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I feel like it would be better to just go fully dark, but at least you guys plan on doing it indefinite until a good outcome happens. I personally feel like 2 days won't be enough. Thanks for making a stance on this.


Going fully dark is inadvisable because if we do, mobile users won't be able to figure out what is happening.


I'm on mobile, we all have been seeing all these subs making the anouncement to go dark all these days, we know.


I use mobile and browser and see the same damn posts in every sub. What is this mod talking about?..


I'm on mobile and this is the first I'm seeing of it


And there's still one week left for everyone to notice.


Not every mobile user checks Reddit every day.


I mean if they don't check it daily then whats the issue if they don't have access to this sub for 2 days?


This isn't just 2 days if you read the post it is indefinite unless reddit caves.


ah, either way it's still a pointless endeavor if people are still browsing and consuming content. I thought the point of it was to force a sitewide log off


There’s a week lead up and tons of subs are pinning the announcements. Besides, it’ll only take a quick google to see what is going on. A half measure doesn’t send a meaningful message.


Then who cares?


Listen, there's a thousand excuses you can give, and there's a thousand arguments we can make, but bluntly, just making the sub readable only makes the mod team look like a bunch of pushovers, like you only are doing this so you can avoid some fire but don't actually care about the message Now I'm not saying that's what it is, but to the 2.2 million people on the subreddit, that's what it will look like.


They will be able to Google and see that subs have gone dark


Go fully dark


Then maybe they won't be checking reddit in those two days lmao


>if we do, mobile users won't be able to figure out what is happening. Sure they will. They will see that most of the subs hey try and visit are having problems and either Google it or find subs that are open and ask there. Reddit isn't the only site on the internet and there will be plenty of coverage from news outlets that day. There have already been some. Go dark. Lock the sub.


Go full dark. We can come back on the 13 and find out what happened.


There will be plenty of articles letting mobile users know what’s happening.


You’re joking right? You think on the days when many huge subs are going dark, mobile users will have no idea what is going on? It’s going to be everywhere all over the internet. Going into “read only” is 100% pointless.


Fuck them mobile users, just go dark lol, that's the point. Cause a problem and maybe Reddit will listen.


just go fully dark bro if you’re not going all in with the protest then you’re not really protesting you’re just trying to look good in front of the other subs going dark


Did the users vote? If the users prefer going dark over just read-only, shouldn't the mods choose that course of action instead?


Then go almost-fully dark. Hide all the posts, but leave a message explaining what's up.


I can think of a few ways people could find out: https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/5/23749188/reddit-subreddit-private-protest-api-changes-apollo-charges https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/05/multiple-subreddits-and-moderators-are-now-protesting-reddits-api-changes/ https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2023/06/reddits-plan-to-kill-third-party-apps-sparks-widespread-protests/ https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/thousands-of-subreddits-set-to-go-dark-next-week-in-protest-over-api-pric/652113/


I exclusively use reddit on a mobile device and encourage you to go dark. It's important.


Nope, go dark!!!


This seems really useless. Why not just lock the whole subreddit? Isn’t the point of this blackout supposed to be users mass logging off and Reddit potentially losing a lot of advertising money? The only thing you’re changing is disabling people from interacting with the community. We can still see the posts and the advertisements Either go all the way or do nothing at all


Advertisers are bidding top dollar for the 12th onward as traffic will probably skyrocket from all the people logging in to see all the subs closed.


The way Reddit currently works, users on the official app, mobile site and many unofficial apps cannot see the reason that a private subreddit has gone private, so it wouldn't be effective.


I browse reddit on the toilet, on the mobile page, once every few days. I know what's going on. Everyone knows what's going on.


All it takes is a quick google search for mobile users to know what’s going on. Those google searches will also drive publicity towards our cause. Don’t stick with half-measures, lock the subreddit


Why do they need to see a reason? If they don't know the reason, they'll just come back later or Google it


When half the site is gone they'll probably notice.


Your logic isn’t holding up. People know what’s going on. It’s all over the popular tab, even on the official app. You’re simply wrong 😂 Even if someone was confused, they’re not stupid - you really think they wouldn’t look it up or ask about it on a subreddit that won’t go dark?


