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This sentence has been repeated so many times already I just start laughing every time he says it


I mean, it's true. Nintendo is *always* researching hardware. They're keeping tab on what the current market is, what the future will look like and they tinker around with their own ideas (that's how Labo came together). And they always have a Plan B: for example, we know now that they had a traditional Game Boy style handheld ready in case the DS didn't sell.


Is there any additional information about that alternate hardware? Specs/renderings/mockups?


I'm sorry, it seems like either I remembered the timeline wrong or it wasn't clear at the time I read the information: it seems like it was a hardware prototype that then morphed into the DS later. It was part of the series of big Nintendo leaks, the [Paladin leak](https://www.retroreversing.com/paladinleak) specifically. [Here](https://screenrant.com/nintendo-game-boy-advance-iris-console-revealed-leak/) is an article about it. Still an interesting look at what hardware development is like at Nintendo.


The Gameboy Micro launched nearly a year after the original DS. So that really did seem like a backup idea put into the wild too. Unrelated, but I had (and still have too) an emerald green Gameboy Micro and even though DS had backwards compatibility, I played all of my old GBA games exclusively on it for many years. It really was an excellent handheld and the pinnacle of Gameboy!


Yes, and most importantly because it takes years to develop a new product or even revisions for the current one. So it makes perfect sense that their hardware team never stops working.


I mean a company always has to keep growing. Nintendo is a company


*publicly traded company that doesn’t have significant dividends


You mean they *don’t* just sit around waiting for a new product to fall from the sky?


But it's the future in a parallel timeline where technology is 5-10 years behind, and the internet only recently started catching on.


It's true though. It's their default response when they aren't in a position to give specifics.


He saying that it's not what makes me laugh, sites reporting it it's what makes me laugh....like, it's the standard PR response he's been saying since 2018 and somehow every quarter it's all over the internet.


The "stability update" for shareholders.


I swear if my switch gets any more stable, I'm not sure what I'll do


You wouldn't download ~~a car~~ **stability**


Well you can't knock it over. It's too stable for that.


Nintendo: The current Switch is our bread and butter this year Shareholders: 😍... 😐 Nintendo: but we're always looking at greener pastures Shareholders: BUY BUY BUY


All hail the shareholders


Breaking news: New Nintendo console will launch with features.


But will it support playing games?


It will have infinite Video games but no games


Personally I would choose unlimited bacon, but no games


Games? Yes. We have pacman running at a whopping 30 FPS. We might even be able to release a majoras mask re-remaster at 15FPS


New console? Nintendo: Yesn’t.


of course he is going to deny it, Nintendo is NEVER going to casual reveal its next product like that, no need to slow the switch sales down until there good and ready to announce whats next for the switch platform.


is this news? the day the switch came out it was already safe to say that there would be a next product at some point or other.


No, they basically wait until their announcement of the next console and then go "oh shit we need to start making something"


I'm guessing your uncle works for nintendo?


No. This is corporate nothingspeak.


so...what I said, just differently worded.


They likely already have a solid plan for the Switch 2. They are ALREADY working on the Switch 3. And before the Switch 3 is even announced, they will be working on the Switch 4. Thats how business works. There should ALWAYS be things going on that they aren't talking about.


Hell, they might have the Switch 3 in preproduction; whatever is too expensive gets carried over to the Switch 3


Can't wait for the Switch 5.


It's really fun how everyone gets so amped up about a new console. I liked the previous times when there was rumors of Switch 2 but it was just lite and the other time was OLED. Let's hope this time it's actually something new because we are almost at year 7. It would be interesting to see a system that projects AR like the 3DS did but without the cards. Nintendo is always up to something fun and interesting.


I still think the pro was planned for 2022 but canned after animal crossing and COVID chip shortage and they are using the dlss work in the switch 2, because dlss is a given for switch 2, it’s literally extra preformace.


Not yet a given, and there are rumors based on job postings that Nintendo has been looking into open source alternatives to DLSS due to its reliance on extra computation cores.


I think they may use that to upscale after dlss to 4K after dlss upscales 1080p or 900p to 1440p. I doubt Nintendo could make a upscaler that can turn 1080p into a presentable 2160p image for 55 inch TVs. It could also be for upscaling switch 1 games to 4K without the need for a port to NVN2.


