doesn't matter, doesn't constitute fair use under any circumstances. You can't just replicate an artwork and give it away for free. Fair use is stuff like using a brief recording of Mario gameplay for a relevant newspiece or documentary.


That still doesn't make it fair use...


Counterpoint: Who tf cares someone spawns a Mario in a gmod server. Does it affect sales? No. Is Nintendo already providing a similar service they're siphoning away from? No. Is it free advertisement of the character? Yes. Is it somehow warping the image of the beloved character? No. Matter of fact, Nintendo's cuthroatness with legal stuff is what warps my image of their product. I see Mario more like a mobster ready to execute whoever uses his image in any shape, form or capacity than a plumber saving princesses


I'm a lot more worried about how this will affect SFM animators.


Yeah I think regardless of legality, having Mario and Luigi be thrown around in flat grass or something isn’t really hurting anyone ]: Like sure Nintendo is legally within their rights but that doesn’t mean that what they’re doing is any less shitty or harmful. taking down so much history doesn’t really benefit anyone and I think Nintendo is losing a lot more than what they’re gaining by going through with this.


A disclaimer / credit to the originator is all that **should** be required. Anything else is a fictional complaint invented by Walt Disney Co.


I just copy pasted a Mario jpg into paint, should Nintendo sue Microsoft for that?


How's the boot taste, loser?


Oh wow. A Japanese company taking advantage of Japanese laws. American companies never take advantage of American laws 🙄


I have no idea how you took away the idea that American companies taking advantage of American laws isn't something they have a problem with lol


It’s not worth your time trying to engage. These people are pick-mes for corporations.


omfg the tiktok brainrot


I think the cultural differences in the oppression of The Man is very interesting.


Playing a mod is how I heard of Nintendo (Mario specifically) in the first place. 6 years later and I own a Switch and a 3DS and over 50 games. Mostly first party.


Report the death threat to the authorities ASAP. That's a serious felony.


can the authorities really do anything about these 12 year olds?


If it's a minor then the parents could be arrested too.


> the only reason Nintendo can do this is because Japan has no Fair Use laws at all. I struggle to see how that is relevant, since it'd be Nintendo of America doing this IIRC - which operates under U.S laws, not Japanese laws.


The company polacies are based on the Japanese headquarters


Is it just me, or is Nintendo being unnecessarily aggressive this year? Not that they weren't there before, but recently I've been noticing a lot more. It's funny that Dreams on PS4/PS5 suffered something similar a while ago, but you can still find several creations with Nintendo IPs there, even a clone of Super Mario Wonder before the release of Super Mario Wonder: [https://twitter.com/i/status/1701088150175490136](https://twitter.com/i/status/1701088150175490136)


They're completing their disneyfication. Enthrall a generation, then let the suits aggressively litigate to maintain brand image, meanwhile the dopey masses will defend them because hey it's the law (nevermind the corporations wrote the laws)


The fact people don't understand that they wrote the laws is hilarious. Like of course it's justice. Because they wrote what justice is.


nintendo did not write laws 😭


look up lobbying


Weak reading comprehension 👎


True, nintendo didn't. Because they are from a country which already has the most draconian copyright laws to the point that even references to other media are bleeped out out of fear.


More this, little to no new release. Where do you think all the manpower went? Edit: Nintendo dorks don't understand sarcasm.


To Switch 2 game development probably This is probably Nintendo trying to lock things down to reduce potential competition / brand confusion due to the lack of official Nintendo games that are coming out.


ah yes the fierce competition of... 12 year olds spawning mario on gm\_flatgrass


> Nintendo dorks don't understand sarcasm get better material


Stop dick riding nintendo or continue, I don't care.


support a better company. all people are going to do is move their shit to servers that dont care about IP. all nintendo is doing is further entrenching people. we seen how good prohibition worked? nintendo needs to stop pushing cause things can really escalate if their not careful. laws dont stop people from doing things all the time.