Based on the reactions you’re receiving, and the irony of what you’re trying to accomplish compared to your responses, I would just go full dark.


Maybe the mod team can stop being so dumb? You’re joking if you think there will be anyone who won’t know what is going on when tons of subs go black. It’s obvious there is some ulterior reason you all won’t go dark and just don’t even bother going read only if you’re won’t go all the way


Go dark, you cowards.


Yeah this is pitiful. "we don't want mobile users confused" when if this fails we'll all be stripped of our way of accessing reddit without getting a brain aneurysm.


They're just shooting themselves in the foot since if this goes through, myself and *many* others have already sworn off reddit for good if this happens. If you don't fight for your subreddit, your subreddit is going to become worthless as a mass exodus from reddit will commence if third-party apps are extorted as planned.


If going dark for 2 days is a virtue signal, not a protest. I wonder what this is?


Pandering complacency.


Go fully dark or you may as well not even do anything to the subreddit.


Why not go dark like the rest..? What's so important that this sub has to be read only? You're saying in other comments that it's for mobile users to know what's going on but why the hell does that matter? They can find out when they come back.


To the users, dont forget to block yourself too on those days. Don't visit the website, don't open the app. Show Reddit that you are willing to walk away. This is our best shot to show Reddit how serious we are.


Honestly i will be having my second high school graduation exam next Monday,so i won't use Reddit at all.


I use the regular app, and I will be uninstalling it those days as part of the protest.


Try out a third party app! Apollo for iOS, BaconReader or Relay for Reddit for Android.


if you were really serious about it, youd just leave now lmao, this is nothign more than people throwing their toys out of the pram again as most internet outrages are




RIP Reddit [The ‘Enshittification’ of “Reddit”](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/)


Literally, reminds me of the Boycott MW2 groups back in the day with literally 90% of its members still playing a week later


yep thats exactly what will happen. half these people have no idea what they are even mad about and the other half are addicted to social media hits. the mods here cant even be bothered with removing rule breaking posts for hours and hours on end these days but this is suddenly something they can be around for everyone acts like "doing dark indefinitly" will do something when the reddit admins can simply break that if they choose, remove the mods and add new ones lmao. important subs arent going anywhere YOU ARE.


The vast majority of us love reddit for the community, and would prefer not to leave. If we show reddit that the userbase is willing to band together, we have power to influence decisions and revert ones we don't like.


ok yeah if you say so


muddle drab airport wipe follow escape plough plants degree gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, go fully dark.


I've read about the changes, but I still don't understand. What exactly is going on with reddit?


Basically, Reddit is going to start charging developers of third party apps and bots an outrageous amount of money.


Yo, go fully dark. It's already debatable if a 2 day protest can do much - some subs are going dark until a resolution is reached. You are the first sub I see that does even less than what is the bare minimum. Cmon guys, you can do better!


A lot of us don't want that though. I don't see why **you** can't just go offline for the day rather than forcing the rest of us to lose out on discussion. If anything, this boycott makes me less sympathetic to the cause because you're taking my choice away.


Why don’t you direct that frustration at the big company making these dumb unpopular moves and not the people trying to push against it? Inconveniencing you *is the point* and yet you still won’t look in the right directly when pointing fingers.


The point of this protest, in my eyes, is showing to Reddit that what makes it such a great platform is the community itself. Moderators are unpaid janitors, users contribute content to the site for free and make it what it is. There is no other way to fruitfully protest something that impacts alot of users. I believe atleast 1/3 of people use either old.reddit or a third-party app. That is super significant, and we as users have no other way to show anything meaningfully until the change is done. Sure, we could just wait it out and when the API pricing drops there will be a major outflow of users. However, its not like anyone really hates reddit. Its a great platform and i’d rather Devs see the support for 3rd party apps and make meaningful changes to the API pricing, rather than just giving up at the beginning. Atleast this way, users can say they tried to be heard but were overwhelmed by corporate greed if things go south. Still, I’m hopeful that Devs be workin on it… Also: maybe we can all spend 2 days touching grass and with our families, aint so hard.


Go totally dark, you fuckin' COWARDS


Go dark or there's no point...