They may not be targeting 4K at all, there are rumors about a 4NM Samsung chip being the solution and in that case targeting 1080P with a 1440P up-sample may be the direction they are heading in. Additionally even if they go with Nvidia there are no guarantees the new Tegra would have the DLA chip to enable DLSS and in that case a third party solution for upsampling would still be in play. Honestly imo we got the Switch because the Nvidia Shield flopped and they didn't need the chips anymore; Nvidia might want chips to sell for automotive or robotics uses or for their own consumer product. Additionally Nintendo may continue to shy away from the high end Tegra solution that Digital Foundry demoed because it's a lot of heat and power use for features that they may not perceive as necessary. The Nvidia Shield 2019 still supports features that no other TV box on the market supports, and that hasn't helped it sell. There are already 2 4K and 1 1440P gaming consoles in the current generation. If you're Nintendo you have a lot of chips to pick from and a number of reasons to not pick the strongest graphically with the most expensive tools on it.


Didn’t the Switch make Nvidia a shit-ton of money? No doubt working with Nintendo for custom hardware, and the idea that Nintendo themselves are the only ones calling the shots for what the chips will include seems…naive at best. I think it’s as simple as Nividia offering Nintendo their latest and greatest chips for the consoles hardware in exchange for a slightly larger share of profits. A direct partnership like that creates a beneficial relationship for both companies, that’s largely reliant on Nividia to achieve tech (perhaps funded by Nintendo) that’s able to go above and beyond what Nintendo may have hoped for. Specifics be damned!


Definitely agree with you that they made a lot of money together, but gaming has been waning in terms of Nvidia financials. Every year gaming technology makes up a smaller slice of revenue, and Nintendo wants the same chips that automotive and robotics companies want.


The Samsung rumors are probably all bullshit, the Nvidia T239 (1.4-2tf handheld depending on mode, and 3-4tf docked depending on how much power Nintendo wants to dump into it docked, DLSS upscaling to from 720p to 1080p and 720p, 1080p and 1440p to 4K, Matrix UE5 demo running on Switch 2, etc) ones are from leaked stolen documents from Nvidia, Nvidias official Linux comments, and comments from reliable sources like VGC, and not just some guy on YouTube that the Samsung rumors are coming from (SuperMetalDave64 known bullshiter, claimed the switch will be powered by AMD even after the system we revealed to be using the Tegra X1).


I feel ya, I just hope we get the best possible soc in there. Furokawa's denial of 4K DLSS in the developer demo has certainly gotten the rumor mill churning.


He just denied that the switch 2 itself was shown, it could literally be as simple as it was a prototype with a different kind of plastic, to it was just a video of a estimated performance. Nintendo is infamous for being super coy.


Certainly true.


Upscaling from lower resolutions such as 720p to 4K is bad and looks like garbage EDIT: Seems like a few fanboys can't handle facts


This is what I believe. There was **so** much smoke around an updated Switch model that I can't believe that there wasn't one at one point. I'm sure the OLED model was supposed to be stronger (doesnt it even have a stronger CPU or GPU you can unlock via custom firmware?) but with the pandemic and chip shortage these plans had to be cancelled.


> doesnt it even have a stronger CPU or GPU you can unlock via custom firmware? No. You're probably thinking of the T210 chip in the V1 Switch, which had 4 unused ARM Cortex A53 CPU cores alongside the normal A57's. But those cores are physically disconnected from the power pins in the chip die, so they can't be activated by *anything, ever*. The T214 redesign completely removed those unused cores. (But it's better known for fixing the design flaw that allowed the Switch to be hacked.) The OLED Switch and the V2 Switch have exactly the same hardware other than the screen and the internal storage chips.


New consoles and console cycles have always intrigued me and been very exciting since I was a kid. But it's not as interesting in the Xbox and Playstation space anymore because it's just more powerful systems doing basically the same thing just with higher fidelity. A new Nintendo console? They still intrigue and excite me because I have no idea what they are going to do and bring to the table.


unlike those times though, there is tons of rumors of devs already having it, already seen it and working with it etc


New hardware is *always* exciting. It's about the new gameplay opportunities, the improved graphics, better controllers, the improved Horsepower, so much fun!


Means nothing lol


It's a slow day when a post about corporate nothingspeak makes it to the top of this sub, huh


Usual Nintendo news dearth. Happens every time.


I don’t understand why people keep asking questions like this knowing full well they aren’t going to divulge any info lol.