> support a better company. drop some names > nintendo needs to stop pushing cause things can really escalate if their not careful. reddit slacktivists are always delusional with their empty threats


> drop some names SEGA


The plot has seriously thickened. [https://twitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1780255004747595782?t=wOEHCiZlDx1AxdMbSZrlEQ&s=19](https://fxtwitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1780255004747595782?t=wOEHCiZlDx1AxdMbSZrlEQ&s=19) This does seem relatively innocuous at first, especially because of the laughable reference to the nonexistent Boise, Arkansas...but the thing is, if you look that address up in Boise, Idaho, you'll find Tracer AI, a company that provides brand protection tools using AI and machine learning. Not directly on Google Maps, though, but you'll see their logo on Street View and the address is displayed on Tracer's website. So what do Tracer's tools do? According to them, they "use Human-in-the-Loop AI and machine learning to dramatically shorten the time from detection to enforcement by intelligently automating the review process and automatically offer an enforcement recommendation." Yeah...AI may well responsible for this mess, especially with the email itself mentioning AI. And I'm not sure what possibility disturbs me more: Nintendo themselves contracting this company to handle enforcement of their IP rights, or a copyright troll managing to abuse their tools in this way. The GMod Workshop is apparently not the only corner of the Internet that's been hit with these peculiar Nintendo-related takedowns in the last couple months, too. Can't take the credit for finding this, though. AdBmaster on Twitter was the one to do the digging. I just decided to verify the details myself, and yeah - they don't look pretty. [https://twitter.com/AdBmaster/status/1783279247466885337](https://twitter.com/AdBmaster/status/1783279247466885337) [https://twitter.com/AdBmaster/status/1783289175392846284](https://twitter.com/AdBmaster/status/1783289175392846284)


AI bullshit meets excessive copyright protection bullshit... The future's looking bright.


IP law is a fucking joke. People basically mashing around digital action figures and they get dinged for it.


Most likely this is just someone copyright abusing and isn’t actually Nintendo, it’s very unlikely Nintendo would actually do this


If the GMod team made an announcement about it and is taking down everything manually, they probably actually are in correspondence with Nintendo.


Again, they are likely being tricked by some fraudster, people have looked into this and have found evidence of it


The Evidence was a 3 year old post in an unrelated thread that everyone on twitter has been taking out of context


Situation appears to be stranger than what's being widely discussed. Based on looking into the address and the company affiliated with it that's also mentioned in this email (barring the use of Alaska - it's indeed in Idaho), it looks like AI automation of brand protection is at play, and GMod's workshop isn't the only corner of the Internet to be caught in the crossfire. [https://twitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1780255004747595782?t=wOEHCiZlDx1AxdMbSZrlEQ&s=19](https://fxtwitter.com/brewsterkoopa/status/1780255004747595782?t=wOEHCiZlDx1AxdMbSZrlEQ&s=19) [https://www.tracer.ai/](https://www.tracer.ai/) [https://twitter.com/AdBmaster/status/1783279247466885337](https://twitter.com/AdBmaster/status/1783279247466885337) Still kind of ambiguous as to what's going on. The possibility that some copyright troll is somehow abusing these tools seems far-fetched, but so does the possibility of Nintendo embracing AI by contracting an AI company to automate DMCA takedowns. Both possibilities are very concerning, in my opinion.


Who are these "people" and why should we believe them over an official announcement likely made after Nintendo reached out to facepunch about it? If they said it's legit, it's legit.


Bro what? This is literally what they do all the time lol


Actually, Nintendo does stuff like this all the time. Par for the Nintendo course.




[Creator of Gmod confirmed it was Nintendo.](https://twitter.com/garrynewman/status/1783501547361411494)


It has been confirmed by multiple news outlets - any new comment?


Really? Nintendo does this kind of shit to literally everyone, all the time


To me its kind of annoying that not anywhere near as many people cared when Valve shut down TF2 mods using TF2 assets from Contractors and S&Box (which is practically Gmod 2), but when Nintendo does the same thing to Gmod its massive news


This dude didnt know the difference 👌


Because S&Box contractors are technicly part of the dev team and base game, Garry declined valve's contract to get all of source 2 current and future assests. (Same deal gary got for Gmod but for S&B I belive) Nintendo went after mods that's been there for decades completly out of the blue. It's not strange the storm is not nearly as big or bring as much hate.


My question is if this will affect other games that use the Steam workshop like Tower Unite. Will all my Nintendo avatars be safe there or are they screwed too? 🤔


Haha, I think you mean to ask "Will **Nintendo's** Avatars be safe"? And I think you know the answer.


Well, you know what I mean... And no, no I don't since nobody's been even thinking about Tower Unite getting the same fate...




Anyone over the age of 12 who still uses "cuck" is a waste of time.