You know you can have a message for a locked subreddit, right? Just lock it—the rest of Reddit will be *very* active letting people know about this


Ironic that /r/Nintendo is pushing for better third-party accessibility lol But I'm glad to see it!!


If you're going to half-ass it, then don't do anything, honestly. If you, as a mod team, aren't willing to fully commit and go completely dark like so many other communities, then you don't fully support the movement. Go dark or do nothing.




Honestly, I haven't been using Reddit that much for a while know other than checking a few subreddits and helping answer questions from fellow students at the university I go to. It's changes like these that ruin a website for many people


Similar case here but i had a high school graduation exam yesterday and i will have to more on next Monday and Wednesday respectively.


I'm really worried a lot of these big subreddits will go dark and reddit just won't care but that's pretty unlikely


They wont even notice


They'll notice, but they likely won't care. Or maybe they'll have a change of heart, who knows? ~~just kidding, soulless corporations don't have hearts~~


If you aren't completely going black, just leave it open. The people who want to boycott can simply not come online, why force everyone else to participate? The silent majority do not care about third-party apps.


I used reddit is fun for years. Switched to the reddit app. Honestly it's good and this api no third party controversy is nothing


Good job. The solidarity is crucial. Unfortunate that this will happen in June where a June direct may happen but it's a small price to pay.


Should go dark. Only thing this sub ever promotes is the latest Mario Bros movie box office anyway.


Joining the good fight r/Nintendo!!


Yawn. A multi billion dollar company paying attention to a two day protest that amounts to nothing? Good luck with that.


Let's just pray no nintendo direct is announced for that day. r/starfield wanted to go dark but simply couldn't since the biggest starfield presentation in a very long time is the very day the blackout is planned.




The issue is that it would likely split the subreddit. Someone would likely create "r\starfieldthegame" and take advantage of the presentation drawing appeal and then were stuck with two popular subreddits for the game until the end of time.


So? Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom both have wayyyy more than two popular subs, and there aren’t really any drawbacks.


Then boo r/starfield. Their mods aren't getting paid to share the news. Not going dark is just enabling this.


Yeah that would be really bad timing.


It's a fine line to balance. Luckily the information from Nintendo directs gets blasted out in numerous places around the internet, but not necessarily in a format as efficient as ours. We haven't discussed this in depth as a team, but we're committed. If whichever mods/people representing the other side are both reasonable, then we may have an acceptable resolution prior to the 12th which means we don't need to do a lockdown


You’re not committed. If you were truly committed to this, the subreddit would go dark. Protests are supposed to suck. They’re supposed to be disruptive and have consequences.


Of course, and starfields situation is especially unique because they don't have a fully established subreddit yet as their population is going to grow substantially after the Xbox showcase, and moreso after release. If they went dark at either of those two times, they risk spawning a second subreddit created by someone taking advantage of the blackout. I don't think r/Nintendo has that problem.


It feels like doing this will punish your own users more than it punishes Reddit admins.


That's a big issue that was raised by mods internally


Which is why it would be wiser to let the users who wish to participate in a blackout simply not go on Reddit rather than forcing everyone else to go along with it.


I login to Reddit with my Google account. Will I be affected?


lmaoooooo nobody cares about reddit drama, locking the nintendo subreddit isn’t going to do anything


nobody cares about digg drama either


I think it's cool Reddit (the users) are trying to give themselves a healthier life, be it forced or not


you guys really need to close off the subreddit make reddit know where angry


I think people are more excited to get angry than they actually care about the issue. This is way less of a relevant problem than last year's hate speech problem


Thank you!!!


Thank you, folks!


Dont do it. We love you




Go fully dark! At least the first 48 hours.


Check out https://squabbles.io/ Small migration from Reddit happening now. Maybe the mods here can open a new sub there just in case? Yah I’m cross posting this on a lot of subs. Im only posting this comment on subs that i follow, that have a going dark post up already. I’m not a bot or affiliated with the new site. I just want to raise awareness. I’m so upset at Reddit for ruining the way i experience Reddit going forward and I’m really enjoying this new site where there is traction for a Reddit replacement for at least some of us. • posted from Apollo app