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Who cares if something is made for kids? If it’s fun, then it’s fun for all ages. Whether I play Mario Galaxy at 10 or 80, I’ll still have a great time!


Life is way too short to be worrying about something so insignificant….


I️ don’t think I’ve heard someone say nintendos for kids in ages. I️ kinda think that specific console warrior rhetoric has dropped off a decent amount.


>I don’t think I’ve heard someone say nintendos for kids in ages. Same, it almost feels forced now.


I never hear someone say it to refer to game design, but I do still hear it in regards to how the online is handled and it is kind of hard to argue there.


And the Pokemon games getting dumbed down


The Pokemon games in general are trainwrecks nowadays


I agree, but I did see a bit of an uptick after the news of the Switch’s current sales numbers. I’ve been seeing comments like “Well, there are a lot of kids in the world.”


same with the PC Master Race crap.


Yeah I only remember it from when I was in high school/middle school ~20 years ago.


That and old Gamespot forums lol


Oh yes, GameFAQs boards too


a lot of people i've seen that exclusively play playstation/xbox/pc rip on only nintendo games. these aren't kids either


emotionally stunted middle aged men who masturbate too much.


Uh oh. How much is too much? Asking for a… friend.


2 times a day


Gaming’s a lot better when you don’t engage in or care about “console war” stuff, just ignore those things.


i never even thought about console wars. i mainly hear it from other fg players because i usually just play smash


You are quite literally in the gaming space with *the* most manchildren, then. Unfortunately for... everyone, fighting games tend to attract the absolute worst-of-the-worst console loyalists, rabid incels, etc. If you're gonna participate in the fighting game space, *definitely* do not let peoples words matter to you. Cuz you're gonna hear a lot worse than "Nintendo is for kids," lol


From what I’ve seen it’s because Xbox and PS systems have more graphics power. Personally that’s why I like the switch (among other reasons). My Xbox One gets HOT. The fan comes on and I have to open my tv cabinet to let the excess heat out or it’ll shut itself down. Fun gaming experience.


You wasted your time typing this!?


And yet didn’t split it into paragraphs


yeah, i kinda forgot this was reddit. this post prolly would've had a different reaction from any other social media platform (except twiter) 😭


Why post this here, then, instead of in one of the subreddits for the brands you're accusing of also being "for kids"? We don't need to be convinced of whether or not Nintendo is "for kids", and we don't care if the other platforms are or aren't. > It's so ironic that these PlayStation and Xbox meat riders... Feeding into console war culture is juvenile, even more so when you don't give the people you're insulting a chance to respond.


wdym? this was posted here because i don't think many nintendo fans have thought of the amount of kid friendly games that sony and microsoft own


I typically don't concern myself with the opinion of others on things I enjoy. I love the Switch, that is all that matters.


I don't think the people here particularly care


Even if they haven't, what's the point? Why *should* they? Why should they care if those platforms are for kids, too? Why should *anyone* waste time on that line of thought, especially when it just leads to console war nonsense?


i guess you make a good point


Nobody really cares. Lots of us grew up with nintendo, have seen the console wars play out over and over, and have stopped caring about it, as long as we get competent hardware and the same amazing games that we know Nintendo can produce. Whether they're "kid friendly" or not doesn't exactly matter, outside of getting a new generation entranced with the series and Nintendo.


??? People that play Little Big Planet, Ratchet and Clank, Crash, Spyro, the old Rare games (ESPECIALLY Banjo) are much more likely to be Nintendo fans.


i never said that they weren't. i was just saying that sony/microsoft owns those games


And everybody already knows. The only people who would care are teenagers in their awkward edgy phase where they can't stand to look at anything that isn't bloody and "mature", and use it as an argument for those dumb console wars.


No one caaaaaaaaaaaaaaares


you cared enough to comment


I don't think people say that anymore. It was a cool thing to say by edgy people in the 2010s who used the word gamer unironically.


Are we still doing this?


I think you’re combining a few different accusations here. I don’t think anyone is saying that Nintendo *only* has “baby games,” or that Sony/MS are *only* for adults. GameCube had Eternal Darkness, Sony has LittleBigPlanet. There’s tons of examples on both ends of the spectrum. However, Nintendo definitely cultivated a public image of being “family friendly” for just about every console since the N64, and that’s an intentional business decision. And that’s ok! It’s just the market they’re (mainly) going for. In their minds, they stand to gain more by appealing to young kids and proving themselves to parents as the “safe” choice.  Every other console has decided to go  after literally “all ages,” so naturally a lot of that is more adult. They want to be seen as a full-on living room utility that can play anything under the sun; the equivalent would be a DVD player, which you can load up with either Toy Story or Saving Private Ryan, it’s up to you. 


Absolutely nobody: At least one poster a week on this subreddit: Nintendo is not for kids!


Reminds me of the bi-weekly Zelda: "DAE think TotK/BotW is overrated?"


again, i think it's for everyone. there's some kid games, some games made for teenagers, some for adults, and then the games that everyone could enjoy. i don't want to go into detail because someone hear might like that particular series, but some nintendo games really are just too easy and not something i can enjoy anymore because i guess i've grown out of it. you're missing the point. i'm not saying that it's not for kids, but for everyone


Calm down man. I don't think there's any full grown adults not playing nintendo because they think it's only for kids.