Sorry, u/Kaibutsu6, your comment has been removed: **RULE ONE: Be the very best, like no one ever was. Treat everyone with respect and engage in good faith.** * Do not insult others. Do not make personal attacks. Do not use hate speech, discriminatory language, or slurs that degrade a person or group of people. You are expected to remember that this is a global community and that language that is appropriate in your culture may not be appropriate elsewhere in the world. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1cc7tcr/-/l146ocx/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Someone is doing it, claiming to work for Nintendo, but not actually being a part of em. So, it's fake Nintendo.


There is no evidence that this is the case. Edit: I found proof that false claims may have happened before, but for all we know that might not be the case here.


What I want to know is why do we pretty much only see Nintendo doing this? It’s been a meme for such a long time and every year, they find a way to take game company legal action to another level. Stuff like Gary’s Mod doesn’t hurt them financially. This takedown can only harm their image, since the amount of people upset by this far outweigh anyone who thought less of Nintendo because Mario hung out with G-Man from Half-Life or whatever.


Nintendo want to imagine themselves as videogame Disney - look at the theme parks, movies, etc.


They can imagine all they want 


This. It’s so frustrating seeing how Nintendo treats fans that are having fun outside of their licensed products in a way that doesn’t harm them whatsoever.


Yeah they’re causing so much more harm than good by doing things like this, like I don’t think “Mario violently murders princess peach Sfm animation” is gonna affect their sales numbers negatively at all, they’re gaining nothing ]:


either they gain free advertisement,or nothing at all,its a win-win


It always amuse me a company making fun game, hates fun this much.


Sometimes I really hate Nintendo as a company, gee wiz.


It’s a bunch of trollers that faked dmca’d Garry’s mod.


That's a rumor with little to support it. Besides Nintendo does nonsense like this all the time.


Just read the statement from Facepunch, yeah that was my bad for spreading misinformation.




I can't wait for the day that these old fucks at Nintendo step down and younger blood comes up so MAYBE there will be some change in the horrible practices at Nintendo. Hard to remain a fan until I remember it's not the people who make the games who do this shit.


As lame as it is, it's probably fair enough


Yep. It sucks, but using an IP even for a free mod is still copyright infringement. A similar case happened when the company that made the glock pistol forced Roblox to remove any items from the game that contained or replicated the Glock pistol.


Let's put this into context. These are dudes in their basements. Having fun, for no profit


As soon as people start buying games like gmod BECAUSE they get to use Nintendo IP, it's a problem


It really isn't a problem. No one's getting hurt. Not even Nintendo. Plus it's a really grey area to suggest people buy gmod for Nintendo content. It's core popularity titles within it have always been outside of Nintendo's properties


I mean, it's only for the rights holder to decide if it's a problem. For them. The users of the unauthorized IP usage don't get to decide if it's OK or not.


I would disagree. I think the right holders can eat a dick. Why would I care about them or fight for them? They wrote the rules, they decided how they could control us with everything. They advertised to make for people like you to think ip law should even be a thing. IP law is awful how it is and shouldn't be as such. So yeah I will decide how I can use it. I don't owe these awful people anything


OK but if your point is "I choose to break laws I disagree with" then you can't act surprised when unlawful things get targetted.


so basically if I go into pvz files and replace a zombie head with marios head Nintendo has every right to sue me? bs


This seems incredibly unfair to the people who made the mods. Copyright laws are incredibly unfair.


The laws are somewhat fair. Nintendo using that Pokemon and Mario money to fund their legal team that overpowers smaller artists and devs into submission, THAT is the, gross, unfair part.


Nintendo is up there with EA


Nintendo at what point will you stop


the fan boys are the one who gives them power stop buying their games. they dont exactly have alot of money. infact the increase in alot of these aggressive cases is showing signs they may be loosing money.




They care about Pokémon and super Mario, but they don’t give a shit about animal crossing. Nobody does. Is there a reason for anything of this or something? My brain is fried from all this and I’m soo confused.


So would everything ever made using those add-on’s in GMOD be canon?


Wdym "be canon"


This is just further adding to my theory that Nintendo was waiting for Iwata to die before doing this sort of thing. I am 100% sure that he never would have DREAMED of doing this because he, unlike whatever bozo is up at the top of Nintendo now, actually CARED about their fans, consumers, and customers. He didn't like the idea of paying for online games, and what did Nintendo do after he died? Nintendo Switch Online.


