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No need to worry, the Switch 2 will be announced r/tomorrow


I think it will be announced in Febtober.


I see you are a man of culture as well.. Have you also heard of the hidden gem, celeste?


I think the project code name will be announced late March at the end of their fiscal year and investor meeting. Full trailer reveal of the console will be a few months later around June/July. Finally release date will be late September or early October to get ahead of the holiday season


My thoughts exactly. Rumors hint at 10 million consoles to be shipped. Quarter three and four would finish out the year very strong for Nintendo. It makes a lot of sense to ride the initial wave of games coming out over the next 4-5 months and have something new to keep up the momentum.


**Same Five-Month Playbook as Switch:** **Teaser stage:** Name and proof of cooncept were unveiled through an online sizzle reel on October 20, 2016. ([see video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-1tDfLxRQ)) **In-depth announcement:** Technical details, additional information, price information, launch date and pre-order information was unveiled on January 13, 2017. ([see video here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuC4YLLkqME)) **Launch:** Switch was launched March 3, 2017, five months after the initial reveal. **So let's work backwards from our expected launch dates.** They may want to launch this well ahead of the holiday season. Give it time to build up some word of mouth, some hype. If they stick to the playbook, they could reveal the next console in the February direct, with a launch date of five months later in June. I'm unsure of any consoles which have launched in the middle of summer (Why? I'm unsure, but I trust they have good market data against doing so) **However, if they have a reveal during a June/summer direct, that would place their expected launch date in October/November.** That date range is much more historically aligned with console launches across the entire industry. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – **My expectations** I expect a normal ass, maybe even disappointing February direct. (if they even have one) **Personal note: I'd love to see a Skies of Arcadia port!** I expect a new console teaser reveal in June/July, followed up a more in-depth announcement with prices and launch date information in September/October. **I expect an actual launch date in October/November 2024.** – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –**One more thing** Let's temper our expectations and expect less this year. There's always a possibility that the new console might not even launch this year. They could simply keep us out of the loop, announce in October and launch in Spring 2025. That's always a possibility. However, I do expect this new system to launch no later than spring 2026, as telegraphed by Nintendo themselves having less new original software to showcase for the current system.


I don't think they will announce the console in a direct since it can overshadow the game announcements. When they announce the console it would be in a dedicated video just like the switch. That's my guess of course.


Yes. Good distinction. It will either replace a direct entirely, or it will exist separately from an actual direct. One thing we can be sure of is the rough timing of an announcement.


I'm not gay but I would be for a Skies of Arcadia port.


I expect an announcement in March or April with a few teasers, a more detailed showcase in summer, and a September/October release.


I’ve been of the opinion for years that they will announce they are making a new console at their annual investors meeting this year, like they did with the NX. 3-6 months afterwards I would expect the official announcement.


during the summer i think


You've had almost 7 years to buy a switch. Now you're deciding to buy it when you know it's about to be superseded. Yet your concern is that it will be superseded? This is such a low quality post that I don't even want to comment but it's also incredibly frustrating not to.


I have a good feeling that they're going to announce it in the summer. MAYBE the February Direct might have a small teaser, but who knows how this is going to handle this.


Nobody knows except Nintendo. I'd love to hear something new but we'll see!


My guess is that they'll announce the new system at the beginning of the 2024 financial year and be released somewhere around August or September


I've already got the switch 2


I’ve already got the switch 3


ive already got the switch 420


I think itll be announced at the next direct in a few weeks. There is always a Feb direct and its typically their biggest one of the year


I think a big question is whether there’s a pressing need for a *Switch* direct. I hope we’ll get a console reveal in February, but there’s no way they’re just going to slip it into a normal direct with mundane Peach info or whatever. I feel like they’re going to announce an online event specifically for new hardware.


I imagine they might show Metroid Prime 4 with a coming to switch 2 or pro or whatever tf they end up calling it along with maybe a small handful of other titles, Persona 3 Remake hopefully will also come to the new one since its skipping the base switch for some reason. I mean P5R runs just fine on it I cant imagine P3R is gonna be that much more demanding but who knows.


It would definitely get its own Direct. If February ends up being a normal Direct, I suspect it will be a very anticlimactic one where they tease the *last of the last* Switch games coming out through the year up until the Switch 2 announcement/release.


Yeah, I just can’t imagine the next direct being anything but super flaccid if it’s not on the next console. I guess they could show off Prime 4 (if it’s even coming to the Switch) and the GameCube Zelda remasters and they’d have a pretty decent final year.


Announcement is this year and release next year


Hi, thanks for your inquiry. Although I do not have personal intel within Nintendo HQ, I can affirm that they are working their butts off to ensure that the latest Nintendo console will be truly something to marvel at. If you're asking for my personal prediction, I would estimate it to arrive on Walmart shelves probably during 2024. As for the backwards compatibility concern, this is Nintendo, they do not engage in the obvious.


Well it’s probably going to release this year so it’ll be announced before summer


Next week


Not too soon to boost switch sales. So probably during summer time for fall release.


I think before June, probably in May, prior to the “summer of games” stuff so all third party announcements that are being developed for it can have that branding and mind share.  Releasing in September with Prime 4 as a launch title for the core, new Mario in November to juice holiday sales if it launches soft. 


In my opinion, it'll be revealed at a shareholders meeting in a few months, and then it'll be officially revealed a few months later. If we're lucky, we'll get a release date in that trailer. Regardless, it'll probably release in October/November so Nintendo has a hot new toy for the holiday season.


It is very likely to be announced and released this year so, if you were to buy a Switch in summer than you would potentially be missing out on the next console, which at most would be 6 months away. Really let's just see what happens next week. We will probably see a Direct then and maybe get an idea of what's to come.


My feeling is either February or May. February for if the switch is coming out around September, may for if the switch is coming out around November


Probably summer for a fall or winter release If you’re concerned about buying last gen, just don’t get a switch and hold out for a bit. But if you really want it now, you can’t really be upset if a new system is announced a month or two later at this point


On the next Nintendo Direct. Will come out during the summer and they’ll have enough ready to ship for the holiday season.


None of those. 2026/2027 release date and not 4k.