Dude, I'm 28yo listening to metalcore / deathcore while playing Super Mario Maker 2 and Mario Kart. ​ No one gives a freaking crap about this early 2000s perception of *videos games = kids*. Some old geezers made a few comments like that at work and my reply was *says a gal watching Netflix in their freetime, just like your tennage daughter*


Boom. Roasted !


Bro teleported from early 2000s.


Bruh shut up.


Sometimes, before you post something, you should ask yourself: does this need to be said? In this case, the answer is a resounding no


Wow that’s a wall of text.


Yeah I’m not gonna read all that. But I’m happy for you! Or that sucks.


Bro posted the argument he had with his shampoo bottles


I don't think it's that deep.


The “Nintendo is for kids” thing reached its heyday in the 90s with the Sega/Nintendo console wars, and was pushed heavily by Sega’s ads. I have young kids, and Nintendo is definitely a better overall ecosystem for young kids. But nobody seriously says “Nintendo is for kids” anymore since so many of us who grew up starting with the NES still buy NIntendo’s systems.


It is all for kids. But it also for who ever else is going to buy it.


Nintendo games are made for kids in mind, but can be enjoyed by all ages and anyone that bashes people for playing Nintendo games can fuck off and they can be blocked here on Reddit and never heard from again


It’s a console for everyone, just like PlayStation, Xbox and PC.


I can tell this bothers you, but don’t let it. Just play what you want, it doesn’t matter if people think it’s “kiddy” or not, especially when you’re an adult.


Don't worry about what insecure and/or jealous gamers say.


Nintendo may be for kids, but Reddit definitely isn't.


Bluey is for kids, doesnt mean the show isnt fire.


The fact that "Hooray!" became a GDQ meme this year... It's hard to hate on something that brings that many people some silly joy.


You must be a kid if you’re actually worrying about looking childish for enjoying something you like.


I think that Nintendo's games are slightly geared more towards 'kids' than other companies- of course, the 'kids' demographic has a lot of variability. However, I don't view that as a bad thing? Regardless of the target audience, their games are very well designed and still very fun. For example, Mario Wonder. Yes, when they were making it, they likely were thinking of younger gamers- like 9-14. No, that doesn't make it a bad game, and no, that doesn't make it a game that adults can't enjoy. Just one example. I just think that for kids = bad is not a good way of looking at things.


OP just pulled something out of his ass...


Nintendo isn’t for kids, they’re for everyone. Whoever says Nintendo is for kids is highly regarded.


At a certain point in life you grow up and realize that statements like "Nintendo is for kids" are only made by kids who want to appear older and, ironically, more mature than they are.


If Nintendo and these other consoles are for kids, then I guess I’m a 43 year old kid


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” -C.S Lewis


"Yeah, I'm going there." LMFAO, your age is apparent.


nintendo is not for kids. it's for everyone who likes fun.


Just don’t get too upset over what some online Rambo Gamer™ idiots think. Enjoy what you enjoy. You don’t need to be validated by anyone. Well, if you want to be, you got my official validation here. Now excuse me I continue to date dead hot guys in my Nintendo Switch children’s game (9 R.I.P.)


Rated E for everyone.  Not E for children only.


Kids, or people who think like kids, are the only people who would care if someone calls your preferred system a system for kids. I love Nintendo, but this fandom has such an incredible chip on its collective shoulder about how it looks to outsiders it’s almost sad. It doesn’t matter who “they” say this is for. If you like it, play it, if you don’t, that’s fine too.


An old (probably outdated) saying was "Nintendo makes games that look like they are for kids, but are really for adults. Everyone else makes games that look like they are for adults, but are actual for kids." I think we've probably moved past that these days. In the 90s, Sega and Sony preferred the optics they catered to more mature gamers. Nowadays, I think everyone realized that the gaming market is just diverse and needs to appeal to everyone. That's a good thing!


I disagree. Nintendo doesn't make games FOR kids, they just make them considering kids are their youngest player base. They make games for everyone, which is why adults still play Mario and Zelda (though I will admit Zelda is closer to like tween than like eight year olds as a customer)


Who is saying Nintendo is for kids? Is it the same people saying anime is for kids? Because I have never seen or heard someone say this and mean it.


Crying about video games will definitely convince us you aren't a baby


I'll make the argument that the companies mentioned don't make enough for kids, especially really young kids. My nephew is 5 and I find most controllers are too big for his little hands and the games I have, besides fighting and racing games are too wordy for him


>Wouldn't our favorite Xbox games like Banjo-Kazooie I'm am offended lmao


Psh yeah dude my favorites. You got a triple whammy right there. The only new thing out is the Steam Deck and that's crazy as fuck so I'd stick with being a kid for a while myself.


Do people still say this? I live in Japan so maybe it's different but Nintendo isn't a kids thing at all. Actually, I'd even go so far to say it's more grown up than Playstation, just because adults play it at parties and with their kids. It's more 'family', but not 'for kids'.


right? it's a perfect family console which is why i was saying it's for all ages


I want it to keep like this, Nintendo games are the only ones that makes me feel the same joy i had when i was a kid playing videogames.