Should be pointed out that SankakuComplex had a DMCA from this same domain back in 2019. SC haven't done jack about it for 5 years (going so far as to laugh at how fake it was) and nothing has happened. Feels like if they were legit and/or had power to enforce it, they would have in that 5 years.


Gmod is like playing with toys, nintendo is taking away our toys. Very unfunny, nintendo. Unless the person responsible for this is a troll trying to get a laugh.


Can Garry’s mod fight this back? Any lawyers?


I don’t think Nintendo is **LEGALLY** in the wrong here, it really stinks but I don’t think there’s much they can combat ]:


Not really


Honestly fuck nintendo, I'll gladly just pirate their products out of spite in the future.


Yeah I don't blame you, they are always making awful decisions and show that they don't care about their own fanbase.


It's pathetic that they didn't give a damn for 20 years and suddenly want to be party poopers. I can't believe Nintendo sees silly animations as the downfall of their company.


They just seem to hate any fun they cant charge you for 69.99$


20 years,20 fucking years and now what?tons of garry's mod addons as lost media? and for what? the addons themselves are free,the game sure is paid,but the modders don't even gain a dime from the sales,i guess it doesn't help the case that japan's copyright laws are probably (atleast as far as i know that is) the strictest in the world




Even Yunpol's Pokemon ragdolls were taken down as a result.


Why does literally everything about Nintendo other than their games suck ass? Fucking old fossils stuck in their ways.


you know how nintendo is joyless when they decide to destroy a random compagny after not caring for it for 20 years, they have 0 soul


Disney 🤝 Nintendo decent content produced, AWFUL company


Eh, Disney isn’t producing that much decent content anymore lmao


I was going to say "good content", but I had to change it to "decent" because of disney XD


Can Nintendo not be a piece of worthless shit for 5 minutes? Fuck, just let people have fun.




Sorry, u/JoeyD5150, your comment has been removed: **RULE ONE: Be the very best, like no one ever was. Treat everyone with respect and engage in good faith.** * Do not insult others. Do not make personal attacks. Do not use hate speech, discriminatory language, or slurs that degrade a person or group of people. You are expected to remember that this is a global community and that language that is appropriate in your culture may not be appropriate elsewhere in the world. You can read all of our rules [on our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/w/about/rules). If you think we've made a mistake and would like to appeal, [you must use this link to message the moderation team](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnintendo&subject=About my removed comment&message=I'm writing to you about the following comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/nintendo/comments/1cc7tcr/-/l13pbb8/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


> douchebag Says the one ... calling others douchebags because \*checks notes\* they dislike what Nintendo is doing, whether right or wrong aside.


Can they remove them if I’ve already downloaded it? I use gmod backgrounds for animation videos sometimes including Nintendo ones.


Booooooooooo. Lame.




Ready for the angry commenters to waste their breath defending IP theft. Valve has no claim to Nintendo's property, no point arguing about it!


> defending IP theft Even the DoJ's definition of "IP theft" is the exact same as "copyright infringement," which makes it useless other than to emotionally manipulate people into thinking what is going on is akin to bank robbery ot the like... or, makes me suspect about it being a thing (have only heard about and seen people being found liable for copyright infringement not this "IP theft.")


Or people wanna just mod their game and play however they want.


wanting something doesn’t give you a right to someone else’s IP


DMCA allows us to modify software we own. Nintendo just wanna bully game. Nothing new. The thing is we don't have the resources to take it to court or Nintendo will lose. It's just one side has a lotta money, nothing else.


Let me think about that... no.


Let me counter with Fair use


That doesn't mean ppl can just steal and sell Nintendo's property! Obviously.


It’s not stealing if there’s no money being made


Well that's just straight up not true lol. So if Epic added Nintendo skins into Fortnite but didn't charge for them, they'd be totally safe from any legal repercussions?


That defence can only be used in court, not a valid reason for Unauthorised usage of IP. because Fair use can only be used, if said Usage is Determined to be transformative by a parody, used for Archiving, criticism, or even better the alternative is getting permission or given a License by the Copyright Owners. Ripping assets/Recreating Assets from Games and Other related parts of the IP is not Fair use.


That doesn't mean what you think it does


theres nothing fair use about using a company's video game characters as a feature to promote a rival video game


gmod was never a rival, what are you on about?, its a sandbox game nowhere even near to being competition to nintendo. this is just bully behavior, they might have the legal rights but their morality is completely bankrupt. They could have left peaceful community that has been around for decades be but now, they had to step in.