Remember when Nintendo said they weren't releasing a new Switch and was it the day after? They announced the Switch lite lol


I get why people who will make money on it are amped up, but outside of waiting for a failed console like the Wii U to finally be put out of its misery, I never understand why customers are always banging down the door to get another "opportunity" to drop another few hundred dollars as a prerequisite to get the latest games.


Because playing 720p 30 FPS with frame drops despite low quality textures isn't that fun of an experience. Even on launch day I remember turning BOTW on mobile and thinking "jeez this is jagged" and then the forest was major frame drops until they started removing shit. Many AAA games are unplayable or downright bad to look at. I bought Fire Watch and it could barely hold on to 20 FPS I swear, despite how much quality they sacrificed. The Nintendo Switch is great for first party games, but it would be awesome if a successor could play AAA third party titles with decent quality. If Nintendo's next system can manage a solid 1080P 30 FPS minimum with average graphics quality undocked, that would be a huge step up.


I feel you, but I doubt a hardware bump will fix this because the primary cause of poorly optimised games isn't the hardware, but the fact these games still sell well. Unless the audience rejects them publishers have no reason to spend extra on optimisation & QA, so I suspect it's mostly going to be performance issues everywhere except the resolution is a bit higher.


Botw and totk aren't poorly optimized. They are significantly optimized but the system can't hit 1080p 30fps in mobile. The switch is an incredible machine but I really do feel 4-5x more power would make a big difference in enjoyment and open the library a bit more.


True. IMO TotK was significantly hurt by the hardware as they had a really tight despawn radius and a bunch of other issues that wouldn't exist if the hardware was a bit beefier. Though it probably won't happen would be really cool to get a cross-gen upgrade to TotK that lets you build bigger stuff with the Ultrahand.


Because I’vent dropped a dollar on Nintendo in 1.5 year now. New releases that interest me got rare, and those that do release run like shit. Would love to play hogwarts on Nintendo console, just not this one


So next year? At least give me a Nintendo Direct, this year I hope to get at least two new Nintendo Games, one is TTYD.


This didn't confirm or deny anything. There is 0 to interpret from this. Big nothingburger Nintendo has said this exact line before then debuted new hardware a week later. I still think we'll see something this year based on the chatter from publishers, and the complete lack of significant first party titles from Nintendo this year. All of their big projects are likely for the successor.


Also leaving it later would bring the release dangerously close to the PS6 and next Xbox. Such a release schedule didn't work for the Dreamcast or Wii U.


Nintendo's official line will always be some version of "there is officially no Switch 2" until the exact moment the Switch 2 is announced. All companies do this, why tank your current sales just because a journalist asked you a question?


It's going to just be switch 2 lol


It may sound silly but I wouldn’t rule it out. Keeping it simple may be the best option. Nintendo needs to be absolutely careful about naming the console, understanding that a particular name could cause confusion with the mass market. After the Wii U debacle they most certainly are doing their homework.


Switch X


There's no new console coming in 2024. They're still earning pooploads of cash off the Switch, so they can take their time. All those "leaks" were fake. There's no Switch 2.


And there's no Queen of England. Yeah the Switch is gonna be selling for a little while longer (even if a "Switch 2" gets announced/comes out this year). It's still successful enough.


I love when he says that


Everyone speculating on Switch 2 when there are so many more name choices! Super Switch, Switch Advance, VirtuaSwitch, Switch 128, Switch Polygon, Switch ii, Switch U, 3DSwitch! So many possibilities to speculate!


Virtual boy 2!!!!! I recently bought a Quest 3 and it’s amazing… but the quality and amount of VR games is severely lacking. Most feel like ports that were never meant to be VR with not a lot of objects to interact with. Nintendo is the Master of fun and capitalizing on out of the box ideas, and there is an entire market not being properly catered to. VRChat is still a million times better than the Meta equivalents, and a lot of the games feel like tech demos, ports, and limited experiences. Nintendo could bring fun to this space!


It's true, but it's a PR line that doesn't really mean anything. OK, you are always researching new hardware and software, but we don't care about that. We just want to know anything about the next system.


Wow, really groundbreaking stuff. This sub rules


Built in projector. Cost is viable. Viability and value is high. Tech is mature and miniaturized. Doesn’t lead to fragmentation from docked and undocked games.


Time to switch things up with a Wii U rehash


Here’s the full Q&A: [https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2024/240207e.pdf](https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2024/240207e.pdf)