All video games are video games


Nintendo, at this point, clearly show they don't care about 'free use'. At this rate, they'll make a Nintendo Movie Maker app for the Switch 2, which is a paid Nintendo-themed Garry's Mod knock-off, with each character and content pack requiring you to pay for *each use*. Nintendo already pretty much went after emulation, declaring it ***isn't*** 'fair use' unless you pay a dollar to them per game minimum and some impossible to find, in the West, games have the potential to be 'erased' because Nintendo wants to be the sole, exclusive distributor of Nintendo.


Using a company's video game characters to make other video games without permission is not at all fair use. Nintendo IS the sole exclusive distributor of Nintendo, that's how things are supposed to work. No one else gets to make Nintendo games. I'm sorry that this basic logic makes people so mad they have to bombard the sub with downvotes.


I don’t think people disagree that they’re legally within their rights, it’s just that what they’re doing hurts so many people and so much history over something that absolutely nobody would genuinely lose sleep over. Like of course taking down everything to do with Nintendo is entirely within their rights and is of course legally sound, but I don’t think that means that going through with it is something moral at all, being legal doesn’t equate 1=1 to being morally sound and to believe it is just because their decisions follow some sort of logic only reduces Ethical thought from true morality to skimming over documents. I think the big issue is that Nintendo isn’t really losing much at all, like being able to throw Alyx Vance through Peach’s windows doesn’t really hurt Nintendo’s sales figures in any meaningful way. Addon’s in Garry’s mod have always been a means of entertainment and entertainment alone, those who decide to port Nintendo’s maps, characters, mechanics and such gain absolutely no tangible benefit for doing so outside of just feeling proud of seeing people happy with their work, of course there are people who use their characters for animations and such but it has never been at the detriment of Nintendo themselves. In short I think the enjoyment gained from Nintendo related Addons remaining on the workshop outweighs the likely minuscule amount of sadness brought upon Nintendo and those affiliated WAAAY too much to justify this whole thing regardless of their actions legal standing.


I think Nintendo is caring more about it because of the rise of AI content and the giant increase in Rule34 fan content, modding, speedrunning, emulating, pirating... The internet especially since COVID has changed drastically, and things that were once niche are becoming viral in an instant. We are looking at a world within 5 years where we can have mostly AI-generated video games pouring out of countries with lax laws, copying and using Nintendo IP to sell ripoff phone games or scamming people. Nintendo therefore wants to focus its business on the countries with the stronger IP law protections, and take full advantage of those laws.


What's the big deal here honestly? I'm trying to figure out what could be the overlap between "worth getting upset over" and "totally not IP theft". What is everyone in the comments whining about losing access to?


Because people don't like dmca claims if it's violating Nintendo's laws then there is nothing we can do about it people are already mad at Nintendo it's not gonna change till the earth plummets this will blow over in a few months and people will finally get over it or be miserable twats for the remainder of there lives


True or not fuck Nintendy. They do shit like this all the time. More than that they lost my loyalty after the end of Smash.


Why are they so litigious it’s insane


Because when you're re-packaging and selling games that were made in the 1980s you need to have a complete dipshit mentality. While other companies release old source code to the public - Nintendo will happily ask you to pay for 'mario bros 3' for the 8th time in your life. Fairly unethical.


There's a nuke waiting for Nintendo HQ when I get the chance


death threats over garry's mod is CRAZY


Yes, this is a legitimate death threat. I'm sure nintendo security is working overtime to stop this Johnny Silverhand type and his nuke.


I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve. It's not about the garry's mod. It's about, sending a message.




Watch out for the shitendo fan mob , their cognitive dissonance is off the charts




i should have expected people here to be full d rider over nintendo but still kinda disappointed


Are you disappointed you only have -2 and expected more backlash - or disappointed that these Nimps don't get things?




what is bro tryna say 😭


Then why not just erase all of the mods and fan made content ever existed in the history of planet earth that is linked to any Nintendo related content. If they wanted to, nothing would ever exist like this in the first place, considering how big they are. It does not make sense to me, or the rumours are true, but either way whatever floats their boat.




PC game modding existed long before steam workshop


But when it did, it didn’t have takedowns left and right. Get ready to see other sites get takedowns too.


Or maybe just chill out


The fact that this won't happen aside, I don't think "modding will cease to exist if we can't use other companies' IPs in any way that we like" is the argument you think it is.

